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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #581
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Lelouch is not immune to Rollo's Geass. Didn't you see the red sphere shoot out? Rollo stopped it before it hit Lelouch, ensuring that he was not within the boundary when he used it on Suzaku, giving Lelouch just enough time to talk to Nunnally.
    Ahh your right I didn't pay attention to that one, I was assuming that when he told lelouch the "weakness" of his Geass that would somehow allow him to be uneffected. Apparently incorrectly for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    The only ones that should have showed up in time to fight the Black Knights was Guilford, and the Jet-Fighter Jackass. Guilford because he was with Lloyd and Cecile, and the Jet-Fighter Jackass because his Knightmare is obviously much faster when in that form. Suzaku especially was just riding in a plane, one that should not have been any faster than the ones carrying the Black Knights. Assuming there was no warning, Suzaku should have taken just as long to get there as the Black Knights did, giving them plenty of time to capture Nunnally.
    Thats basically how I felt about it but without in episode timestamps we can't be completely sure of this. Thing is the black Knight had some setup to do after "escaping" so its possible they had enough time but I still found it really weak to have Suzaku find out the Black Knights are magically gone then turn around and be there in time to stop them after they expressly state it should take atleast a hour for help to show up. I don't buy the guys Jet-Lancelot being able to make up an hour difference either for that matter. Frankly him capturing Nannally and then having her tell him exactly what she wanted and having to let her go would have had more overall impact.

  2. #582
    The focus of this ep seems to be the fight at the end, but there was one really cool detail in the middle of the ep that will push this story forward. "Brother" and "Killing all the gods as an objective". We now know what the Emperor and V.V. is up to. Could it be that C.C.'s mission is to counter that? Could that be why Lelouch's mother was killed? What if she made a contract with C.C. in order to stop V.V. or something like that? That could explain her death.

  3. #583
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
    The focus of this ep seems to be the fight at the end, but there was one really cool detail in the middle of the ep that will push this story forward. "Brother" and "Killing all the gods as an objective". We now know what the Emperor and V.V. is up to. Could it be that C.C.'s mission is to counter that? Could that be why Lelouch's mother was killed? What if she made a contract with C.C. in order to stop V.V. or something like that? That could explain her death.
    Interesting theory it could explain why C.C. seems to know Lelouche's mother. Does anyone think that the Emperor has known V.V. since childhood because of the "nii-san" comment?
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  4. #584
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Or maybe they are actually blood related, making V.V. Lelouch's uncle.

    WTF, V.V. is a guy!??!?
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  5. #585
    That was made known atleast since lelouchs and CC's conversation last episode.

  6. #586
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Or maybe they are actually blood related, making V.V. Lelouch's uncle.

    WTF, V.V. is a guy!??!?
    Welcome to Japan my friend.

    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    Yeah but Rollo is pure hax. He doesn't need skill or equipment to beat other mechs.
    Yeah it's like the God of War "fuck you" button. Press it, here you're done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    And something I have to shake my fist at Sunrise for. Kallen has always been the only Suzaku/Knight of Rounds caliber pilot in OotBk. Now there are basically 3 Suzakus.
    I don't know who had this idea .... More Suzakus is like ... cloning Hitler in the middle of WW2. As if one ain't enough.

  7. #587
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    It's actually nice that Nunnaly tried to follow in Suzaku's and Euphie's ideals. I mean, Zero did agree to Euphie's plans, and were it not for tragedy, it might've worked. It's too bad about a few things though, she is being used, so there's almost no way she knows everything she ought to if she's going to try this. Also, the conditions aren't the same. The Japanese at large don't know that Euphie was under the influence of Geass when she slaughtered them oh so hillariously. They'll never trust a Britannian again. It was a nice try for a sweet little girl though. I'm awaiting the carnage that's about to happen with so much glee it's unbelilevable.

  8. #588
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I have a question, why does Lyod scream out in pain (*itaaaaaaa*) when the lancelot got hit slighty by a Haken from Kallen?

    Or was it because he is angry that the Gurren is stronger than his own Mecha?

    and btw... the OBK does have a new ace pilot (because some people said that they need more good pilots)...namely Viletta... at least it is most likely that she switched sides, even though she might only do it because she is threatened... or maybe because of Ogi...

  9. #589
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    In a sense Lelouch got served exactly what he ordered. It's pretty obvious Nunnally knows even less of the real situation of the Japanese than Euphie. She's blind and tied to a chair and was heavily sheltered by Lelouch. And now she's in a position where those around her are free to feed her whatever kind of information they want. If Lelouch hadn't kept her so detached from the troubles of the world, she might have had far more sympathy for Zero's ways. It certainly backfired now. His reason for fighting became the very flaw of the plan.

    Somehow very very little in this second season has so far gone Lelouch's way.

  10. #590
    Random blurb. C.C talking to Lelouch with Cheese-kun in her 'underwear' was awesome. I'm glad they still managed to work in some fanservice.

    And Kraco you make a good point, Zero seems to be operating at a post time skip Light level this season. Whenever he has managed to pull something off it's been quickly countered with something even better (or worse) that gets him into hot water again. He really needs a decisive victory of some sort but I can't imagine what could give him one now that Nunally is going to be his adversary and there are three KoR's to thwart any martial plans. Maybe he'll really give up next ep and run off to China or something.

  11. #591
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I have a question, why does Lyod scream out in pain (*itaaaaaaa*) when the lancelot got hit slighty by a Haken from Kallen?

    Or was it because he is angry that the Gurren is stronger than his own Mecha?

    and btw... the OBK does have a new ace pilot (because some people said that they need more good pilots)...namely Viletta... at least it is most likely that she switched sides, even though she might only do it because she is threatened... or maybe because of Ogi...
    For some reason he seems to be in a match with that indian lady over who is the best at creating incredible Knights.
    When his lancelot was hit, he took it to himself too as his loss against her.
    Moreover you could add that he somatizes anything related to his baby the lancelot.

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  12. #592
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    In a sense Lelouch got served exactly what he ordered. It's pretty obvious Nunnally knows even less of the real situation of the Japanese than Euphie. She's blind and tied to a chair and was heavily sheltered by Lelouch. And now she's in a position where those around her are free to feed her whatever kind of information they want. If Lelouch hadn't kept her so detached from the troubles of the world, she might have had far more sympathy for Zero's ways. It certainly backfired now. His reason for fighting became the very flaw of the plan.

    Somehow very very little in this second season has so far gone Lelouch's way.
    I think Nunnally is far, far smarter than Euphie. Sure, she may know less about the plight of the Japanese primarily because first Lelouch and Suzaku, and later just Lelouch, sheltered her from it all. She was blind and helpless during the first war, and there was the scene where she asked what the smell was, and Lelouch lied to her instead of telling her it was bodies. Once at the Academy, she was isolated from a lot of the other students (though everyone knew of her), and never left the grounds at all.

    Still, unlike Euphemia, who was coddled by her sister to excess, Nunnally experienced first hand the real horrors of the world. She laid underneath Marianne's dead body for some time, possibly hours.

    If anything, Nunnally may better understand the reasons why she wants to follow in Euphie's footsteps, instead of naively believing everyone in the world is capable of sweetness and light.

    Nunnally was a bit underused last season, but I've still have a great deal of hope for her. She's Marianne's daughter and she's an absolute wild card. If the "Flash of Lightning" was as great as everyone keeps saying she is, enough to make Cornelia blush when Schnizel compares the two (season 1 eps 21), then Nunnally will probably be just as capable as her brother. She's incredibly observant for being "helpless and blind" as we saw many, many times, from the first meeting with C.C., to Nina's table-play, and knowing Suzaku and Euphie through touch alone.

    If anything, I think Nunnally won't simply take what others feed her. She's more than intuitive enough to figure out when people are lying to her, and probably capable enough to figure out what's really going on and then make the appropriate choices. I think she's far more capable of seeking out her own answers, asking people, and then determining if she's being fed information. Euphie slowly figured out she was a meaningless figurehead. Nunnally would know right away.

    Will these cause even more problems for Lelouch? Absolutely. But I don't think they may be merely from a goal-and-ethical standpoint. Perhaps more politically and tactically.

    If you really think about it, in truth, we know next to nothing about her.

  13. #593
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Lelouch doesn't want to lie to her because she's the last thing that makes him a human, rather than a demon or anything as bad as you like. She's his last ray of hope for a world of ease and peace.

    In reality she's also the one that best knows Lelouch. And it's not just because she's blond and blind people are said to decipher people better. She probably uses that too, but she has been knowing Lelouch like forever. She probably also is incredibly smart, she could be to the level of Lelouch, at least I hope so. So to me there's no way she could be fed anything, as Ryllharu suggests. Lelouch also doesn't even want to try because he knows her sister would see through it clearly, no matter how he tries to hide things.

    Regarding the only time we witnessed Lelouch obviously lying to her, which Ryllharu mentioned, it's very probable Nunally knew. As you said, she had her mom's dead body on her for some time and was heavily wonded at the same time. She probably knows too well what it's like to be in a place with dead people. So she probably knew her brother lied to her that time, and said nothing about it cause she also knew he did this
    to protect her.

    So like you I hope they use Nunally the right way.

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  14. #594
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't think she knows Lelouch the best though, not by a long shot. He may say he'll never lie to her (and he has in the past, several times. About who C.C. is.), but he omits a lot. In fact, it's better to say he doesn't tell her anything. He has coddled her since she was hurt in the attack the same way Cornelia did to Euphie.

    I just have a lot more faith in Nunnally. I think she's a little more of a Cornelia than a Euphiemia. We know nothing about how well she does in school, what she knows and doesn't know, who she's talked to, what she did when Lelouch and the rest of the Council weren't around, etc. People don't lie to her very often, and she certainly can tell when people are not being entirely forthcoming with her. Nunnally always comes off as trustworthy and innocent because she looks so frail.

    But we learned in this episode that the Emperor didn't put her here as the replacement Governor-General. She asked for it.

    If anyone, C.C. knows the most about Lelouch. She was his confidant all of last season, and who knows what she learned from him when they made their contract, what Marianne has told her, and what she knew from a long time ago.

    Kallen is catching up, as he can finally confide in her as well, but we know he simply doesn't tell her everything the same way he bounces ideas off C.C. (or was he simply trying to prove his own intelligence to C.C. back in season 1?).

  15. #595
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    not so much to say about this ep (well, you guys always blow everything out of proportion, dont change please :P), but...they really want you to hate Suzaku, don they?
    Wah, i want him dead, please. thats all :-(

  16. #596
    Oh, for me, I don't want him dead, must be some kind of misconception here. I want him tortured like Griffith was in Berserk only longer, then pissed on, publically humiliated, and then I want him to experience first hand why his path is the wrong one. Then I want him to die full of regrets.

  17. #597
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    not so much to say about this ep (well, you guys always blow everything out of proportion, dont change please :P), but...they really want you to hate Suzaku, don they?
    Wah, i want him dead, please. thats all :-(
    You did fine with School Days, and all of us blew that one way out of proportion. Join the fun here.

    But yeah, the writers gave us more than enough here. We don't even have to try and hate him in this episode. It was all too easy.

  18. #598
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Why so much hate for Suzaku? :-(. Anyway, some good points were made about Nunally. She's potentially really smart considering her supposed pedigree, and being blind and unable to move probably forces her to become more empathetic and intutive. The problem is, she's still blind and immobile. Who's she going to confide in? What's going to stop someone from, say, assuring her that the two of them are the only ones in a room when a important conversation is occuring, when in fact there may be a third party, or more, present. The only people in Britannia that she can really trust, in my opinion, are Suzaku and Cornelia. Cornelia's missing in action, and Suzaku can't be there all the time. Suzaku's also going to want to protect her. In that interest, he's probably going to continue sheltering her. Funny guy this Suzaku. Her only effectiveness, it seems to me, will be that of an image, a ray of hope you might say, because I definitely don't see her developing any real political clout otherwise. If she does though...fantastic, more anal rapage for Lelouche...which 'll make his eventual victory all that much sweeter xD.

  19. #599
    Quote Originally Posted by Uchiha Barles
    Why so much hate for Suzaku? :-(. Anyway, some good points were made about Nunally. Her only effectiveness, it seems to me, will be that of an image, a ray of hope you might say, because I definitely don't see her developing any real political clout otherwise. If she does though...fantastic, more anal rapage for Lelouche...which 'll make his eventual victory all that much sweeter xD.
    Im pretty sure if you go back and read the 745623475629874 posts from season one you know why that most of us hates him. Though I imagine you'll also find some reasons not to hate him aswell.

    Anyway I have the feeling that this series will not end in Lelouche's victory, I think it will be more mixed ending that somehow give Lelouche what he wants yet not exactly in the way he expected. I know im being kind of vague here but knowing Sunrise i might be giving them too much credit.
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  20. #600
    I think I'm getting close to the point where I don't care much for the series. I don't understand why Lelouch isn't asking C.C.'s more questions -- about geass, V.V. and her goals. Shouldn't it be clear the mystery behind geass plays an important part of Britainnia's control?

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