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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1421
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    VV only killed Marianne because she agreed with Charles. Most probably she was also the only 'queen' who knew about Charles plans.

    Rewatching the preview I believe that Kallen is walking besides Lelouch, meaning (hopefully) she has sided with him once again... or at least she is there trying to confirm her own purpose as she said on this episode...

    30 Second Preview

  2. #1422
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    I wonder how the OBK will react, now that the "deceiver" they betrayed is now the emperor of the most powerful nation.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  3. #1423
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, i agree on about everything Ryhallru wrote.

    There´s a word that describes this 2nd season perfectly: Rushed

    The 2nd season started okay. Maybe you remember how i, back then, complained about how Lelouch keeps losing, that it´s annoying how there´s a lack of his awsomeness that the 1st season delivered. And instead of showing a smooth turn-around, we kept getting uber-rushed episodes, with scenes happening everywhere, anytime, showing finalized outcomes instead of showing HOW it evolved into all that. Little example: Last episode, where Lelouch, being completely alone, suddenly had gathered a whole army, infected by his Geass. In season 1 they´d have shown how Leloch actually gets these people under his control and the episode would end with Lelouch showing off in front of "his" army. In season 2, however, they just said "here you have it", so that they could include 2, 3 or more important developments within a single episode.

    Oh, and one direct complaint towards today´s episode (which could also fit into my above complaint): At the end of the episode, Lelouch simply used his Geass to make the people acknowledge him as the new king. MEH! That so....un-creative. And it could be even a disadvantage in the future. He can only use Geass once on a person. Now he used it on all the important people. And he made them "admit that he´s the king". Well, admitting, that some is the king doesnt automatically mean, that they like that king.

    But whatever, im excited to see what follows. Though i wouldnt like it if Schneizel all of sudden became the super-powerful enemy.

  4. #1424
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    what the hell just happened?

    Lelouch, you're such a tease.

  5. #1425
    I really look forward to seeing how this series will end after all these -_____- episodes.

    Destroy the world and everyone becomes a singular existence! ...ugh

  6. #1426
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Man... This episode was awesome!!

    But then seeing C.C's sad face at the end got me wondering why she's sad. Perhaps Lelouch is starting lose himself with his geass?

    I didn't expect him to announce things just like that though, and then geassing everyone.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Sun, 08-31-2008 at 09:56 PM.

  7. #1427
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    it's rushed, sure, but that's what happens when you tell a guy "yeah, that idea of yours is going to be a 24 episode show". then a few months later, "actually, we're making crap loads of money, make it last 24 more episodes." then a few months later, "Oh, and we're pushing up the air date of those last 24 episode, so get them done quickly."

    so, yeah, considering it's rushed, it's still enjoyable. somehow i'm reminded strangely of Disc 2 of Xenogears...

    Schneizel is cool. Of course, this all hinges on him not having Geass, which, as far as R2 is concerned, is something a good quarter of the world population has... If he tries to oppose Lelouch, who he LET take over Britannia, has Geass and Spinzaku, with just his own wits and resources, then god bless the man, even if he will lose in the end.

    Schneizel took no steps whatsoever to stop Lelouch. He knew right away that Emperor Chuck had bought the farm, and it took Lelouch a full month to make his little move (Diethard would have got him in there in a week's time, tops). Knight of One, all weepy at losing his master, tells people that Chuck is missing, but clearly doesn't tell them that he knows he's dead. Schneizel makes no move to grab the throne. He doesn't even try to warn the other nobles about what he KNOWS is going to happen when Lelouch tries to take the throne. He takes his vital personnel and holes himself up in Cambodia.

    I smell the FLEIA warheads! Besides, the only thing this series needs to complete the Sunrise villain cliche gauntlet (know that Instrumentality has failed) is a blond baddie to try for an old fashioned "reset the world with a colony drop". Wait, no space colonies? Ok, then a big motherfucking FLEIA, or just lots of them. Japan <3s nukes.

    Here's hoping Ohgi gets pwned. I hate to see Diethard go down, but, oh well... All the Black Knights (except for Kallen, dumb love struck pawn that she is) will probably buy the farm, either opposing Emperor Lulu or trying to help him once they realize OMFGBBQCHIPSALLUPONMYHAMBURGERSCHNEIZELISABADGUY!! !

    of course, i have no idea how this mindfuck of a show will turn out. Jeremiah's Geass canceller has got to come into play again, right? And the Chinese dude has to bite it in the middle of some important battle, so that means China will have to come back into all of this someway.

    And I know that all the nobles are just pissed that they got a fast one pulled on them, but hadn't they been listening to Chuck's speeches? All about "the strongest survives and is the best" "Britannia is for the strong" "Shit I'm dead, whoever killed me must be the strongest" Come on folks.

    Now, a few predictions:

    Schneizel tries to become the new Zero, except sans the mask, and reveals to the world all sorts of bad stuff about Lulu. On a nightly basis he assfucks Kannon while Diethard films.

    Kallen gets a chance to kill Lelouch (which he creates), but doesn't, and joins him instead (which he knew she would). She has some tension with still emo C.C. about who will get to be Lulu's boo, but it really doesn't matter, because we all know the only girl he was ever seriously interested in was his sister. Kallen pwns Gino.

    OBK try to go after Zero, but he tells them, "dudes, chill, you can have Japan." Ohgi and Diethard try to get people to side with Schneizel, but it's no good. Schneizel uses FLEIA (or other large nuclear based baddie weapon) on their asses. Now he really looks like the bad guy. Ohgi and Viletta confess their feelings for each other, just before they die (or escape to start a new life somewhere, lame motherfuckers).

    Toudouh dies, probably at Suzaku's hands. Or trying to protect Suzaku. Whichever is more dramatic.

    The Ganymede rolls out, under Schneizel's command. It's got either a super FLEIA or the ability to FLEIA all sorts of points on the earth that are vital to the Lifestream, er, Jupiter, er... whatever the fuck Lulu Geassed this episode.

    Spinzaku + Kallen > Knight of One.

    Kannon gets a pink mech that pwns all until he suddenly faces a pilot that the writers had forgotten about and use their fight to conclude both of their insignificant roles. I'm betting on the Chinaman.

    Lulu confronts Schneizel directly. He tries to confused him with some fancy words, which Lulu almost seems to accept, then doesnn't. (or if they writers are dropping the bad acid that week, they'll give Schneizel Geass and will do an epic 'bad guy trying to use illusions to confuse the hero' BS)

    Nunnaly comes back (as Schneizel's trump hostage card) AS A ZOMBIE!

    bit too far...? I swear though, we haven't seen a body yet... and don't give me that crap about nukes not leaving bodies. This is a Sunrise show, and no character ranked Rolo class or above dies unless they get some long ass, teary or uplifting speech.

    Or Lulu pulls a Harry Potter book 7, gets to sit and have tea with Nunners, who is depicted as not a blind crip, inciting avalanches of LuluxNunners incest loli hentai. Then Lulu gets sent back (Nunners uses her Geass on him, which can return people back to life, but she can only use it once!) and pwns Schneizel. CC decides to stop being emo and is happy to be by Lulu's side as his #1 boo. Kallen gets with Suzaku (you know it's gonna happen)

    Somehow i feel this prediction makes too much sense and isn't absurd enough to actually be done by the CG guys...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #1428
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Lol... I can see most of masa's predictions coming true... except the geass returner to life and Kallen getting with Suzaku. She will get it with Lulu as soon as CC fulfills her wish and finally dies.

  9. #1429
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by enkoujin
    With the story advancing on as a global scene, it is hard to coordinate local battles if led by Lelouch, Kraco.
    Why the heck did you point that at me, eh? I wrote the same thing first...

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    At the end of the episode, Lelouch simply used his Geass to make the people acknowledge him as the new king. MEH! That so....un-creative. And it could be even a disadvantage in the future. He can only use Geass once on a person. Now he used it on all the important people. And he made them "admit that he´s the king". Well, admitting, that some is the king doesnt automatically mean, that they like that king.
    We don't even know what he's planning. Does he intend to remain an Emperor of everything, or does he intend to let Britannia crumble, freeing all the subjugated nations? Whatever command he gave to all those foolish bastards, it probably served his plan well because he's Lelouch, the master of plans in this series.

  10. #1430
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by enkoujin
    It is also doubtful that Suzaku was geass'd again to be his Knight, but the explanation of Lelouch's second geass hasn't been explained yet.
    Duel-eye geass = SS Geass, not two separate geass powers. What was with C.C's warning when she first gave him the contacts? She warned him that the Geass will get more powerful, and Lelouch said he'll finish everything before then. Now his Geass is enhanced. What to do? Use two contacts. C.C. frowning like that hints that things aren't so simple though. Perhaps you get swallowed up by the power?

    Downfalls of R2 aside (It has lost it's flair), I loved this episode. To whoever said above about "why did the emperor not save his other sons/daughters", he only needed to hide the children who were connected to Marianne, and hence V.V.

    Edit: Oh, and I lolled at Marianne's attempt to graffiti Suzaku's face.

    Edit2: Knight of Zero was a well done pun, I think. And as most people have guessed, Knight of One has a geass, as can be seen in the preview 23:39
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 09-01-2008 at 01:30 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #1431
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Yup, Knight of One has a geass and sealed it in a pretty Barbaric manner

    Regarding Lelouch's Geass, we do not know what are his new possibilities and limitations. We do not know if the "use once only" limitation is still there.

    And yup, CC is sad, very sad. I prefered her "Girl meets pizza" face.

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  12. #1432
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    C.C.'s sadness is indeed ominous. In the past she was privy to Lelouch's plots and thus no matter what was happening she knew where they were going ultimately (or ironically enough knew even better than Lelouch himself). If that hasn't changed, then her expression is a dire sign of a dim future. If, however, the reason for her forlorn expression is uncertainty of Lelouch's plans, that's no better because it would indicate Lelouch sidelined her, and that's the worst thing that could happen.

    Thus I hope what's behind it is no more than distaste of what must be done, and sadness it has to go that way.

  13. #1433
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    *bump because the package didn't have a cover*

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #1434
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    If Lelouch indeed sidelined her it was because she agreed with Charles' plans, at least for a while.

  15. #1435
    Anyone notice that apparently Cornelia's arm is completely fine in this episode, ie not in that bondage-type sling anymore.

  16. #1436
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Suzaku's legs are still stronger than steel!!!!! all seriousness now, Schneizel still needs to do something nice and evil that can qualify him as the "final boss".

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  17. #1437
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Nah I'm sure those spears are just harderend plastic >_>;

  18. #1438
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    I think C.C. is sad because lelouch is turning into her past self, geassing everyone in sight to acknowledge them, except the C.C. made everyone like her, and lelouch is making everyone accept him as king.

    Hopefully he catches his error soon and doesn't geass the whole world into acknowledging him as king, that would totally destroy the show as many have mentioned, as in season 1 he would use strategies and tactics rather than 1337 hax (most of the time).

    I am really wondering if lelouch geass'd suzaku. I really hope he didn't, because if he did, he could've saved himself A LOT of trouble and just done it in the beginning of the series in the warehouse.

    I have a feeling that Orange's geass cancelor is going to come into action soon.

    I am wondering what lelouch is going to do with his newfound control of brittannia. What of the U.N.?

    My prediction is that seeing as how the black knights havent revealed zero's death to the world yet (correct me if I'm wrong), Shneizel will take on the role of Zero. This will be very ironic as if you look at it like a chess match between lulu and shneizel, it is like they are just switching rotating around the chess board.

    However, even if Shneizel does take on zero's role, Lelouch still most likely will have Kallen and Orange on his side, both of whom are very valuable allies. Xing-ke will also probably find out that Lelouch is zero and join him.

    I am curious as to whether or not Lelouch will reveal to the world that he was in fact zero, or if Shneizel will beat him to it.

    The one thing I am praying for most though is that this doesn't end up ending like Death Note, with the main character completely changing and becoming a power-hungry psychopath who no longer thinks rationally and just goes out of control. It would be quite unsatisfying. If this series keeps going on the path it's already on, it will end up #1 on my list.

  19. #1439
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch
    However, even if Shneizel does take on zero's role, Lelouch still most likely will have Kallen and Orange on his side, both of whom are very valuable allies. Xing-ke will also probably find out that Lelouch is zero and join him.
    I have my doubts about Orange-kun, now that Cornelia and Schneizel's on their side. Say he's loyal to Lelouch, but I'm thinking the news will get to him that it's this guy who killed the revered Marianne.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Anyone notice that apparently Cornelia's arm is completely fine in this episode, ie not in that bondage-type sling anymore.
    Now that you mention it, yes it seems the case. I have no explanation, besides that the arm was never fully dead. I don't suppose she could seek help neither, since the 2nd Princess of Britannia would be recognised world wide by friends and foe alike.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #1440
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    They can build mechas capable of circus level acrobatics and fortresses hovering in the sky with whatever propulsion system, protected by energy shields, beam weapons based on some fancy theory... I don't think fixing an arm in a week is anything harder than a walk in a park for them anymore, even if the nerves were dead or whatever else would be a huge problem today.

    Lelouch didn't really kill Marianne, just her ghost. A ghost that nobody but Lelouch, Suzaku, and C.C. knew existed. Schneizel might have known - he seems to know more than is good for him and learning even more - but only a fool would take his word alone as the truth (or tools like the BK people). I don't think Orange-kun is going to say: "Oh, it was like that? Damn that Lelouch! I'll kill him!"

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