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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1661
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari

    @ all the LelouchxKallen fans - LelouchxC.C. fans triumph at last.
    With no real proof of that man being Lelouch this is just false.

    But so you can keep dreaming, a gif:

    Besides... I think Nunnally would have noticed. And they would not have allowed the body to be taken away by CC either. So... thats just something you wanted to happen. But whatever, anyone can interpret the ending however they want. Lelouch didn't end up with anybody, he simply died.

  2. #1662
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A fine last episode. I'm happy they concluded so well, rather simply, the whole deal of uniting the world through hate. It's a dodgy concept to begin with, but I guess Kallen's line nearing the end, that the efforts were being redirected from war to contructing better lives was a major point of the whole brutal plan. Like a very harsh lesson indeed.

    But what is most important to me, of course, is that a happy C.C. was the last person on screen. All the jazz aside, the main point of this whole series, from the beginning of the first ep of season one to this last episode of season 2 was to make C.C. happy!

  3. #1663
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am actually very surprised that there are people that failed to pick up on the subtle but satisfying ending for this show. So many things in the final scene just won't make sense if Lelouch really died, not to mention it would mean that Lelouch never fulfilled his pact with C.C., which is the starting point of the show.


    @Kraco - I can't agree more with your 2nd paragraph.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 09-28-2008 at 01:43 PM.
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  4. #1664
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    so what do we do now what else is worth a damn that was awsome crist this has been one of the best seasons for anime ever and if you are a gamer you are about to get kicked in the sack with game after game truly 2008 was touched by jesus on the forhead ... im going back to sleep

    also i cried bitch tears when he died ... im so pathetic
    Last edited by NeoBear; Sun, 09-28-2008 at 02:18 PM.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  5. #1665
    I really enjoyed the ending. It wouldn't make sense to have Lelouch die like that. I'm not necessarily sure Karen knew Lelouch planned it, but thought it would be like him.

  6. #1666
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Lelouch IS the man driving the carriage. Why else would a man with a similar physique and his face so obviously hidden be accompanying a C.C. that then says "Geass is a power that brings loneliness, but this time it is different"?
    Because in the end, Lelouch used the Geass to change things for the better, to bring people together instead of bringing loneliness to himself. Besides, everyone has that anorexic "physique" on this show. This could be because I've been looking for Lelouch to die since the second season started, I always viewed it as ending up that way, but the partially open ending does give him a chance to survive. I don't know if I'm happy with this ending or not. Maybe it's because I'll really miss this show. Maybe because we never learn C.C.'s name, but like Shinta said it keeps her mystery sealed.

    Well it was a fun ride.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  7. #1667
    Just when then series was on its last leg from all those sub-par episodes lately, the ending really redeemed the Code Geass brand. Unlike so many series out there, this ending actually did a fine job of concluding everything important. CC's name wasn't revealed but I don't really mind.

    The only disappointing thing about this episode was how Suzaku escaped on his decoy ship in order to advance the plot and ultimately bring Lelouch's plan to fruition. They've used this ploy one too many times recently.

    Now, if Lelouch really did survive and turned out to be the carriage guy, then we have a possibility of a third season. Everything is already laid out perfectly for a sequel -- the world deteriorates once again, and Lelouch must come out of hiding to fix his "mistakes." Once again, he has to keep a low profile because he's supposed to be a dead man. All the other important characters are still alive.

  8. #1668
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    C.C. never gave a damn about the world. As selfish as it is, she only cared about her own happiness, so when she mentions anything about a break from loneliness, it will pertain particularly about her own situation, and we all know she cared only for Lelouch in the end.

    Everything about the final scene points to him surviving:

    1) There is some carriage driver that for some unknown reason has his face hidden (while practically any other unnamed character in the show has a face drawn in {masked soldiers don't count since it is their uniform}) accompanying C.C. Why was it even necessary to show the driver? Why was it necessary to mask him?
    2) C.C. final line about geass not bringing loneliness this time.
    3) C.C. is smiling happily, which is not possible if her contract remains unfulfilled.
    4) C.C. even calls him by name, and while this can be seen as her addressing his dead wandering soul, the fact that the episode cuts off right after she says it (in code geass style when they reveal something surprising like Nunnally being alive) implies that Lelouch is there with her.

    What am I trying to say? It is not an open ending, and while they did not do so blatantly, the creators were definitely saying that Lelouch survived, and the probable (seriously, why not?) scenario of him obtaining the code from C.C. as part of their contract came to pass. I can't seem to find any negatives in a plan which results in C.C. getting her happy demise and Lelouch surviving his "self-sacrifice" plan.

    Think about it. If Lelouch really died, that means that C.C. will have to continue living her eternal hell, which means he failed to complete the contract, which means that C.C.'s entire adventure has been for moot, or rather has been simply forgotten by the creators when they drew up the storyboard. Can anyone actually call that a good ending? I can't.

    EDIT: I personally don't want a third season. This ending is most fitting, and anything more would just increase the chances of ruining it.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 09-28-2008 at 02:52 PM.
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  9. #1669
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    There's absoletely no need for a third season with the story perfectly concluded. I don't know how deeply Sunrise is regularly distrusted, but I give them enough respect to think they know better than to drag an honourably buried horse from its grave.

    And to add to shinta's theory I'd also add that Lelouch never really struck me as a person who would choose to die if he could avoid it. Though he's a narcist and loves himself more than anything else, I don't still think he would go down the way of dying as a martyr, because not actually doing it yet appearing to all the world as if he did would be just a Lelouch kind of a master plan.

    The only thing that speaks for the unhappy ending is the fact that what would Lelouch be doing afterwards? Driving a haycart for living hardly seems like a job he would do for great many years. And if you aren't happy yourself, how can you make anybody else happy, especially one as close as C.C. No matter how low he tried to hide himself, a man like Lelouch who only dreams big dreams would be ruling all the hay market of the world in two years... And that would be the end of his hiding.

  10. #1670
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The ambiguity is in how CC looks when she says "Right, Lelouch?"

    She moves her eyes to a position that would be looking above her head. The question is, is CC looking up at the sky referring to Lelouch being dead, or is CC moving her eyes as toward the cart driver as possible, inferring that it is Lelouch. The audience is left to decide.

    Orange-kun got his day of glory here though. He was beyond badass taking down Anya. Far more entertaining than the Kallen/Spinzaku showdown.

    All in all, the episode (and plot) largely turned out how I expected, Lelouch killing himself after making everyone hate him. It was heavily foreshadowed. The finale certainly didn't disappoint. They pulled it off better than I thought they would. I loved the visuals of Lelouch sliding down the banner, his blood staining it, as if wiping away all the world's evil with him.

  11. #1671
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Lets just leave all the damn rant aside and talk about the episode itself okay? Its clear we will not find a mutal idea due to attachment to certain characters. (this about if that guy was or wasn't Lulu)

    1) What did CC meant when she told Kaguya that she understands Lelouch? (Kaguya, not CC)

    2) Did Xingke finally die? He isn't in any photo, but his Knightmare is when Ougi salutes Nunnally

    3) Did Toudou recognized the new Zero as Suzaku? As he questioned it and Kallen just shouted that it 'was' Zero, as she understood the real purpose of the Zero Requiem

    4) How come Nunnally had a flashback? Does this point out that Lelouch really did have a code and was affecting her?

    5) Anybody noticed Schneizel ended being a zombie? His eyes still are geassed when he arrives alongisde Nunnally.

    6) Kallen moved in with her mother and returned to Ashford. Good for me.

    7) What did Anya remember so she went to live with Jeremiah? I didn't know he was into lolis... guess he and Xingke could have been good friends.

    8) Ougi and Viletta had a double wedding? The photographs show them wearing western wedding clothes and japanese wedding clothes

    9) Tamaki opened a bar... lolz.

    10) Arthur... all alone in front of Suzaku's 'grave'. Poor cat. Is nobody going to feed him?

    11) What happens with all the geassed soldiers? It is quite clear the rest of the royal family died due to Schneizel's FREIJA to pendragon... so the only ones left are Nunnally, Cornelia and Schneizel's zombie... good thing Jeremiah is not evil, or he could ungeass him.

    12) Take this point whicever way you want. If Lelouch died and CC still has her code OR if Lelouch survived and now has the code... it means the curse of Geass is still out there. I don't particularly want a third season, unless they manage to create an excellent idea... but this could well create a movie or ova... since Geass is still out there...

    Im going to buy this:

    Shinta, you SHOULD buy this. No scratch that... if you do not buy it I will be very dissapointed in you:

  12. #1672
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I loved the visuals of Lelouch sliding down the banner, his blood staining it, as if wiping away all the world's evil with him.
    It was a metaphor, having Lelouch bearing all of the world's evil doings like Jesus.
    It's a faint holy cross, but to me the symbol is there on purpose...

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  13. #1673
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    It was a metaphor, having Lelouch bearing all of the world's evil doings like Jesus.
    It's a faint holy cross, but to me the symbol is there on purpose...
    I was trying to avoid the Jesus reference, having seen it a lot recently in film, television, and especially anime. That's why I worded it carefully and deleted the word 'sins' in my initial edit.

  14. #1674
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    There's absoletely no need for a third season with the story perfectly concluded. I don't know how deeply Sunrise is regularly distrusted, but I give them enough respect to think they know better than to drag an honourably buried horse from its grave.
    I agree, there's no need to do a third season. However, they finished this episode with all the stars aligned should they decide to go ahead and do another season because they figure it's a good cash grab. In a sense, the story is concluded, but... not really.

  15. #1675
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    One of the few anime-series with a satifsfying ending, great.

    My favorite scene was when Jeremia owned Anya, pure awsomeness. First he has a little robot inside his big one, then he jumps by his very self towards Anya.

    After 3/4 i hated Suzaku the most, my hate-award goes to Nunally in the end. It&#180;s just ridiculous how she went against her brother, who did everything for her, and who she also loved for her whole life. Then it only takes a little talk with Schneizel and she&#180;s ready to kill her brother. Sigh

    Great ending, and i hope there wont be a 3rd season

  16. #1676
    LOL. So the reason they kept Cornelia alive was so that she would run out and tell everyone the obvious (that Lelouch is dead) and to free the hostages. Man, that was stupid.

  17. #1677
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    It´s just ridiculous how she went against her brother, who did everything for her, and who she also loved for her whole life. Then it only takes a little talk with Schneizel and she´s ready to kill her brother.
    That might be exactly why. She loved her borther but didn't really know anything at all about him, nothing real anyway, just that he loved her as well. It could be she thought herself the best person to stop him, and after that she probably planned to die, herself, all along. Like Aizen said: Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding. Since she understood nothing but only admired her old, however faulty, image of Lelouch, it should have been very easy to manipulate her into believing Lelouch had erred from a proper path and only she would be able to stop him.

  18. #1678
    A Beautifully executed ending IMO, nothing surprising but still very good. From the way this series ended, I dont want to have a 3rd season, though if they came up with a good idea, I wouldnt be opposed to a movie.
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  19. #1679
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    The ending was ok.... I was hoping everyone would get more screen time at the end. I wonder what CC is doing now.... Damn it we do need an OVA or something.

    And damn... No CC x Lelouch or Kallen x Lelouch. Not even Kallen x ANYONE!

    edit: nvm... the wedding picture comfirms.. Gino is gettin it from Kallen.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Sun, 09-28-2008 at 07:10 PM.

  20. #1680
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    I'm so satisfied with how the ending went that I forgot about CC's name. Oh well as long as she's smiling in the end.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

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