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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1601
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I just think it's kind of ironic that after Charles' demise, we get Schneizel: the epitome user of lies and masks Charles seeked to destroy, and Lelouch&Co chose over stopping time.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #1602
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I was just remembering... did Kirihara died? Since Kaguya is obviously leading Kyoto now, alone without the rest of the 6 families.

    And I guess Ougi believes Kirihara was geassed into believing Lelouch was trustable... since he had seen Lelouch's face and told them to trust him.

  3. #1603
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Episode 24

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #1604

  5. #1605
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    and Cornelia lives ALL HAIL THE DECOY SHIP!

    im ready for this to end this is to much drama for my poor little heart lol

    oh on a side note i guess they have a crapload of them decoy ships cause Cornelias knight lives too...

    anybody know wear you can buy a decoy ship cheap posibuly used?
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  6. #1606
    Oh come on... why is Guilford alive?! I mean it's one thing to have a decoy ship but when someone's entire Knightmare is partially engulfed in the destructive doom sphere they should really stay dead!

    Other than that I liked that Lelouch reused the Mao strategy on Schneizel. Normally I'd complain that it was unoriginal but Schneizel is certainly on a different level than Mao so for Lelouch to have been able to predict his responses that well actually means something.

    Most of the Knightmare fighting in this ep seemed uninspired though. I didn't see much point in C.C. and Kallen's fight other than show casing the pink Lancelot so female model kitters would have something to grab. And what was that shield looking thing that C.C. had? Did it serve any actual purpose?

    I did like how the lampshaded the fact that slicing the legs off a flying bipedal robot is not an effective means of neutralizing it's combat capability. And who couldn't like the Lance of Freaking Longinus stopping that last FLEIA.

    I don't know what the future will hold but I'm banking on an ending where most of the major players from the first season (Lulu, Suzaku, Kallen, C.C.) either die or pass into obscurity and then zombie Schneizel and Xing-ke take over the world and usher in an era of peace.

  7. #1607
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Even if her role wasn't developped that much, I liked Cornelia.
    But I don't like dead characters coming back into a show. And Guilford really was totally engulfed in the sphere for me.
    On a side note, strange how the same kind of weapon is used in two shows such as Code Geass and Macross Frontier. Maybe it's a usual tool in that kind of shows? I don't know since I do not watch a lot of the kind.

    C.C. is back being human it seems, I mean she gets over her depression created by her immortality. However, whatever Lelouch or C.C. does, Lelouch will eventually die. Meaning C.C. will only have his lifespan to feel human again? Just some basic thinking, outside the plots that awaits.

    I wonder what will happen next.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  8. #1608
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Did CC really expected to win against Kallen in a Knightmare battle? At least she played her role, being cannon fodder so Lelouch could escape.

    Is Lelouch really determined to make the world his enemy that he evens tells Sayoko, Llyod and Cecile to say they were being blackmailed?

    Are the black knights so damn stupid they can't see the truth?

    So many battles and just one more episode... I hope Kallen defeats Suzaku for once and for all. And I guess Lelouch will send Nunnally away and then destroy damocles with him and Schneizel still inside... and the world shall find the truth when Cornelia tells them.

    Why the fuck is Viletta not informing the Black Knights about Cornelia? She was in the same building, was she not? Does she hate Lelouch that much? In that regard she is no better than Lelouch, by not giving vital information.

    I still want Ougi to die. Diethard's death was poetic. He was not even worthy to be geassed, lol.

    Damn it... I want Kallen finding the truth after defeating Suzaku and then tries to save Lelouch... only for him to die detonating everything... and how the hell will CC get back to Damocles when her Pink Lancelot was trashed?


    I found on a blog quote's of phrases told by CC, Kallen and Nunnally on the last episodes...

    CC's was said this episode:
    Hurry up and go. And then come back. You said you will make me smile.

    Nunnally's was said two episodes ago:
    I will put an end to oniisama's sin.

    And Kallen's hasn't been said to my knowledge... so I guess it will be said on the last episode... Ouf of respect for those that hate spoilers, I will not post it. If someone wants me to tell you what it was... do tell me and I shall PM it.
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Sun, 09-21-2008 at 03:06 PM.

  9. #1609
    Exxxxxxxxxccuuusssseee me but, what the fuck is happening to this show ?

    For 2 seasons mechs used to assplode if you scratched the paint, now you can cut the thing in two, it'll be alright ?

    Nunnaly evolves into Nunnaloli and breaks the loli o meter by opening her eyes, I can predict Nunnaporn coming on the interwebs in less than a day.

    Rippof of Evangelion, today in "Let's reuse something" the Lance of Longinus

    Guilford fucked up by FLEIA comes back as a MIB agent

    Knightmares fight based on "pew pew pew" shouted by a six years old

    Useless named OBK character that was being defeated by unamed is actually SLOWING SPINZAKU DOWN ?

    Kannon is so hot for Lelouch " His Geass is that powerfull? I'm so wet, take me hard Emperor."

    Viletta : " I'm going to have a Baby it having a father is only extra weeeeeeeee "

    CC went out in her pink, with aftermarket VampireRound Shieldish thing realizing that she was acutally having fun and gave a shit. Boosting Bandai toys sells at the same time but who gives a shit ?

    And Scheinzel, in fact, was just an Emo with a position and an IQ.

    Side note ; By the way, if we think FMA style thus considering that Tomato + Potato = Pomato. What would result of Xing Ke + Tian Zi ? Loli Swordman expert what ?
    Or Xing Ke + Ninja Maid ? Chuck Norris' real wife ?

  10. #1610
    Lelouch should just go ahead and use his Geass on the bitch. If it worked on God then why won't it work here? Unless you're telling me Nunally's will surpasses that of god.

  11. #1611
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I dont get why Diehard shot at Lelouch. Why did he take action? The whole show he followed those who seemed to create a new future. So why not change sides again?

    Other than that...well, lets end this

    Oh and why exactly couldnt Nunnaly see until now?

  12. #1612
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    cause her dad Geassed her rember
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  13. #1613
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Charles and Marianne had Nunnally "forget" that her eyes were functional, and gave her all of Anya's memories of that attack. Maybe Lelouch will Geass Nunnally into shooting him, and then having her declare herself Empress now that she is no longer disadvantaged, since his whole plan (in season 1) was to make a world where she would be safe.

    I had heard that the Anti-Fleija device was supposed to be similar to the Evangelion Lance of Longinus, but to actually see it twist and change shape in exactly the same way (but in reverse, since it twisted into prongs) resulted in an instant facepalm.

    2 bucks says Kallen beats Spinzaku. She always forced him to retreat when she had an inferior uber-knightmare, now that she has the technological advatage as well this should be a piece of cake. Then again, Spinzaku now has so much more mobility with his shoulder-stockings...

    It's a toss-up.

  14. #1614
    Cornelia escaped from the magical machine guns on her decoy ship.

    Guilford escaped from FLEIA on his decoy ship.

    AHAHAHAHAHA I saw this coming all along!

  15. #1615
    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    If it worked on God then why won't it work here? Unless you're telling me Nunally's will surpasses that of god.
    Ahahhha, that made me laugh really hard.

  16. #1616
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    I still can't believe Guilford survive.. I thought he had seen the light..

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  17. #1617
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Well... Ryl has been saying it for weeks... this is Sunrise

    The only thing I care now is that Kallen doesn't die. The rest of the world can perish if they want to.

  18. #1618
    Man, why did they even bring Cornelia and Guillford back? Unless it's just for some lame epilogue flash that shows those two with kids, or rebuilding the Empire or something.

  19. #1619
    Guilford and Diethard are crazy people : ) diethard wants to die by geass lol

  20. #1620
    I don't really see Kallen legitimately beating Spinzaku Yamato. While they may have equal machines Lelouch gave Spinny the equivalent of Kira's seed. Maybe if her and Gino team up but he only has half a robot and no sword. Then again Spinny could always go down like Kira did against Shinn in destiny.

    The entire Guilford living thing is ridiculous. I feel like I got slapped with another Mwu or something. I mean really he saw the light of death in his cockpit just like Mwu did and here we are. Hey maybe that Black Knight with the glasses survived too. I didn't see him physically vaporize. Why not?

    I don't think Lelouch will die at all. I think him, Suzaku, and C.C. (still waiting to hear that real name damn it!) will just retire into obscurity on some odd island and rock on a chair like some old man.

    Other than the Lance though great episode. I especially loved how he Geassed Schneizel. Now it's just Lelouch vs Nunally. So sad though everything is coming to an end.

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