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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #241
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Uhh...Milly should still be engaged to Lloyd. He wanted the Ashford family's Knightmare frame as dowry (the reason he instantly accepted at the meeting last season) and Milly's grandfather wanted to marry her to an Earl or other nobility in order for the Ashfords to regain their lost status.

    Despite the difference in age, I still think they are perfect for each other. Both have very similar personalities.

  2. #242
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    shown on a game, yet not on the series? please... do not link.

    Llyod was bethroed (sp?) to Milly.

    damn... Ryl won me that one... that happens for checking for correct spelling of names =P

  3. #243
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    shown on a game, yet not on the series? please... do not link.

    Llyod was bethroed (sp?) to Milly.
    I'm aware he was but he only wanted the frame and there has been no indication he still is.

    She wasn't in a outfit that a normal researcher would wear either my point is if she is suddenly royalty the most likely way would be through marrying Lloyd she's also not even going to the school part time anymore. Given we haven't seen anything of Milly really this season but a year later I would assume the marriage would have already taken place.

  4. #244
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    I'm aware he was but he only wanted the frame and there has been no indication he still is.

    She wasn't in a outfit that a normal researcher would wear either my point is if she is suddenly royalty the most likely way would be through marrying Lloyd she's also not even going to the school part time anymore. Given we haven't seen anything of Milly really this season but a year later I would assume the marriage would have already taken place.
    Though it is not a CLAMP series outright, the character designs all are. Outfit changes, especially non-standard ones, are commonplace. If you look at the OP, nearly everyone not in Academy school uniforms got a costume change. Even Sayoko (the lovely maid of doom) got a Chinese inspired dress, as seen at the end of the episode. Raksharta, however...still shows the midriff, and that's fine by me.

    I don't see how you believe her outfit is of "royalty" quality. You can see it in the OP. 1:42 for episode 2. It's a red skirt/jacket that resembles a school uniform. In the OP she has a labcoat over it. In the background of that scene at the end of this episode, there are pipes and all manner of mechanical equipment visible in the background. She's in a lab. As for High Society in Geass, the women wear dresses all the time. Remember Milly's outfit from her engagement meeting with Lloyd last season. It was a high class sundress and huge "fashionable" hat. Also at some of the parties when Lelouch was a child, or when Euphie was holding some function, all the women wore gowns.

    Nina's is clearly something meant to do research and work in.

    As for Milly, we've seen her in the first episode, but you're right that it wasn't of any substance. Still, this is royalty we are talking about. Lloyd is an Earl, and Milly's family was once very prominent. Engagements of this caliber in British society today , in the real world, take a long time. It's very likely that the engagement will continue until she graduates from the Academy.

  5. #245
    Missing Nin
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    Ryllharu while I agree with some of what you stated I don't agree with all of it. The outfit is clearly not that of a random or assistant researcher its nowhere near that of Lloyds assistant in season one. Clearly they want to change everyones outfit but she has clearly obtained a special rank of some sort and while I'm sure we all agree that making a nuke made her a researcher I can't be so sure it was enough to make her that high ranking.

    I'm sorry but her outfit of a cape not a simple coat states to me she is someone of a high ranking position not a apprentice and not a standard researcher by any means. In fact its closer to the pink haired girls outfit for the knights of the round at 1:48 if you ask me.

  6. #246
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'll admit it is a half-cape, and not a lab coat.

    Maybe she was given a title, but she sure as hell is not Lloyd's...anything, other than assistant. I'm still going to disagree with it showing she "clearly obtained" anything.

    It's just a special outfit, because she's an important [debatable] character. It looks vaguely military, like Cecile's always does, but with a school uniform twist instead of a smart-looking dress uniform. I think it is more likely she was probably drafted as a civilian contractor and maybe even possibly in a plea-bargain scenario on charges of threating Britannian forces with a weapon of mass destruction. Though the plea-bargain bit is a bit complicated and unlikely. Don't you think she'd still be at school and working part time instead? She was distinctly not present in the first episode nor in the student council room in this episode.

    Until it is expressly said otherwise, I'm going to stick with the assertion that there's no way in hell she earned a title.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 04-14-2008 at 08:47 PM. Reason: edited for clarity

  7. #247
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Man... Suzaku doesn't look badass enough to be a bad guy. Bleach did the right thing with Aizen. Aizen didn't look badass enough to be the bad guy, then bam! he loses the glasses and gets a hairstyle change and suddenly looks super badass to be a bad guy.

    But yes, I agree, I hope Suzaku dies. I don't want none of this bs where he realizes he's wrong and decides to join Lelouch. I want him to diiiiiiiiie! Plus, these things happen way too much where the friend of the main character who was evil turns good. Sometimes, coldness is a good thing.

    Question though, when Lelouch used his geass on Suzaku, it wasn't a permanent thing right? He told him to live, but we don't know how long the effect lasts? Maybe that's why Lelouch couldn't shoot Suzaku and why he missed.

    If not then it's probably as Rhyll said where Lelouch just couldn't do it. Or he's just a lousy shooter.

  8. #248
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Lelouch didn't miss or hesitate, and he isn't a lousy shooter. The bullet was dodged, with Suzaku's godlike reflexes. The geass didn't kick in, or rather, it doesn't matter if it did or did not, since Suzaku would have dodged the shot either way.

    Still, while I do say that Lelouch didn't hesitate with his shot, that does not mean that he wanted to simply kill Suzaku. He knows Suzaku's abilities better than anyone, including the fact that he can go matrix at anytime.
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  9. #249
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I actually don't think Lelouch meant to miss Suzaku at all at the end of Ep 25. He was urgently wanting to save Nunnaly, only to have Suzaku fire back "it has nothing to do with you." Being Nunnaly's closest person, I think his mind would have been screaming "If you're not gonna help, just fuck off."

    The little speech about selling out your friends was just part of his usual mind games IMO. Also, next episode's preview, Lelouch somehow got rid of his perma-Geass. From watching Ep 2, I'd say the awoken Geass is definitely permanent, so we'll see how he controls it next week. (Since we're taking some wild guesses, I wonder if this will work. Rolo also has a commanding Geass. Rolo commands Lelouch to control his Geass.)

    Awesome ep, and the team did a good job drawing parallels with the first season.

    edit: too slow, didn't see Shinta's post

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #250
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Nice ep and all.

    However I was quite disapointed with character design/art. It really was awkward at times.
    I don't know why, but sometimes I felt like watching "Ants" the animated movie. Especially in one scene with Karen.

    I will try to come up later with ideas around this world. All we see is illusion. Even the Emperor probably is a puppet. I will have to rewatch the ep for more material.
    I would say Season 1 got us into the universe.
    Season 2 could show us how incredibly fake are every assumptions we may have.
    From the moment you encounter someone with the ability to rewrite memories and who possibly has another power, you can pretty much do anything with the story.
    We don't even know the limitations of his power (more than one use and so on...)

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  11. #251
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    However I was quite disapointed with character design/art. It really was awkward at times.
    That makes it sound like you already forgot the first season. The style has been pretty consistent. It is somewhat awkward in a sense, like in an overly theatrical manner, both poses and speech, but that's what Code Geass is, and it's also one reason why I like it so much. It's not like that because the studio and director would suck but because they decided to pick a style like that.

  12. #252
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    That makes it sound like you already forgot the first season. The style has been pretty consistent. It is somewhat awkward in a sense, like in an overly theatrical manner, both poses and speech, but that's what Code Geass is, and it's also one reason why I like it so much. It's not like that because the studio and director would suck but because they decided to pick a style like that.
    I probably forgot, it's just that I felt like it was going a bit too far. I watched season 1 only 2 months ago, but sometimes memory isn't that reliable. I'll screenshot that particular scene this evening.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #253
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Am I missing somethere here? I notice a number of people are suggesting the emperor has more than one Geass/power. Is there any rationale for this, or simple because his Geass appears in both eyes? We haven't exactly encountered many Geass users yet, but the two we're familiar with only have one power, regardless of whether it appears in both eyes or not.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #254
    Just a question : Is the part where Lelouch puts a coat on Kallen's shoulder a sort of reverence to Ghost in the shell. Or is it more random ?

  15. #255
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm guessing the easiest way to temporarily seal the geass is to use an opaque contact lens for his left eye. It will block half his vision, but it shouldn't be too much of a hindrance for simple school life. Sometimes, the easiest solutions are the easiest to miss.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #256
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I'm guessing the easiest way to temporarily seal the geass is to use an opaque contact lens for his left eye. It will block half his vision, but it shouldn't be too much of a hindrance for simple school life. Sometimes, the easiest solutions are the easiest to miss.
    That's not a bad idea. However, I think that his cover will be broken too easily that way. All it takes it for a ball to come flying from his left and hit him. People will be like WTF you couldn't see that? That Britannian Purist teacher will be on the look out, that's for sure.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 04-15-2008 at 09:13 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #257
    Are you talking about Rolo -- the mysterious brother? He could simply be able to turn off his geass.

    Fun episode, I want to see a jailbreak soon.

  18. #258
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    Fun episode, I want to see a jailbreak soon.
    I wonder what Lelouch would do. Returning the Order to full power is a definite priority, but Britannia would definitely expect the jailbreak. A direct confrontation would probably wipe out the BKs. CG awesomeness continues......

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #259
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    A direct confrontation would probably wipe out the BKs. CG awesomeness continues......
    Direct confrontation? That's not exactly the kind of term I've come to associate with Lelouch, you know. Unless the BK is still far more powerful than I think, it seems likely some nefarious plot would be used to rescue the pows. All the better, of course. Especially when they are against so ridiculous enemy mechas.

  20. #260
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    By direct confrontation, I meant something similar to what they pulled off at the end of last season. Of course, annihilating the enemy on the word go by collapsing their fortress is hardly direct. i guess I meant more of a frontal confrontation. I assumed the prisoners would be so well guarded that the BKs would have to directly confront and set off alarm bells one way or another.

    Of course you can have Lelouch Geass his way through, but you'd think the Emperor would have prepared for that too.

    I'td be hard to believe that the Emperor's "other use" for Lelouch was to simply be bait and lure C.C. out. If that was the case, he surely underestimated Lelouch & Co.

    @Shinta's contact lens idea: If they do that, Lelouch will not be able to use Geass in an instant, which really inhibits him from effectively using Geass.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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