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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #381
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    By "special," C.C. could simply mean that the lens is polarized or something similar so Lelouch can actually see out of it. He said "opaque." What her next line implied about it possibly not working if his Geass gets any stronger is that even blocking his eye might not work, or more benignly, that he'll get the effect in both eyes.
    Now based on the eclipse dialog is completely different then the GG conversation. Lelouch in the eclipse version.

    C.C. It will block your Geass that's unstoppable now.
    Lelouch If all it takes is to block optic information, then a normal color contact would work...
    C.C. Enough with the prying talk.
    C.C. As you conjecture, that's a special one.
    C.C. However if your Geass becomes stronger then it is now...
    Lelouch: I will end it before that happens...
    Lelouch ...This game!

    Its clearly stated it doesn't just block his vision and a normal contact wouldn't work. Its also clear that no part of his eye is glowing with the Geass while the contact is on where it would based on the size of the contact vs the size of the eye though in anime thats pretty moot.

    So if you don't believe that means the Geass is being blocked by the contact in a way thats beyond simply a visual blocker what do you think she means when she says stop prying its special after being asked if all it does is optically block the Geass.

  2. #382
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The size thing is a totally moot point like you said yourself, so let's forget it. The other point: What need does Lelouch have for some inhibitor one in the first place if a £10 opaque one would work just as well? The easily most convenient specialty would be that he could still see through it. Anything would work as an inhibitor so it's no specialty.

    Why didn't C.C. want to talk about it? Maybe she wanted Lelouch to hit the road alreayd since they were busy. Maybe she didn't want to tell where she got it (maybe it was meant for Mao originally and she doesn't want to talk about it). Maybe she just wants to tease Lelouch by not telling and keeping up her mysterious image. Maybe she got it when she bought 10 Pizza Hut pizzas, and telling that to Lelouch would kind of make it cheap.

    The bottom line is that until we know we don't know. If Lelouch throws it into Rollo's eye and suddenly Rollo is totally unable to use his geass, then we can go back to more interesting speculations as it doesn't seem like Rollo needs an eye contact in the first place.

  3. #383
    Missing Nin
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    ok Kraco based on what you stated explain to me whats the difference between a contact lens that prevents a visual Geass from working yet allows you to see through it normally and a contact that does nothing but inhibit a Geass from working.

    I see absolutely no difference between those two things and don't see how you can claim the first to be true and yet insist the second must be false.

  4. #384
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Its clearly stated it doesn't just block his vision and a normal contact wouldn't work. Its also clear that no part of his eye is glowing with the Geass while the contact is on where it would based on the size of the contact vs the size of the eye though in anime thats pretty moot.
    You said yourself it was moot that the contact appears to cover the entire Geass where it normally should not. I agree. It's anime. It's not really that important for that part of the argument. So based on that, you conjecture that it is more than that. So I have to ask, are you claiming it's special because the anime takes liberties in animating the contact that normally wouldn't cover his Geass? But you're admitting that the liberties taken may in fact cover the whole Geass. So which is it? But like Kraco, I'm willing to let that one go.

    As for the subs, I was paraphrasing eclipse's subs. The message was the same in the subs or in my post.

    So if you don't believe that means the Geass is being blocked by the contact in a way thats beyond simply a visual blocker what do you think she means when she says stop prying its special after being asked if all it does is optically block the Geass.
    She is C.C. and he's Lelouch. She has that snappish, motherly/big sister/lover vibe that makes her character so great. She knows Lelouch is trying to appear all smart and cutting him down. That's the way I took it. She's mysterious. She always does things that way.

    Is he trying to glean details that aren't there? Is she just messing with him? Are there inconsequential details that neither Lelouch nor the audience needs to know? She was implying that it just works, and he shouldn't be asking. Maybe the goal is to confuse and anger us with utterly pointless over analysis of these lines. Again, we don't know.

    Once more I will reiterate my point in my last post. It's one thing to say, "I'm guessing there's something special about it." Like I did with assuming it's polarized in a way that will render the wavelengths of light that the Geass functions on ineffective and other scientific-bullshit (tm). It's another to say, "That must really mean [this]," without any real supporting evidence. Lack of evidence is not evidence.

    But, my real problem, and I suspect Kraco's is as well, is this section of your post.
    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    The lens C.C. gave Lelouch isn't just a normal contact lens its a Geass inhibitor it should be able to stop Rollo's Geass from acting on its own the same way it does for Lelouch. Also one would imagine if they were able to somehow capture Rollo or another Geass user and place it over his Geass that it would prevent him from being able to use his ability on anyone
    Not all Geass's work the same. Mao's required nothing. Concentration only. As KrayZ33, said:
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    but now that i think about it, it seems the "bird" in their eyes is often only a sideeffect and has nothing to do with the Geass itself, it's probably just a symptom for Geass users, something like a stigma.
    Rollo's doesn't appear to require anything either. Does that mean that blocking the eyes will prevent them from working? Absolutely not. We don't know the requirement of Rollo's, but we know it doesn't require looking at someone in the eye. Viletta was behind him. The BK's were all in Knightmares.

    Using whatever "special" material the contact contains won't necessarily do anything.

    That's the problem I have with your post. You are selectively choosing C.C.'s words and ignoring the sparse facts we do know about the Geass abilities of others beside Lelouch, and the Emperor (because he told Suzaku to force Lelouch to look at him).

    As for "inhibit" versus "block," in two posts you used it two different ways. In the first that I've bolded and underlined parts of, you use it as something that would actually reduce the abilities, like Raksharta's machines kill the power and drive in the Lancelot twice last season. "Block" just means it can't be seen, thus not enabling Lelouch to use it, but the power is still there, blazing away behind the lens.

    Then in your subsequent posts, you switch meanings, going back to both of them meaning "block."

    EDIT 2:
    (overemphasis made this post really inelegant looking and very ugly, diminishing the effect of some of my statements by making me look vitriolic again. I've cleaned it up.)
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 04-21-2008 at 05:57 PM. Reason: 1. addressing more issues / 2. made less ugly

  5. #385
    Was I the only one that actually preferred gg's subs to Eclipse for this episode? Some of Eclipse's wording was rather awkward, atleast I thought so.

  6. #386
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    My issues from gg are less about the translation or subbing, and more on the encoding end. They are the same size, but somehow gg's always give me slowdown during the OP and the audio desyncs. It's fine by the time it gets to the episode (after a quick tracking bar jump in MPC). It's not my codecs, which are up to date, or processor, as Eclipse's works fine.

    I didn't really notice much a difference between phrasing or word choice.

  7. #387
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the gg version had some robot-voices in it.

    or is my file corrupt? (well it made it sound a bit more sinister so it was all right lol )

  8. #388
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think it's the raw. I noticed those tinny voices in Eclipse's version, not gg's strangely enough. Though I wasn't paying too much attention to gg's because I knew I'd get Eclipse's later.

  9. #389
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    She is C.C. and he's Lelouch. She has that snappish, motherly/big sister/lover vibe that makes her character so great. She knows Lelouch is trying to appear all smart and cutting him down. That's the way I took it. She's mysterious. She always does things that way.
    Regardless of C.C.'s personality had it simply been a contact lens to blind Lelouch in one eye and her words were just teasing him he would have easily noticed it blinding him in that eye when putting it on as there was nothing to indicate he couldn't see out of that eye and he was looking out of his eye's sideways at those following him its safe to say its not something that simply blinds him in that eye it somehow filters out the Geass and we know he can use his Geass through glasses if he's directly looking at the person already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Not all Geass's work the same. Mao's required nothing. Concentration only. As KrayZ33, said:

    Rollo's doesn't appear to require anything either. Does that mean that blocking the eyes will prevent them from working? Absolutely not. We don't know the requirement of Rollo's, but we know it doesn't require looking at someone in the eye. Viletta was behind him. The BK's were all in Knightmares.

    Using whatever "special" material the contact contains won't necessarily do anything.
    Actually we are shown EXACTLY how Rollo's Geass works in this episode.


    We see a build up of red in his Geass eye and that sends out a pulse in all directions. When a person is hit by the pulse of light they get a red ring around there eye in the same way that someone does while Lelouch is giving them a command or they are acting out a command from his Geass. So one could assume that if his eye with the Geass has the same contact lens put on it as Lelouch has that the red light would be filtered out by the contact and the effect wouldn't take place.

    You see thats me providing evidence to support a hypothesis which I've made and am using in a discussion. Stating crap like the show hasn't blatantly told us this is idiotic and counterproductive in a discussion thread. Feel free to provide your own evidence to disprove the Hypothesis I've made and I'll be sure to read your evidence and discuss its merits don't simply shoot things down because you don't agree with how I interpret my proof disagree and move on or choose not to discuss it but sitting there arguing with people telling them to stop discussing things because they haven't been stated which at the point that takes place its no longer a discussion its a fact.

    You called me earlier on something you didn't believe to be a fact that I stated in a way you felt I unjustly called it a fact. I've clarified and stated my evidence you have provided nothing except saying you don't believe it based on whats provided at this time. Thats your right but unless you can disprove what I've said with your own evidence badgering my posts and insisting your unsupported side of things is correct is far worse then what you insist I'm doing for some reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    That's the problem I have with your post. You are selectively choosing C.C.'s words and ignoring the sparse facts we do know about the Geass abilities of others beside Lelouch, and the Emperor (because he told Suzaku to force Lelouch to look at him).
    You see I'm not ignoring anything we know. The only Geass we have seen that is not directly related to the eye's of the user is Mao's and that one we simply don't know enough about how it works and we know he's had it for much much longer then Lelouch and I would assume much longer then Rollo.

    The Emperor is in the same boat as Mao he's likely used his Geass much to extensively to be effected by the contact lens. C.C. stated if Lelouch uses his Geass enough the lens will not effect his either so the only Geass we know about that are likely able to be effected by it are Lelouch and Rollo and I see no reason to believe they wouldn't both be effected.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    As for "inhibit" versus "block," in two posts you used it two different ways. In the first that I've bolded and underlined parts of, you use it as something that would actually reduce the abilities, like Raksharta's machines kill the power and drive in the Lancelot twice last season. "Block" just means it can't be seen, thus not enabling Lelouch to use it, but the power is still there, blazing away behind the lens.

    Then in your subsequent posts, you switch meanings, going back to both of them meaning "block."
    No I've stated these in different locations. When I've stated block I've ment it in reference to the act of simply covering the eye and making Lelouch unable to see through it. When I've said inhibit I've talked about the contact lens actually nullifying the Geass ability in his eye as long as its in place. I believe the lens inhibits the ability because in the future as it becomes stronger the lens will no longer be useful to contain its powers and this to me means it takes the power level of the Geass and turns it down X notches on a power scale.

    for purpose of scale lets say Lelouch currently has a Geass of level 5 and the contact lens can inhibit the power of a Geass under level 10. This would mean if in the future Lelouch uses his Geass enough to bring its level upto a 11 the contact could only bring it down to a 1 (11-10 = 1) and as such would no longer be effective in reducing its power.

    In contrast it is correct to assume we can't assign a level to the power of Rollo's Geass we don't know how long he's had it or how it levels. Its completely possible the contact would do nothing to him and its possible it would completely inhibit his ability.

    *note the level stuff is used only to show the concept and at no point have they directly talked about a level system for a Geass. Its simply been stated the more you use one the stronger it is.

  10. #390
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Fair enough.

    I'm still not convinced in any way that Rollo's Geass has anything to do with his eye because the evidence just doesn't support what you are claiming. How are you explaining away Viletta, or anything in the Knightmares? Both instances where the eye wouldn't be a factor.

    I'm seeing what you explained as just a visual representation of what's occurring. Lelouch's worked the same way all through last season, well, up to eps 22 anyway. The "bird" flapped and shot out right into the eyes of his targets. Do you think that that is literally happening each time? It can't because there are several points in last season where Lelouch simply Geass's someone without that visual effect. The V just shows up and it works.

    Sure the power may be emanating from Rollo's eye, but that does not mean that his eyes have anything direct to do with his power. It works both through the frames (and therefore display screens) of Knightmares, possibly solid walls, and as we saw directly with Viletta, no line of sight needed. Much more like Mao's.

    I still wonder how exactly you propose Lelouch gets his contact lens into Rollo's eye, or anyone's eye, much less have them keep it there. Geass them I suppose, but the same affect could be had by simply Geassing them in the first place, like he thwarted Mao by commanding him to "shut up" and rendered his ability useless.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Regardless of C.C.'s personality had it simply been a contact lens to blind Lelouch in one eye and her words were just teasing him he would have easily noticed it blinding him in that eye when putting it on as there was nothing to indicate he couldn't see out of that eye and he was looking out of his eye's sideways at those following him its safe to say its not something that simply blinds him in that eye it somehow filters out the Geass and we know he can use his Geass through glasses if he's directly looking at the person already.
    As for C.C. and the material of the contact lens, I do enjoy how you reciprocate while saying I'm not putting evidence out either. I particularly enjoy you cutting off a quote short and then repeating what I had just used to counter something you had said, only now as your own.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Once more I will reiterate my point in my last post. It's one thing to say, "I'm guessing there's something special about it." Like I did with assuming it's polarized in a way that will render the wavelengths of light that the Geass functions on ineffective and other scientific-bullshit (tm).
    Does that make it "special" enough to block Rollo's if Lelouch was somehow able to get the lens into his eye? I doubt it. But it works for Lelouch's who's Geass definitely does operate on line-of-sight, visible light wavelengths.

    Rollo's as illustrated (again, through Knightmares, walls, smoke, and reversed through his own skull) does not. C.C. implied that if it got stronger, the methods in the lens might not function anymore. As I said before, Lelouch's may get strong enough work through materials or operate at different wavelength of light, or simply be in both eyes. I believe that C.C. was merely pointing out one of those possibilities. Not nearly as far as you are attempting to reach.

    But I think I'm done feeding the troll.

    The last word on this is either yours or someone else who feels up to countering you. If you're going to keep making most of these blanket statements up, I think it's better off to simply glance over your posts and ignore them. (Not all your posts though, this one was quite good.) The least you could do is say they are guesses, or predictions rather than stating them as "fact."

  11. #391
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Fair enough.

    I'm still not convinced in any way that Rollo's Geass has anything to do with his eye because the evidence just doesn't support what you are claiming. How are you explaining away Viletta, or anything in the Knightmares? Both instances where the eye wouldn't be a factor.

    I'm seeing what you explained as just a visual representation of what's occurring. Lelouch's worked the same way all through last season, well, up to eps 22 anyway. The "bird" flapped and shot out right into the eyes of his targets. Do you think that that is literally happening each time? It can't because there are several points in last season where Lelouch simply Geass's someone without that visual effect. The V just shows up and it works.

    Sure the power may be emanating from Rollo's eye, but that does not mean that his eyes have anything direct to do with his power. It works both through the frames (and therefore display screens) of Knightmares, possibly solid walls, and as we saw directly with Viletta, no line of sight needed. Much more like Mao's.

    I still wonder how exactly you propose Lelouch gets his contact lens into Rollo's eye, or anyone's eye, much less have them keep it there. Geass them I suppose, but the same affect could be had by simply Geassing them in the first place, like he thwarted Mao by commanding him to "shut up" and rendered his ability useless.
    First off I didn't propose a method of inserting the contact I simply stated it was possible it would negate his Geass if they were able to get the contact into his eye. I still have no real proposal on how it can be done but I must assume his Geass has some range limitation and he isn't pausing the planet each time he uses his Geass.

    As for Rollo's power and the representation of Lelouch's Geass. I always saw the bird from Lelouch going to the other person to be a visual representation of him taking over there mind and it creating a link. In Rollo's case I see his eye as building up power and then dispersing it in all directions in a wave. Simply put Rollo does not need line of site because anything hit by his Geass gets the same command "stop". While Lelouch needs line of sight because he's giving the target or targets he's looking at a much more complicated set of commands. Essentially if Lelouch looked at someone and told them to stop and never move again it would have a continuous effect on a person that was similar to the short term effect that Rollo appears to have. Please note I also assume Rollo's Geass has a extremely short duration because otherwise he wouldn't have kept reappearing in his battle with Kallen and whats his name from the 4 holy swords.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    As for C.C. and the material of the contact lens, I do enjoy how you reciprocate while saying I'm not putting evidence out either. I particularly enjoy you cutting off a quote short and then repeating what I had just used to counter something you had said, only now as your own.
    I'm not sure what your claiming I didn't include in your previous statement that you think I repeated to claim it as my own so feel free to enlighten me on this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Does that make it "special" enough to block Rollo's if Lelouch was somehow able to get the lens into his eye? I doubt it. But it works for Lelouch's who's Geass definitely does operate on line-of-sight, visible light wavelengths.

    Rollo's as illustrated (again, through Knightmares, walls, smoke, and reversed through his own skull) does not. C.C. implied that if it got stronger, the methods in the lens might not function anymore. As I said before, Lelouch's may get strong enough work through materials or operate at different wavelength of light, or simply be in both eyes. I believe that C.C. was merely pointing out one of those possibilities. Not nearly as far as you are attempting to reach.
    As stated Rollo's is a effect created by a pulse of energy if you can block that energy you can block his Geass. There is no reason a random Wall, Knightmare, smoke or his own skull would be equipped to stop a unknown type of energy. That contact on the other hand seems to be made to do exactly that. Of interesting note Rollo didn't use his Geass on Lelouch until he removed the contact and attempted to use his own on Rollo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    The last word on this is either yours or someone else who feels up to countering you. If you're going to keep making most of these blanket statements up, I think it's better off to simply glance over your posts and ignore them. (Not all your posts though, this one was quite good.) The least you could do is say they are guesses, or predictions rather than stating them as "fact."
    I'm not making blanket statements and anytime I've been asked or requested to do so I have gone ahead and explained any questionable statement I've made. I've also provided timestamps dialog and analysis of the scenes where I came to the conclusions. Many times I've had long posts reduced to a single line and had someone yourself and others decide they need to beat something they misinterpreted or something I poorly explained into the ground. I'm not perfect and sometimes I make mistakes but I'm willing to discuss them and while I don't always agree with what you have to say Ryllharu. I do respect you take the time to have a discussion in a thread instead of wandering around blindly derepping people with no real reason (atleast if there is a reason they sure leave it blank most of the time). Discussion is good and I don't believe that anyone who finds fault in my posts shouldn't reply to them thats why we are on a forum in the first place.

    I do believe people shouldn't put words into others mouths and that you shouldn't blindly shoot down a hypothesis someone puts out there unless you have a factual reason for doing so the same way you seem to believe someone shouldn't make a claim without being able to back it up with information provided in the show. I clearly have provided those scenes along with timestamps and which sub group I'm referring to all I ask is that you and others who are so quick to judge things do the same.

  12. #392
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    ok Kraco based on what you stated explain to me whats the difference between a contact lens that prevents a visual Geass from working yet allows you to see through it normally and a contact that does nothing but inhibit a Geass from working.

    I see absolutely no difference between those two things and don't see how you can claim the first to be true and yet insist the second must be false.
    I'm just repeating Ryllharu's words, but I feel like I need to answer to this because it was a direct response to my post. In short, until proven otherwise, I'm going to believe the contact lens only blocks a geass that's based on visual line-of-sight. Like a filter. So, it doesn't actually do anything to the geass. In this sense, it would be the same as an opaque lens, except that Lelouch can still see through it like a normal person would, retaining stereo vision.

    A lens that would inhibit a geass would mean the geass eye, no matter what kind of a geass eye, would stop working if the contact lens is next to it. So, even Mao's geass would be inhibited, provided the inhibition effect is strong enough. Like a medicine that's injected into your veins. In this case naturally also Rollo's geass, or the emperor's geass, would be stopped, should somebody stick these contact lenses into their eyes.

    Now, I'm not sure if that is even what you had in mind, but you gave me the impression this is what you were thinking. And I've to note here that likely it would be much harder for C.C. to come up with such a lens than just one that filters the kind of geass Lelouch is using, although I admit there is no certainty of that. There could as well be some very common substance that universally inhibits a geass eye. Who knows, maybe there is but unfortunately it's carcinogenic, so C.C. didn't want to mention it. Or maybe she didn't want to mention it because it would be a huge geass weakness and she fears Lelouch might leak the information out. Or considering the connection between C.C.'s kind and the geass, maybe that substance is highly toxic to C.C. (she didn't touch the contact lens, just the box it was in).

    I'm also finished with this conversation with this post. I feel like it hasn't moved absolutely anywhere since the very start.

  13. #393
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I'm also finished with this conversation with this post. I feel like it hasn't moved absolutely anywhere since the very start.
    Well that gives me the opportunity to start something new. I'm going to guess that Rollo's Geass has a fire rate, so he can't use it during it's cool-down period. Also, how his Geass actually stops people's perception of time is still unclear. For example, if he Geassed a driver, would the car still move because the pedal is pressed? Hopefully Rollo will give Lelouch an explanation before he fires.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #394
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think it, meaning Rollo's geass, only stops people (maybe animals??), nothing else.

    I really doubt the contact lens Lelouch is using can inhibit Rollo's geass, for reasons so obvious I am surprised people actually discussed it this far. But everything is possible, since the lens is "special".

    I personally interpreted the contact lens conversation as "colored" and not opaque. Lelouch probably meant something like his mask, rather than something that completely blocks his vision. What is so special about C.C.'s contact lens is yet to be revealed.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #395
    Missing Nin
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    The contact that CC gave Lelouch was obviously developed previously or else there is no way C.C. would have simply had one or would have known it could stop Lelouch's Geass ahead of time. The only other person we know C.C. gave a Geass to is Mao so either it was something designed to block his Geass or something created to generally stop a Geass that was created by C.C.'s people.

    Seems everyone agrees the contact doesn't just stop vision and blocks something to do with the Geass. So unless someone previously had the exact same Geass as Lelouch which is a possibility because its likely his mother contracted with C.C. before her death. Then there is no reason she would have been both sure the contact would deal with Lelouch's permanent Geass and likely not work if his Geass got stronger.

    .@Buffalobiian I stated how I believe Rollo's Geass works in some of my massive posts but I don't expect you guys to read those.

    Simply put it seems his Geass has a brief charge up period before sending out pulse from his eye that expands in all directions. I fully agree he can't keep his Geass up nonstop the Knightmare battle proved that because otherwise he could have beaten Kallen and the Holy blade(name?) before he "reappeared" at all. I will also assume the greater the range he uses the shorter the period it stops peoples brains.

    As has been pointed out the water didn't stop so it doesn't stop motion. Also the guy Rollo stabs doesn't fall over until after his Geass ends. Of course we don't know how soon before it ends Rollo stabs him but that might mean there body is completely frozen until the end of the Geass.

  16. #396
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Now that I think about it...
    Who did conceal Lelouch's Geass for that year when his memories were rewritten?

    This is to be discovered, since he had no special lens and his Geass was still active when he was brought to the emperor by Suzaku... so I doubt CC was able to stop the Geass later.

    That could mean the emperor can rewrite memories and conceal/rewrite what his necessary for the Geass to express itself. The emperor might be the strongest Geass user, or possesses someone/something who has extended power/control on anyone's Geass.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #397
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Hmm, since a geass affects the brainwaves of the one its used against, (at least Lelouch's does i think, it was mentioned in season 1) its probably the same thing with his own brain.

    It could be the case that his brain can't shut of the geass, because it got used to its activation.
    Well, if his memories are rewritten, it could have an effect on his brainwaves and his brain is like: "hey, for what is this switch here?... hmm i can't remember it so its better to turn it off"

    (crappy explanation because of ultra-low english skills, it has to do with neurons etc. but thats too hard for me to explain)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 04-22-2008 at 09:58 AM.

  18. #398
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    Hmm, since a geass affects the brainwaves of the one its used against, (at least Lelouch's does i think, it was mentioned in season 1) its probably the same thing with his own brain.

    It could be the case that his brain can't shut of the geass, because it got used to its activation.
    Well, if his memories are rewritten, it could have an effect on his brainwaves and his brain is like: "hey, for what is this switch here?... hmm i can't remember it so its better to turn it off"

    (crappy explanation because of ultra-low english skills, it has to do with neurons etc. but thats too hard for me to explain)
    Basically, if one of the processes or variable is rewriten, you break the loop and the Geass can't work. Once le processes are back to normal, Geass is reactivated.
    For neurons, that could mean that a part of the route needed to activate the Geass is not accessible due to the rewrite that basically is a change of neural routes. No route going to the activation means no Geass.

    Basically simple, just a clever use the Emperor would make, which is basically very consistent with him having his Geass for a long time and being a very strong mastermind.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  19. #399
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    An interesting and highly important detail is, of course, that the emperor didn't rewrite Lelouch's memories. He just suppressed his real memories and implanted false memories. This was made evident when our favorite witch returned Lelouch to normal. He could once again access his old memories but still the false/new ones as well.

    Now, manipulating someone's memories in such a manner is indeed quite a powerful and sophisticated technique so I wouldn't put it past the emperor to be able to reset Lelouch's constantly on geass as well.

  20. #400
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden
    I do hope they start to deepen it more in S2. It feels like they left out so many things wich the usage or any type of info about it.

    I still have a slightly memorie that C.C pointed out that Suzaku has some type of connection to it.
    And what about Marianne?
    The origins of the Geass users?
    Can EVERYONE have Geass?

    So little time, so much Lelouch domination!!1
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

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