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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #801
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Lelouch only admitted his inferiority to Schneizel before, not at present. He currently believes that he is either on par or above Schneizel's intellect, as shown by his comment during the chess match. I agree with his belief (they did tie in the chess match, whereas before I bet he lost miserably enough to admit it), though I have to admit he is still not up to Schneizel's cruelty and ability to control his emotions.

    About the quicksand loss Lelouch suffered... It was practically impossible for him to know that the money supposed to be put into that land disappeared due to corruption, since there is probably no record of it (well, it is illegal, no matter how common) anywhere. Even with enough time, I doubt he could have gained such information, especially since he probably thinks that the info he got on the battleground was sufficient.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  2. #802
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Lelouch's ultimate mistake didn't happen at that field but when he discounted Xing Ke and the Chinese in general as irrelevant opponents back when he was planning the operation to kidnap Tian Zi. He should have known better considering he himself created the serious Japanese resistance practically out of nothing surprising Britannia time after time. This time he was in a sense repeating the mistakes the Britannians did when fighting against him back in Japan. Well, now that he's in a corner again, things might change. Although he does have a tendency to underestimate enemies systematically (Suzaku).

  3. #803
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Episode 11

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #804

  5. #805
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Chihiro's has one dialog missing, Sayoko's word when she meets Lelouch. I guess there's no data, but that's crucial to be sure.

    That ep is packed with so many things that it's incredible. Oh and C.C. lovers will have nose bleeds

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #806
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Finally some information that may lead to C.C.'s ultimate goal.

    Did V.V. peacefully succeed her, or did he oust her? Does she want the position back, or is this merely connected to her missing identity (last discussed back in the cave during season 1). Or could it be something else entirely? How much of the cult are members like C.C. and V.V. and how many are contractees like Rollo and Lelouch? Just enough of a hint to drive us insane with speculation. C.C. and Lelouch seem to have discussed it all at length, to leave the poor audience in the dark.

    What I'd really like to know is how Anya connects to C.C. They connected unintentionally (compared to when C.C. mindfucked Suzaku). C.C. caught a ton of her memories, some of Lelouch and Marianne. C.C. remarked with some considerable understanding, again leaving the audience in the dark. Anya just became considerable more important, and definitely a lot more interesting.

    But I suppose with that we can see why Anya and Gino transferred to the Academy. Gino as always simply because he's bored, and Anya pursuing the connection she has with the young Lelouch (hinted at earlier last eps, during a conversation with Suzaku).

    ...and what of Kallen? Will she simply remain captive, will Suzaku attempt to rape her, or will Suzaku take her to the Emperor and have her memories rewritten, then taking her back to the Academy as a huge asset loss to the Black Knights, or as a spy to distract Lelouch?
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 06-22-2008 at 02:31 PM. Reason: proofreading and addition to Kallen speculation

  7. #807
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Until now I've just disliked Suzaku.
    After this episode I sign as a Suzaku hater.
    Damn him damn it!!! I hope he dies at the end of the season... I don't want him fighting besides Zero for any reason.

    Anya looks to young to remember those moments... could she be a clone of someone? Scratch that... she looks the age of Nunnally... could she be a Britannian Princess?

    And hell yeah... it was indeed Sayoko at the end. Too bad she fucked up and kissed Shirley... now Lelouch will have to fight that.

    I usually do not speak of the preview, but did not like the previewed scenes this time =/

  8. #808
    Actually, speaking of the preview, is it me or did I see Cornelia there?

  9. #809
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quite unbelievable Kallen was left as a POW. Surely the eunuchs paid the highest price for that, but it's still a good question why the Black Knights didn't capture Anya who was lying comatose on the ground. She would have made a fine bargain piece for prisoner exchange. But apparently Lelouch wasn't thinking capturing enemies with their mechas is of any importance. He clearly is still inferior to his brother, who now possesses a fine BK mecha and can thus study it and find out all of its secrets. Plus of course Kallen, whom they can torture at leisure to try to learn any BK secrets.

    Britannia likely considers pretty much anybody expendable so to get Kallen and Guren back by an exchange the BK would need to have something of equal worth to offer. Some random noble hardly qualifies; they need a prominent person plus a new mecha, I reckon. Unless Britannia happens to have some fancier plan in store for Kallen, like Ryllharu suggested. Well, with this series you never know what kind of a plan Lelouch might come up with.

  10. #810
    20:00-21:00 was possibly the best minute of the year.

    Anyway, Kallen getting a mind wipe would be interesting, but I don't think even Suzaku would be that big of a douche (rape's not out of the question though). I think deep down he still thinks he can convince her and everyone else that he's right. But Lelouch didn't seem all that pressed about getting her back which was worrisome.

    Sayako not telling him that she drastically altered his social standing was somewhat lame but I suppose it's in the report. Anyway, Shirley's bumbling love antics and their aftermath are an integral part of the show at this point, you can never have enough threads of potentially cliff-hanger producing drama now can you? There is sure to be some fall out from the library encounter, the look at 21:14 guarantees it.

    On a more important note, C.C x Anya? Who was it the came out with the theory that Anya was actually a clone/relative to Marianne who was actually one of C.C.'s people? I remember reading that somewhere and expounding upon it in a joking manner but now I'm thinking it might not be such a joke after all. We've got a cult/order that's making Geass userswhich C.C. used to be the head of, and apparently Rollo isn't just a fluke. This should be very interesting. To bad we have another comedy episode next week, but even those tend to have their charms.

  11. #811
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Anyway, Kallen getting a mind wipe would be interesting, but I don't think even Suzaku would be that big of a douche (rape's not out of the question though). I think deep down he still thinks he can convince her and everyone else that he's right. But Lelouch didn't seem all that pressed about getting her back which was worrisome.
    I think Suzaku is exactly that big of a douche (rape aside). Suzaku has stated on multiple occasions that he would like Kallen to surrender, become Kallen Stadfelt once more, and live a peaceful life that he once believed she did before he met her on Kamejima Island.

    Strategically, it's a brilliant move. Keep the Gurren, pull the BK's ace out of the equation, and do it all in a way that wouldn't make Suzaku feel guilty. He'd be doing "the right thing" in his mind, pulling her out of combat.

    For that to be such a strong possibility makes just one more reason to hate him.

  12. #812
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    However, I don't think the Emperor would do it. I highly doubt he's interested or has time to meet some nameless half-blood foreigner. It might sound jolly good plot wise but I at least think this series doesn't go down such a road. The Emperor handled Lelouch personally before because the dude is a prince. Otherwise I think the Emperor just lets the princes fight each other at leisure, resulting in the strongest winning.

    So, it's not up to Suzaku whether such a thing happens. Suzaku is just one small pawn for the Emperor, and isn't in any position whatsoever to take prisoners to the Emperor for a mind wipe. Maybe if Schneizel suggests it or the Emperor himself finds such a thing amusing (which I doubt).

  13. #813
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    True, but Suzaku is still one of the inner circle that knows all about Geass and the Shrine and all that other secret stuff the Emperor is taking such a prime interest in. Suzaku has the Emperor's ear from that fact alone. Though Kallen is not directly related to those incidents, Suzaku holds a lot more power than his position implies. He may be the Knight of Seven (lower than both Anya and Gino), but he's a lot closer to the Knight of One than he seems.

    Maybe the Emperor wouldn't, but then again, anything that screws Lelouch over seems to be a big plus to the Emperor. Just like sending Nunnally into a position Lelouch would have no defense against, just because she asked.

  14. #814
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Hahaaaa fake-lelou kissed Shirley! Thats cool, now Lelouch gets from one difficult situation into another (how fitting the talk about love he had with her before that xD)

    and the most interesting part was C.C. + Anya... now, I wonder who Anya actually is and why she knows Lelouch... and why did C.C's "seal" react to it, this is getting pretty interesting!

    <3 season 2.

    Anya adressed Lelouch as "Lelouch-kun" doesn't that mean that they are familiar with each other? She is a very cool character imho... I've read very often on other boards that noone seems to like her for some unknown reason, but she isn't much different than C.C. so I can't understand it at all, not only that but I find her quite cute (especially when Arthur the cat came to visit her and scared her ^^ and all she did was moaning and petting him with 1 finger )
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 06-22-2008 at 05:00 PM.

  15. #815
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    True, but Suzaku is still one of the inner circle that knows all about Geass and the Shrine and all that other secret stuff the Emperor is taking such a prime interest in. Suzaku has the Emperor's ear from that fact alone.
    While that's technically true, you can bet the Emperor had a reason for revealing all that to Suzaku. And I doubt that reason was to have somebody to chat and share his secrets with. Nah, he has something in store for Suzaku or intends to gain something by having Suzaku know and thus pay more attention elsewhere to things others wouldn't necessarily notice.

    Nor will I accept, at least not yet, the sentiment the Emperor would find anything that screws Lelouch over a big plus. I have been getting a feeling the Emperor only cares about his own stuff and otherworldly matters and leaves most of the mundane things to his offspring. Which seems just fine as long as he doesn't intend to live and rule forever and thus needs one prince/princess to inherit his position eventually. And thus even if it was Lelouch he could be happy, because the strongest won nevertheless. After all, Lelouch is getting even more experience out of this than the other princes in regular service.

  16. #816
    I blew a load in my pants, but not literally.

    CC > Kallen

    ...for now.

  17. #817
    Oh, I spotted Cornelia in the preview jumping down with a sword (24:18ish)

  18. #818
    And she was wearing red, with a Black cloak. Nothing like Britanian colors
    OMFG, Cornelia in the OBK ?!

  19. #819
    Maybe it's an EU outfit. Has she come to exact revenge which is highly likely since she has a sword.

  20. #820
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I glanced over it the first time, given larger things were worth discussing first, but the irony of Kaguya vehemently defending Tian Zi's right to choose her lover makes that scene doubly hilarious.

    Kaguya spouts on and on about how it's all about love, what is in one's heart, and politics must be kept out of it at all costs....while she boasted that she will be Zero's wife for political reasons, such as a method of legitimizing his leadership with the Japanese people, in addition to comforting him as only a true Japanese wife can do, etc etc.

    She might legitimately love Zero now, and the first one to suggest that Zero start a harem, but she was all about the political motivations back in season 1.

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