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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 54

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Dam so it is a filler... wikipedia fooled me

    Well according to u guys they're gonna mix a filler with manga stuff? How the hell is that going to turn out? Im like 50% sure that the dude with the werid hand is a jinchuuriki btw even tho it's a filler carachter

    i wouldn't mind that.
    maybe we'll see more akatsuki stuff this way.

    which will automatically lead to some awesome techniques and so on... as i said before fillers arn't bad when they are thought through and well animated ^^ (there actually were some naruto-fillers in the past which i liked, at least i think that were fillers ^^)

  2. #22
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    ... surely you jest? IMO naruto fillers lead to suicidal tendencies...

    And btw, we're gonna have to w8 2 weeks, again, and for a filler episode? This is fucking ridiculous...

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I somewhat doubt that. Surely they would have used such a (good) approach already during the abysmal filler seasons if they were ever going to use it at all.

    When I watched this episodes and also considering all the previous Shippuuden ones I'm more and more starting to feel like Naruto truly didn't learn a single new technigue during the time he spent with Jiraiya. That, if anything, would be a huge plot inconsistency. If we look back at the days when Naruto was still a good series, they are filled with scenes of Naruto wanting to learn new jutsus. And once given an opportunity, he learned surprisingly quickly. So, it would make zero sense he learned none with Jiraiya during all that time. Unless Jiraiya really just used him as a servant and failed to teach him anything at all, which, again, would make zero sense since he's worried about Naruto getting caught by Akatsuki. Man, this makes no sense.
    Seriously, Naruto having to go train to get stronger after he just did that is so stupid. It is like he threw the 3 year idea out and then realized that he wanted a sense of urgency in the training so he just ignored his previous statement. Writing the general story arc before hand and re-reading it would help prevent this story from being retarded.

    Shippuuden seems more and more like the creator just wanted to milk the cash cow for longer with out putting in any real time.

  4. #24
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Gz on 500 post jessper

    Btw, did anyone notice some mild flaming to "Bleach" on this episode?? Check 11:48 lol

  5. #25
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    When I watched this episodes and also considering all the previous Shippuuden ones I'm more and more starting to feel like Naruto truly didn't learn a single new technigue during the time he spent with Jiraiya. That, if anything, would be a huge plot inconsistency. If we look back at the days when Naruto was still a good series, they are filled with scenes of Naruto wanting to learn new jutsus. And once given an opportunity, he learned surprisingly quickly. So, it would make zero sense he learned none with Jiraiya during all that time. Unless Jiraiya really just used him as a servant and failed to teach him anything at all, which, again, would make zero sense since he's worried about Naruto getting caught by Akatsuki. Man, this makes no sense.
    From what I can see, Jiraiya's training went like this.

    1. Spend an afternoon teaching him how to dispel Genjutsu.

    2. Spend a long time teaching him to bring out more and more of the Kyuubi's power.

    3. Getting to four tails, realize he loses his shit when that happens and stop pursuing that course.

    4. Spend what time he has left learning to make his other technique a little more powerul.

  6. #26
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Btw am i the only one that doesn't get it why asuma is suddenly getting air time? He was like invisible till now and all of a sudden he gets airtime in the opening ( one of those times getting priority over kakashi and the other one fighting some dude) .

  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    is asuma that guy with chakra knuckles?

    well if he gets airtime it means he will be involved somehow at sometime.. and its not like he never showed up before.. during the chuunin exam he was shown pretty often. and i like his weapons. he's a tru taijutsu ninja in my opinion.

    he's a minor character but so is Ten-Ten and Ino, however they got their time in the openings too didn't they? so who cares.. as i said that he shows up in the opening only means that he will fight in the next episodes.

    if the next episodes are fillers as many people say this would make perfect sense. but who knows if he doesn't have a role in the anime now its not the first time that a minor character gets involved in the main story for a short amount of time.

  8. #28
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Dude, he and the genjutsu lady were invisible for most of naruto. If u don't count the fillers u saw them fight once and in the chunnin exams they may have had 4 lines each at the most and now he gets priority over KAKASHI ?? That's just weird, why would they make him an important person in the fillers? No one really likes him.

  9. #29
    so at 11:44 kakashi says: "But to do so, you'll need to invest a massive amount of time and effort"
    12:06 naruto replies: "But we don't have time! Sasuke's-!"
    12:10 kakashi interrupts: "Relax. I figured out how we can do it in no time at all."


  10. #30
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well what he meant is that normally it would take a lot of time but kakashi came up with a way for naruto to do it faster that usual. 5 bucks says he'll come up with a new rasengan...

  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darthmoe
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    Quote Originally Posted by redcat
    so at 11:44 kakashi says: "But to do so, you'll need to invest a massive amount of time and effort"
    12:06 naruto replies: "But we don't have time! Sasuke's-!"
    12:10 kakashi interrupts: "Relax. I figured out how we can do it in no time at all."

    That's what led me to the time warp genjutsu idea.

  12. #32
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    That's what led me to the time warp genjutsu idea.
    In that case, why would naruto be the only one capable of doing it?

  13. #33
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Dude, he and the genjutsu lady were invisible for most of naruto. If u don't count the fillers u saw them fight once and in the chunnin exams they may have had 4 lines each at the most and now he gets priority over KAKASHI ?? That's just weird, why would they make him an important person in the fillers? No one really likes him.
    wtf why is that weird? well maybe now its HIS time, so what?
    Ino was involved in nearly every opening so far, yet she doesn't show up very often.
    and the genjutsu even had 3 episodes on her own in the fillers... so its fine for him to have the same amount in shippudden-fillers too.. i don't get you problem right now.

    and its not really that no one likes/liked him.. last time i checked there was plenty of fanart from him.
    he's a cool guy... taijutsu-fist-fighting-chackra-blades-smoking-with-a-nice-beard badass..

    yes in my opinion he deserves to be as important as kakashi.. and i want to know more of him.. in the chuunin arc he showed me that he is pretty strong like kakashi, he was able to beat sand ninjas at ease.

    so maybe now its his time. and kakashi is more passive now?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 04-05-2008 at 05:44 PM.

  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Dude, he and the genjutsu lady were invisible for most of naruto. If u don't count the fillers u saw them fight once and in the chunnin exams they may have had 4 lines each at the most and now he gets priority over KAKASHI ?? That's just weird, why would they make him an important person in the fillers? No one really likes him.
    What are you talking about? He's one of the Konoha jounin. He was there when Itachi and Kisame decided to pay an (aggressive) visit, so he's linked to protecting Naruto in that way. And I certainly have nothing against him. Quite the contrary. We already saw what Kakashi is capable of during the Rescue Gaara arc. It's only good if we see other faces for a change because we know they are there. It'd be more retarded if we knew Konoha has lots of strong ninja yet everything we ever saw is team Kakashi (fortunately that has never been the case).

    I'm more interested in whether Asuma and Kurenai are yet married. Surely the three years should have been enough?

  15. #35
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Lol did u miss his complete ownage at the hands of kisame? At least guy and kakashi were able to get some attacks out while those 2 got completely owned. And it looks fairly obvious that this filler arc will last more than just 3 episodes if they even gave it its own opening.

    Personally i don't really have a strong opinion on the guy, just hope kakashi doesn't stay on the hospital in this filler while he takes over

    Edit: lol no way kraco, they just flirt alot

  16. #36
    Just recently @MSN Messenger...

    Shuukei says:
    Shuukei says:
    the new naruto episode is like
    Shuukei says:
    EXACTLY what I said would happen
    Shuukei says:
    sasuke ran away again, nothing changed, I've watched about 20 crap episodes for THIS SHIT and now
    Shuukei says:
    I'm like
    Shuukei says:
    dead ****ing sure
    Shuukei says:
    there's gonna be fillers
    Shuukei says:
    and they're going to be... bad.

    I wonder about the filler part. But if it happens, good bye Naruto Anime. Welcome Naruto Manga. That'd be too much for my little otaku heart to take.

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    its funny, if the manga didn't exist you probably wouldn't even realize that its filler material...
    as long as its animated in the same quality as now i've got no problems with fillers.

    and as you can see the fillers will be involved with the story somehow, so its probably just to keep us busy with some fighting.. i don't know about the manga but probably the upcomming chapters had no fighting at all and just explanations and training stuff... so they thought this is to boring for a series which airs once a week and added some "filler fights"

  18. #38
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Despite most of this being not filler I was still pretty bored, so I watched this instead. Much more fulfilling if you ask me:

    Garra of the Funk vs Rock Lee of the Mounty

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  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Endrance

    ....Just recently @MSN Messenger...

    Shuukei says:
    Shuukei says:
    the new naruto episode is like
    Shuukei says:
    EXACTLY what I said would happen
    Shuukei says:
    sasuke ran away again, nothing changed, I've watched about 20 crap episodes for THIS SHIT and now
    Doesn't that suck? Who knew that the first naruto shippuden episode pretty much showed the entirety of what the last 30 some episodes were going to result in.

    I mean obviously we know it would lead to naruto encountering sasuke and the 9-tails chatting it up etc., but the fact that nothing else happened during that encounter made the last 30 episodes VERY anti-climatic.

  20. #40
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    What are you talking about? He's one of the Konoha jounin. He was there when Itachi and Kisame decided to pay an (aggressive) visit, so he's linked to protecting Naruto in that way. And I certainly have nothing against him. Quite the contrary. We already saw what Kakashi is capable of during the Rescue Gaara arc. It's only good if we see other faces for a change because we know they are there. It'd be more retarded if we knew Konoha has lots of strong ninja yet everything we ever saw is team Kakashi (fortunately that has never been the case).

    I'm more interested in whether Asuma and Kurenai are yet married. Surely the three years should have been enough?
    Well during the first arc we got to see Team Gai and Kakashi show their stuff so its only right that we would get reintroduced to the rest of the rookie nine and their teachers and see what they can do.
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    its funny, if the manga didn't exist you probably wouldn't even realize that its filler material...
    as long as its animated in the same quality as now i've got no problems with fillers.

    and as you can see the fillers will be involved with the story somehow, so its probably just to keep us busy with some fighting.. i don't know about the manga but probably the upcomming chapters had no fighting at all and just explanations and training stuff... so they thought this is too boring for a series which airs once a week and added some "filler fights"
    Yeah you would know its fillers because the fillers were and always will be random crap that doesn't progress the story or develop any of the characters whatsoever. I mean the majority of you guys never read the manga and yet you instantly recognize fillers, it isn't just the guality of the animation that gives it away. KrayZ that last part of your post is especially hilarious since they have been doing the exact opposite of that.
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