I didn't catch the fact that the bandaid was on the ring finger of her left hand until this episode (where they made it obvious). Makes you wonder what is going on in her head now that she's been properly fed and treated for what would be the first time in her recollection. Not to mention she's the close-kept personal servant of the most powerful person she knows.
As much as I disliked the way they are treating the whole Ogi/Viletta side story [read: all but ignoring it and then just jumping ahead without telling us anything], I did really like the point that Diethard made. People like Ougi and yes, even Tamaki are necessary because they are "normal" people that recruits can connect with. They're not long-time rebel ace pilot/commanders, Japanese royalty, former Generals, assassins, genius scientists or Zero's concubine. Ougi, though his tactical or combat usefulness is limited, is a symbol of the kind of people they want to gain the sympathy and support.
As easy as it was to hate Suzaku this episode for being a hypocrite as always, there is something we have to take back from this. The series centers around Lelouch, far out of proportion to Suzaku. We know that Lelouch was going to surrender to Euphie. We know Lelouch blames himself for it, even though it wasn't completely his fault. Same for Shirley (twice). We can hate Suzaku here because we really know how much Lelouch, prideful Lelouch, is proselytizing before his former friend, taking all the blame in the slimmest hope that he might get one single favor. But Suzaku knows none of this. That's why he asked it all. Does it make me hate him any less? No. But it is something we have to keep in mind.
Now the ones to really hate are Schniezel and that douchebag Canon. Schniezel because he now claims to have the upper hand in the grand scheme of things, has control of Nina's Nuke, and seems to know a lot more know that he's forced Suzaku to tell him everything. But why hate Canon even more? Because he has the fucking gall to tell Suzaku, "I'm in no position to reprimand you, but I would if you weren't the Knight of Seven." Since when is a weakling little manservant in the position to insult and look down on someone who puts themselves at risk to live up to their ideals (misguided as Suzaku's may be).
Schemers have no right to insult the honor of those that would stand on the front lines for what they believe in.
That is what separates Lelouch, Suzaku, Cornelia, Euphemia, Xingke, Kallen, and Orange-kun from the likes of Schniezel, Canon, Nina, the eunuchs, various unimportant governors, and the Emperor.
(and Gino is totally luring Kallen out so that he might get a chance to touch the boobs bursting out of her dress.)