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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #561
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    GG Code Geass R2 Ep 6

    GG is out aswell =D

  2. #562
    After watching this ep I feel a strange urge to go buy some model kits...

    I think all the flashy Gurren Nishiki awesomeness was to distract us from the fact that the plot advanced maybe 10 centimeters in this ep. But who cares about plot when you have super special awesome submarines, mid air combination/transformations (gotta admit that was pretty nice), random ignoble deaths of high level BK's and massive plot skips (school->aerial assault).

  3. #563
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Wow... I want to kick Nunnally after that episode... at least she did follow Lelouch's request... and very good timing on the part of Rollo there.

    Kallen rocked with the Gurren this time... scratch that... she owned them. Too bad she did not stop to destroy any of those three rounds, since her mission was to recover Lelouch.

    Next episode looks very promising according to the preview.

  4. #564
    -1 for Kallen not killing Suzaku, =(

  5. #565
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kallen sure pissed Anya off by messing with her Virtue...err..Mordred. Anya has otherwise been a completely forgettable and boring character. The jackass in the jet fighter at least has some personality.

    Though I have to say I'm more impressed they actually managed to connect all those things to Kallen mid-fall and later mid-flight. That is some impressive ballistic maneuvering and intercept. The mobile net should have powered the Lancelot down, but I suppose Suzaku did say he had shielding against it now. I wonder if the new Radiation Arm has a bit of the Hadron Cannon mixed into it, like the Lancelot's new cannon has.

    It's also too bad we lost Old Pimplehead. I hope that the Black Knights are going to be getting some reinforcements in terms of ace pilots soon. They lost quite a few good ones this time.

    It's also kinda lame the Lancelot got even more overpowered. I know it has to match up to the now-powered Gurren, but it was already ridiculously overpowered. How many freaking special weapons does it have now?

    I also got the urge to kick Nunnally a bit. Euphie was still stupid and misguided. The Britannians are far too used to suppressing the Elevens (and it looks like we might see more of that from the preview) not only from before during season 1, but especially after the Rebellion was knocked down and the Elevens punished.

    The Autonomous Zone would never have worked then, there were far too many racist leaders in Britannia, and it certainly won't work now, since there are even more angry and racist Britannians nowadays.

    ...and now Nunnally believes in the same ideals that Suzaku claims to. There was only one consolation this episode. If it showed anything, Nunnally is still very much Lelouch's sister and Marianne's daughter. She's by no means stupid. Maybe she'll see Suzaku for what he has become.

    Then again, she'd hate Lelouch for the same reasons.

  6. #566
    Great action, too bad the OBK lost even more ace pilots. And I gotta say the Gurren's upgrades own everyone elses. Im starting to think the Nunnally should start to suspect that Zero is Lelouch after the last second scene right before the episode cuts to credits.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  7. #567
    Yeah, the very last scene must make her suspicious, but I think even if she did know, that she would follow Euphie's ways because she is too pure and innocent. Nunally doesn't look further than at the first evil, so she will never be able to see that what Britannia is doing is wrong and always will be. And that totally sucks balls, because Lelouch is put in an awful position, one that he doesn't deserve by far.

    God I hate Suzaku, playing innocent and all in front of Nunally, and god I hate Britannia, and god do I hate that this series had to turn out like this and then end so soon with just a lot of filler fighting-scenes. I think I've never been so angry at an anime, let alone at just a single episode.

    (No need to comment the fighting for me since it was totally awesome and Karen rocked 3 knights of rounds at the same time).

  8. #568

  9. #569
    urgh, Do those """" who put that fake file up ever get punished? Bandwidth is precious!!!

    I am not very bothered. Just bothered enough to ask who those asshole really are. I be pissed if the DVD I bought from Walmart comes back with this flashing fake

  10. #570
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Hmmm I don't know what to think about this episode... sure the new Guren is awesome etc. but for some reason I'm totally disappointed about that british commander... he was just plain stupid, like prince clovis (or how he was called, the guy in the first episodes). That was really boring to look at... nearly no resistance at all until the Knights etc. came to help him...he was just "there" and saying some things sometimes, so the viewer doesn't forget about him and when he wasn't needed anymore they made him do something stupid and he died.... It just looked so fake and like a setup, that he was used for this porpuse isn't what is so bad about it, but that they made it so obvious is...

    I don't know but it felt like the place, where they were fighting, was just there to introduce the new Guren.. it was simply pointless and boring..

    ahh, difficult to explain what I meant to say..its just that it was over too quickly.

    btw nunally looks like she is 4 years older now or so... didn't just 1 year pass?

  11. #571
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    This was a freaking beautiful episode. Look's like Lelouche's reason to destroy the empire is going to have to mature. "It's all for Nunnaly's sake!"...stfu. Evil is evil. Get rid of it. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Other than him actually saving her, AND things going back to what they were in season 1, between him and her, I don't see how they can fuck this up.

    Oh, and the instant mid-fall weapon/engine/shield/flight upgrade brough on some serious loling.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    btw nunally looks like she is 4 years older now or so... didn't just 1 year pass?
    Yougins grow rather quickly over the timespan of a year. Though, I don't really recall how old she was before. I'm thinking she's around 16 now.

  12. #572
    Best episode yet in season 2. This is everything that Code Geass stands for.

  13. #573
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Wow, Kallen's Strike err.. new Guren is ridiculous...I like that whole little war between technologies with Lloyd and that Indian lady.

  14. #574
    By the way, what's the deal with Eclipse constantly changing the spelling of Karen/Kallen's name? Is it Karen when someone on the Brittania side says it, and Kallen for the Japanese side?

  15. #575
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I haven't seen the subbed episode, but if there is any reason that should be it. It is also noted in wiki that her English name is Kallen while her Japanese name is Karen. It makes sense since she probably would prefer to be called by a japanese name when amongst her comrades.

    Hmm. I am not so sure about this episode. I am never a fan of mech upgrades in code geass, since I don't find charm in it. It is simply not what the show is about, so I understand the comments about the episode ending too fast since it was mainly just mech battles.

    I am glad that Lelouch still could not lie to Nunnally. His claim that she is still his raison d'etre is also good to hear. The fact that he respect her will despite it trampling all over his own is most admirable. What to do now though? Will Nunnally really hate Lelouch for all that he has done for her? If that ever happened, I would want her to die. That would simply be the pinnacle of naivety and betrayal, and that would completely destroy Lelouch, which will consequently harm C.C. C.C. vs Nunnally was never a contest.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #576
    I think that's to highlight the difference between them. To the Britannians she's Karen Staldfedt daughter of some important noble guy. To her Japanese friends and herself she's Kozuki Kallen, which I suppose is what her mother wanted to name her.

    Anyway, I won't be satisfied with her until she says something along the lines of "This hand of mine is burning red!" before attacking one of the named enemies.

    And something I have to shake my fist at Sunrise for. Kallen has always been the only Suzaku/Knight of Rounds caliber pilot in OotBk. Now there are basically 3 Suzakus. She can't realistically keep soloing them all. Even if we toss Rollo and Toudou into the mix they both use mass produced suits. Custom always beats mass produced so how do they plan to even the playing field.

  17. #577
    Yeah but Rollo is pure hax. He doesn't need skill or equipment to beat other mechs.

  18. #578
    Missing Nin
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    The actual plot parts of this episode overall were great. How Rollo managed to get Lelouch out of the spot of talking to Nannaly on the phone was nice to see. Apparently Lelouch is officially immune to Rollo at this point and the fact he could possibly give the immunity to say Kallen and use Rollo to Pause the enemy forces seems like it could be really vicious in battle. I don't mind Nannaly taking over Euphie's goal either as thats completely in character for her but as has been stated it has below zero chance of actually working. It was also nice to see her actively questioning Suzaku during this episode.

    The Mech fights while entertaining we are getting to much of a cluster of godly mechs seriously whats powering these things at this point? The worst offender remains Suzaku's Lancelot and its billion weapons/upgrades. At least the Gurren upgrade was rather massive and somewhat justified the new massive power boost. I REALLY dislike this new Lancelot shield of his more then the gun pack upgrade its just flat out silly.

    I'm also not a fan of the random deaths going on with the 4 holy blades. The first one at least went down with some honor this one was kind of like a afterthought so they could fire the voice actor or something.

    I REALLY dislike EVERYONE managing to show up for this decisive battle in the middle of nowhere. One would think Zero's surprise attack would catch one of these factions off guard instead of having everyone of note manage to all arrive at the same relative time in the middle of nowhere. Given all the parties had the flight route so I can somewhat suspend my disbelief but the resulting battle seemed cluttered and resulted in the need for a random death.

    Overall it was a solid episode one that still seems like we are getting setup and situated for this season I look forward to when the plot actually gets moving instead of still trying to undo 24-25.

  19. #579
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Ah, the feeling of having your love ones siding with your enemy..
    Lord Lyold's screaming cracked me up.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  20. #580
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    The actual plot parts of this episode overall were great. How Rollo managed to get Lelouch out of the spot of talking to Nannaly on the phone was nice to see. Apparently Lelouch is officially immune to Rollo at this point and the fact he could possibly give the immunity to say Kallen and use Rollo to Pause the enemy forces seems like it could be really vicious in battle. I don't mind Nannaly taking over Euphie's goal either as thats completely in character for her but as has been stated it has below zero chance of actually working. It was also nice to see her actively questioning Suzaku during this episode.
    I REALLY dislike EVERYONE managing to show up for this decisive battle in the middle of nowhere. One would think Zero's surprise attack would catch one of these factions off guard instead of having everyone of note manage to all arrive at the same relative time in the middle of nowhere. Given all the parties had the flight route so I can somewhat suspend my disbelief but the resulting battle seemed cluttered and resulted in the need for a random death.
    Lelouch is not immune to Rollo's Geass. Didn't you see the red sphere shoot out? Rollo stopped it before it hit Lelouch, ensuring that he was not within the boundary when he used it on Suzaku, giving Lelouch just enough time to talk to Nunnally.

    The only ones that should have showed up in time to fight the Black Knights was Guilford, and the Jet-Fighter Jackass. Guilford because he was with Lloyd and Cecile, and the Jet-Fighter Jackass because his Knightmare is obviously much faster when in that form. Suzaku especially was just riding in a plane, one that should not have been any faster than the ones carrying the Black Knights. Assuming there was no warning, Suzaku should have taken just as long to get there as the Black Knights did, giving them plenty of time to capture Nunnally.

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