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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1621
    "The best way to atone for your past sins is to kill even MORE people."

    "The ends always justify the means."

    "The best way to win a battle is to completely rearrange the field to your advantage" (lelouch doctrine )

    "Cornelia looks hot in bondage gear "

  2. #1622
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    On a side note, long aga we were discussing about Nunally being geassed into the disabled she is. That argument was rejected since she should have been anti-geassed by Orange-kun.
    Apparently not.

    And Lelouch knew about that Geass Nunally received for a long time, since Orange-kun anti-geassed him a lot of eps back. I then guess that Nunally really is his sister. I hope there isn't some sort of Geass that isn't anihilated by Orange-kun's device. After all that device was created by Charles team, with their extensive knowledge on Geass, would they be able to prevent from erasing some specific Geasses?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #1623
    If your cockpit doesn't fill with your own blood you aren't dead. (Unless you were a completely useless or unimportant character)

    Don't trust the T.V. to tell you where your enemy is. Just look around you to find him.

  4. #1624
    Decoy Ships will help you survive a nuclear holocaust.

  5. #1625
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Was it explicitly shown Nunnally ever was within Orange's anti-geass perimeter?

    And while Guilford surviving was ridiculous, I don't see why it should matter that much, though. He's a very minor character and right now I don't see him playing much of a role anymore. His biggest role was to be a pawn of Lelouch some episodes ago, after all. Schneizel was a gamer without killing intent but also without compassion so Cornelia's life was decided by a toss of a coin, more or less. I don't know why they are saving all these lifes, though. It's perplexing and doesn't exactly make this a better series.

    It would be good for Kallen to win. Would be about the time considering how many times she has lost. It's hard to see Suzaku's importance right now, in any case, when the grand battle is practically over. He never did much else than fight.

  6. #1626
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But we still don't know what his goal is, while Kallen is just misled and needs no further development. I can't believe I am saying this, but I am rooting for Suzaku on this one. I really dislike Kallen as she is right now. All she has ever been is a pawn, and when she thinks she is finally free from it, she ends up fighting for a sham. I don't want her to die though. It would be good to see how she would react when she realizes her mistake.
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  7. #1627
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I really dislike Kallen as she is right now.
    I hear you loud and clear, for the simple reason that it was she who broke the moment between C.C. and Lelouch.

    In general, I didn't mind how this episode came about. Just that with Nunnaly opening her eyes by herself, there is almost no reason to introduce the Jeremiah's Geass Canceler.

    I don't think it's about Lelouch not being able to geass Nunnaly, he just didn't want to. If there was one person he doesn't want to (and can) Geass, it would be her. Though her completely resisting the Geass puts her will at least on par with Euphemia, if not higher.

    Thing is now, it feels like the climax is over already, so I'm rattling to guess at what they'll show us as the last episode.

    edit: As for Diethard, he's just afraid he won't get to write Lelouch's history books.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 09-22-2008 at 03:59 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #1628
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    While I agree Lelouch probably doesn't want to geass Nunnally, it's not impossible. He has never really considered Nunnally as such to be worth much other than being a helpless little girl he wanted to protect and who every day reminded him of his hatred and the wrongdoings of his enemies. But Nunnally actually doing something more than drinking a cup of tea or at most organizing a tea party never probably visited Lelouch's mind, even after her becoming the governer of Area 11. It's also evident by his line to her now: that the trigger is too dangerous for her to have.

    Ryllharu's theory of giving the power to Nunnally is an interesting one, but based on how Lelouch has acted before, only if that power is worth nothing anymore, or somebody else acts in her shadow. But perhaps they will talk now and Lelouch will change his long lasting opinion. Who knows.

  9. #1629
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I can't believe I am saying this, but I am rooting for Suzaku on this one. I really dislike Kallen as she is right now.
    This is the result for showing Kallen kicking CC's ass

  10. #1630
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    This is the result for showing Kallen kicking CC's ass
    You know what...I think that's absolutely true. Subconsciously anyhow. Also, according to Eclipse's translations, C.C. considers Lelouch a man. You know what that means....

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #1631
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    You know what...I think that's absolutely true. Subconsciously anyhow. Also, according to Eclipse's translations, C.C. considers Lelouch a man. You know what that means....
    That she's a pedo? Heheh...

  12. #1632
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Duuuuudes..... Schneizal is clearly not under the effects of Geass. He more than likely was given the power to break free from Geass at any time.

  13. #1633
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That makes absolutely no sense for several reasons.

    1) The episode clearly shows Schneizel's mental framework being rearranged by the geass.
    2) Schneizel could have shot Lelouch with his gun instead of saving him from Diethardt, but didn't.
    3) There was a red ring around his eyes when his face was shown close up.

    But you are probably being sarcastic and joking, so it's fine.

    @RZ - I have already explained several threads before why I disliked Kallen as of recent, way before she beat C.C. in this episode, though honestly that did not help my perception of her get any better.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Mon, 09-22-2008 at 12:39 PM.
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  14. #1634
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Kallen has been, just there lately. She gets so easily manipulated into fighting, its sad. I guess they have to have some sort of balance between pilots, but like, yea she's like just a lucky pawn, it seems. Also, I thought Todou was gonna go OMGWTFKAMAKZE instead of ejecting, but I guess its ok he survived. I swear, there weren't enough deaths for my taste.

  15. #1635
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    @RZ - I have already explained several threads before why I disliked Kallen as of recent, way before she beat C.C. in this episode, though honestly that did not help my perception of her get any better.
    I know all that shinta

    You know me, I just can't miss a chance to bait when CC is the bait

    PS: She IS a pedo

    uhh... I can't believe you neg repped me. You know I am just joking... why would I consider CC my second fav female of this show then?

  16. #1636
    It's entirely possible to use a pre-recorded video of yourself in a conversation with someone.

    In fact, that is the absolutely best strategy one can come up with in dire times when the fate of the world rests on this conversation.

  17. #1637
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I couldn't help it Ryouga.

    You know me, I just can't miss a chance to take the bait when CC is the bait

    PS: She is NOT a pedo

    Positive reps should give more points than a neg rep from the same person. We should be more than even
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #1638
    Alright people, neg/pos rep aside. Anyone have predictions?
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  19. #1639
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i liked some things about this episode. and some things i hated:

    Liked - CC's character finally crossing over to the 'I'm your love puppet, even if I still won't say so' realm of female character. It was written all over her from the beginning, but I'm glad they didn't just leave her in limbo.

    Hated - Guilford and Cornelia surviving. They won't kill off minor characters (except for you Diethard, you the man!) We've had a Chinese guy wretching up blood for years, Todoh ejecting, Guillford escaping, Cornelia escaping, Ohgi shielded. The pain-staking lengths being taken to keep people alive is sickening. This is a show about manipulation and war as a premise, but the underlying theme is the sickeningly sweet: "Everything is happy if you believe in love!". It's like a crappy love valentine delivered via guitar-playing velociraptors piloting F-16s through a burning ring of naked lesbians. It's crap, but it's dressed up nicely.

    Liked - Diethard. Sure, makes no sense that he suddenly now decides to put his foot down and say "Nah, your awesome manipulation and schemes are boring!" But was that not the best part of the episode?

    Hated - Gino. Dude, who the fuck is this guy, why is he in this show, and why are we wasting valuable seconds of the final few episodes with a guy who nobody gives two shits about? Because Kallen needs to end up with somebody?

    Liked - Lance of Longinus - Unoriginal as hell, but still uber cool.

    Hated - Nina > atomic reactions. This is the girl that pleasured herself with a table. She couldn't even build a dildo. Now she's taking down nukes like it's not a thing.

    Liked - um... pretty graphics?

    Hated - Nunners opening her eyes because her desire to 'stop' her brother is stronger than the force that manipulated tens of thousands of people and built the Stairway to Heaven. Poppycock.

    Suzaku and Kallen fight. Gino saves Kallen and dies, looking cool. Lelouch and Nunners have a nice long talk and, because he really does love her, he gets her to side with him. Because that's what this show is about: love.

    Lelouch is declared KIA. He, Nunners and Suzaku go off to live happily ever after. Maybe CC comes too. Can't see where Kallen fits into this. A Geassed Schneizel turns over a new leaf (because he has to), Cornelia doesn't hate him or blow his cover, Kanon acts as a nurse maid, and Schneizel (who ironically has been Geassed into Euphemia) disarms FLEIA and sets up a nice peaceful world.

    Everyone gets happy endings. Even if they're rat bastards. Except for Jeremiah. He dies. Or at least, you know, you'd think he'd HAVE to die, seeing that his Geass Canceller could be the one thing to change Schneizel back. But I'm guessing he shows up as head of security for Lelouch/Nunners secret incestual hideaway. Oh, and CC's real name is 'Mother'.

    also: this has caused me to seek a doctor first thing tomorrow morning
    Schneizel Hat Babies Fan Fiction
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Tue, 09-23-2008 at 07:40 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #1640
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Well... how old is CC? 300? how old is Lelouch? 17?

    Dunno how Lelouch will handle Nunnally, but he is definitely going to die. I think he and Suzaku will blow up Damocles with them still inside.

    Lelouch will order Schneizel to tell the truth so the world handles him, or he dies inside Damocles as well and Cornelia reveals the plan.

    Lelouch will tell Kallen, who defeated Suzaku but did not kill him upon learning the truth, to tell Nunnally away from Damocles. He tries to tell her something else, but she refuses to hear it now.

    Nunnally and Cornelia disband Britannia once and for all. Guilford is blind. Few learn of Lelouch's true intentions and keep it a secret, but reveal Schneizel's real plan. CC... dies? Dunno... she wants to die or be happy... but since my prediction is Lelouch's death... then what does she do? Give him her code? no... go search another one to give geass... maybe... seal herself away once more... probably... suicide...? she can't. CC is the only one I really can't predict what will happen to her... if she lives... her cycle begans again... alone and inmortal...

    Gino dies. Ougi becomes a father, only to be killed by his son in the future. Tamaki becomes a pimp. Xingke coughs, lets go of the controls and crashdies. Kaguya follows Nina's footsteps and gets a table to think of Zero. Tianzi beds Xingke's corpse. Kanon asks to be buried with Diethard since he was cheating on Schneizel. <--- crack predictions

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