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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #161
    I believe the point of giving Geass R2 it's own board is so we can discuss each episode independently. This thread already has 160 replies with only one episode out. When episode two is released someone should make a Code Geass R2: Episode 2 thread. I think general discussions on the series as a whole are meant to either stay in this thread or be put into new threads that don't tie in to a particular episode but the series as a whole.

  2. #162
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Since this thread is in the new category "Series in Fuego", and reading the rules should we be starting a new thread for each episode, or just keep it in this one for discussion?
    Accoring to Munsu's rules there will be a new thread for every episode, but it will only be allowed to be posted once at least one fansub is out.

    And yeah... this thread obviously put many other series in shame.

  3. #163
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyabin
    Well I'm sure that even if one group has dropped CGS2, there will be another group that will be continuing it. So we won't have to worry about that. And me and Shinta has a little bit of experience in regards to subbing.. Oh god can't wait till this weekend. Just thinking about and speculating whats gonna happens makes me excited about the second episode. I guess the Order and Zero's next move is to free their imprisoned old alies. Any ideas about the new guys?
    Difficult to tell. I would not be suprised if some of the prisoners were to lose life, as this show often takes unexpected turns as someone said before. Ougi wouldn't die tough since he appears in the OP, but that could be on of the surprises even more so since he survived Viletta's stabbing.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #164
    It's a little unrealistic in the fact that they executed nationally on TV like senior citiczen elevens, but they're keeping wanted criminals of Todou's calibur in prison?

  5. #165
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Well... the prisioners are being held most probably by the remains of Cornelia's group, or maybe Schneizels (whatever you spell it)

    While the executions on TV were made by the current guy on charge. The one that spoke with the Chinese. He is probably new and only cares of killing Elevens, according to his racial speech on tv.
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Thu, 04-10-2008 at 04:08 PM. Reason: Corrected characters

  6. #166
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Yes he was ordered by Lulu's geass like the officers in the S1 of CG. Cool stuff! The end part was my favorite. although I didn't like Lulu swinging his arms like he was dancing

  7. #167
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyabin
    Yes he was ordered by Lulu's geass like the officers in the S1 of CG.
    Lelouch only ordered Euphie. Euphie in turn ordered her officers to kill the Japanese. Since she was royalty in addition to being the Vice-Governor, they had no choice, some were even stunned by the announcement. She even said a line to the effect of "I am ordering you, why are you not killing the Japanese?"

    The new acting governor is probably just a racist like Orange-kun's group was...before they tried to kill him over the Suzaku-rescue event. That faction of the Britannian Army was opposed to Honorary Britannians being in the army at all. This guy acting in Cornelia's stead (wherever she is...) most likely belongs to that group, who is more than happy to make an example of the Japanese attempting to liberate themselves.

    What better way to repress the remaining members of a suppressed people than by publicly executing the members and leaders of the opposition? Demoralizing the women by putting them into that Tower, turn all the men into slaves by making them do all the reconstruction (or fight in the Tower), and execute those courageous enough to lead the others in front of them all. One "Master Race" above another.

    Horrible? Absolutely. This is the true face of the Britannian Army.

  8. #168
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Schneizels (whatever you spell it)
    ah this name... so full of lulz..

    where does it come from? it sounds like the name Schneider or something like that
    even if i google "schneizel" all i can find are links to code geass and 1(!) gourmet of wine or something like that..

    but seriously, who did invent this name
    is it a british name?

  9. #169
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Sounds German to me Krayz. . Or made up from German.

    I decided to let my brother watch season 1 yesterday, so we watched the first two episodes together. Something I found relevant.

    At the beginning when C.C. and Lelouch made the pact, they showed the Emperor at that golden tower saying "The reunion of Ragnarök! The land of legend......once again."

    On a side note, remember that girl who Lelouch ordered to make a mark at Ashford Academy every day. Anyone like to take a guess as to how that's going?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 04-10-2008 at 07:27 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #170
    Expelled for vandalizing? XD

  11. #171
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wow, this thread about a single episode has more posts than True Tears got all season, ARIA got in three seasons, and nearly 5 times as many as Shigofumi did all season. No love for those three....

    I'm very glad these threads will be separated. It was getting to be a mess.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    On a side note, remember that girl who Lelouch ordered to make a mark at Ashford Academy every day. Anyone like to take a guess as to how that's going?
    All non-relevant comments aside, that depends on one of four scenarios.

    1) C.C. and Lulu temporarily breaching their contract (intervention by whom yet unknown) voided all his previous commands, broke all his orders, and he will either be able to make new orders to everyone again, or he won't, depending upon if the nature of his returned power has changed in some minor manner.

    2) The poor girl is still scratching the crosses into the roof, baffled at why she must do this, and her life will be ruined completely once she leaves school only to find herself returning to perform this task.

    3) The geass actually does have an expiration, the learning of which was Lelouch's intelligent and well thought out strategy, it has run out, and she has returned to her normal life.

    4) Whoever brainwashed Lelouch and everyone else at school to erase evidence of his ability and contract to C.C. in order to lure her out also brainwashed the girl, who is now free to live her life.

    There's also the sad fifth possibility. Though the Academy was protected at the time by both the Black Knights and the Army as the Black Knight retreated from Nina's awesome bomb, the poor girl was killed in some of the fighting Tokyo became engulfed in.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    1) C.C. and Lulu temporarily breaching their contract (intervention by whom yet unknown) voided all his previous commands, broke all his orders, and he will either be able to make new orders to everyone again, or he won't, depending upon if the nature of his returned power has changed in some minor manner.

    2) The poor girl is still scratching the crosses into the roof, baffled at why she must do this, and her life will be ruined completely once she leaves school only to find herself returning to perform this task.
    Somehow I don't see one happening because it would mean Susaku would be vulnerable to the Geass again and that'd just make things way too easy and undramatic. Personally I'm hoping its two myself cause thats just good for a laugh some ten or twenty years down the road someone going "Man its that chick again, doesn't she have anything better to do then come here and scribble on the walls all the time?"

    And on a side note am I the only one who gets the horrible feeling Nina willl be popping up working with LLoyd(I think that was his name) in the near future?

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    It's a little unrealistic in the fact that they executed nationally on TV like senior citiczen elevens, but they're keeping wanted criminals of Todou's calibur in prison?
    It's possible that they are holding them as bait to lure the Black Knights into a rescue attempt. Not too far fetched since Todou is a very high ranking member of the resistance, they would definitely want him back.

    Besides that though, what do you think is going to put fear into the general populace more: Killing a well known "criminal" or some average joe who for all they know hasn't really done anything?

  14. #174
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    On a side note, remember that girl who Lelouch ordered to make a mark at Ashford Academy every day. Anyone like to take a guess as to how that's going?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    1) C.C. and Lulu temporarily breaching their contract (intervention by whom yet unknown) voided all his previous commands, broke all his orders...
    In my opinion this can't be the case. While the power as such is certainly mystic, I deem it rather results in something changing in the affected person himself than creating some sort of a bond between Lelouch and them, which would practically require active energy flowing from Lelouch all the time to all the persons he affected. I reckon it more likely it's just the one instance when they are affected by his power that something changes, and that's it. So, even Lelouch dying wouldn't change anything for those geassed.

  15. #175
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Agreed. It is more of a permanent change in the brain structure or thought patterns of the victim, which has no constant link to the geass user.
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  16. #176
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's only one of the possibilities. I can't say the other 3 (or four) without including that one. I agree that it is highly unlikely, on the same basis that shinta does, but to be honest we really have no idea what happened to Lelouch and C.C. and their contract in the last year.

    I hope we find out next episode.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I believe the point of giving Geass R2 it's own board is so we can discuss each episode independently. This thread already has 160 replies with only one episode out. When episode two is released someone should make a Code Geass R2: Episode 2 thread. I think general discussions on the series as a whole are meant to either stay in this thread or be put into new threads that don't tie in to a particular episode but the series as a whole.
    We could have a CG category, that would make things easier

  18. #178
    Code Geass is not expected to become epic like Naruto or Bleach, once R2 is over there shouldn't be anymore new things to discuss. So while the series goes on we get the benefits of having a separate Category, however all the episode threads will get merged into one giant thread after this season ends. Then a new series will take over this Category, or maybe the board will just be made hidden if nothing seems popular enough when Geass R2 is finished.

    As to the girl I too think that her brain was permanently affected and if she's still alive she's marking that wall everyday. However one thing i'm curious about, what might happen to her if it becomes completely impossible for her to fulfill the command? I can't remember if Lelouch tested the Geass by issuing an unfulfillable command back in S1 but if he did what was the result?

    Even if he's done a presently unfulfilable command I don't think he's given any that were fulfillable at the time but might become unfulfillable later. I figure a person who's been Geassed to repeat some task over and over but becomes unable to do so will just keep trying and trying until they die. If the girl manages to mark up the entire wall will she move to another face of the wall? Get a ladder and mark up the wall higher? Or might her head just explode from the mental stress of not being able to obey the command.

  19. #179
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's a very interesting question especially philosophically, but I wouldn't mind if they didn't ever pay any attention to it in the show. It's not very relevant, in the end, unless they somehow make it relevant in the story. At least until now and for now the geass power has been nothing but a tool to explain how Lelouch was able to fight so succesfully against a completely overpowering opponent. The only detour was basically Mao but he was essential in the sense that it gave an opportunity to easily explain some drawbacks of the power. But anything else than that, as long as the story doesn't shift from rebellion to something else, isn't really in the central area of focus.

  20. #180
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That seems simple enough.

    If it is an unfulfillable command, the person will try nonetheless.

    If the command was to mark "that" wall everyday she will stop once its full, just keep marking over the other marks or as you said mark higher. If its "a wall" then she will simply move on to another one.

    But if the wall disappears (is destroyed for example) the command should no longer be in effect, since one of the conditions in the command no longer exist. In that case, the command is not "unfulfillable" but rather inapplicable, which entails that the resulting action is no longer necessitated.
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