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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #681
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Now that's interresting because it loops with the discussion around the guinea pig girl...
    The scenario is vicious enough for us not being able to state anything clearly. Did the girl stop because she has been arrested, or because of the hypotetical geass time limit?

    It then leads to Suzaku.. maybe he'll have to choose hreoic suicide the day the geass wears out.. or he'll be able to overcome it for seconds as euphie did...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #682
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Or maybe if he DOES somehow overcome the Geass then Lelouch Geass would be broken. I mean the effect is as powerfull as the Geass itself is right? So if the effect is broken permanently then perhaps Lelouch Geass will be broken.

  3. #683
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I like to think about some of the implications they made about Suzaku's geass command. Suzaku clearly put himself into deadly situations over and over again, as some sick twisted penance for what he did to his father and everyone else.

    Jumping in front of Lelouch in season 1 eps 1, all the fun with the Lancelot, etc. Lelouch has almost imposed a punishment on Suzaku, prolonging his self-suffering by forcing him to "live" and defend himself.

  4. #684
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Music Release Thread

    If you were waiting for the opening song like me, well its finally released by Nipponsei!

    If the ED is out, I'll have this thread title updated so just post and I'll do that so everyone else knows. Enjoy!
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  5. #685
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But that definitely was not his intent, and that is what Suzaku is wondering about. How can someone who cares for him enough to waste a command to save his life (while Suzaku was trying to kill Zero BTW) kill Euphy?

    I actually thought that the reason Euphy was able to resist the geass is not solely because of willpower, but also because she was near death. Maybe when one is about to die, the geass starts to weaken, and thus easier to break free from.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #686
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Ooh, nice. Thanks for that NM. *downloads*

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #687
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Two more things worth mentioning about this episode.

    1) Schneizel wants a nuke. For what ever reason he wants it for, I think he'll have a successful model by the end of the series, if not earlier.

    2) Lloyd is not a guy. No guy can stare elsewhere.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #688
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    ......maybe he's satisfied with the one that used to hang out with Lelouch and gang, the one with the glasses?...


    ...he's having heavy sexuall fantasies in his mind atm?
    And no, not me... -_-
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  9. #689
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Lloyd only cares about his technological toys. He's that kind of a man. Maybe if Cecile was an android or at least a cyborg he would be all over her...

  10. #690
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari

    I actually thought that the reason Euphy was able to resist the geass is not solely because of willpower, but also because she was near death. Maybe when one is about to die, the geass starts to weaken, and thus easier to break free from.
    When I said Euphy was able to resist the geass effect for a while, I wasn't acutally thinking about her not killing Suzaku

    When Lelouch gave her the command (by accident) to kill all elevens she struggled really hard and the geass wasn't taking effect... it was like she was fighting the command which takes over her body and lost the fight after a shortly after

    In all other cases the effect took place DIRECTLY after the command was given... in Euphy's case however, it did not.
    So with pure willpower it might be possible to resist it for a short moment.

  11. #691
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    There arent that many up to the task to prove that they can resist, or atleast try to resist the Geass for the moment.
    What I see, Euphie was just one case. Hopefully, we will not see another one.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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  12. #692
    Missing Nin
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    I find it interesting nobody is discussing the parts of this episode I found the most important.

    1. Euphie on the candle was clearly done by either Lelouch or Cordelia and as the latter is missing I think Suzaku assumed it was done by Lelouch.

    2. Suzaku made mention that he really wants to talk to Lelouch about what happened with Euphie because he figured out that he wouldn't order her to do that based on him ordering Suzaku to live.

    Essentially it seems Suzaku is really starting to consider what lies he's been told by V.V. and Charles and it seems like he's actually wavering from his completely loyal change it from within for the first time in a long time.

  13. #693
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well we don't discuss this because everyone agrees

    at least thats why I didn't bring this up.
    but is he really "wavering from his completely loyal change it from within" ?

    I don't think so, actually the fact that lelouch left him and Nunally to reign over "japan" gives him the feeling that he does the right thing and that it is possible to reach a peaceful "Japan" this way

    And its not like the king and V.V. knew that it was an accident right? so its not really a lie

    they probably told suzaku that he's got a geass which has the power to order people around.

  14. #694
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    well we don't discuss this because everyone agrees

    at least thats why I didn't bring this up.
    but is he really "wavering from his completely loyal change it from within" ?

    I don't think so, actually the fact that lelouch left him and Nunally to reign over "japan" gives him the feeling that he does the right thing and that it is possible to reach a peaceful "Japan" this way
    This would be correct if Suzaku stays in Japan from now on. Of course there is ZERO chance of that happening if Zero is causing a much larger rebellion somewhere else. The fact he made reference to be willing to hear out Lelouch certainly to me at least means that he still somewhere deep inside wants to believe and support his friend. Its the first time he hasn't felt his choice was unconditionally correct. Even if he was wrong in the past he would still believe that he must have done the right thing to move on with his current plans.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    And its not like the king and V.V. knew that it was an accident right? so its not really a lie
    I would argue the complete opposite here. There is no question that the Emperor choose very carefully who he sent to govern Japan. There is no question he knew of the connection between Lelouch's mother and Cornelia and Zero chance he didn't know of the relationship between Euphie and Lelouch as children. He's playing his pieces in order to get the strongest to survive and challenge him.

    So V.V. almost certainly knew for Lelouch to kill someone that important to him like that something must have gone incredibly wrong and without question that was made certain when they found him with a Geass unable to be turned off.

  15. #695
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    btw another interesting question is... will Zero still go to school?

    If not... then.. well what will happen to the woman (forgot her name) who loves Ohgi?
    Suzaku will know that Lelouch's memory returned for sure, and then he will begin to ask questions why Rollo and that woman didn't notice it and so on

    Acutally everyone will know that Lelouch is, at least, a Member of the Black Knights.

  16. #696
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Since Rollo very likely follows Lelouch anywhere he goes, Viletta can try to cover her guilt by claiming Rollo helped Lelouch to keep his secret. It won't save her career for she failed nonetheless but maybe her neck. Of course it would be ideal if she followed Ougi, but I doubt she can swallow her ambition and Britannian pride and head for a voluntary exile.

  17. #697
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    btw another interesting question is... will Zero still go to school?

    If not... then.. well what will happen to the woman (forgot her name) who loves Ohgi?
    Suzaku will know that Lelouch's memory returned for sure, and then he will begin to ask questions why Rollo and that woman didn't notice it and so on

    Acutally everyone will know that Lelouch is, at least, a Member of the Black Knights.
    They were last seen packing, so perhaps they organised a holiday or something to cover the fact that they're leaving. It shouldn't be the last time we see Lelouch at the academy, but I think he's leaving for the time being. He'll also have to interact with the Chinese Federation. You can't ask that big a favour and not at least greet them, really.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #698
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    and there was another thing I did not understand

    Lelouch revealed his face to his "maid"... ok this itsself is not a problem because he didn't act like Zero himself when he said that "Zero prepared everything" etc

    BUT... I'm not too sure anymore right now, but wasn't the maid @ nunallys side even after the revolution etc.?

    And why is she on that ship anyways, I know that she is a Number, but a rebell?

  19. #699
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Since Sayako knew that the real Zero was aboard, she now is fully informed of his identity, what he was striving for, and what he just accomplished for Nunnally. I assume that even though she was recruited into the Black Knights, she still very much cared for Lelouch and Nunnally, since the two never once belittled her when she served them.
    In threads that are dozens of pages, I understand, but this one isn't that long...but all the Black Knights things with Sayoko was in the final four episodes of season 1.

    Deithard recruited her into the Intelligence side of the Black Knights back in season 1. She's the one that set off the Gefjun disrupter that trapped Suzaku at the Academy in eps 25-26.

    ....Not to mention they've shown her in the OP of every episode this season on the Black Knight's side, and we've seen her in China with Diethard, Kaguya, and Raksharta no less than 3 times.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 05-29-2008 at 03:44 AM.

  20. #700
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Oops sry

    well I don't remember much from season 1... and I'm not the one who watches Openings over and over again. So I didn't notice that.

    However "ignoring" your post on the first page is unforgivable :P
    I joined the conversation when I made my first post and I was so amazed by this episode that I simply forgot to read the stuff which was alrdy postet hehe...

    (I don't read it before I watch the episode because of spoilers etc)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 05-29-2008 at 07:01 AM.

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