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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1481
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBear
    wincest ftw

    god i know its wrong think i been hanging around 4chan too much =/
    You are not alone, my brother. You are not alone.

  2. #1482
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Go Schneizel go!!! For a pure and blue world!!!!

    Wait... this isn't Gundam SEED? Well, I couldn't really tell from how the Lancelot Albion fight with the Rounds went (seriously, weak stuff there. i agree with all the criticism doled out by others)...

    I was under the impression that Schneizel nuked China because they had FLEIA, or something like that... The entire bit with Lelouch, CC and Suzaku (sexy full length armored gloves, btw! gotta get me some yaoi with him wearing those... ) crpytically talking about Schneizel's plan and connection with a previously NEVER mentioned entity that, you know, just does small stuff like... mass produce nuclear warheads... That whole part was confusing, and it felt like they didn't explain the origins of FLEIA (before Nina got involved) just so they could have Schneizel nuking China as part of a 'surprise!' ending

    Gino, why won't you just die already?

    Apprehending Nina was great, although Lelouch somehow knowing Rivalz would be the one to drive her, and take that old escape route (and that the Black Knights would set up their checkpoint where they did...) was all gas. Now he'll get the access codes to shut down FLEIA or some other BS whenever Schneizel decides he's done not being the villain.

    Also, the villain. I think it's way too early to say that Lelouch Yagami Vi Britannia is really the villain. Maybe it's because I simply can't digest his corrosively illogical reasoning for becoming 'the emperor of massacres'. So you're going to do it, once again, "for Nunnally" (+ Euphie to make the boy-toy happy). But you're not going to do it like you KNOW she'd have wanted it done. No, that would make to much sense! You're going to do everything Euphie and Nunnally stood against, in the hopes of overshadowing their great mishaps (which you caused in the first place), so history might not look on them with contempt. In short, you're doing it for their personal pride and honor, two things that both Nunnally and Euphie always showed that they didn't care about. And you're going to achieve this thing that they wouldn't have ever concerned themself with by doing all the things they hated. For them. Wow. The writers took the bad acid, for sure.

    His actions are another thing. Holding the UN at gun point is pretty stiff evidence that he wants to martyr himself, but might it have been a ruse? I think he'd have done well to wait a few years and bide his time until the rest of the world didn't see him as such a threat anymore... Of course, Sunrise refuses to animate anything involving main characters who are over 20 years old.... Sure, it sounds good, breaking down the musty old nobility system. But when you're Geassing room fulls of people just to get your way, doesn't it leave any kind of doubts? Guess he wasn't listening to CC when she told her story about how unfulfilled she felt when using Geass to make people fall in love with her...

    So Diethard gave Schneizel the slip? Or who? Why did that scene have 'important for next episode!' written all over it?

    But rest easy. Lelouch's actions will be explained soon enough in a way that everyone in the show can sympathize with (and the pea-brained viewers also). Plus, there's material evidence in this episode that points, once again, to schneizel being the actual villain, not Lelouch. This evidence is the Damocles. If you're in the vicinity of the last five episodes of a Sunrise series, and you're riding around in a fortress, you're a bad guy. (Note: a massive and for all intents and purposes invincible battleship is not a fortress. That's what Sunrise good guys always fight in in the climax battle. If it looks like a floating castle/Death Star, it's the bad guy riding in it).

    Also, Schneizel will lose. Maybe his side will win (Lelouch makes a sacrifice play with his 'King' even though you CAN'T PUT YOUR GODDAMN KING IN CHECK! GODDAMNIT! but schneizel will lose or die. This is because he played his final trump card far too early (Zombie Nunnally). Should have pulled it out during the actual decisive battle. Imagine, the final battle is raging, both sides seem evil (Schneizel using FLEIA and Lelouch still manipulating people just like old Emperor Chuck). Suzaku is spin-kicking his way towards victory for his boo Lulu (also, what do you guys think? Is Suzaku the pitcher or the catcher? It's pretty hard to tell. I go back and forth. On one hand, Suzaku has dressed in drag and seems to love 'submitting' himself to others. On the other hand, Lelouch's reluctance to forcibly control Suzaku strongly suggests he wants Suzaku to be the only person out there to 'be his seme'. And- huh? what? scenario? Oh yeah...

    So imagine it's the final battle. Sparkling lights. Pretty explosions. Spinzaku doing the deed, day looks grim for Schneizel, moral ambiguity on all sides as to who is actually good and who is bad, etc, etc. Then, just as Schneizel's fortress is about to get spin-kicked to death, he pulls out the Trump Card, Nunnally. She says some very mean things to Lelouch and Suzaku. Somehow this convinces other people that Lulu has, as Nunners is saying, a very bad person, and they attack him. Heck, have her open her eyes and do a 'Un-Geasser', very dramatic and all. Lulu is totally shocked and suddenly sees that he's done wrong, but it's too late, and he dies dramatically. You get your 'hero was actually the bad guy once he let his power go to his head and forgot the real reasons behind his initial agenda' ending, and no Nate River involved.

    But why am I talking about this? Nunners did show. It'll be the last great move Schneizel makes. Once they get flying final battle fortresses, "genius" Sunrise villains suddenly do everything wrong. Oh well, he's at least a breath of fresh air from the standard villain fare.

    Only really decent scene in this episode was Lelouch meeting Kallen again. A little too much angsty talky-talky (oh, and she's so going to turn and join Lelouch in the end. Maybe at the cost of her own life, but...)

    It's still a marvelous show, even if R2 has been disappointing towards the end. This whole thing could very easily have been 100 episodes. Maybe 75.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #1483
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Is it for power? Or status? Or is it just a game? Kallen is as clueless as always. It is almost as if she does not know Lelouch at all, which is what she seems to believe.

    The goal for Lelouch becoming the "emperor of massacres" is not to overshadow the deeds of Euphy. That is merely a coincidental result of what he is really trying to achieve. It probably involves a direct confrontation against Schneizel and whatever his plan is.

    Aside from that, I think Lelouch is planning to make himself the world dictator, only to be taken down by the world so that everything can begin at zero (zero requiem). This makes sense from Lelouch and Suzaku's psychological perspectives since they both believe they deserve punishment, and are willing to sacrifice a lot of blood, including theirs, to get that result (as Lelouch said to Kaguya in the episode).

    I am actually surprised people ever doubted Schneizel was going to be a villain. I know he is likable, but from his very first appearance, he was exuding final antagonist vibes, especially with how he handled Cornelia in S1. There is nothing wrong with liking a villain anyway.

    I doubt Schenizel is going to screw up too much. It will probably go against Lelouch until some turning point near the end.

    And... when will we find out about C.C.'s name?
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  4. #1484
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Code Geass: Love Love Mania

    So this show is wrapping up, and I'm still a little confused. Who loves who? Seriously. Aside from 'every minor female character loves the main character', there's a ton of ambiguity in romantical relationships in this show.

    So I'm interested in hearing what people have to say. Who do you think is in love with each other? Who isn't? Who do you want to be in love with each other? Any real backing for a gay love interest not named Rolo?

    Oh, and this thread is clearly going to be up to date with the anime, so if you haven't watched, stay the fuck away.

    I'll start with the big one:

    C.C. and Lelouch
    There's alot going on with this relationship. Kisses, room sharing, C.C. even forgetting about her life-long goal to die once Lelouch gets involved. But there's something missing... something... soft and fuzzy? C.C. seems to enjoy watching Lelouch grapple with his problems and emotions. Lelouch seems indifferent to C.C.'s bouts of emo depression. There's no sexual tension where there should be. To me, they're just partners. If anything, C.C. has feelings for Lelouch (it's his show after all), but not the other way around. And if he ever did fall in love with her, she'd probably stop loving him, because that's the exact thing she's sick and tired of in the first place.


    Lulu and Spinzaku
    Now now folks, remember, this is a CLAMP series. Also, Lelouch's behavior regarding Suzaku has always been stupidly emotional. For a cruel, logic-driven character, Lelouch pining over his child-hood friend as much as he does is mighty suspicious. Then you have Suzaku, who seems to love serving people and has a soft spot for Lelouch too. But once Euphemia comes and goes, you get the sense that if Suzaku ever did have those kinds of feelings for Lelouch, they die when he finds out what kind of person he really is. Of course, later they join forces, but it seems to be a bond born out of mutual grief for lost loved ones, and even though Suzaku would probably still put Lulu's weiner in his mouth if he was asked to, it's more friendship than anything.

    Suzaku and Euphie
    Here we go. Now we're getting somewhere. It's hard to tell if this wasn't a couple based on shared values and nurtured by Suzaku's fondness to serve, or something more, but whatever the case, once Euphie kicked the bucket, it was safe to say that Suzaku was in love with her. He continues to crusade on in her name, and all very knightly shit like that. And she was a simple girl, so falling for the first guy to treat her just as a woman (and not as royalty) is a matter of typical anime course.

    Cornellia and Schneizel
    People in the episode 22 discussion sure seem to think so, but i just don't see it. They're together because they knew their pops was up to no good, but were smart enough to know not to tango directly with Zero and the Black Knights. Cornelia seems to be on-board for Schneizel's plan for having Nunners become Empress, but that doesn't make them romantically involved.

    Schneizel and Canon
    Bringing a whole new meaning to the term 'canon gay'. I buy it, mostly because Canon doesn't seem to have any role whatsoever in this show aside from being Schneizel's little pillow biter. Also, when a character shows up at a party and tells people he's there to attend to all of the prince's needs, and then says "heehee, just kidding!" he is NOT kidding.
    Also, I've been going to THIS place way too much (caution, may contain spoilers 5-6 hours before a Code Geass fansub release). but goddamn does it make me laugh

    Cornellia for Euphemia
    Yeah, that's right. Corellia practically screams 'I'm a dyke!' Or maybe I just have misgivings about strong female characters who spoil their sister and shower them with affection while being cold as ice to the rest of the world. Sorry to Guilford here. Poor guy fell for a carpet muncher...

    Rivalz and Nina?
    I can't explain the weird way the two of them are coming together in these last few episodes. They'd be like grease and water, but maybe Rivalz is just desperate since he's been shot down by Milly so many times...

    Rolo for Lelouch
    Clearly one sided, if anything. Part of me can't help but think that whoever had first showed Rolo affection, male or female, would have won him over. There's the issue of his 'Stop word' being 'Younger Brother' which suggests that he was even trained to submit to an older male who was close to him. Or maybe they were trying to see what kind of Stop word would be good for Rolo, poked around in his brains, saw the gay crawling around, and figured it was the best. And, no, I don't buy that it was 'dedication' or 'brotherly affection'. Rolo wanted the cock.

    Nunnally and Lelouch
    Yes, wtf!? nosebleed indeed.
    That's right. I'm a believer. Lelouch has a sister complex. She's his reason for doing all this shit in the first place. She's the one thing that can keep him in check. When she's threatened, he throws all rational thought out the door and risks everything to save her. He clearly has the most guilt about lying to her.
    But, could it just be simple brother and sister affection?
    Then, I'd ask you, why does Lelouch continue to turn down every single female that comes his way? He turns them down in droves. He sometimes pretends affection, but it's almost always to manipulate them into something or simply as an escape for when he's feeling depressed. (kissing Shirley in season 1, him hitting on Kallen in the middle of a Shinji Ikari emo-angst binge. But, hell, he was even about to shoot up on Refrain, and I think he'd have tried to seek 'comfort' with any female that came his way at those time...)
    So, yeah, either he's gay after all, asexual, or he secretly wants to do his sister. That's my stance

    Confirmed loved interests that i'm not going to address:
    Kallen for Lelouch (but I still say she gets with Suzaku in the end)
    Shirley for Lelouch
    Rivalz for Milly (silly Rivalz)
    Japan princess for Lelouch
    CC for Pizza
    Guilford for Cornelia (not a huge leap on this one...)
    Marianne for Charles
    Viletta and Ohgi
    Nina for Euphie (tables everywhere still shudder at the memory)
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Sun, 09-07-2008 at 10:53 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #1485
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    C.C. definitely loves Lelouch. As you said, she even turned down her wish to die just because Lelouch asked her. Lelouch, though, seems to care for her as his closest friend and trusted confidant only, but that is because C.C. never seems to take any romantic initiative. If she put in any effort at all, I bet Lelouch would fall like a house of cards.

    As for Lelouch, yes, he is a siscon. He always was, and he always will. That doesn't mean he can't get it on with other girls, just that, they have to settle for second place onwards.

    Unfortunately, it seems Nunnally does not care for her brother as much a I thought. How could she be brainwashed by Schneizel into thinking that Lelouch is her enemy, when that very Lelouch fought and is fighting the whole world for her? Lelouch never cared for what was "morally" right (hooray for incest), which explains his actions (end justifies the means and all that), but it seems Nunnally is a genuinely good person like Euphy, which makes me hate her as much as I hate the tragic bloody princess.

    Lelouch probably liked Shirley the most after his sister. All you have to do is look at his face when Shirley died in his arms.

    I think you missed the Milly X Lelouch pairing. I personally like this pairing the most after the C.C. X Lelouch one.

    Kaguya liked the "idea" of Zero, not Lelouch. She does not know the first thing about him.

    The same goes for Kallen, not to mention she has doubted him numerous times even after Lelouch started genuinely caring about her. The sad thing is, she had the potential of knowing the most about him, but she always prioritized her own insecurities over anything.

    C.C. x Pizza is still the best and most mutual pairing.

    I will respectfully refrain from going into the yaoi ones.
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  6. #1486
    More possibilities:

    Sayoko (ninja-maid) x Suzaku from the picture drama! Thing is - she seems about 10 years older than Suzaku. If Sayoko and Suzaku had babies, the genetics of two athletes of such calibur would be equivalent to that of Snake and Samus's fictional offspring.

    Milly x Shirley (+x Kallen x Nina) - picture drama, where Milly groped them all.

    Lelouch x Euphemia, from when they were little, when they "played everyday" with Nunally

    Lelouch x Anya. I heard there were doujins of these out somewhere, but I guess they've become more explicit with the fact that Marianne used Anya as a host.

    Gino x Anya - both Knights of Round, and eccentric in their own ways.

    Toudou x Nagisa. Kudos to Toudou for running away from a "developed" relationship.

    Schneizel x Cecile - flirted, and Cecile asking for "punishment" from Schneizel.

    Cecile x Lloyd - because they just haven't been talking enough apart from science and technical concepts.

    Suzaku x Arthur (the cat) because interspecies relationships are never wrong.

  7. #1487
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs

    So Diethard gave Schneizel the slip? Or who? Why did that scene have 'important for next episode!' written all over it?

    Only really decent scene in this episode was Lelouch meeting Kallen again. A little too much angsty talky-talky (oh, and she's so going to turn and join Lelouch in the end. Maybe at the cost of her own life, but...)

    I believe the one that left was Anya.

    I hope Kallen does go to him... especially since the opening shows Gurren and Lancelot fighting together. And about her dieing... well... anyway can die at this point so I can't say she can't die... but I hope she doesn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    And... when will we find out about C.C.'s name?
    Probably while dieing at Lelouch's arms after saving his life giving him her code or something like that.

    Or maybe over Pizza with the survivors.

  8. #1488
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    At this point in the series I believe Lelouch has closed what was left of his heart and none of the female stand a chance of being with him. Rather... among the closest one to him, Kallen and CC, CC has the most changes (which are almost none) thanks to their contract. As Shinta said here (or in the episode 22 thread... dunno...) she has a lot of insecurities regarding her beliefs and whatever.

    But even so... I still prefer Kallen x Lelouch.

  9. #1489
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Let's hope it's the second.
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  10. #1490
    I wonder if we'll get to see Schneizel with a psychotic look or a distraught one (like the one Lelouch had when he found Nunnally to be alive). I just can't really imagine him with a face like that.

    Anyways the later part of this series has been somewhat of a letdown. Sure it's still good and all, but all these characters are basically reduced to nothing and even the final antagonist, Schneizel really is not fleshed out all that well either. All the Knights, where we got to see maybe 5-6, and the rest go without names. Xingke reduced to a role most unfitting, same with Kallen, same with C.C., Cornelia, Rakshata, Diethard, etc. It's just way too rushed. It's basically boiled down to a jumpy mindfuck that focuses on Lelouch and Suzaku Yamato. It's probably what they wanted, but it's a reason why the series has been getting poor ratings as of late.

  11. #1491
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I have to agree with the not enough C.C. part.

    I just hope they don't exclude C.C. from the ending.
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  12. #1492
    I seriously don't understand Nunally, It's okey for her to support Cornelia and Schnizel, but it's not okey to support Lelouch and Suzaku? Cornelia is among the most war-crazy people there are, and Schnizel is just a pure hypocrite.

    The ONLY reason Schnizels ambitions are possible is because Lelouch has already done ALL the dirty work. And the ONLY reason Nunally can pursue her happy go lucky world is because Lelouch has destroyed the Emperor, something that no one else could ever have done, EVER.

    They are talking bullshit and Nunally should just disappear!!! Period!!!

  13. #1493
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am also pissed at the fact that Nunnally seems to completely believe the lies Schneizel fed her. Is one month of convincing enough to make you turn against someone that has taken care of you his entire life? I am looking forward to seeing Nunnally's face when she realizes the big (half) brother she chose nuked 45 million people (plus the casualties of the new FLEIA bombing) and smiled when it happened.
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  14. #1494
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    If the new FLEIJA was bombed on Pendragon... does it mean they killed Oddyseus and the rest of the royal family?

    Wonder what the United Nations (and by proxy the traitorous OBK and Kallen) will think when the news of a new FLEIJA gets public... even with Lelouch trying to 'conquer' them by force...

    I mean... what will they fear most? Lelouch with his geass... or Schneizel with a stupid blind girl with the FLEIJA detonator on her hand? (based on 30 second preview)

  15. #1495
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    man, I understand hating on Nunnaly because she's basically NEVER done anything on her own (except maybe serve as inspiration to Lulu), but I think it's jumping the gun to say that Schneizel lied to her, or that she's exactly the same as she was before.

    also, i just realized the preview i saw for 23 is an extended preview...
    Code Geass Episode 23 extended preview

    You just might shit your pants.

    and, not terribly funny, but...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #1496
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Yep. There is always an extended preview on youtube later on sundays. 12 new seconds of footage.

  17. #1497
    Wow. Fuck this. Sometimes I hate being right.

  18. #1498
    Totally worth marathoning, even though the last two eps are WTF? Here's my delayed thoughts.

    Somehow in the mind chamber thing Zero and Suzuku are best friends and Zero has randomly been forgiven for EVERYTHING.
    Suzuku is too pussy to fight Bismark IRL but he will fight him behind 3 tons of metal protection. Go figure.
    I miss CC. Before she was arrogant, entitled, and clever. Then we got to temporarily see her cute, scared, subservient side. Now she is somewhat back to "normal" but she doubts everything. RIP. I miss Shirley too, but she became somehow even more one dimensional in the second season, until right before she died. Sob. Kallen is Kallen, I would prefer that Zero is alone at the end of the series for some originality, but who knows, CC might be killed off so he can appropriately be with Kallen in the end!
    You think that most of the town would have been evacuated before the first FLEIA? Or did it all happen to fast to evacuate everyone? I mean if there is a massive arms battle happening on top of a town..
    I still don’t get how the king and Marriane were “defeated”.
    About Schneiz. You guys were commenting about him being a ‘good’ or bad guy. I can’t say that he is necessarily either, at least on the standards you guys are setting for him. Of course we have yet to know any “true” ambitions for him other than the fact that he’s just acting in Brittania’s/world/his interest (not unlike everyone else). He's just using people as pawns, not unlike Zero did, which explains why he doesn't give a damn who dies. I actually don't particularly dislike anyone right now, except maybe Zero and Suzuku, because they have dropped everyone to become, or at least appear to be allies. At least Zero is still calculating the capabilities of Suzuku like during the Bismark fight.
    Nunnaly’s got to be just a tool. Agreed with Enko. No way she would agree to being on Schneiz’s side after he’s just busted out FLEIA. Or she's just stupid. But oh snaps. It's possible that she might just simply disagree with Zero without being brainwashed, and she too has decided to forge her own way into her and her countries future. Nahhh.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  19. #1499
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    That's right. I'm a believer. Lelouch has a sister complex. She's his reason for doing all this shit in the first place. She's the one thing that can keep him in check. When she's threatened, he throws all rational thought out the door and risks everything to save her. He clearly has the most guilt about lying to her.
    But, could it just be simple brother and sister affection?
    Then, I'd ask you, why does Lelouch continue to turn down every single female that comes his way? He turns them down in droves. He sometimes pretends affection, but it's almost always to manipulate them into something or simply as an escape for when he's feeling depressed. (kissing Shirley in season 1, him hitting on Kallen in the middle of a Shinji Ikari emo-angst binge. But, hell, he was even about to shoot up on Refrain, and I think he'd have tried to seek 'comfort' with any female that came his way at those time...)
    So, yeah, either he's gay after all, asexual, or he secretly wants to do his sister. That's my stance
    That's possible. But if the series actually ends with him hooking up with his sister and running off into the sunset (think Honey and Clover) I will be highly disturbed. This and him confessing his love to either CC or Kallen (or Suzuku oh snaps) right before they and/or he dies are the only endings I will accept! Actually such an ending reminds me of Toward the Terra. *single tear*

    Sadly, Lelouch will probably end up with either CC or Kallen by some sort of default. In fact I think that this is one of the reasons why Shirley was conveniently killed off.

    However, I wouldn't go so far as to say that CC is in love with Zero, and Zero loved Shirley second best. Zero would freak out equally or more if either CC or Kallen died. A few eps ago CC commented on how 'unromantic' her and Zero's relationship was in light of the Chinese girl's let's just have a love orgy with Zero request. This doesn't imply if she's in love him or not, but yeah, we can all agree that she loves and highly values him. I can easily see them hooking up as a matter of circumstance.

    I'd also like to mention Rolo x Lelouch. People were saying that Rolo deluded himself into thinking that Zero was JKing. However I believe that though Rolo has acknowledged that he is merely a tool, he thinks that all the time spent with Zero is worth it. So Rolo's luv > Zero's lies, even though Rolo might be aware of the fact that Zero never gave a crap about him. Well, Zero gave some crap about him, considering he was freaking out at Rolo killing himself (even though he was trying to kill Rolo all along, wait wut). So Rolo died to save Zero, knowing his uselessness, but still trying to delude himself into being of one last use to his beloved brother, even though he's realized that Zero doesn't give a crap.

    Wait a sec, did everyone else forget Zero going: "Kallen... when this is all over.. you and me.." before CC conveniently interrupts them? Does... Zero... like a girl??! arggghghghh! Kallen and Suzzy also sounds typical, except for that one part where he went apeshit and tried to inject her refrain, and the part where he's taken her spot as Zero's #2 love (second to Nunny).
    Last edited by Sapphire; Mon, 09-08-2008 at 07:12 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  20. #1500
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    I feel like I am watching a remake of Death Note now, only worse.

    Lulu should never have forced anything on the UN. I find it pretty unrealistic that the power would've gotten into the head of someone who has a strong resolve and much brilliance this easily. Zero would not have been the leader of the world anyway if things had gone according to plan with him staying with the OBK and the UN. He should have just split his country in 2 or something and joined the UN. By doing so, he would've easily created the peaceful world that nunners wanted, which is the sole reason he became zero in the first place!

    All that would be left is shneizel, and i don't believe shneizel is crazy enough to FLEIJA bomb the entire world.

    P.S. Does that chinese girl with the black hair who was leading the UN meeting (I think she is kaguya?) know that lelouch is Zero? Does Xingke?

    My predictions are that Shneizel and lulu will die in the end. No one will know that lelouch was in fact zero (including kaguya, xingke, etc...) Kallen will be narrating the future, saying how everything is at peace now all thanks to zero. They will keep zero's identity a secret, and everyone will always honor him and view him as a symbol/savior as the one little man who stood up against the most powerful nation in the world to fight for justice.

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