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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #201
    Freakin' freakishly awesome episode, it's like this series is getting better and better for every ep, awesome is not even a word that makes the series justice.

    As it seems now I think that Rollo is just a downsized version of Suzaku, but I do hope that Lelouch uses his Geass on him to make him work for him, or that he actually starts working for Lelouch of his on free will, his answer to the chinese was very ambigues after all... One can hope.

    And about Lelouch, I would assume no one except Suzaku and the emp to know that Lelouch has a Geass. Kind of cool also that he has his Geass on full-time, will he be able to turn it back or will he have to walk around with an eye-patch in school?

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Didn't they say Britannia controlled a third of the world? That's a pretty massive empire any way you slice it.

    what i meant is that could be an engineered memory. Especially the way Britannia controls the media... it might be possible.

  3. #203

    Smile Code Geass R2

    Since everyone is talking about Geass i have a theory.

    We know that so far two girls have weird names C.C. and V.V.

    C.C. gave geass to Mao which was in both eyes and then to Lulu which is in one eye.
    V.V. gave geass to King which is in both eyes and then to Rollo which is in one eye.

    From season one we know that Mao's Geass was powerful then Lulu's so King's Geass is powerful then Rollo's. Overall at this moment King has the most powerful Geass assuming no one but people mentioned above have geass.

    What you guys think

  4. #204
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Mao's geass just seemed more powerful than Lelouch's because Lelouch is a tactician. It all depends on the situation.

    Loved the Kallen and Lelouch interaction I was waiting for. Will comment more later.
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  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I had a wild idea... the emperor has two geass... and one obviously rewrites memories... so... could he have re-written Nunnally into... Rollo? I think they had the same eye shade color... and they do resemble each other... or this could only be CLAMP's designs.
    I think that's pushing it. This isn't Escaflowne.

    PS: I hate how these groups are all releasing 350 MB encodes for the HD version. That doesn't fit on a dual-layer DVD. For a 25-episode series, it has to be 320 MB. I'm having to re-encode each episode which takes 2.5 hours each, and my computer is far from slow.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Sun, 04-13-2008 at 09:27 PM.

  6. #206
    Another great episode and it just gets bett

    It's hard to say how things will proceed, we have Rollo with a Geass and also seems really sly and not entirely sure on which side he really is on with his answers, etc.

    Suzaku looks pissed and will surely be taking up a fight real soon and the Emporer has got a good leash on Suzaku at the moment, a loyal fighter who is willing to give it all for the empire. I wonder how he is going to handle things later on in the series.

  7. #207
    1. What does it mean for the Emperor to have 2 eyes with Geass?
    2. Is Lelouch's geass permanent again?
    3. What happened at the end, what did Rollo do to the Chinese swordsman?

    That was a hell of an episode. I want more

  8. #208
    well..this is definatly gonna be an interesting season

    but many people so far with geass..not as unique anymore =S

  9. #209
    I hope the Chinese just go "Target is Geass Immune Bitch". It would be so easy and sweet to have Rollo die in a sword move, then to have the chinese pilot lancelot&#178;
    Last edited by Inazuma; Mon, 04-14-2008 at 01:15 AM.

  10. #210
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Am I the only one thinking Rollo has a split personality or something of the sort? I just don't remember a clear transition from his innocent personality (that is in love with Lelouch) and the one that pawns everything using instant movement (which sucks). There is also the fact that he has 2 sets of wings in the ending animation, (which clearly symbolize the allegiance of each character, angel wings for Brittania, and devil wings for BK) both angel and devil pairs. This might imply that he has two allegiances, stemming from two personalities.
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  11. #211
    I was wondering if the opening and ending theme has been released?

  12. #212
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    According to Nipponsei, which is usually a good source, the release date for the OP is May 28th. No idea of the ED.

  13. #213

  14. #214
    Wow, this episode was full of so much freaking awesomeness. I didn't even think it was possible, but i now hate Suzaku even more than last season. In fact after finally getting to see what went down at the end of last season i'm surprised i'm the first to express my renewed and intensified dislike for this guy. Lelouche may manipulate people and make them dance like puppets to achieve what he wants, but i don't think he ever would have sold out Suzaku that way.

    Also i'm in agreement with everyone else about the Lancelot. That thing was cheap enough last season with it's demi-god combat abilities, but now it can teleport? Here's to hoping Lelouche finds a way to deal with that soon.

    Aside from that great action, great drama, and as always a great public performance from Zero. I can't wait for the next episode.

  15. #215
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    wow all the hype was really not just for show, this really is great!

    and the chinese soldiers look like modern samurais pretty cool!
    i can't wait for the next episode because i want to know what happens if his "brothers" gets in there...

    but i didn't understand what he meant with "i want to know the truth, thats why i m here to kill him" <--- that makes no sense.

    btw that voice of him sounded really robotic.. and he seems to have a power similiar to Lelouch. (i mean the geass has the same effect)

  16. #216
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Am I the only one thinking Rollo has a split personality or something of the sort? I just don't remember a clear transition from his innocent personality (that is in love with Lelouch) and the one that pawns everything using instant movement (which sucks). There is also the fact that he has 2 sets of wings in the ending animation, (which clearly symbolize the allegiance of each character, angel wings for Brittania, and devil wings for BK) both angel and devil pairs. This might imply that he has two allegiances, stemming from two personalities.
    Nah. You are not the only one.
    I even went as far as making a 'wild idea', that actually its a little exagerated (see several posts prior).

    But yes... double wings in the ending... plus different speeches and way of acting... double personality. He is definitely following the emperor... but he definitely will have something that will confuse him, between choosing the emperor or Lelouch...

    And I already said it, but what the hell... loved the Kallen-Lelouch interaction

  17. #217
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Do you think Kallen will become more assertive and make the first move to gain a closer relationship with Zero/Lelouch? She sure looked lovestruck even when facing the "Lelouch" version this time around.

    BTW, I never realized Lelouch was so smooth with the ladies. I thought he was a lot more awkward with his relationship with C.C., but I guess that's from the sheer eccentricity of our favorite witch. I'm wondering whether an actual love triangle will develop this time, between the warrior, the warlock, and the witch.

    @Krayz - I think that line actually serves as a clue to Rollo's character, which I still maintain to be dual or something similar.
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  18. #218
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I thought the line meant that if he succeeds in killing Lelouch, then he was nothing much but another rebel, but if somehow Lelouch wins the confrontation, then Lelouch is really one capable of opposing the emperor. In which case, I suppose, Rollo might even become a BK.

    But who knows.

  19. #219
    Wonder where Cornelia's been all this time.

  20. #220
    Alright now that the fanboism has cooled off I think I can analyze this episode with more rationality than "OMG TELEPORTERZ R KEWL"

    I'll start with what happened after ep 25. That was one of the lamest things I've ever seen. Why would Lelouch miss yet perfectly take out Suzaku's headset?

    Because I hate Suzaku I'm going to believe that Lelouch couldn't bring himself to kill his friend and thus intentionally pulled his shot at the last second. If this was the case it of course makes Suzaku's next actions that much more reprehensible. Lelouch couldn't bring himself to kill his friend yet that friend gladly handed him over to the Emperor in an attempt to gain the illusion of difference making personal power. Suzaku didn't seem to spare a single thought for what the Emperor might have done to Lelouch or what it could mean for Nunally even. If only Suzaku wasn't super human ( wish I could leap 20 feet forward from a standing position) I could actually hope he would just die, but since he won't I'll just hope another of his love interests dies and this time he gets it through his head that he's on the more evil side.

    Fast forward to the present. Hooray Lelouch for his plan to take out the units that came after him in addition to those lying in wait, but realistically, how could he have come up with such a perfect plan to not only get out of the building, but then immediately ally the OotBK with the Chinese when only hours before he had no idea he was even a terrorist mastermind? His memories shouldn't include any information about the status of the OotBK between his capture and now so how did he get the Chinese to comply? It just felt like he was a little too good on his feet, even for him.

    EDIT: NVM noticed the Geass on the ambassador's eyes.

    And then of course there's Rollo and his Hyaku Shikki Mk III (I will accept no other name, especially not Vincent). Where the hell was he hiding that thing? I haven't seen someone just whip a mech out of their back pocket for quite a while. The local army didn't seem to know anything about it or him, making it unlikely that they brought it along when they came to retake the tower. My only guess is that he is associated with the Intelligence people that Lelouch killed and they had it with them. If not that then hammerspace works fine too.

    And as was said before, the ability to simply teleport is very cool in theory, but in this setting it's kind of lame. I'm still holding out hope that it has something to do with Rollo's geass and not the mech itself. Instead of actually teleporting/moving really fast maybe he can just make people's brains not register things for short bursts of time, so he fuzzes them out, moves past them and then they come to their senses and he's somewhere else. Unfortunately they showed some of those internal component shots while he was doing it so I doubt this theory will actually hold up.

    A final comment on Rollo, in the OP where he seems to be leading a squadron of mobile suits 1) Can anyone make out the type of suits he's leading and 2) do his eyes look Geassed?
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 04-14-2008 at 10:25 AM.

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