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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1281
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Something I did not get the chance to discuss last episode (obvious reasons) is how come Anya reacted to Lelouch this time? Hope this will be covered next episode.

    Kallen's heart broke when Lelouch said those words, and she immediately regretted doubting him when she heard his words to 'live on'.

    Lelouch only has CC and Kallen left... yet both are with the OBK... I expect them to leave them... specially when the implication of the OBK's betrayal against the United Nations gets known.

  2. #1282
    I like how they all believed Schneizel's half-truths and were so set on not trusting Zero as they should.

    Great curveball they threw at us... now there's no telling which direction the series will go in! This is the most excited I've been for a new episode of Code Geass in a while.

  3. #1283
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I know, right?

    All that's left to happen is for Lelouch to become a ninja and assainate his father.

  4. #1284
    Not sure if anyone picked up on this, but the things Lelouche says at the end of the episode for the next preview says [Eclipse translation]:

    "Rolo, what exactly was my relationship with you?
    I always realize things in hindsight.
    You weren't the brother of Lelouch vi Britannia,
    but the brother of Lelouch Lamperogue

    One can say Lelouch had a change of heart when Rolo died. When Lelouch left Britannia, he threw away his title and started living in Japan as Lelouch Lamperogue, an alias everyone there had known him for. The life he treasures more between his three identities was that of Lelouch Lamperogue. So if Lelouch were to consider Rolo a brother of as a Lamperogue, he would have treasured Rolo just as much as Nunally. It's all thanks to Rolo that Lelouch is able to carry on his goal with the utmost highest priority right now - to take revenge on Charles. In comparison between Nunally and Rolo, one can say that Lelouch was creating a new world for Nunally, but now that she's dead, Lelouch is destroying the current one for Rolo - just as said before in season one (where he said he'll destroy the world and recreate it again). There's also the fact that Rolo has actually had less interaction time with Lelouch, but unlike Lelouch's top-staff, Rolo stuck with him until the end.

    I don't see why some people tend to speculate that Shirley's death was much more sympathetic than Rolo's, as he had a very pitiful life in the story - he had no real family, he was raised in the Geass cult, and was born to be an assassin, all the while with his conscience and psychological condition deteriorating. Shirley, shown to be that of a passive citizen caught between the personal lives of Lelouch and Suzaku actually lived a fairly normal life, but died because she got too close to Lelouch - even though she knew he was Zero.

    Also, did anyone notice this?

    09:46: "Lelouch vi Britannia, the man that I most loved and feared the most".

    That just shows how much of a badass Lelouch was when he was little.

    My predictions on the next episode (although it will be way-off) will be that Zero's identity is revealed and that the media Diethardt will reveal that Zero has died, Gino will take opposition against Britannia when he finds out more about the FLEIA warhead being used, Anya will realize that Zero is actually Lelouch and defects from Britannia, meaning both Gino and Anya will join Lelouch. Jeremiah will be forced to un-Geass people they suspect to be Geass'd, and that Charles is going to "destroy the Gods" by opening the elevator, and Suzaku will be promoted, but then quits to work with Lelouch.

    Oh, and then Anya is revealed to be Lelouch's half-sister in which Marianne cheats with Charles (hence, the "everyone's a liar, brother" quote) with a German guy, so she is punished by Charles by being geass'd.

  5. #1285
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Predictions! I'll play along with a rebuttal/agreement of my own.
    Quote Originally Posted by enkoujin
    My predictions on the next episode (although it will be way-off) will be that Zero's identity is revealed and that the media Diethardt will reveal that Zero has died,
    While we can all see Diethard saying Zero died, I think the only people that are going to find out about his identity are member of the Black Knights who were not present for the assassination attempt or the conference with Schniezel/Cordelia and the rest of the high ranking Britannian military (including Anya).
    Gino will take opposition against Britannia when he finds out more about the FLEIA warhead being used,
    Somehow, I'm thinking the scene with Gino has more to do with his conversations with Kallen and the military attempting to purge any dissidents and those who have had contact with Lelouch, as Gino has at school. Much like the Purists' attempts to kill Jeremiah after Zero called him "Orange." Here, they would not be able to be sure of anyone who has had contact with Zero, and since Gino joined the student council, he's at a much higher risk.
    Anya will realize that Zero is actually Lelouch and defects from Britannia, meaning both Gino and Anya will join Lelouch. Jeremiah will be forced to un-Geass people they suspect to be Geass'd, and that Charles is going to "destroy the Gods" by opening the elevator, and Suzaku will be promoted, but then quits to work with Lelouch.
    I'll address Anya below, but I don't see anything like that happening with Suzaku. "Charuru" might reveal his plan soon though. Orange-kun might use it on Cornelia and maybe Viletta and the others who are sure they have been Geassed, but his loyalty has apparently always been the royal family, particularlly Marianne's branch of the family. He might side with Cornelia, who also had great respect for her, but it's more likely that Orange-kun would seek out Lelouch.
    Oh, and then Anya is revealed to be Lelouch's half-sister in which Marianne cheats with Charles (hence, the "everyone's a liar, brother" quote) with a German guy, so she is punished by Charles by being geass'd.
    While being another of his sister's is possible, though one would think Lelouch would notice Marianne being pregnant around the same time as Nunnally (as Anya wears a middle school uniform)....unless they are twins. Anya's hair is pink, but it seems like the same fluffy style Nunnally's is. Or maybe they are only fraternal twins. As with your "half-sister" guess, that might explain the odd connection Anya seems to have to young-prince Lelouch. That's my wild guess about Anya. She's probably totally adopted. That said, I don't think she will join Lelouch right away, but a large chunk of the mystery around her had better be revealed soon.

    Oh, and Kallen will become C.C.'s "first friend" and when C.C. says that to her, Kallen will blush.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 08-18-2008 at 08:32 PM.

  6. #1286
    Okay, that's it for the future reading, now I need you guys for some clarification.

    When Rolo takes Lelouch away he uses the Shinkirou to shoot at the OBK mothership and it blows up, but inside that mothership is both Kallen and CC.

    Thoughs ?

  7. #1287
    Im still hoping for a season 3, theres still a lot of back story they havent talked about yet, but then again they can always take care of that in OVAs -.-
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  8. #1288
    It's a different ship than the OBK mothership.

    Assuming you are talking about the ship that explodes just before Rollo dies.

  9. #1289
    Cornelia noooo

  10. #1290
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Cornelia noooo
    Cornelia better not go back to the royal look. Fantasies would be ruined.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #1291
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Wtf did Nina think FLEIA would do? Explode with a bunch of confetti?

  12. #1292
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I believe her masterful idea was that all the Black Knights would group together above ocean well away from the city and kindly wait there to be annihilated with FLEIA.

  13. #1293
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    She was blinded by over excitement and vengeance when her test succeeded and forced Suzaku to carry this "ultimate weapon". Meanwhile, Suzaku only carried it with him as a negotiation tool and never intended to use it.

    It's Japanese's way of showing how wrong using a nuke is. Nina is representative of the ones responsible for creating it, while directing us all to think "Yeah, should have thought of that before you built the bomb."

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #1294
    Quote Originally Posted by xtallography
    It's a different ship than the OBK mothership.

    Assuming you are talking about the ship that explodes just before Rollo dies.
    My bad, thought it was the OBK Flagship.

  15. #1295
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Guys... despite GG's rant of bad romanization of 'Freya' as 'FLEIA' they got it wrong as well.Rewatch episode 18... its clearly FLEIJA.

    Anyway... I won't make predictions because I found some spoilers that... if true... would make the series even more awesome, and instead of speculating I prefer to wait if they are true in several episodes.

  16. #1296
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Guys... despite GG's rant of bad romanization of 'Freya' as 'FLEIA' they got it wrong as well.Rewatch episode 18... its clearly FLEIJA.

    Anyway... I won't make predictions because I found some spoilers that... if true... would make the series even more awesome, and instead of speculating I prefer to wait if they are true in several episodes.
    If they're speculation, then they're not spoilers then are they? But don't tell us. I'll wait quietly while for the next ep your words echoing in my head

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #1297
    If it's really supposed to be FLEIJA then the expansion of the acronym right under it is missing the J term. From what I can make out and recall it stands for Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament. I see no J in this.

    I would guess that they wanted to use the Norse mythology surrounding Freya so they had to create an acronym for it, but since Japanese people suck at European languages the best they could do was FLEIA.

    I found some interesting info about the process of the FLEIA detonation.

    1. Sakuradite Explosion
    2. Nuclear Fission
    3. Folkvangr Field Creation
    4. Sessrumnir Sphere Expansion
    5. Sessrumnir Sphere Reduction and Vanished (Space Transfer)

    Folkvangr - Wiki
    This was the name of the land where Freya's house was

    Sessrúmnir - Wiki
    This was the name of Freya's house. Apparently this is where civilians who die in battle (Do we know any of those?) go.

    With all Charles's talk about the world of the Gods I would not at all be surprised if Nunnally, Sayako, and the rest were not actually be dead instead got transported to some kind of magical holding cell (probably on Jupiter). Their bodies may have been physically destroyed, but I can certainly see Lelouch getting to have one last convo with Nunally or maybe even his Mom thorough some sort of magical hax medium loosely drawn from mythology. Only time will tell.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 08-19-2008 at 10:37 AM.

  18. #1298
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If it's really supposed to be FLEIJA then the expansion of the acronym right under it is missing the J term. From what I can make out and recall it stands for Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament. I see no J in this.


    Well... I dunno about the translation... but the screenshot from episode 18 shows the J... error on part of the animation studio then?

  19. #1299
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament is what stands directly beneath "F.L.E.I.J.A"

    the J doesn't mean a think, my guess is that they wanted it to sound more like "Freyja" because thats what that goddess was called back then...
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 08-19-2008 at 01:14 PM.

  20. #1300
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament is what stands directly beneath "F.L.E.I.J.A"

    the J doesn't mean a think, my guess is that they wanted it to sound more like "Freyja" because thats what that goddess was called back then...
    Actually the Nordic goddess was called Freja, but who cares, right? Odin is Oden, Thor is Tor... Could everyone who thinks they know something about nordic mythology stop with their halfassed info?

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