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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1961
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, I also didn't like the music - I don't like jazz in pretty much any situation even to the point of feeling it made Cowboy Bebop worse despite it being even a part of the show's name.

    Haha, seems like the video is down. A promotional video was taken down because of a copyright claim. I'd understand if some family product manufacturer wouldn't like its commercial being aired on an exclusive porn channel, but what is this all about? Typical Japanese nonsense, no doubt.

  2. #1962
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #1963
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Dat Cheshire cat.

  4. #1964
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Code Geass Re;surrection released.

    Quote Originally Posted by IRC
    Buffalobiian: Okay, I watched the Code Geass Resurrection movie and bought a figure featuring C.C.'s ass.
    Buffalobiian: you guys should do the same

    Note: Code Geass Movies 1-3 are recap with some changes compared to the TV version. The 4th movie (Resurrection) is a sequel to these rather than the TV version.

    Recap Movies:

    [Anonymous] Code Geass Episode I / II / III - Koudou / Handou / Oudou [BD 1080p 8bit FLAC]

    Sequel movie:


    Spoilers below, naturally.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 12-12-2019 at 01:24 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #1965
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So they're basically doing the NGE thing.

  6. #1966
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Post movie thoughts:

    -If you didn't watch the recap movies, go back and watch it.

    -I came into this expecting more information regarding the Code tribe (not the Code Order featured in this movie, but the Code-bearing tribe seen in C.C.'s flashbacks) along with the whole Jupiter connection. None of that happened. We just got a bit more mumbojumbo which was slightly disappointing.

    -This version of Lelouch's survival retcons a few things. In particular, the assumption in the original series is that once a Geass user becomes a Code user, they lose access to their Geass. I don't think this was stated outright in the series, but it's heavily implied. No code user used a Geass ever. These movies danced around this issue by never explaining C.C.'s power origin at all.
    ----This makes the whole "He used his Geass while not resolving his Code issue" or whatever weird.

    -On that note, C.C.'s explanation regarding their immortality is that they replace body parts. She also says that it's actually a finite resource since Lelough screwed up C's World order. Technically, she's not immortal anymore if she chooses to die enough times without replenishing her stock. Not that she wants to die anymore because...

    -C.C. x L.L. ship sails! 10 years man... 10 years of waiting for this damn ending. It feels so good. Great use of Cheese-kun being gradually squeezed as a way of showing C.C.'s emotions. Apparently there's more material to come so bring it on.

    -As for the movie itself, it's pretty fanservicey in that it's unnecessary except to reignite the franchise, reunite a bunch of characters and give us a C.C. shipping. The "revive Lelouch" arch of this movie was entertaining enough. "Rescue Nunally" was meh. Our mech pilots actually had hinderance armour to stop them being too OP. The enemies Geass rewinding time is pretty broken. Most other powers have been about affecting human perceptions or minds.
    ---Mao read minds,
    ---Lelouch commands,
    ---Charles rewrites memories,
    ---Marianne invades souls,
    ---C.C.'s remakes people love her,
    ---Rolo stops people's perception of time.
    ---Knight of One's is the only difference in that it reads the future.

    -Back to the Geass/Code combo which is now possible. Remember how Code Users were immune to Geass powers? Well apparently that's not the case anymore, and it's just C.C. . Because, you know.. the evil lady wouldn't have been susceptible to Lelouch's sleep command since she also has a code.

    -Blowing her up after making her sleep for 10hrs prior means she can't modify the past, but it means she can still come back to life and screw with your life later. Didn't they think this through before drawing a Code symbol on her abdomen?

    -Lelouch's Geass no longer being permanent is a quality of life change for him. That said, it also ruins the progression that was previously established (Geass becomes permanent as it becomes stronger, and only strong Geass users are later able to take Codes from their predecessors.)

    -What's also funny is that Lelouch's power will only become less useful if he abuses it. People can only follow his command once. Since he's now immortal and going around the world, it's reasonable to think that one day his plan-of-the-day could fail because someone he was going to Geass had already been Geassed previously.

    -Cornelia! I'm a huge fan of her 2nd to C.C. and damn she's as good as ever. That armpit bondage scene from R2 was still great. The animators have taste.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 12-12-2019 at 01:51 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #1967
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    2 Post Resurrection Picture Dramas.

    Lelouch of the Resurrection Picture Drama: Re;f 1.05 Secret Talk in Hammam

    (happens nearly immediately after the movie)



    Lelouch of the Resurrection Picture Drama: Re;f 103.00 Fragment of the Deep Sea -translation-

    (happens 10 years after the movie, featuring C.C. and L.L.)

    (embedded link didn't work)
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 12-12-2019 at 11:37 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #1968
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, those seem...plot relevant.

  9. #1969
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Final one that I'm going to link for a while.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #1970
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quick question about the new movie.

    Did parts of the old series get retconned? Because it seems like a direct continuation, but Shirley seems to be alive, and I remember her being...super dead.

    Edit: Oh wait, I see, there were recap movies that changed things.

    Anyway, I'm glad my interpretation of the series end was right(eventually), with him being alive, even though the details were different than I thought.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sat, 12-28-2019 at 02:00 AM.

  11. #1971
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I remember there being once an interview where staff from the series specifically said that Lelouch wasn't the cart driver in the original ending, and that he was dead.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #1972
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I remember there being once an interview where staff from the series specifically said that Lelouch wasn't the cart driver in the original ending, and that he was dead.
    Yeah, I just assume this new ending is a retcon, even though I totally supported Cart Driver Lelouche back in the day.

  13. #1973
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I too was a cart driver supporter, though it didn't make sense for CC to be super sad at the alter if that was the case.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #1974
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    -C.C. x L.L. ship sails! 10 years man... 10 years of waiting for this damn ending. It feels so good. Great use of Cheese-kun being gradually squeezed as a way of showing C.C.'s emotions. Apparently there's more material to come so bring it on.
    Pretty much the only worthy thing in this movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    -Blowing her up after making her sleep for 10hrs prior means she can't modify the past, but it means she can still come back to life and screw with your life later. Didn't they think this through before drawing a Code symbol on her abdomen?
    She will come back to life as a sleeping person, unable to do anything. I actually think her geass is some kind of prophesy mutation. It's just an illusion she returns back to the past, rather she sees those defined hours into the future, and if she dies in the future she sees (no matter if it's herself who kills her), she will just see another future, as if she returned to the past. From a practical point of view it doesn't make any difference, but it's better than assuming she returns the whole solar system 9 hours into the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    -Lelouch's Geass no longer being permanent is a quality of life change for him. That said, it also ruins the progression that was previously established (Geass becomes permanent as it becomes stronger, and only strong Geass users are later able to take Codes from their predecessors.)
    I feel like you misinterpreted this. If he sets a strict condition, the geass will expire naturally when the condition is met. He did that in this movie.

  15. #1975
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    She will come back to life as a sleeping person, unable to do anything. I actually think her geass is some kind of prophesy mutation. It's just an illusion she returns back to the past, rather she sees those defined hours into the future, and if she dies in the future she sees (no matter if it's herself who kills her), she will just see another future, as if she returned to the past. From a practical point of view it doesn't make any difference, but it's better than assuming she returns the whole solar system 9 hours into the past.
    That's one way to interpret it.

    If we're to take this at face value, then either:

    1) Her geass activates forcefully and involuntarily every time she dies, in which case the world goes into a never-ending-loop where she makes everyone relive her final 6-9 hours or whatever it is.

    2) Alternatively if her Geass is activated voluntarily, then when she dies she can just resurrect herself (because she's a code bearer) without resetting time. In which case, that's my proposed scenario - she comes back to hurt you again because she's undying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I feel like you misinterpreted this. If he sets a strict condition, the geass will expire naturally when the condition is met. He did that in this movie.
    I feel like you misinterpreted me. When I say a "permanent Geass", I mean a Geass that he can't turn on/off at will. That's how he accidentally made Euphy kill Japs. And in R2, ever since that moment his Geass had been permanently active, requiring him to use contact lenses to hide its effect. I think wikis have been calling it a "runaway Geass".

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #1976
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I never really saw Lelouche and CC as a thing back in the day. They never seemed to have that kind of relationship.

    It always seemed to be Shirley, obviously, and then to a lesser extent, Kallen.

  17. #1977
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I feel like you misinterpreted me. When I say a "permanent Geass", I mean a Geass that he can't turn on/off at will. That's how he accidentally made Euphy kill Japs. And in R2, ever since that moment his Geass had been permanently active, requiring him to use contact lenses to hide its effect. I think wikis have been calling it a "runaway Geass".
    Oh, then I totally misinterpreted what you said. I should have read your post more carefully. Now that I relooked at it, I totally read it wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I never really saw Lelouche and CC as a thing back in the day. They never seemed to have that kind of relationship.

    It always seemed to be Shirley, obviously, and then to a lesser extent, Kallen.
    You must be in the minority.

  18. #1978
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kallen really, really liked Lelouch and admired Zero immensely, but he never showed any real interest in her other than on a tactical level. To a degree it was almost comical and occasionally, actually played for laughs.

    Shirley he did harbor some degree of romantic feelings for, but it always felt like he didn't want to act on them for various reasons. It was like a teen romance that fell apart from his side because he was out and about murdering people while Shirley retained her innocence.

    CC was a very slow burn romance that started from mutual distrust/wariness.

    So it's very rewarding to see fulfilled. Even in a generally garbage film.

  19. #1979
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    You must be in the minority.
    I guess. CC always just seemed like a weird god watching Lelouche's antics to not be bored.

    She was basically Ryuk from Death Note.

    And then this movie comes out and they're, like, soulmates now. And I'm not sure if the other recap movies set this up better than the original series, but I never got that watching the original. In fact, I don't even get that from THIS movie until the last 5 minutes.

  20. #1980
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    And then this movie comes out and they're, like, soulmates now. And I'm not sure if the other recap movies set this up better than the original series, but I never got that watching the original. In fact, I don't even get that from THIS movie until the last 5 minutes.

    I mean, previously seen:

    -the cave where Lelouch calls her name.
    -Other scenes where he's often alone with her and confides in here, especially the ones where they lean on each other's backs.

    This movie:
    -Particularly evident prior to Lelouch regaining his memories. That scene where he headbutts C.C. and she just takes it.. that was painful to watch.
    -The final scene was straight up "C.C. marry me please", which I'm quite content with, even if it was a fanservice-like ending.
    -The last 3 picture dramas I linked actually show some romantic bits rather well.

    As for Shirley, the movies did change things up because she didn't die. In the first series he came to terms with his feelings for her when Rolo killed her, which prompted him to annihilate the Geass Order.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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