Naruto Shippuuden Episode 54
New codec. Same container.
Naruto Shippuuden Episode 54
New codec. Same container.
Not a bad episode all together, not alot of staring in this one.
However the animation was getting bad at times. During the hospital visit, it was almost like watching a paper-mache Naruto wave his arms around, when you see you'll know it.
And the scene in the restraunt was pretty bad too.
But the scene at the end with the introduction of the two new character (of whom I assume will be filler chars) wasn't bad.
I was wondering why there was no ED after episode 53.. this explain everything, it was a double episode. (It's in widescreen now?)
Currently downloading.
Is this really filler? It's better than 53 IMO. Something actually happened, and some parts were actually funny. Chouji finally copping it was good. I don't think the wide screen mattered much, since overall quality didn't change. Naruto's new training....when they first went through it, I thought Kakashi was going to trap him in a genjitsu or something and have him train in that. Like the time chamber in DBZ, but I guess not now.
Indeed it is.. Filler that is, because I thought it was bad.But the scene at the end with the introduction of the two new character (of whom I assume will be filler chars) wasn't bad.
As far as I remember, they weren't in the manga.
But the rest is pretty much in it.
Last edited by BioAlien; Fri, 04-04-2008 at 11:47 PM.
yea, it looks like they will combine filler with the manga I guess. Not sure how it will happen, but I guess we will find out soon.
Is this the first time they have added filler characters into thew opening scene. I liked the New intro as well. The music was ok, but the animation was very good.
Is the part where Naruto supposed to learn a new technique filler?
Actually, thinking about it, I don't care either way. Naruto doing something new is like this promise they keep making that they never deliver on. It'll probably just end up being another Rasengan.
The parts of this episode with Sai I really enjoyed though. Whats his deal? Does he just find girls repulsive?
Nope.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Pretty much everything until the 2 filler character at the end is in the manga.
Though I don't really remember if Naruto's dream is in it too...
After seeing the intro I thought there would be more filler than that. All in all not a bad episode. The only thing I don't like about it is that I can't stream it to my HDTV through my Xbox 360 any more because of the new codec (specifically the audio codec).
So.. DB's site said this is in Widescreen now. Woohoo! I been waiting 3 years for this.
Sucks for the people with computers slower than 1.5GHz or less. Yippe for everyone like me with 3.2GHz (Duo) or more.<3
Aw, the 360 won't play the new codec? Damn.
I do like the new widescreen. I'm surprised they didn't start doing that with the beginning of Shippuuden honestly.
Yeah, Naruto's training is not filler. The dream at the beginning of the episode, however, was filler.
I love how Sai managed to piss Sakura off twice in that episode.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I personally feel Shippuuden becomes better when things get happening. Even if they aren't that meaningful necessarily. This ep had no staring contests or flashbacks and it immediately made it a lot more dynamic.
The filler characters didn't look that bad right away but naturally it all depends on what manner of a story they build around them. If it's the same people writing the script that wrote the seasons of fillers before Shippuuden, then we are surely doomed.
i bet u all that the young filler character in the OP will be also orphan like naruto and alone and we will see the whole bonds and friendship talk of naruto again and again like with Garaa and sasuke.
Sai was pretty funny this episode ^^
i liked it even though nothing really happened
Kraco, these two episodes also had like 4-5 manga chapters between them which helps a lot =]
Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P
Maybe Naruto will start his training, and the fillers will focus on another team's mission (Team Asuma) instead. That's right, fillers without Naruto; wouldn't that be quite a nice variation? There's still hope.
I somewhat doubt that. Surely they would have used such a (good) approach already during the abysmal filler seasons if they were ever going to use it at all.
When I watched this episodes and also considering all the previous Shippuuden ones I'm more and more starting to feel like Naruto truly didn't learn a single new technigue during the time he spent with Jiraiya. That, if anything, would be a huge plot inconsistency. If we look back at the days when Naruto was still a good series, they are filled with scenes of Naruto wanting to learn new jutsus. And once given an opportunity, he learned surprisingly quickly. So, it would make zero sense he learned none with Jiraiya during all that time. Unless Jiraiya really just used him as a servant and failed to teach him anything at all, which, again, would make zero sense since he's worried about Naruto getting caught by Akatsuki. Man, this makes no sense.
I know this is stupid, but i can't play this new widescreen format on my Windows Media Player for Windows Vista.
Anyone have a solution? Thanks.
Dam so it is a filler... wikipedia fooled me
Well according to u guys they're gonna mix a filler with manga stuff? How the hell is that going to turn out? Im like 50% sure that the dude with the werid hand is a jinchuuriki btw even tho it's a filler carachter