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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1721
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    My brother noticed this one:

    "Surviving a FLEIJA will release you of your Geass."

    Proof: Guilford.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #1722
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Creating an atomic bomb = piece of cake, correctly spelling the name of the ancient goddess you are naming your bomb after = unthinkable

  3. #1723
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Guilford was never released from his geass.

    "Pretending to be a wagon driver is the best disguise in the world. Even among people that have been keenly watching you for two seasons, half will not recognize you."
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  4. #1724
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Guilford was never released from his geass.

    "Pretending to be a wagon driver is the best disguise in the world. Even among people that have been keenly watching you for two seasons, half will not recognize you."
    He should have recognised Lelouch as Cornelia then, and be confused that there were two Cornelias. I guess that Cornelia may have convinced him that she's the real one, and all the stuff about Geass and all to him. But that leaves the effect of Lelouch's command open to interpretation. Recognising him as Cornelia physically only, or in both loyalty and devotion etc? If the latter, then as soon as he ceases to believe Lelouch is the real Cornelia, he's gone against the Geass.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #1725
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The command was to take his (Lelouch's) voice and appearance as Cornelia's, not his name or the concept of his identity. All Guilford had to do was not see or hear Lelouch, and the geass would not take effect.

    Also, I think he became blind.
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  6. #1726
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Assuming that, it means he must have not heard or seen Lelouch on TV, or out of that window during the parade.

    Moreover, it would have made this rather dangerous:

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  7. #1727
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Oops. I thought that he became blind because of the sunglasses.

    Still, if the command only dictates that he sees and hears Lelouch as Cornelia, then as you said, if he knows where/who the real Cornelia is, the geass would not do much even if it activates. The command did not include absolute loyalty, since Guilford already had that for Cornelia. So even if he does see or hear Lelouch in the parade, it would be close to meaningless.
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  8. #1728
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Anyone can have their own version of the ending. But all these theories of how Lelouch survived are bordering on ridiculous.
    Maybe Lelouch is inside C.C.'s head like Mariane (or whatever she is called) was

    you know, this cyberworld thingy... and C.C. is talking to him like she did with that woman before.

    btw the ending reminded me of death note...."Just as planned"

    well, but it was a good ending and I think I have to give them credit for that, because I've never thought it could end this smoothly... but if Lelouch is really dead (for some reason I don't want to believe it because of the last scene) it makes me feel bad for C.C.

    but on the other hand C.C said "the geass makes people lonely.... it's not quite true, right lelouch?"
    that tells me that she was talking to the man driving the cart... and everyone thinks he's dead, thus he's lonely... but he still has C.C. which means it's not quite true... because even though he has "lost" everyone, there is one person who is still with him.

    So Lelouch is living a lonely live, shutted away from everyone he knows on the countryside, but C.C is at his side


    and btw, why would a Farmer wear such clothes... he looked like a kage from naruto to me... at least a bit ^^
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 10-02-2008 at 11:16 AM.

  9. #1729
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I bet Lelouch is inside C.C.'s head like Mariane (or whatever she is called) was

    you know, this cyberworld thingy... and C.C. is talking to him like she did with that woman before.
    C.C. could talk to Marianne because Marianne could talk to C.C. through her Geass. C.C. gave Marianne her Geass, which allows her to go into people's hearts. Since it can't affect C.C, it my serve it's purpose as instead manifesting the ability to talk to her anytime anywhere instead of peeping.

    My brother's watching the whole thing from Season 1 again, and I watched a little myself when I dropped by his room.

    It all started in episode 1, where Lelouch asks "Am I going to die without accomplishing anything?" After all that he's done, alive or not, it was quite the satisfying ending.

    *waits for picturebook R2 25.933 *

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #1730
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I always interpreted Guildford's geass that he saw Lelouch as Cornelia only when Lelouch was holding his hand by his collar in that way. After having seen 'Cornelia' in a certain location, Guildford would continue to believe that she was there. However, I think that if he just saw Lelouch randomly in the street or something, the Geass wouldn't take effect.

    We've learned that if you can only Geass a person once, it's far more efficient to say, "You will be my slave." rather than, "You will answer this question."

  11. #1731
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I know, it's totally unexpected, but I've FINALLY caught up with this one, just as the last ep has come out! I marathoned the last 10 eps. It was glorious.

    This was one of the best anime endings I've seen in a while. I almost stopped watching Geass back in season 1 because it became really painful and depressing to watch. After watching the episode with everything going wrong with Euphy, I felt engulfed by a haze of despair, and I thought to myself, "There will be no happy ending for this show. It is a show about the loss of hope, and the destruction of the world." (Having recently finished watching Wolf's Rain, I was harboring a bit of resentment towards anime in that respect) However, I'm glad I saw this through to the end. It was good to see Lelouch and Suzaku growing up a bit along the way, and coming to grips with what exactly they wanted in their ideal world by rejecting first Charles' and then Schneizel's version of that world in order to create something better.

  12. #1732
    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    I always interpreted Guildford's geass that he saw Lelouch as Cornelia only when Lelouch was holding his hand by his collar in that way. After having seen 'Cornelia' in a certain location, Guildford would continue to believe that she was there. However, I think that if he just saw Lelouch randomly in the street or something, the Geass wouldn't take effect.

    We've learned that if you can only Geass a person once, it's far more efficient to say, "You will be my slave." rather than, "You will answer this question."
    That would be correct. The Geass order was when Lelouch did Cornelia's signature hand on the collar thing, he would instantly believe it was her.

    I'm still rather perturbed why they brought Cornelia and Guillford back alive for such a trivial reason like stating the obvious, "Lelouch is dead!". Unless they really plan on making a spin-off or a sequel that might incorporate them.

    On topic, "Nuclear weapons can't kill you if you're caught smack in the middle of the blast, but you will be transported a few episodes later to become a plot device."

  13. #1733
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Slave, huh? Shouldn't it be any slave's dream to be free, by any means necessary, should an opportunity present itself? That could be a bit dangerous.

  14. #1734
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    C.C. could talk to Marianne because Marianne could talk to C.C. through her Geass. C.C. gave Marianne her Geass, which allows her to go into people's hearts. Since it can't affect C.C, it my serve it's purpose as instead manifesting the ability to talk to her anytime anywhere instead of peeping.
    well ok... hmm, even though I can't believe it since all the other geass we saw didn't have the slightest affect on her

    but it doesn't really matter

    if lelouch is dead, then that's fine... it was simply awesome HOW he died with Nunally crying for him (btw what happened when he touched his arm?.. or were the flashbacks just a symbol and she actually realised everything because she saw Suzaku's agility)

    it's just that I don't want to believe it for C.C.'s sake ^^

  15. #1735
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Someone sent me a 'what's up ryou' rep here. awesome...

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    and btw, why would a Farmer wear such clothes... he looked like a kage from naruto to me... at least a bit ^^
    to protect himself from the sun maybe?


    Lelouch always said, from Season 1, that those unwilling to be shot should not shot. This can also be interpreted as those unwilling to be killed should not kill... if he survived by using code it means he did not follow his own policy and was a hypocrite.

    - R2. It could well mean Rerouch Ramperouge, but only as a symbolism. Doesn't mean his name became R2. Or is CC's name Cu Chulain / Cecile? Was V2... Vivi? Victor Vondoom? (lol)

    - Why is the farmer covering his face? Because under the heat of the sun its preferable to sweat under clothes, than have your skin burned.

    - Is CC lonely? No, she has Cheese-kun.

    - Does Lelouch have CC's code? That would be stupid, since it means she will die and leave him alone. Which in turn destroys the phrase "geass doesn't leave you alone after all" said at the end.

    - Dies Lelouch have Charles' code? Even if there had been time to steal it, Lelouch did not even know HOW to do so. And wasn't a geass supposed to dissapear if you had a code? Sure, its the code from someone else, but wasn't it stated before you could not possess both?

    - Why did CC cry at the church if she knew Lelouch was to live? Could she have sent her Code from there? I was under the impression you needed to be touching each other to do so. Charles did so when VV was defeated at the cult, by Cornelia and Lelouch. The sister attacked CC at the church in the past.

    - Is a sacrifice of blood requiered to pass a code? CC was bleeding when she got her code... but we didn't see Charles bleeding. So... is Lelouch bleeding from the sword pierce making his sacrifice? I believe CC should have been there. Charles got his code as soon as he 'killed' VV. Also... when you give up your code you die. CC is alive. Charles did not gave his. VV was going to give him his anyways, to fulfill Ragnarok.

    - Suzaku cried. Could Lelouch have betrayed him to the end by not telling him the real plan? By not fulfilling his part of the plan of letting him kill him? Leave Nunnaly alone for the sake of living alone? He who was ready to be killed at the Ikaruga, lying to the end to save Kallen, since he no longer could live with Nunnally?

    - No one was going to hunt him down. Sure. If Hitler was alive it didn't mean the world would go to chaos. True. But why do I say Lelouch being found would bring war? Because it will tell the world, even if they didn't know, that Nunally, the UFN and the Black Knights tricked them. Is that true? Not it isn't. Will the commom people care? No, they would blame them anyway. Lelouch being alive would gamble everything he worked for. No one hide Hitler for their benefit. If the Allies had hidden Hitler... will the world care about he being alive? Most certainly. And they would blame those that said he was killed, because it would mean information was manipulated to control others.

    - Why do I think CC is happy despite not being with him? Because for years she only wished to die. But now she was loved. As they said... better love and lose, than never love. She thought she could no longer love, thanks to the sister, but now that is different. She even said herself... she didn't know she could care about winning or losing. And lose she did at the battle. Her heart maybe was closer to Lelouch's, as they had their contract, but in the end she is still alone, and will be until she gives her code. If Lelouch was alive through her code she was condemning him to her same curse. Would she do it? To the person she loves?

    - Lelouch's visions of the past live... there are four important scenes before we see him, Nunnally and Suzaku as children. Shirley's death. Kallen's kiss. Rolo's brothership. CC's kiss. The one that is shown the shortest is, to the annoyance of many, CC's.

    Yes yes... I said I wasn't posting again on the thread. Sue me. But I got mad that my arguments where countered with Kallen comments when I wasn't even talking about her. Despite being my favorite character I've never said Lelouch died because he ended with CC and not Kallen. It was well known since the Kiss they could never work together ever again, nor live togther, since they sought different things, despite what they may have felt for each other, or rather what Kallen would have felt for him, since he NEVER revealed if he liked of loved any of the females, he just cried death (Shirley), wished to study again together (Kallen), wished to save and live on (Kallen) or simply fulfill her wish (CC). I said he died because of all the symbolism involved. To the dismay of every CC fan, nothing ever happened. Everything was implied. Same with Kallen. Same with Shirley. So please do not counter my arguments with comments about a favorite character I didn't use before this post. Read them. I didn't.


  16. #1736
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Lelouch always said, from Season 1, that those unwilling to be shot should not shot. This can also be interpreted as those unwilling to be killed should not kill... if he survived by using code it means he did not follow his own policy and was a hypocrite.
    This only applies if his absolute death was necessary for the plan to succeed. Because otherwise, had he not accepted death, he wouldn't have been able to stand there to get skewered. However, I don't really think such a plan would be compatible with his nature. What glory is there in an unnecessary death? It does nothing to strenghten your conviction, and certainly doesn't save you from being a hypocrite. Any fool can kill himself. It takes more to make a difference and stay alive, and that idea, I reckon, was behind Lelouch's every daring gamble.

    So, while I'm saying Lelouch accepted the possibility of death like a real soldier, it would be more fitting for his nature to try to trick everybody if there was any chance for such a thing. He always had perfect trust in his own plans. It doesn't describe Lelouch at all to imagine him thinking: "Oh noes, they are going to see through my plans and find out everything sooner or later, let's not do it!"

    And he would have no reason to tell neither Suzaku nor Nunnally because his fate is to never see them again, whether dead or alive.

  17. #1737
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I don't think it was "that" hot there...

    and btw
    Because under the heat of the sun its preferable to sweat under clothe
    is not really true... you have to wear very light clothes, that guy however wears a blanket around his shoulders!

    but jeans and a normal shirt like Orange does when he's working with Anya

  18. #1738
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - R2. It could well mean Rerouch Ramperouge, but only as a symbolism. Doesn't mean his name became R2. Or is CC's name Cu Chulain / Cecile? Was V2... Vivi? Victor Vondoom? (lol)
    I'm not completely bought by that idea neither.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - Does Lelouch have CC's code? That would be stupid, since it means she will die and leave him alone. Which in turn destroys the phrase "geass doesn't leave you alone after all" said at the end.
    I actually agree with this one.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - Dies Lelouch have Charles' code? Even if there had been time to steal it, Lelouch did not even know HOW to do so. And wasn't a geass supposed to dissapear if you had a code? Sure, its the code from someone else, but wasn't it stated before you could not possess both?
    Firstly, we haven't been told exactly how the transfer occurs. That's entirely up to speculation, and yes, it means we're allowed to speculate. Things that occurred to viewers were:

    1) Transfer looked like it needed direct contact
    2) You don't have to have both party's consent

    Now, consider this point: Do you have to have anybody's consent? Is it possible for the code to transfer upon contact? Before anybody says "That's absurd, you can accidentally lose your immortality!", be aware you must have a fully developed Geass. Not many people have that, and chances are those who do are people you (Code master) know. And it's not like the system was developed to be fool-proof. Just look at V.V.

    As for "Isn't the Geass supposed to disappear after you have both?", we'll go back to Charles. Remember how Lelouch geassed him to kill himself and he did? Then he came back to life. I can find three possibilities:

    1) Charles was playing along with Lelouch to rise and smack it in his face. He was never Geassed.

    2) Charles was indeed geassed by Lelouch and attempted to kill himself. He can be geassed because he's not the Code master who gave Lelouch his Geass. Charles lived because he had his Code.

    3) Charles took V.V.'s code, but it remained dormant within him. He still had his memory alteration Geass. Lelouch then geassed Charles, who killed himself as a Geass user subjected to another Geass. When he died, the Code took effect. He resurrected as a Code master without a Geass.

    Not that any of them are more accurate, or "proven" than the others. But 3 would work.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - Why did CC cry at the church if she knew Lelouch was to live? Could she have sent her Code from there?
    No, she couldn't have sent her code. If we use the above explanations, she is crying because she thinks Lelouch will die. Hence why I'm along with the Charle's Code idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - Is a sacrifice of blood requiered to pass a code? CC was bleeding when she got her code... but we didn't see Charles bleeding. So... is Lelouch bleeding from the sword pierce making his sacrifice? I believe CC should have been there. Charles got his code as soon as he 'killed' VV. Also... when you give up your code you die. CC is alive. Charles did not gave his. VV was going to give him his anyways, to fulfill Ragnarok.
    See above. However, I do not recall V.V. wanting or needing to give his to fulfill Ragnarok. They needed both Codes there, but didn't say they had to take them from the masters. Secondly, things we are certain of are:

    1) Charles took V.V.'s code because V.V. lied. Execution from the Emperor himself.
    2) Charles was taking C.C.'s code because C.C. wanted to die. As we can see in the episode, Charles and Marianne were performing the Joining of Ragnarok without taking C.C.'s code. Both codes just merely had to be present.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Lelouch always said, from Season 1, that those unwilling to be shot should not shot. This can also be interpreted as those unwilling to be killed should not kill... if he survived by using code it means he did not follow his own policy and was a hypocrite.
    See Kraco's post above. Also, there is the possibility that Lelouch didn't know he would survive. If we hold onto the assumption that he had the Code unintentionally.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - Suzaku cried. Could Lelouch have betrayed him to the end by not telling him the real plan? By not fulfilling his part of the plan of letting him kill him? Leave Nunnaly alone for the sake of living alone? He who was ready to be killed at the Ikaruga, lying to the end to save Kallen, since he no longer could live with Nunnally?
    See above.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    No one was going to hunt him down. Sure. If Hitler was alive it didn't mean the world would go to chaos. True. But why do I say Lelouch being found would bring war? Because it will tell the world, even if they didn't know, that Nunally, the UFN and the Black Knights tricked them. Is that true? Not it isn't. Will the commom people care? No, they would blame them anyway. Lelouch being alive would gamble everything he worked for. No one hide Hitler for their benefit. If the Allies had hidden Hitler... will the world care about he being alive? Most certainly. And they would blame those that said he was killed, because it would mean information was manipulated to control others.
    I have no argument for this one. It would be a big problem if he was found. But again, he can't that's another problem. That's why he covers his face perhaps? You could say he can wait for a decade or two before popping up as a look-alike. After all, Code masters don't seem to age.

    Also, I've heard arguments that you don't lose your Geass if you take a Code. It only happens if you do it to the one who gave it to you. Not sure about this idea, but his Geass would come in handy then.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - Why do I think CC is happy despite not being with him? Because for years she only wished to die. But now she was loved. As they said... better love and lose, than never love. She thought she could no longer love, thanks to the sister, but now that is different. She even said herself... she didn't know she could care about winning or losing. And lose she did at the battle. Her heart maybe was closer to Lelouch's, as they had their contract, but in the end she is still alone, and will be until she gives her code. If Lelouch was alive through her code she was condemning him to her same curse. Would she do it? To the person she loves?
    See above.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    - Lelouch's visions of the past live... there are four important scenes before we see him, Nunnally and Suzaku as children. Shirley's death. Kallen's kiss. Rolo's brothership. CC's kiss. The one that is shown the shortest is, to the annoyance of many, CC's.
    Good observation.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Yes yes... I said I wasn't posting again on the thread. Sue me. But I got mad that my arguments where countered with Kallen comments when I wasn't even talking about her. Despite being my favorite character I've never said Lelouch died because he ended with CC and not Kallen. It was well known since the Kiss they could never work together ever again, nor live togther, since they sought different things, despite what they may have felt for each other, or rather what Kallen would have felt for him, since he NEVER revealed if he liked of loved any of the females, he just cried death (Shirley), wished to study again together (Kallen), wished to save and live on (Kallen) or simply fulfill her wish (CC). I said he died because of all the symbolism involved. To the dismay of every CC fan, nothing ever happened. Everything was implied. Same with Kallen. Same with Shirley. So please do not counter my arguments with comments about a favorite character I didn't use before this post. Read them. I didn't.
    No worries. I didn't mention Kallen at all

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    lol. nice.

    PS: This post was written realising that people are allowed to freely interpret the ending, as it was supposed to. You do not have agree with my take on the ending, nor believe any of my arguments. Likewise, viewers are allowed to voice their opinions on why they believe in a particular ending, explore assumptions and such.

    Don't bother bashing with "Shut up, the ending's however we see fit."

    You'll just get "Shut up, we know."
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 10-02-2008 at 08:20 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #1739
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    LOL. I won't bash. I loved your post. Except so many 'see above', lol. This was the argument I seeked earlier and did not get. I said it before, you are free to choose the end that fits yourself, and your arguments are great Buff.

    While I still think he dies, I find plausible your theory on how he got the code from Charles, without he knowning, without Suzaku knowing and certainly CC not knowing. Also, activating it by death is also plausible. Only defect, or counterargument, I can give to this would be... wouldn't he come back to live in Nunnally's arms? Would she dare hide him? Charles came back immediately following this theory... which in turn will help understand the blood on CC, which I believe was also hers, and not just the sisters. Even with my counterargument, this is the best theory out there... and you explained it in a way that you can even convince me.... save the defect I mentioned of course.

    I think Charles and Marianned said they needed both codes to start it... but that is something for another day indeed. Whatever was needed, VV died (yeahz!)

    Going for the theory he survived... Lelouch needs to over seclude himself... or the world would be sent to chaos. Okay I just laughed... imagine Lelouch being found because CC ordered Pizza and the delivery boy saw him... that would be idioticly awesome... XD

    Either way... I loved that Kallen was the one that told us, the viewers, what went on those months. Too bad Gino and Schneizel are alive.

    PS: Whacha think about the Orange?

    PS2: I just pre-ordered my Bunny Kallen
    5510 yen

  20. #1740
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I actually never really thought seriously about the possibility of Charles's geass. However, now that I read Buffalobiian's post, one thing occurred to me: What exactly is the geass code? And why exactly does it keep its host immortal? If we look at this whole thing from the perspective of the geass code itself, and think it's some sort of a parasite or infection wanting to survive, then it would be natural it would leave the annihilating Charles's body and jump to someone near, and if an existing geass power is a prerequisite, then it would have had to be Lelouch in the World of C, even though it was another code that gave Lelouch's power.

    Yeah, if we consider the geass code something similar to One Ring, granting strange powers and giving an unnaturally long life yet having an agenda of its own, and certainly wanting to survive, a few things would be explained.

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