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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #641
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    And I think the cameos of Nina are there on purpose too... she seems very capable and smart, so she could come out of the blue, from the left field, causing a great deal of troubles to Lelouche.
    Aye... Actually if Zero becomes a bit more public with the alliance with Nunnally, Nina could indeed try to use the opportunity to try to kill him. After all, while she's good at technology, apparently, it's not like she could ever find Zero normally. But with this latest development she might.

  2. #642
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Nina definitely still wants to kill Zero for ruining her yuri dream of being with Euphie. She developed the freakin' atomic bomb supercharged with Sakuradite (which we know is excessively explosive on it's own from when Lelouch blew up the tanker with the Japanese Resistance Front's cowardly leaders aboard) solely to kill Zero with it.

    Not that I really want to, but I'm surprised we haven't seen more of her yet.

  3. #643
    On top of the comments posted so Far, i'd like to add two things aside from the Kallen scene that was well done and how Suzaku lost his battle command with a navy muahahhaha

    anyone else LOL'ed when Lelouch abused his powers by having the britannian and his gang do push ups, howls, dances and all sorts of stupid things? Finally having some fun with the Geass eh? I'm surprised he never did that earlier

    I'm also intrigued as to Rolo's true feelings towards Lelouch. Is he testing Lelouch to see how far his attachment to Nunnally goes and what it means for him in his psuedo-brother role, or does he just want to snap Lelouch out of his emo state? Either way, his motives remain one of the most mysterious segments of the show

    also, thank you Viletta!

  4. #644
    I might just not be reading too much into this whole Rolo deal, but to me it's simple. He has never felt love or closeness towards anyone, and he wants to see if Lelouch will really give him that, if Lelouch will be his brother even though they both know they're not really brothers. It felt kind of obvious the way Rolo reacted when they talked about him and the fireworks. I think he is actually a very naiive and sweet guy, just very very VERY misguided.

  5. #645
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    MmmMMm.... Kallen would be the ideal woman. "Decieve me, use me as bait, command me!" LOL.

    I think C.C says all those things about not caring about Lelouch returning, but I think she really does. The impression I got when Kaguya and C.C faced each other with a smile, and then C.C suddenly facing the other way was that she didn't want to show that she really cares if Lelouch returned. But deep down she is happy!

    Or maybe she doesn't want to share him with Kaguya? =O.

  6. #646
    She is indeed a very rare woman, she gained a lot of points for me in this episode but so did C.C. Kaguya just kinda annoyed me in season one, but her in this episode made me Lol.
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  7. #647
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I liked that new, abusive, drug addicted Lelouch a lot... he was pretty cool! I like it when the maincharacter turns 180 degrees (well ok, lelouch always had an abusive side, but this self-pity[drugs] is new in my eyes)

    good episod, I loved the argument between Kallen and Lelouch and C.C reactions to simply everything in this episodes were funny too.
    (<3 20:00 when she was happy to hear Lelouch's voice again :P)

    but for some reason, in my opinion the Emperor's speech wasn't as good as it was in the older eps (for example when clovis died)... whenever he spoke, the end of the sentence was calm... and the words a bit stretched... it sounded so "superior" and "arrogant"
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 05-21-2008 at 04:12 PM.

  8. #648
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    They still haven't touched on this yet, despite making a cliffhanger of it last time (or the time before):

    What exactly did they do with Villetta?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 05-21-2008 at 08:22 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #649
    They put her in a bathing-suit and is slowly turning her into their private little toy.

  10. #650
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    They still haven't touched on this yet, despite making a cliffhanger of it last time (or the time before):

    What exactly did they do with Villetta?
    There was no cliff hanger, they wrapped it up in EP 5. Basically they used the relationship she had with Ohgi while she had amnesia to blackmail her into keeping her mouth shut. If the Britainian government were to find out about it she'd lose all her status and very likely be thrown in prison as a traitor.

  11. #651
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash
    There was no cliff hanger, they wrapped it up in EP 5. Basically they used the relationship she had with Ohgi while she had amnesia to blackmail her into keeping her mouth shut. If the Britainian government were to find out about it she'd lose all her status and very likely be thrown in prison as a traitor.
    That's what happened when they pointed the gun at her. We haven't seen her since then though. Is she still thinking of a way to get out of this pinch, or is she just going with the flow? What else has Lelouch got her to do? Her main mission was to look for C.C. while Lelouch was just a bait.

    The other thing they've mentioned since season 1 and haven't touched on since was Cecile. When Suzaku joined the Special Convoy, Lloyd asked her if it's because Suzaku reminded her of a certain someone. Not a major point, but still a loose end.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #652
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    When I was 13 I read a book about bermuda triangle.
    One of the hypothesis regarding the sudden disapearing of ships was that at some point there is a massive submarine gaz realease, when that happens the density of gaz+water dramatically drops and ships sink in seconds... or litterally fall under water+gaz.
    No floating ship, no matter how strong, can do anything against that unless they can fly... same goes for submarines.

    I don't know if the idea cam from the same kind of source, but it's nice they used that one.
    I actually learned the answer to this one this week, so I figured I'd share, because it's pretty cool.

    First, a quick lesson on torpedoes:
    Torpedoes are aimed to hit where on a surface ship? a) The side, b) the bow or stern, or c) underneath, missing the ship ?

    The correct answer is c). Detonating a torp underneath the ship creates a gas bubble, and the ship rides up on it a little...and then snaps in half. Military ships are huge things that cannot possibly support themselves under their own weight. They are built on huge struts that are usually cut out by experienced divers with torches after it's sitting in a flooded wet dock.

    So when Lelouch sent up a massive air bubble, he actually sunk all those ships at the same time when they snapped in two under their own weight.

    Here's a video of a destroyer being hit properly with a torpedo:

    Submarines are a different matter entirely. Water gets in anywhere, the boat sinks.

  13. #653
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    in each of the videos, the explosion really is massive because the boat is lifted in the region were the blast is the most powerfull.
    But still, in two cases in the video you clearly see the ship fall by a few meters. (just watch the float line.)

    Again Lelouche used the idea that certainties are weaknesses...
    Oh, you're sure the ground you walk on is very solid: I'll have it destroyed beneath you and win over you.

    Oh, you're sure the water you float on will help you get to me: the giant gass bubble I'll create will sink your ships...

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  14. #654
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I actually learned the answer to this one this week, so I figured I'd share, because it's pretty cool.

    First, a quick lesson on torpedoes:
    Torpedoes are aimed to hit where on a surface ship? a) The side, b) the bow or stern, or c) underneath, missing the ship ?

    The correct answer is c). Detonating a torp underneath the ship creates a gas bubble, and the ship rides up on it a little...and then snaps in half. Military ships are huge things that cannot possibly support themselves under their own weight. They are built on huge struts that are usually cut out by experienced divers with torches after it's sitting in a flooded wet dock.

    So when Lelouch sent up a massive air bubble, he actually sunk all those ships at the same time when they snapped in two under their own weight.

    Here's a video of a destroyer being hit properly with a torpedo:

    Submarines are a different matter entirely. Water gets in anywhere, the boat sinks.
    Is that really what happened in Lelouch's battle though? In the case of the torpedoes actually targeting a ship, it's supposed to create an upward force, preferably right in the middle of the ship. It then snaps the boat by making it a lever system. The middle, where the force is sharply applied, acts as the fulcrum, and the download force applied to either end is equal to half the weight of the ship. Unable to bear the force, the ship snaps .

    The key in that one though, is that you have a sharp upward force at one point to form a fulcrum, and distance enough from that point so the explosion gets enough leverage to break.

    When you have a massive bubble like Lelouch's, it doesn't apply the force to one single point, but all around the ship. Something like that shouldn't break a ship as a torpedo would, since it'd be like riding a wave, whole ship goes up, whole ship goes down. There's no net difference in the force applied along the ship for it to exert it's weight onto. Just in this case, the wave doesn't hold you afloat.

    It's hard to see whether the capsized ships were snapped in two after the methane hydrate kicked in, but from the sounds of things, they all just flipped over due to a sudden change in buoyancy and stability.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 05-23-2008 at 06:00 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #655
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Despite the fact that it was single, enormous bubble, ships cannot support their own weight outside of water without some form of struts or stands.

    Whether that was accurately animated, I can't say for sure, but that's what happens.

  16. #656
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Will a free-falling ship just break apart if there was no uneven air resistance? I guess the point I was trying to say was that there wasn't a point where a a ship could exert it's weight if it was lifted with an evenly distributed force, hence no need to support it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #657
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    I think what Buffalobiian is saying makes more sense. The reason ships are built on struts is so that the keel of the ship does not support the entire weight of the ship at any point (This is what would happen if the ship was placed on land). In water, hydrostatic pressure forces come into play and are distrubuted across both the keel and the section of the hull that is submerged. This distrubution of force across the bottom ensures that the hull does not split.

    Now imagine a torpedo blast right at the center of the keel that momentarily exerts a force (say equal to the ships weight). This is the equivalent to placing the center of the keel of the ship on a sharp point on land (much worse than simply having the entire keel support the weight of the ship which would also result in a snap). Consequently, the torpedo doesnt even necessarily have to exert a force equal to the weight of the ship to still be able to snap it in 2.

    Anyways, this isnt really what happens with a big rising air bubble. Turbulent flow regions are created around the air bubble as it goes up and this messes up the normally symmetrical pressure forces being exerted on the hull on either side of the keel. As a result, there is danger of the boat turning over which is exactly what happened in the episode. At no point does the bubble cause the entire wieght of the ship to be supported on the keel.
    Last edited by Splash!; Sat, 05-24-2008 at 01:55 AM.

  18. #658
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Episode 08

    I'm currently downloading it and will check wether there is problem with it (it happened in the past)

    [gg] Code Geass R2 - 08 [D4AAD659] mkv HD 343 megabyte @Mininova

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  19. #659
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think there will be a recap episode or something next week since there is no preview, dammit.

    No (or not enough, but then again that is always the case) C.C., no credit for this episode.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  20. #660
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I wonder what they can do after such an ep.

    if some cheapo were to destroy the iceberg... maybe.

    Does Lelouche think he has enough people amongst this large group to help organise a massive rebellion against britania worldwide?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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