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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #401
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    An interesting and highly important detail is, of course, that the emperor didn't rewrite Lelouch's memories. He just suppressed his real memories and implanted false memories. This was made evident when our favorite witch returned Lelouch to normal. He could once again access his old memories but still the false/new ones as well.

    Now, manipulating someone's memories in such a manner is indeed quite a powerful and sophisticated technique so I wouldn't put it past the emperor to be able to reset Lelouch's constantly on geass as well.
    The implantation did rewrite/temporarilly some parts for him having his geass deactivated and for him not being able to access memories from when he was Zero and CC and so on.

    This may be just little details and it may be a bit boring to discuss such, unless this proves useful in future eps, like the contact lens.

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  2. #402
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh, I was never denying that (your post wasn't even there yet when I was writing mine, anyway). I just said that because saying rewrite kind of gives the impression you are writing something on top of the old info, which consequently leads to the removal of what once was. And since Lelouch got his memories back perfectly, obviously nothing was replaced.

  3. #403
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Oh, I was never denying that (your post wasn't even there yet when I was writing mine, anyway). I just said that because saying rewrite kind of gives the impression you are writing something on top of the old info, which consequently leads to the removal of what once was. And since Lelouch got his memories back perfectly, obviously nothing was replaced.
    Then I got a simple theory that means that the King (name help here, please) can't use his Geass at a full. Otherwise, it would be way better if he did replace memories instead of just locking them. He could, this may be far fetched, remove Lulu's Geass or make it unusuable.
    What I also can add is that he may need more "regular" users (what to call them? Simple Humans?) to explore the Geass itself so he can...uuh... dominate the world even more.
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  4. #404
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    To be fair is one person under very special circumstances gets his memories back, it doesn't yet make the King's technique inefficient. However, if more of the students start to regain lost things within their brains, then the geass can be evaluated somewhat weaker than we initially thought.

  5. #405
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    The emperor clearly stated Lelouch was still useful. That may explain why the Geass he used on Lelouch wasn't permanent.
    For some reason, Lelouch kicking some britanian asses is important for him to some plot he concocted. And I don't think this is just a matter of the strong taking the lead, seems too simple for such a show.
    What matters more to me is that we know nothing of Lelouch's mother, yet she was a powerful memory driving Lelouch in S1, as strong as Nunally.

    Another guess is that Emperor's Geass also has limitations, if you use very extensive memory changes, you probably can't Geass the person twice. But if you operate why small touches, you can probably Geass them multiple times.
    My guess is that Lelouch has been Geassed more than once by the Emperor... that could explain why we know nothing about Lelouch's mother, because his memories could have been implanted on the matter.

    My guess is that Lelouch should focus a little more on what his Geass can or can't do and wether he can modulate it for a more versatile use and limit the effects on his own body.
    But Geass modulation is pure speculation from Mao whose Geass grew stronger and stronger to a limit where insanity struck him.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #406
    That just gave me an idea. We don't fully know how one geass reacts when it directly opposes another. Maybe Cornelia did know something about the death of Marianne but the Emperor put new memories into her when she found out. If this was the case I imagine Lelouch's geass might not have penetrated deeply enough to make her remember the truth as it was before she was rewritten by the Emperor, but then again perhaps the command to tell the truth would push the false memories aside.

    I hope they'll work in some sort of explanation as to what would really happen to a person if they were under the influence of more than one opposing geass at once.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 04-22-2008 at 03:35 PM.

  7. #407
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The reason we know nothing about Marianne is because it was all covered up. I'm convinced she was real. Not only did Nunnnally (who is blind and remembers her, hard to implant memories that way) but Cornelia, Clovis, and Euphie were very fond on her too. Now, your proposition may explain why Cornelia and Orange-kun didn't remember any of the details of the attack, other than they were all driven away from her.

    But most importantly, C.C. knows of and talks to Marianne (when she's talking to empty space). C.C. probably would not be affected by the Emperor's Geass, even though he got his powers through another contractor. Not to mention it does not look like the two of them have had any contact in some time.

    @Kraco and others on that line of conversation:
    I wonder if we will see C.C. touching any of the Student Council members to bring their memories back, and what the consequences of say...Shirley or Milly remembering. Shirley would be all kinds of problems, believing that Lelouch did something really awful to her when he had really just reduced her emotional turmoil and pain, not to mention her knowing for sure that he is Zero.

    Milly on the other hand, is a very driven person. Usually her little plans have been stupid fun events for everyone, but a very different side of her showed up when Kallen revealed herself to be one of the leading members of the Black Knights. Milly is very resourceful, and probably equally dangerous when pressed.

    On another note, did they brainwash all the students to wipe out the memory of Nunnally? She was a council member nonetheless, and being Lelouch's sister and prominently living on campus in the council building should have made her very noticeable.

    @DDBen: You asked me something nicely (I forgot what it was), so I'll respond with a PM a little later.

  8. #408

    Code Geass R2: Fansub Groups

    I'm not up-to-date with the series, but I'm wondering what group you guys think is the best.

    The ones I'm interested in are gg, Eclipse, and Syndicate-Menclave. I don't care about speed, though most of them seem to be releasing quickly. Who do you guys feel has the best translation, editors, etc.?

    Right now I'm leeching all these versions, and I want to get them off my harddrive and only keep the version I'll likely watch when I get to it.

  9. #409
    Missing Nin
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    Eclipse is superior to GG based on Encoding the translations are fairly close. I haven't tried out Syndicate-Menclave yet though so I can't really say on them.

  10. #410
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I saw both GG and Eclipse of episodes 1 and 2.
    At the end I kept GG and deleted Eclipse. Did not bother to download ep 3 from them.

    Menclave took 2 weeks to release ep1, and I did not try to download their version.

  11. #411
    The 3rd episode has been out and I still havent decided what group to go with. I archived GG's CG S1, Iv always liked Eclipse and Menclave did a great job on Gundam 00.
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  12. #412
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I've only downloaded the Eclipse versions, and I'm happy with them. Haven't tried anything else.

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  13. #413
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RyougaZell, would you mind saying why you picked gg over Eclipse? Just curious.

    I've had encoding issues with GG on my computer (2.66 Ghz single core) despite CoreAVC and up to date codecs. Mostly slowdown during the OP. Their translation for episode 1 was a little weaker than Eclipse's but they have improved back up to their old standards and are equal to Eclipse.

    Eclipse has great encoding, efficient as always, but some of the name choices I disagree with (Karen instead of Kallen, etc). However, I can easily overlook this, and I know gg changed the spelling of a few character's names many times over the course of season 1, so it wasn't like they were any better at first either ("Millay" and three versions of "Nanali").

    I have not tried Syndicate-Menclave and have no intention of doing so, so I will not make any judgments on their subs.

  14. #414
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    man, whats with that special forum?

    Totally missed ep 3 because i didnt see a topic about Code Geass :-/

    Whatever, great second season. I just hope they dont mix too much together. Also, is it just me or seems the presentation of this season a, dont know...i just got the impression, that the show maker KNW how popular Code Geass is, and that you can feel that a bit. Not that itīs bad right now, i only hope they dont take it over the top.

  15. #415
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli

    .i just got the impression, that the show maker KNW how popular Code Geass is, and that you can feel that a bit. Not that itīs bad right now, i only hope they dont take it over the top.

    hmmm? explain

  16. #416
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    hmmm? explain
    Indeed. I think going a little over the top is one of the trademarks of Code Geass in general, right from the beginning. It's a win or fail plan, but we all know which one of those two has been so far this series's fate.

  17. #417
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I've had encoding issues with GG on my computer (2.66 Ghz single core) despite CoreAVC and up to date codecs. Mostly slowdown during the OP. Their translation for episode 1 was a little weaker than Eclipse's but they have improved back up to their old standards and are equal to Eclipse.
    I'm actually having this problem too, but with Eclipse's version. I get that slowdown at the part of the opening around 1:47, where you see all the characters coming out. I'm running CCCP but I'm not really sure if I'm on the latest version. I'll update again if theres a new version out.

    And as for fansubbers, I've only been getting Eclipse's. Good speed and great encode. GG did a good job with Geass season 1 but I think Eclipse is the superior group compared to them personally.

    Menclave has been a really slow group now as of late but they did a fantastic job with Gundam 00. Normally I might have at least archived theirs but Eclipse's encode is good enough for me so I plan to stick with them. I don't want to wait another 3 weeks for Menclave to release 3 episodes at once like they did with Gundam 00. I need my Geass fix on a weekly basis!
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  18. #418
    Not much new to add, I also prefer Eclipse to GG for their slight encoding edge (to my eyes at least) and because I like their word choice better. Syndicate-Menclave tries to distance itself from its Shinsen association but name recognition is a pretty big factor in this scene and when I see syndicate AKA Shinsen I tend to look for an alternative.

    Looking at the credits on the Syndicate-Menclave's release may be a good idea though as it's generally translation and editing where Shinsen loses support.

  19. #419
    (God I have too much time) I'm stuck somewhere between. In terms of translation, I liked Eclipse episode 1, Menclave's episode 2 and GG's episode 3.

    But honestly, I think all of them do an excellent job. Right now its coming down to which encode looks sharper. Probably going to end up with Menclave-Syndicate.

  20. #420
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    RyougaZell, would you mind saying why you picked gg over Eclipse? Just curious.

    I've had encoding issues with GG on my computer (2.66 Ghz single core) despite CoreAVC and up to date codecs. Mostly slowdown during the OP. Their translation for episode 1 was a little weaker than Eclipse's but they have improved back up to their old standards and are equal to Eclipse.

    Eclipse has great encoding, efficient as always, but some of the name choices I disagree with (Karen instead of Kallen, etc). However, I can easily overlook this, and I know gg changed the spelling of a few character's names many times over the course of season 1, so it wasn't like they were any better at first either ("Millay" and three versions of "Nanali").

    I have not tried Syndicate-Menclave and have no intention of doing so, so I will not make any judgments on their subs.
    Well... both HD versions don't run at all in my PC. So I am watching them on the Laptop I got from work (mind you, its not mine, but I don't leave the episodes there at the end).

    I watched both versions on both episodes 1 and 2, and Eclipse did had better translations on the first episode, but the second one I saw them on par. 3rd I was lazy to get... so in the end I choose GG because they released first.

    Work's Laptop is the only thing that allows me to see HD anime for now... I need to buy a new computer soon. I do not get slow down with either version there. My PC has a very awful slow down as well.

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