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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #661
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I think there will be a recap episode or something next week since there is no preview, dammit.
    It has something to do with some stupid special in Akiba, and the vaguest of attachments to CG because some idol will make her VA debut some time in the future.

    It was a very nice touch on Zero's part. Give Nunnally the appearance of being perfectly pure in her intentions, while forcing the burden of shooting or not upon Suzaku and the other Rounds. That way, Nunnally would still look like she had the proper intentions, and her administrators were betraying her and killing one million potentially innocent (but certainly not) people. That in turn would give a huge blow to the reputation of Britannia, possibly causing regions already conquered in believing that Britannia will not honor such treaties, and that ones still fighting have only oblivion as their option to not fighting.

    As a bonus, it takes a huge chunk of Area 11's labor base away.

    Since Sayako knew that the real Zero was aboard, she now is fully informed of his identity, what he was striving for, and what he just accomplished for Nunnally. I assume that even though she was recruited into the Black Knights, she still very much cared for Lelouch and Nunnally, since the two never once belittled her when she served them.

    I'm still left with two questions from this episode:

    - I wonder what Viletta will do now. She knows Ogi still cares for her, and is still willing to protect her.

    - How exactly is Lelouch and Rollo's absence from school explained? Maybe I missed it, but I would think that the two of them leaving, coinciding with the mass exodus, would light a few bulbs. I would think that the Student Council might notice something, along with affirming the suspicions of both Suzaku and Nunnally.

  2. #662
    Liked this ep, everything felt like it flowed decently and the story was actually interesting again. Lelouch has made a clean break from Area 11 but now will he fight Britannia on some other front or just let the OotBK settle down in ChIna and move on to some other method of fighting on his own. Either way I hope the next few eps involve more C.C. as she was annoyingly absent most of this episode.

  3. #663
    I loled at this episode. I had "let my people go" ringing in my ear after watching this.

    Anyway, Im glad that that the rebellion will leave japan. Iv been looking forward to see how Zero and the OotBKs will fight on the world stage.
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  4. #664

  5. #665
    That was a well balanced episode, and the manner which Zero escaped was just excellent. Nothing like a little trickery

  6. #666
    I think that the Chinese Federation will start to pulls some strings from here on as suggested by the talk with Xing Ke.

    One cannot guess what will happen in 09 and that's great.

    Now on the downside ; who the fuck cares about that stupid special in Akiba

  7. #667
    Very interesting. Zero has made the proclamation that nothing can strip a nations identity as long as they have pride. Methinks he's going to be sailing around in the ocean picking up other Numbers to fight for his cause.

    How exactly is Lelouch and Rollo's absence from school explained? Maybe I missed it, but I would think that the two of them leaving, coinciding with the mass exodus, would light a few bulbs. I would think that the Student Council might notice something, along with affirming the suspicions of both Suzaku and Nunnally.
    It doesn't really matter now if Britainiana knows Zero's identity. They've already exiled him as punishment. He's decided to end his rebellion in Area 11 and give his friends and family a place where they can be at peace. He's moving on and fighting his battle elsewhere.

  8. #668
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It does matter, since if he causes too much of a ruckus, there is always Nunnally to take as a hostage and use against him.

    Still, it was a dangerous gamble. There is no way Lelouch can be sure how Suzaku has changed in that year. He might very well have ordered the execution of the BKs. What I hate about this episode is the fact that it opened up the possibility of having Suzaku and Lelouch eventually teaming up, especially with Suzaku's doubt about Lelouch's intentions with regards to Euphy's death.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  9. #669
    Who put the first candle in that pond thingy that already had Euphemia on it? Was it Lelouch? Cornelia?

    And Xing Ke has a life-threatening disease I guess? We need to see more of him, tbh. His fighting skills seem to be on par with Suzaku's, and his logic and thinking skills seems to be quite adequate as well.

  10. #670
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    i cant beleave nobody comented on 17:38 lower right corner i loled so hard i woke up my wife i still giggle
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    i was raised by this woman =O

  11. #671
    This was clearly inspired by V for Vendetta.

  12. #672
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    With this episode, we finally see a major advancement in plot. Sure, the last couple of eps were dealing with some of the problems that happened during the year break, winning a love deprived brother, and doing some of the good (but repeated) feats from last season. This last move takes Zero's fight to a new level, and potentially acquiring other resistance armies as allies, starting with the Chinese Federation.

    What I liked was that they finally tried something new (if you don't count the Methane Hydrate), and revived the awesome trickery that was CG S1.

    As for Suzaku and Lelouch potentially teaming up, I guess I don't really mind as long as it leads there naturally, rather than a forced ending because the director wants it to end that way.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #673
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The way I see things Suzaku may be the one to make Lelouche's dream come true.
    He will be the one living in a beautiful world of peace with Nunally, thanks to Lelouche of course.

    At least for some days/weeks it's what will happen in area 11.
    It's not sure it will last, but in a way, it is already happening.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  14. #674
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    This episode was awesome, even though it was a bit funny with all those Zero's there but still it was awesome...

    and it felt like i was watching a movie or something? this were only 24 minutesright? and yet SOOOOO much happened! its actually hard to believe

    this is the best episode of s2 so far in my opinion! to be honest I thought of stopping watching it because it got boring, but now it got me back

    and I start to like anya... she is actually a pretty cute character :P

    Haha oh man, it feels like season 2 will end in like ~2 or 3 episodes now.... yet we have so many things left which need explanation etc.

    will season 2 also have 26 episodes?

    wow... really there was not even a single second which was boring this episode... everything was well done

    edit: btw I don't want to make it better than it actually was but really... this episode was very good.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 05-26-2008 at 07:08 AM.

  15. #675
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBear
    i cant beleave nobody comented on 17:38 lower right corner i loled so hard i woke up my wife i still giggle
    OMG Neko Zero supports the rebellion

  16. #676
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    will season 2 also have 26 episodes?
    Season 1 was 25 episodes not 26 and season 2 should be 25 episodes as well unless something changed I'm unaware of.

    As for the episode this was just excellent overall and definitely gives us tons of options for the future. Thing is they still only have the Gurren for a Mecha right now so I expect the next episode to be them obtaining a lot more Mecha and hopefully a few more ace pilots.

  17. #677
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    will season 2 also have 26 episodes?
    Season 2 will also have 25 episodes

    Edit: DDBen beat me.

    Well according to ANN, the info's right.

    Edit2: Flashy 1 million Zeros distracted me from this. Suzaku's "live" geass is still active. An interesting scenario: What would happen if Nunnaly was in danger, but Suzaku saving her would be suicide. Would he have the willpower to overcome it? I guess with his "live" geass, we can forget about any flashy hero sacrifices from him.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 05-27-2008 at 03:42 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #678
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    from what we've seen from euphy is that the geass seems to be "resistable" at least for a short time.... so, maybe if he tries hard enough, he will jump into the bullet which is meant for lelouch...

    thats the way I think it will end anyways.. suzaku lying in Lelouch's(zero's), lelouch is amazed that he was able to resist the geass effect and crys etc. ^^

  19. #679
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The only problem I have with that is, when you look at how Euphy did it, she was only able to stop herself from killing Suzaku, but was so concentrated in doing that that she couldn't really do anything else. I would think Euphie not killing Suzaku would be somewhere up at the epitome of willpower.

    Now, not only would Suzaku have to resist the urge to live, but to then have the co-ordination and movement to go and step/dive in the way and block a bullet, all while having his entire mind concentrating on defying Lelouch's order. It could happen, but it would mean he'd have to love Lelouch more than he loves Euphie. <here be screaming Yaoi fans>

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #680
    Well, Suzaku isn't human so his ability to resist the geass under pressure shouldn't be compared with that of a human. If anyone is going to be able to defy previously established axioms in this show it's going to be Suzaku.

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