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Thread: Naruto Chapter 396

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    It could simply be that Oro was in the woods and witnessed Madara take Obito's body .
    whoa..people are still on this obito thing? Why is it so hard to believe that Madara might still have perserved his body? At first, people were saying Tobi = Obito. Now that recent chapters proved it was not, people are still trying to relate Obito as to Madara's physical body. I don't think it has anything to do with obito

  2. #22
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Itachi can't be a good guy. Like I've said before, his facial expression when he goes "Sasuke!! You are my light!!" was too convincing. And like I've also said before, Tobi being Obito would be like the lamest plot twist ever.

    As for Madara living so long, I don't think it has anything to do with jumping into other bodies. He can control space and time or whatever with his eyes. They said he did it to his body parts which is why all the attacks went through him. I think he keeps his body in some special kind of state. Like freezing himself in time while the world around him continues, except he can still move around and about.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Idealistic
    Itachi can't be a good guy. Like I've said before, his facial expression when he goes "Sasuke!! You are my light!!" was too convincing. And like I've also said before, Tobi being Obito would be like the lamest plot twist ever.

    As for Madara living so long, I don't think it has anything to do with jumping into other bodies. He can control space and time or whatever with his eyes. They said he did it to his body parts which is why all the attacks went through him. I think he keeps his body in some special kind of state. Like freezing himself in time while the world around him continues, except he can still move around and about.

    Thats a good one. In fact I'll do you one better. I actually think he's in a permanent sharingan spell. I don't think his eyes have ever been turned off ever since he got them from his brother.Why would they be? Once he has the new fresh pair, he got every sharingan form instantly. Along the way I'm sure in his life he found out some amazing way to get pretty much anything from anyone. Way better than Oro or anyone else for that matter. The guy can look at someone and start controlling them. To be honest I can't wait to see what he knows about everyone. Tells Sasuke about his brother. And teaches him.
    Last edited by conquistaDan; Mon, 04-07-2008 at 02:27 PM.

  4. #24
    Obito gave his left eye to Kakashi and Madara/Tobi uses his right eye as far we have seen. And about that you guys think Tobi = Obito (his physical body)?

    So how does he still has the EMS? For EMS you need your brothers eyes. Or was Obito Madaras 120 years younger brother? ^^

    But anyway... that was a damn good chapter! Can't wait for the next one

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Garhert
    Obito gave his left eye to Kakashi and Madara/Tobi uses his right eye as far we have seen. And about that you guys think Tobi = Obito (his physical body)?
    The fact that Madara has an eye patch over his left eye pretty much screams "THIS IS OBITO'S BODY!" Shonen manga is pretty easy to predict, there are not many surprises if you're familiar with the themes.

    Kakashi's Gaiden set it up for this to be Obito.

    So how does he still has the EMS? For EMS you need your brothers eyes. Or was Obito Madaras 120 years younger brother? ^^
    There have been a lot of holes lately regarding MS. We were told you needed to kill your best friend to obtain MS, but that turned out not to be true. So the listed requirements for MS and EMS can be somewhat disregarded for the moment.

    Plus, we haven't actually seen Madara use MS as Tobi, so we don't even know if he still has it. That could easily be what Itachi meant when he was referring to Madara "in his current state."

    Quote Originally Posted by Idealistic
    And like I've also said before, Tobi being Obito would be like the lamest plot twist ever.
    Why would that be lame? I happen to think that would make things very interesting. Kakashi goes that memorial every day to mourn his friends. Then Kishi gives us "Kakashi's Gaiden" to introduce the Obito character and show us his fate.
    You don't think it would be interesting to have Madara appear in the form of Kakashi's fallen comrade as the main villain, who has been acting as a puppet master, pulling strings throughout Konoha's history all along?
    Last edited by Sidnne; Tue, 04-08-2008 at 03:09 PM.

  6. #26
    Yeah, but then if it is Obito there is no way that he would have to be defeated by none other than Kakashi. It wouldn't be right otherwise. Maybe thats what Kishi meant at the start of the year, that his will be a sad year for Kakashi. Maybe he gets badly injured from this, or perhaps he loses the Sharingan he has had for all these years if Obito snatches it back from him.

  7. #27
    wasn't it that Obito's right side of face was crushed by the rocks?

    I suppose he'd end up with no eyes unless he somehow was given godmode or went phoenix over his dead body (rebirth).

    IMHO -> Obito theory might be "interesting" but is so lame and unlikely it's pretty safe to assume it's simply not Obito but just Kishi playing with naive people instead...

  8. #28
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    not likely.
    Tobi has the right eye, Kakashi has the left one.
    what more do you need? to see tobi shooting space/time blasts with his sharingan eye?

    oh wait, he has been doing something of similar powers, without using any seals, just in a blink of an eye.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    what more do you need?

    I could use a good explanation of how this guy who got crushed here survived, kept right eye safe and turned evil.

    Yup, that should do it

    tobitobitobitobi -> it's just english play of the word, I'd like to see Japanese similarity of that kind in their names.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentSnake
    I could use a good explanation of how this guy who got crushed here survived, kept right eye safe and turned evil.

    Yup, that should do it

    tobitobitobitobi -> it's just english play of the word, I'd like to see Japanese similarity of that kind in their names.

    You're seriously asking for an explanation as to how someone could survive something in a manga series? Seriously? Think about that for a moment and see if you can understand why that's an irresponsible request.

    And I don't think anyone is suggesting that Obito turned evil. The majority are saying that Madara is possessing Obito's body, ala Oro. Meaning, it's Madara, in Obito's body, going by the alias "Tobi."

    It's not hard to figure out if you understand the way manga, especially Shonen manga, work. The authors don't hint at things to "play with naive people", they hint at things because they want the readers to figure it out without it needing to be bluntly stated.

  11. #31
    DB: Well Naruto has to defeat Pein because of Jiraya, Sasuke took care of his enemies (Itachioro).. I think we could let Kakashi have him to be honest.

    Hell, maybe even end it on a suicide attack...Which is pretty much the only way Naruto will ever become hokage without having to wait for Kakashi dying =P

    As for the Tobi/Obito thing... It really wouldn't surprise me at this point if it is Obito...

    Makes me wonder why they haven't animated Kakashi Gaiden yet.. Maybe it's so that the whole Obito/Tobi thing will be less of a giveaway and instead insert the Obito flashback when Kakashi sees Tobi using the sharingan?

    Ooor it's just a coincidence. We should find out soon enough though.
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    The fact that Madara has an eye patch over his left eye pretty much screams "THIS IS OBITO'S BODY!" Shonen manga is pretty easy to predict, there are not many surprises if you're familiar with the themes.

    Kakashi's Gaiden set it up for this to be Obito.

    There have been a lot of holes lately regarding MS. We were told you needed to kill your best friend to obtain MS, but that turned out not to be true. So the listed requirements for MS and EMS can be somewhat disregarded for the moment.

    Plus, we haven't actually seen Madara use MS as Tobi, so we don't even know if he still has it. That could easily be what Itachi meant when he was referring to Madara "in his current state."

    Why would that be lame?

    Why the hell would Madara use Obito's broken body that has only 1 sharingan (if that sharingan survived from the rock) when Madara is powerful enough to snatch any Uchiha with sharingan?

    Remember that the time period is before Itachi killed all of the Uchiha clan. Don't give me a reason like, " Madara could only take Obito's body because other Uchihas were too strong for him". Madara was ridiculously strong back then and he still is from what we've seen so far.

    How did the requirement for MS turn out to be not true? Because Kakashi has it and we didn't see him kill his best friend? The explanation for that is he feels guilty for Obito's death, and that gave him the MS. You might not like that explanation but it seems logical to me.

    I think you've fooled yourself to be able to predict the shonen manga, and if the patch makes you say "THIS IS OBITO", then I guess I will say that Gaara and Sasori are brothers because they both have red hair and same hair style.

    EDIT: What chapters were the Kakashi Gaiden? I would like to read them again it was very good

  13. #33
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Yah, at first when I read those chapters I didn't really like them and I still think how Kakashi got his Sharingan is still a bit wee lame but hey, those where good times!
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    You're seriously asking for an explanation as to how someone could survive something in a manga series? Seriously? Think about that for a moment and see if you can understand why that's an irresponsible request.
    Hmm... when they want to explain something we don't know about yet mangakas tend to use that fancy thing called... what was it... flashbacks ?

    Yup, I am curious about what happened if it indeed is Obito, are you not ?

    And don't feel offended by "naive people", it was merely a way of saying that mangakas don't have to hint at things that are true, they may do it to deceive us and make manga less predictable and more surprising.

    If you are a manga prophet though I'll gladly read your try at "Obito/Madara flashback", fanfics and theories are nice to read

  15. #35
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    It depends on how farfetched they really are. What I really want confirmed are the..

    Tobi = Obito thing

    Like...really bad. I just want it to be dropped and if it is indeed true then I am VERY curious how...
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentSnake
    Hmm... when they want to explain something we don't know about yet mangakas tend to use that fancy thing called... what was it... flashbacks ?
    You didn't think hard enough. In fact, you went completely in the wrong direction.

    Yup, I am curious about what happened if it indeed is Obito, are you not ?
    Yes... that is what this discussion has been about, hasn't it? What may have happened has been suggested in this very thread already.

    And don't feel offended by "naive people", it was merely a way of saying that mangakas don't have to hint at things that are true, they may do it to deceive us and make manga less predictable and more surprising.
    No, they don't have to, and yes, they may. But what I'm trying to explain to you is that that's not how they do it. No good writer tries or wants to deceive his readers. Its not about the readers, its about the story, and it does not benefit the story to deceive the reader. The story has to fall into place and hinting at something that isn't true only to deceive the reader and make it less predictable, not only breaks the storyline, but is irresponsible on the writer's part. They just don't do it. In the event they want something to be a surprise, they simply don't hint at it at all. But, there is always hints and clues in any story, Naruto is no different.

    Kishi has never hinted at something that wasn't true and he isn't going to start now. He has always made things painfully obvious; his lack of subtlety should be legendary by now.

    If you are a manga prophet though I'll gladly read your try at "Obito/Madara flashback", fanfics and theories are nice to read
    I've already discussed my theories on this matter and I haven't always been a believer in any relationship between Madara and Obito, but I'm fully convinced after this chapter. I have no doubts now that there is some connection between Madara and Obito (either its Obito posing as Madara, or its Madara in Obito's body).

    If you're that dead set that Obito has absolutely nothing to do with Madara, then I'll gladly make a wager with you on the subject: One month of signature wording.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    You didn't think hard enough. In fact, you went completely in the wrong direction.
    I didn't have to think about it, by flashbacks I meant that's what I would like to see, what's wrong with that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Yes... that is what this discussion has been about, hasn't it? What may have happened has been suggested in this very thread already.
    You were the one surprised about me being curious in the first place...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    No, they don't have to, and yes, they may.

    and there are writers who try to deceive readers on purpose, your assumptions on "good writers do that and don't do that" are made up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Kishi has never hinted at something that wasn't true and he isn't going to start now. He has always made things painfully obvious; his lack of subtlety should be legendary by now.
    I'm still hoping to see sth not as painfully obvious, at least I can pretend being surprised then

    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    If you're that dead set that Obito has absolutely nothing to do with Madara, then I'll gladly make a wager with you on the subject: One month of signature wording.
    I'm not dead set that Obito has absolutely nothing to do with Madara, there is nothing wrong with Madara using his body in proper circumstances -> explanation needed.

    as for the subject - be my guest Don Quixote

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Settle down you dorks.

  19. #39
    I hope that Itachi isnt dead, and that Obito isnt Madara. I guess we will have to find out soon!

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

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