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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #961
    Orange-kun's turn is quite humorous considering he was originally dishonored for seeming to side with Lelouch and now he actually has changed sides. What is it about that guy that makes people want to follow him instead of the country they had previously been loyal to their whole lives...foreshadowing perhaps? We know Lelouch is being groomed for Kingship and inspiring loyalty is certainly an important part of that.

    Shirley's death was a wakeup call for me about Rolo. Lelouch doesn't seem to have caught on to the danger Rolo posses where Nunally is involved. I guessing he thinks that Rolo just want's a family and would accept having a brother as well as a sister, but we all know Rolo really wants Lelouch all to himself (why is there so much boy love in my mecha/action show???...).

    Thankfully there was still some random hotness to keep the show grounded.

    And the new OP....I'm not a fan of the song but there were goo gobs of juicy details in the video. Gurren Destiny?! Strike Lancelot?! Surely not!!! And what's with Jupiter...are we watching Code Geass or Gundam 00, I'm honestly not sure sometimes.

    Code Geass R2 - 13 (1280x720 H264) - [Eclipse]

    Code Geass R2 - 13 (XviD) - [Eclipse]
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 07-06-2008 at 09:43 PM.

  2. #962
    Did anyone notice that there's no Kallen in the new ED? Uh....

  3. #963
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    There also no CC in this episode . I can't Wait for Leleouch to find out who killed Shirley.

  4. #964
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    Did anyone notice that there's no Kallen in the new ED? Uh....

    I did. Thus, I hate it, even if I like Ali Project's songs...Me needs my Kallen fix...

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Good bye Shirley, I won't miss you. Despite this episode having no Kallen I enjoyed a lot, but I hated the fact she isn't on the ending song.

    I want Kallen back...

  5. #965
    Yes, she's finally dead. Now we only have to wait for the other 923,871 characters in the this huge cast to die.

    Long live the cat!

  6. #966
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Shirley's scene was comparable to Euphie's, like someone else said. Perhaps a bit less emotional, but for me, R2 has been less on emotionally triggering than S1. Still, it's saddening that she died, especially in that manner. Rolo just became my new "Most hated CG character".

    Having Jeremiah on Lelouch's side now will be a a huge asset. Maybe not for his Geass Cancellor, since most Geass users are with the BK, but more his loyalty, combat ability and inside information, especially if he remains in the Order as a spy. His canceller will be handy when Rolo switches, but not until then, lest Lelouch really wants to Geass people over and over.

    You can add me to the list of people who expected Orange-kun's blade coming out of Lelouch's back when he disabled the Disruptor. In particular, it was the shot where his robotic eye contracted as if he regained his murderous intent. she was rather interesting. At first, she was out to get Lelouch and C.C. Then she was forced to betray to keep her status. A few episodes before, she was quite happily doing Lelouch's bidding, and we could attribute that to Stockholm Syndrome. Given Jeremiah's appearance though, she had to evaluate her options. Was she to remain with the BK or take the chance and escape? In no time though, she came up with the decision that she did. So what's in it for her?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #967
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian she was rather interesting. At first, she was out to get Lelouch and C.C. Then she was forced to betray to keep her status. A few episodes before, she was quite happily doing Lelouch's bidding, and we could attribute that to Stockholm Syndrome. Given Jeremiah's appearance though, she had to evaluate her options. Was she to remain with the BK or take the chance and escape? In no time though, she came up with the decision that she did. So what's in it for her?
    She's in it for Ougi.

  8. #968
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Rolo just became my new "Most hated CG character".
    Nope. It's just so hard to top Suzaku.

  9. #969
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I thought that ep was weak.
    Orange-kun alliance was foreseen last ep... but done in such a non appealing manner.
    I've seen nothing that interresting in the rest of the ep. Just liked the immediate flying knife in VV forehead

    Regarding Shirley's death, I find it very slightly intriguing we did not clearly see Rollo executing her.
    Rollo has been presented as a quick and cold killer and we've seen him doing it very openly. Why is it this time it was "hidden"? And with a gun in the belly too when my memorry tells me he prefers small cutting neck blades?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  10. #970
    I actually thought Shirley's death was kinda sad, as the series went on she became less and less annoying. Its probably because she has been getting less and less screen time compared to season 1(I mean you cant really be annoyed with someone you do see much, Nina being the exception).


    No, way man, Suzaku is still the worst char in this series. As fas a Rolo goes I only moderately dislike him.

    And ya, wtf? No Kallen that a big - for this episode, I was looking forward to the conversation between here and Nunnally.

    Orange-kun's sudden side switch seemed like upper BS to me. I was expecting him to reek havoc on the OBK for at least a few episodes and he ends up joining up with Lelouch...I mean comon.

    As for Sayako, shes freaken ninja...thats just AWESOME.
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  11. #971
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    She's in it for Ougi.
    I guess that might just be where we're heading now.

    As always, Suzaku hate is strong with you, Gotwooters. I haven't been too hateful to that guy, so Rolo tops the list by my standards. I usually end up hating those who kill of characters I like.

    One more thing I thought I'd mention, with Jeremiah around now, he provides the BK with a surefire way of dealing with any memory hacks the Emperor might use, so that solves our Kallen spy problem. Seeing how his fundamental flaw affects him, I'm guessing Jeremiah's going to die the same way he almost did this ep, most likely fulfilling one last mission from Lelouch.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 07-07-2008 at 03:30 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #972
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I haven't been hating Suzaku as much lately, so he ties with Rollo for me right now.

    I think the Orange thing was a bit rushed, but it was perfectly believable. If you watched the picture book episode, it is not that hard to imagine switching sides to the heir of your former master (and idol). They did that a lot during the period of royalty (like Rome perhaps), so it only makes sense it is possible in this case.

    About Sayoko, I told you guys she was freaking nuts (in a cool strong sort of way). That is how you use a Kunai, unlike Naruto where punching seems to be the preferred attack despite having a blade weapon.
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  13. #973
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Shirley's death was a wakeup call for me about Rolo. Lelouch doesn't seem to have caught on to the danger Rolo posses where Nunally is involved. I guessing he thinks that Rolo just want's a family and would accept having a brother as well as a sister, but we all know Rolo really wants Lelouch all to himself (why is there so much boy love in my mecha/action show???...).
    While it is not written by them, CLAMP still has some involvment in this series. I have yet to see a series that was related to CLAMP in some way, shape, or form not have some shonen ai/yaoi implied somewhere.

    I also agree with the assessments of Viletta. It seems like she was switching sides, but then she immediately warned Lelouch that Orange was coming. She's still mostly Loyal to the Black Knights, but probably not because she doesn't like the Cult, or that Lelouch is still blackmailing her, but because she's finally starting to like Ougi again.

    But where does Cornelia fit into all this now? I would think she'd be against the Cult as well (with her pretty new haircut), which would side her with Lelouch/C.C.

  14. #974
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Orange's switch of the sides was better this way, I deem. It's more believable he was already willing to join than to have some stupid shounen plot of beating him up and then he suddenly wants to join the "stronger" side that was able to beat him. That's hardly how the world and ideologies works.

    It was a bit shocking to see Shirley go, though like has been said already, she started to seem like a prime candidate for the death list: She mattered to Lelouch yet didn't have much of a pivotal role otherwise.

    Kallen has been too long a prisoner already, though. Something should be done already. Surely she isn't destined to be a prisoner for the rest of the series... Although she's only needed when heavy mecha fighting is going on and there has been little of that lately but still.

  15. #975
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I haven't been hating Suzaku as much lately, so he ties with Rollo for me right now.
    Agreed. Especially with Shirlys last speech to him about forgiving lelouch, makes think theyre eluding to Suzaku possibly switching sides.

  16. #976
    If Rolo kills Ninnally he wins.

  17. #977
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    If Rolo kills Ninnally he wins.
    You had me smile here.
    Because it's true that whenever a white damsel in distress appears, she dies quite quickly.

    Also true that Suzaku and Lelouch now share almost the same love and death scene.

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  18. #978
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Isn't it funny how Suzaku's carelessness (and of course Shirley's own foolishness) led to Shirley's death? It is very similar to how Lelouch's carelessness (and of course Euphy's own foolishness) led to Euphy's death. It seems that both of them have unintentionally robbed each other of a girl they liked (more or less).

    Leaving Shirley alone (well, with useless guards) was of course without any bad intention, and Suzaku could not have known things would turn out this way, but the same can be said for the Euphy situation before. If there is any blame on Lelouch for that incident, then this incident should place blame on Suzaku as well. I hope Suzaku realizes this much if and when he finds out Euphy's death was an accident. Otherwise, may Shirley's ghost *@&# his ass.
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  19. #979
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm still wondering wether Rollo is the one who killed Shirley.

    But maybe I'm just stretching things uselessly

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  20. #980
    It probably was Rollo, but who was in that area that could have done it? Maybe Sayoko to throw that out there and maybe Suzaku when he wasn't busy running the police if he overheard there conversation?

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