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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #221
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Kallen does look confused there. On one side she idiolizes Zero, and on the other she felts used by Lelouch. Also... before the whole battle began on Season 1, she began to know Lelouch, and at first she was mad at his view of Japanese... but I think she also saw something different on him.
    Learning Zero and Lelouch are the same definitely came as a shock for her, and now she does not know how to act around him, hence why she pointed a gun at him, confused at her own actions. But, indeed, Lelouch smoothely (sp?) calmed her down.
    I will definitely like for her to make a move, but only time will tell.

    Rollo... a BK? Not really impossible... but currently he has as many chances as Suzaku. Lelouch definitely does not trust his 'fake brother' now that he learnt the truth. It would take a lot of things to happen for him to trust Rollo, and for him to become a BK... maybe like stealing lots of Vincents for the BK for starters...

    I did not thought about that (about ep 25). I thought Suzaku moved out of the way... but I do like the idea that, despite everything, Lelouch could not kill his friend... even if he did kill family (Clovis and Euphemia)... while Suzaku sold him to the Emperor.

    Suzaku is a worm. He expects to change the world from inside... how? By conquering more lands and unify it all into an even greater empire? I hope he gets killed this season... and if he is not... at least Nina.

    Need to rewatch intro to see the eyes as you said...

  2. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Do you think Kallen will become more assertive and make the first move to gain a closer relationship with Zero/Lelouch? She sure looked lovestruck even when facing the "Lelouch" version this time around.
    I would hope so because Kallen > CC


  3. #223
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I would hope so because Kallen > CC

    I like CC.
    But I prefer Kallen... and not for the fanservice. I just do.

    Thus... I agree.

  4. #224
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I thought the line meant that if he succeeds in killing Lelouch, then he was nothing much but another rebel, but if somehow Lelouch wins the confrontation, then Lelouch is really one capable of opposing the emperor. In which case, I suppose, Rollo might even become a BK.

    But who knows.
    that would be nice, because of his knightmare...(even though it has too much different colors it still looks great when he "teleports"

    btw the BK knightmares are glasgows right? (or however they are spelled) they are not sutherlands (or however THEY are spelled..)...
    because i think the BK knightmares look a lot cooler than those sutherlands, well ihate them because they are purple (thats just so weird for a mecha in my opinion).. and their whole body (specially the head) looks weird too.

    my favorite mecha was the one who blew himself up with his sword want more of them!

    and kallen = whiner
    CC = awesome!
    the only reason to vote for kallen would be her boobs n ass *drool*

  5. #225
    @Krazy: That was a Type-3F Gekka, Urabe was one of Toudou's Four Heavenly Swords and they each got one. The BK grunts tend to use Burai's (Jap made, Glasgow based).

    While I love Kallen's hot bod, cuteness while confused, and occasional odd facial distortions, ultimately I think she'd get tiresome with her inherent emotional sappiness. Tough girl Kallen is great but I'm pretty sure that side of her is more a combination of anger and emotional defense then her core personality, just look at her behavior in crisis situations. I see Kallen as more of a hit it and quit it....then smooth talk and hit it again kind of girl. The fiery temper and sexuality are certainly alluring but I wouldn't want to deal with all the baggage.

    C.C.seems like she'd be a better long term companion. She's comfortable enough with herself and her own issues so she's less likely to act jealous or needy, as long as you're cool with the idea that she's just always going to be in your life to some degree. I can't see why you couldn't take a break from her if she was getting on your nerves (do mess around with Kallen) and then come back to her once you'd calmed down. Plus, she's always going to have your back (unless you renege on the contract of course) and as an added perk, she can't die on you.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 04-14-2008 at 11:42 AM.

  6. #226
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    and CC doesn't age... so you can give her to you descendants with Kallen... errr....

    (couldn't resist hehehe... especially since the time we saw CC watching over young Suzaku and Lelouch, prior to the invasion)

  7. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I would hope so because Kallen > CC

    Cant flame you for that, for a long time during season one I couldnt decide whether to prefer C.C. or Kallen.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  8. #228
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I'll start with what happened after ep 25. That was one of the lamest things I've ever seen. Why would Lelouch miss yet perfectly take out Suzaku's headset?

    Because I hate Suzaku I'm going to believe that Lelouch couldn't bring himself to kill his friend and thus intentionally pulled his shot at the last second. If this was the case it of course makes Suzaku's next actions that much more reprehensible. Lelouch couldn't bring himself to kill his friend yet that friend gladly handed him over to the Emperor in an attempt to gain the illusion of difference making personal power. Suzaku didn't seem to spare a single thought for what the Emperor might have done to Lelouch or what it could mean for Nunally even. If only Suzaku wasn't super human ( wish I could leap 20 feet forward from a standing position) I could actually hope he would just die, but since he won't I'll just hope another of his love interests dies and this time he gets it through his head that he's on the more evil side.
    I actually loved that part. From all the absolutely insane things we saw him do last season, especially in the "save damsel in distress Nunnally" episode, I don't think he missed at all.

    Suzaku had no idea why Zero ran off to the island. He even expected Zero to turn out to be Lelouch. But...knowing all the smart things Zero had been doing all season, Suzaku very well could have expected Lelouch to have agents on the island.
    EDIT: [ I miss read your post and forgot what had happened. Lelouch hit Suzaku's headset (previously this post had it the other way around). It's far more likely that it was just for dramatic effect. Suzaku probably just simply dodged the bullet with the least amount of effort. Pretty standard as advanced martial arts goes.]

    Suzaku knew athletically that he could also beat Lelouch, but he may not have known what Zero was capable of. Could Zero have equal athletic prowess to the new Chinese guy? Maybe. But he knew from their past (where Lelouch struggles to climb hills) and from recent activities at school that Lelouch can't compare.

    So does Suzaku decide that he can rip the bomb off Lelouch, capture him and take him in for something in exchange, such as a position of power so that what happened to Euphie will never be able to happen again? Sure. He cut a freaking wire off of a rotating bomb, he can capture someone he knows a lot about.

    -Is Suzaku an asshole? Yes.
    -Do I hate him? Yep.
    -Do I respect his skills? Sure.
    -Is how much he has changed from the beginning of season one (become a total hardliner, and everything he professed against early on) one of my favorite aspects of the show? Yes.
    -Does his current personality betray everything that Euphie envisioned? Deliciously so.
    -Do I love to hate his character? Absolutely.


    As for Kallen, I don't like the way Lelouch handled her in the tower. He totally could have gotten into her pants, err...bunny suit if he worded that better. Why avoid the question about Geass-ing her when he could admit that he only used it on her for information, and that, "everything you think about, believe in, and feel (about me), is genuine."

    And then finish it off by paralleling the scene with Euphie on the island, but swapping, "I am Lelouch" with, "I am Zero."

    Given her intense idolization, borderling love for Zero all the time, she would have melted.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 04-14-2008 at 06:44 PM. Reason: grievous errors on my part about the content of the episode

  9. #229
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think Lelouch handled Kallen in a very stylish manner. She is not just one of his nameless pawns, and it wasn't a situation he had planned to further his goals. So, instead of giving a simple and straight answer like to some soldier before a mission, he instead asked Kallen what she thinks, herself. Whether her feelings are fabricated or real. I think that, while at the first glance unsatisfactory and unclear, still shows a lot more respect for Kallen and basically allowed her to reevaluate the reason why (she believed) she followed Zero in the beginning. So, while kind of a safe bet, Lelouch still gave Kallen the justification to pull the trigger if she so chose.

  10. #230
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You explained it very well, mostly my thoughts actually (but perhaps better stated).

    In the end, I'm just joking around. It was still just a missed opportunity for Lelouch. He is already content with C.C., and he's not a pedo to go for Kaguya, but Kallen would be such an easy catch for him now.

  11. #231
    I think you're both right, Lelouch is even more classy and respectable as a leader for not taking advangtage of the cliché "please tell me what I want to hear so I can feel justified in ripping your clothes off like I want to" moment. However I still want to kick him in the face for letting such a great opportunity slip by. Unfortunately for poor frustrated Kallen I suspect Lulu plans to remain a virgin until he's become Emperor.

  12. #232
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu

    -Is Suzaku an asshole? Yes.
    -Do I hate him? Yep.
    -Do I respect his skills? Sure.
    -Is how much he has changed from the beginning of season one (become a total hardliner, and everything he professed against early on) one of my favorite aspects of the show? Yes.
    -Does his current personality betray everything that Euphie envisioned? Deliciously so.
    -Do I love to hate his character? Absolutely.
    This set of questions you pointed at yourself is exactly how I feel.
    And this is why when Suzaku gets killed it will be sweeter than just killing him off last season.

    (EDIT: I would not mind getting on Kallen's bunny suit...)

  13. #233
    Still pondering what's happened to Cornelia after this, there's nothing shown of her in the OP, and as far as I can remember she's supposed to be alive after season 1 right? She only got injured in the last episode where she knighted Suzaku.

    That knight of her's with the glasses is out on his own, but he usually always followed her around. And he still uses his authority of a knight directly under the Princess.

    Oh well, we can ponder. Rewatched the OP and did see a glimpse of Orange-kun. I guess we gotta wait to learn what happened between C.C. and Orange-kun.

  14. #234
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Your post made me think of other things from season 1 animus...

    How the hell did Nina change from 'crazy bitch with a detonator in the middle of a battlefield' to a 'crazy bitch wearing high society (royal...I think at least) clothes' ??

  15. #235
    Well I do hate Rollo for a simple reason.

    CG is built on the Geass vs. Martial Skills setup.
    Rollo, having both, fuck things up.

    Thus he needs to die.

  16. #236
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Your post made me think of other things from season 1 animus...

    How the hell did Nina change from 'crazy bitch with a detonator in the middle of a battlefield' to a 'crazy bitch wearing high society (royal...I think at least) clothes' ??
    I was under the assumption that squeaky voiced Duke(?) scientist (who Suzaku used to work with) whose name escapes me, hired her or took her under his wing or something.

  17. #237
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As animus pointed out, she wasn't in high society, she was in a lab. It was more of a fancy labcoat. Lloyd (or Schnizel) has undoubtedly taken her under his wing. She created this world's first nuclear bomb, supercharged with sakuradite.

    To let her do anything less than create weapons would be foolish indeed. Especially because she's a racist.

    And now that Zero has returned...she's motivated.

  18. #238
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Makes sense. Who better to make the most destructive weapons that the most sicko ones?

    She must have asked for lots of squared tables as payment.

  19. #239
    No spoilers. Never. If it hasn't happened in the anime yet, don't talk about it in the anime discusion section.

    Consider this the only warning you'll get on stuff like this
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Mon, 04-14-2008 at 06:51 PM.

  20. #240
    Missing Nin
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    Lets also be fair there is a good chance that she even married Lloyd who was actively looking for a wife previously. Given he also could have easily gone for his assistant but making a nuke is likely to be the kind of thing that gets him interested in you.

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