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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1501
    It is way too rushed...

  2. #1502
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    In my opinion, it seems like they did not fully "utilize" the Knight of Rounds. Four of them died just like that in this episode and that's the end of the Rounds o_O. Xing Ke seems to be healthier than ever. For Nunnally to declare being enemies with Lelouch is just wrong (She would at least demand an explanation or something).

    But hey, I like it Suzaku and Lelouch works together lol.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  3. #1503

    Code Geass: 50+ Things we've learned from Code Geass

    The series/season isn't over yet, but add all of the things you've learned from Code Geass! Here's mine..


    *Brittainia can spend millions to create the atom bomb and other weapons in four days, but they can't be arsed creating an effective mass evacuation system for it's citizens.

    *The evil of all of your actions is forgiven with to your enemies as long as you're reallllly sorry.

    *No one EVER dies, even if they are decapitated and in bleeding pieces all over you, even if you hit them with the atom bomb, shoot them in the heart or brain, strangle them with your bare hands, give them AIDS, etc.

    *Don't trust the past. Chances are someone more powerful than you has you brainwashed. The safest course of action is to assume you're being used and then try to kill/overtake anyone who looks at you the wrong way. But even then you might be following the whims of another..

    *Having good chess skills means that you are possibly qualified to take over the world.

    *Putting your hands to your face in passionate dispair and waving them in front of your eyes a lot might make you look like a diva, but it also gives you cool points, super intellect, and the power to control humanity.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Mon, 09-08-2008 at 05:12 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  4. #1504
    There is only one thing I learned from Code Geass:

    Tsunderes are fair game.

  5. #1505
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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  6. #1506
    It's okay if a show sucks as long as Gundam 00! comes after it.

  7. #1507
    If the new FLEIJA was bombed on Pendragon... does it mean they killed Oddyseus and the rest of the royal family?
    Most likely, unless the Royal Family was troop-training elsewhere but the capital city of Britannia.

    Suzuku is too pussy to fight Bismark IRL but he will fight him behind 3 tons of metal protection. Go figure.
    Lancelot Albion is the newest upgrade of the Lancelot. It totally outmaneuvered and overpowered Bismarck's Galahad. That was why Suzaku had enough confidence to beat Bismarck. If Lelouch's "live" command on Suzaku forces him to do anything to stay alive, Suzaku will do it. Because Bismark was way too strong in terms of physical strength, Suzaku had to run away (otherwise, he would have been slained).

    You think that most of the town would have been evacuated before the first FLEIA? Or did it all happen to fast to evacuate everyone? I mean if there is a massive arms battle happening on top of a town..
    I don't believe there was an evacuation, otherwise, if there was, Nina wouldn't have felt so guilty for killing so many people that were Britannian.

    I still don’t get how the king and Marriane were “defeated”.
    Basically, Lelouch geass'd the "will of mankind" to "stop the progress of time". I wouldn't want to go deeply into this, but what I think is that Charles and Marianne were trying to freeze the entire physics of how the entire world worked, bringing people who have died back to life. In this time when "time" has stopped, they would assume everyone would be equal, and there would be no lies, as since they think that lies is what makes people unequal, and allow them to continue time.

    I wouldn't bother with it.

    About Schneiz. You guys were commenting about him being a ‘good’ or bad guy. I can’t say that he is necessarily either, at least on the standards you guys are setting for him. Of course we have yet to know any “true” ambitions for him other than the fact that he’s just acting in Brittania’s/world/his interest (not unlike everyone else).
    He's a bad guy, if not, the second antagonist of the series. He was always an formidable advesery to be reckoned with by Lelouch ever since they were children. Not only that, he intends to change the world in an idea that conflicts that of Lelouch. Schneizel intends to change the world according to what he wants, that's all he's after.

    He's just using people as pawns, not unlike Zero did, which explains why he doesn't give a damn who dies.
    Shinjuku Ghetto, the first battle where Zero uses each and every soldier like pawns - with the exception that he uses all of them to their highest potential. That's really what differentiates the tactics of Lelouch from Schneizel. Then, there's the battle for the TianZi, and the mecha battle between the OBK and the Knights on episode 17 (despite XingKe leading) using soldiers like pawns. Another guy also said aloud after Lelouch freed the OBK hostages "isn't he just using you guys like pawns?", which is a pretty direct observation of how Lelouch treats his staff.

    Nunnaly’s got to be just a tool. Agreed with Enko. No way she would agree to being on Schneiz’s side after he’s just busted out FLEIA.
    I am 90% sure that Nunally knows everything about Lelouch. From geass to the OBK-life, from military battles to international politics, from clever assassinations to clever guerilla warfare, from lying to forcing (with the geass), she knows everything (through a Schneizel viewpoint, of course!). The fact that her own brother did not even disclose anything about what he was doing is probably going to be the lame reason why she's going against him.

    Lulu should never have forced anything on the UN. I find it pretty unrealistic that the power would've gotten into the head of someone who has a strong resolve and much brilliance this easily.
    Then Lelouch wouldn't have gotten anything done faster. Lelouch's way of planning things is quite radical in nature. If you had to wait months just to get something done (like what the rest of the current Security Council spends time doing), then the results won't be as appealing as if you get what you want now. Would you rather wait less than a second for a webpage to load, or would you wait five minutes?

    Zero would not have been the leader of the world anyway if things had gone according to plan with him staying with the OBK and the UN.
    It would vary depending on the conditions, but the OBK and UN most likely would have lost. The Knight of Rounds diminished some of the OBK's forces quite quickly, with the exception of Xingke, who was at par with Bismarck. There's the fact that Lancelot Albion was already created by then, which as we've seen, is quite ridiculous in power and mobility.

    He should have just split his country in 2 or something and joined the UN. By doing so, he would've easily created the peaceful world that nunners wanted, which is the sole reason he became zero in the first place!
    Actually, the reason he fought for Nunally was to create a place where he and Nunally could stay safe forever. Sure, Nunally was a pacifist, but since Lelouch had already stained his hands with blood and sin, he couldn't really create a "world of peace" for Nunally. Ryllharu's theory is quite interesting - the Requiem of Zero, the phase which Lelouch and Suzaku are currently working on does sound very accurate with accordance to both their respective psychologies.

    Plus, if you were to split your empire, other minorities within your two countries would call for self-determination (or self-sovereignty), which conflicts with Lelouch's plans for world "dictatorship". Because that in turn would generate more countries that Lelouch wouldn't have power over. If Lelouch were to place one of his own geass'd kin or subordinate as the leader of the second split empire, then there would be anger from the UN, because he basically still controls all of Britannia, in a sense. Example of this would be today's Vladmir Putin, who stepped down from Russian President to Russian Prime Minister, but having Medvedev, Putin's subordinate, take the position of President to ensure that Putin still maintains power on all executive levels of government.

    Just look at the old maps and past history. One in particular, Soviet Russia, for example, was one of the world's superpowers. But after the collapse of Soviet Russia, a whole bunch of countries (like Hungary, Poland, etc.) that Soviet Russia practically controlled all opted out of being part of the "new Russia". Or China. If China was to split up its country, then the other areas would be calling for independence as well (Tibet, namely).

    Lastly, if the UN was going with the democratic process of proportional representation in terms of human population, then Britannia would have the most people, therefore, being able to veto any of the other countries' votes and opinions (majority of the tyranny, anyone?). If the UN was willing to offer Britannia only 20% of the human population (alternatively called a "limited democracy"), there would be outrage from the Britannian community for others not being able to vote, dividing the country into two halves, people who can be counted for voting, and those who cannot. This sets up an elitism type of government, which currently undermines Lelouch's government of an ex-aristocratic system.

    The fact that the UN was even negotiating with Britannia were bad ideas. If Lelouch were to join Britannia, disregarding all the previous events that would occur, would still have enemies in the UN, specifically, that of Sumeragi and the OBK (which is the entire organization's military force), which could rebel against Britannia at any time because:

    1) Top level staff of the OBK know of Lelouch's identity, with the fact that he has the supernatural power of geass.

    2) Many people of the countries will never forgive each other for past atrocities. Best example of this is, and still will be until further notice, the Israeli-Arab conflict in the Middle East.

    P.S. Does that chinese girl with the black hair who was leading the UN meeting (I think she is kaguya?) know that lelouch is Zero? Does Xingke?
    Yes, she does. Hence, she looked away from Lelouch to avoid being geass'd, although another reason would be that she found out her "self-proclaimed" lover is actually a Britannian. Additionally, she's not Chinese. She's Japanese. The Chinese one is the TianZi, the girl with white hair.

    I really need to stop analyzing so deeply.

    EDIT: To the person who neg rep'd me, it's not spamming. Spamming is posting repetitively with useless posts that produce no discussion at all, while mine actually answer questions.
    Last edited by enkoujin; Mon, 09-08-2008 at 09:06 PM.

  8. #1508
    WALL OF TEXT - But I'll reply to a few things.

    I get why Suzuku fought. I was joking.The town -should- have been evacuated. I honestly don't see too many 'good' and 'bad' people in this series per se, but I agree with the antagonist viewpoint. The debate wasn't if he is an antagonist, however, it was whether he sucks as a human or not. I maintain that he's no worse than everyone else.

    *stabs Zero and Suzuku's friendship*
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  9. #1509
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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  10. #1510
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    - Brittanian princes can produce giant flying fortresses out of their asses

  11. #1511
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  12. #1512
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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  13. #1513
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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  14. #1514
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The Kallen invitation was a friendly one. He simply wanted to return to hos old school life.

    Lelouch is not Light, so he does care when someone is sacrificing his life for him willingly despite knowing his lies, especially if he does not see the point of doing so because he has lost all reason to live at that point.
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  15. #1515
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, Schneizel is the type of person that smiles at genocide and nuking millions of people. Just think of what he is capable of. I'd say he is a bit worse than everyone else, well unless you think 1000 lives is equal to 45 million.

    @enkoujin - While I do not particularly dislike being mistaken for Ryllharu, I still want to clarify that I came up with the Requiem of Zero theory. He might not want to be associated with it, and there is also credit if it does come true.

    The UN had to negotiate with Britannia, since not doing so means war, and war means meaningless deaths. They had to take the smallest chance that the new kind emperor may really want peace.

    @lelouch - Lelouch was rushing because he had to counteract Schneizel's plans. In the end, he was still too late since the first strike went to the big brother.
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  16. #1516
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Turn 0.923 - Picture Drama

    I'm not sure if someone posted this already, but here it is.

    Get it here

    It's a C.C. and Kallen episode.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  17. #1517
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    @lelouch - Lelouch was rushing because he had to counteract Schneizel's plans. In the end, he was still too late since the first strike went to the big brother.
    So exactly what would he have done if he beat Schneizel? Simply take control of the UN?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #1518
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He needed power, and fast. That's it.

    What exactly do you mean by beat Schneizel?
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  19. #1519
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    The Kallen invitation was a friendly one. .
    And he specifically had to invite her when she fell on him and they were on a very interesting position huh...?

    I think Lelouch truly cares for both CC and Kallen, but currently he is pushing Kallen away, to save her from whatever he plans to do to himself (destroy himself maybe?) while he probably is somewhat annoyed at CC for knowing the truth and not telling him. Yet CC is useful, that is why she was not erased alongside Marianne and Charles.

  20. #1520
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    And he specifically had to invite her when she fell on him and they were on a very interesting position huh...?
    Yes. It's Code Geass. I can't believe you even wondered about it.

    So Lelouch is annoyed at the person who threw away her ultimate goal for him, while he is secretly in love with the girl who can't even believe in him. Okay.

    Seriously though, I do agree that he cares for both of them and that he is pushing Kallen away for her own sake, but it is really hard for me to think that Lelouch is romantically interested in anyone except his sister.
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