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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1561
    What was the point of keeping Cornelia alive, if they killed her off in the dumbest way possible. Should've just been done with her during the first FLEIA was shot. Something makes me think she might still be alive, but it was so random and rushed that she might actually really be dead after all. I'd think the pink Lancelot would be for her though, but I guess it's not.

  2. #1562

  3. #1563
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    What was the point of keeping Cornelia alive, if they killed her off in the dumbest way possible. Should've just been done with her during the first FLEIA was shot. Something makes me think she might still be alive, but it was so random and rushed that she might actually really be dead after all. I'd think the pink Lancelot would be for her though, but I guess it's not.
    She was used to question Schneizel's modus operandi so we can learn and find out his philosophies and what he tends to do that makes him an antagonist to Lelouch.

  4. #1564
    Because we clearly needed her to do that for us, without figuring out a few episodes earlier right?

  5. #1565
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Actually, Suzaku was hardly Kira in this episode. Kallen is just as powerful, and she is on the other side. Lelouch is obviously losing, and as usual, he decided to gamble his way to victory (this time using Nina). Lelouch was never a "Light" who tries to plan for every conceivable scenario and making baseless predictions that always turn out correct. Like in chess, you can only plan ahead so much, that is why he makes use of factors supposedly not included in the game to beat a superior enemy (geass, all the battlefiled hax he uses).

    Nunnally is such an idiot. So she believes a long lost brother who she basically knows nothing about over her brother who has taken care of her for the majority of his life. Then she confirms her stupid ass resolve by believing an obvious lie told by a brother who she just declares to be a chronic liar. Is it not insane how she can just deny everything that Lelouch has done for her before which obviously contradicts what his final statement to her says? Still, she is hardly evil. She is just stupid.
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  6. #1566
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    She is not dead. She will be the reason Lelouch wins! Surprise attack! lol@machine gun turrets hidden in the walls activated by finger snaps. Funny how it shot Cornelia from behind, but it didn't hit Schneizal.

    Although this show took a turn for the worse the past few episodes.... I wouldn't say it's THAT bad. But I'm not liking it THAT much either. It certainly is not R1 for sure. Unless the ending is a OMGWTF awesomeness type of thing.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Sun, 09-14-2008 at 07:21 PM.

  7. #1567
    I did NOT see any of this coming. Code Gayass doesn't fail to please!

  8. #1568
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idealistic
    She is not dead. She will be the reason Lelouch wins! Surprise attack! lol@machine gun turrets hidden in the walls activated by finger snaps. Funny how it shot Cornelia from behind, but it didn't hit Schneizal.
    You know, this brought me to a similar solution, but with a different person. Diethard. All we've ever seen him do is run around from side to side (and recruit Sayoko). I find it strange that he suddenly has a change of heart and wants to follow someone who would rule by fear rather than manipulation. While Lelouch's subjects may not be willing, at least they think that they are. If they become happier people for it, who are we to argue? It's exactly what happened to Viletta. She finally realized it recently too, and I suppose the pregnancy is the surest example of that.

    But Diethard chose someone who would paralyze his subjects through fear of death. Diethard claimed early in season 1 that the reason he followed Zero was because he believed it was someone who would revolutionize how the world functioned, and he wanted to be there. Schniezel is no different from his father and V.V. (not Charles' secret goal we only learned of now, but the words he always told people in speeches). Nothing changes with that. Once the war is said and done, the world is back to the same state it always was, paralyzed through fear of Britannia.

    Diethard has seen Zero change the structure of the world. He's seen Lelouch change Britannia completely. Perhaps he just moves to wherever he thinks the greatest upheaval will be. Still, I wonder if this is the occasion that Diethard will finally choose to act, rather than run.

    I could see Schniezel about to declare victory over Lelouch, only to be shot in the back by Diethard.

  9. #1569
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Diethard has always been a man who works behind someone else, because he wants to see what will come from their actions. I really do not see him as someone who will actively act against Schneizel.

    But I do agree... this time seems the perfect time for he to act. But like I said on my previous post, I believe he will aid Cornelia into informing the world of Schneizels true intentions.

    Sure... Lelouch was to be a dictator... but Schenizel wants them all dead. The choice isn't hard of who you want to support... at least until you backstab again.

  10. #1570
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I like how Lelouch and Schniezel were playing chess with real armies. Standard play from both brothers and then they're decide to cheat.

    Lelouch: Pawn to E4!
    Schnizel: Pawn to F6!
    Lelouch: Bishop to C4!
    Schnizel: *fuck it, imma cheat with hax* Activate level 5 ultra armour!
    Lelouch: *heh, I planted mines under his front lines*
    Schnizel: *trump card time* "Nuclear launch detected"
    Lelouch: *hope my Nina armory upgrades are finished* "At least I have C.C with my new pink battlecruiser."

    Cornelia: "I'm back bitchez. If a Britannian princess can survive a nuke, why can't I survive a magically appearing machine gun."

    But I'm seriously sad that Cornelia is gone.

  11. #1571
    The real Cornelia obviously escaped on a decoy ship.

  12. #1572
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Awsome, awsome episode.
    THAT was the old "Code Geass", that was the old Lelouch.
    I absolutely love when he and Schneizel moved their units around as if it was a chess game. It had been these kind of battle strategies that made season 1 awsome, and it seems that at least the last couple of episodes are showing the former glory.

    Nothing to criticze...oh, maybe the fact that Schneizel didnt fire Freia directly at Lelouch just because of hostages. "The battle for the world", what do some hostages matter, even if itīs someone popular? That was a make-up reason of the show creators, but oh well, iīll give you that one.

  13. #1573
    If Cornelia actually died from that I would extremely surprised. Heck, at this point I'm waiting for them to bring Euphie back in some sort of zombie attack plan.

    It also seems slightly ridiculous that Nunnaloser would stop believing in the person that protected her for all of those years and instantly start believing the Schniez. To be honest I'm just kinda waiting for this season to wrap itself up.

  14. #1574
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i still can't believe how many people are clinging to the idea that Cornelia is alive. She's a minor character who has been used throughout R2 mostly as discoverer of plot points. There's only two episodes left, and if the best this show can do is reviving a recently killed minor character to deliver a sudden twist, that really is pretty sad.

    at first I was inclined to think that Diethard had switched sides for good, and that he will be with Schneizel to the very end. First, as much as I love the guy, he's a minor character, and as we get down to the final episodes it becomes less likely that minor characters do anything but die and wrap up their storylines or get some bit scenes and take part in the post-climax wind-down.

    But after I read some of these posts, I think about that scene where Lelouch calls Schneizel, and how they make a point to show him looking down at Diethard, and then a quick shot of him. I could be reading too much into it, but it almost had the feel of a "Oh, you're still there? Good." secret glance...

    Kraco, I have never before felt such opposition to your words. Not only did you use most of your post to bash another show, but from what you wrote, it seems pretty clear that you never got that far into it, because the things you wrote are, quite simply, not true.

    And I agree with everyone else now that a decent quality sub is out that I can catch some more of the dialouge with: what they're doing with Nunnally basically makes no sense. They basically transformed her, overnight, from a sweet, ideal wielding Euphie to a young, crippled Charles (but replace VV with Schneizel who, ironically, lies even more).

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #1575
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, one month of brainwashing makes it feasible, if the subject is a blind little girl who was blatantly lied to by two of her most trusted companions for her entire life (at least this is what she believes after discovering the lies even before meeting up with Schneizel). This does not make her less stupid though.

    It seems that there is more to that glance than it seems. Maybe Diethard has been geassed to fulfill a certain command from way before. I don't think Lelouch would let someone as wily as him hang around without any form of insurance.
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  16. #1576
    The reason I'm miffed at the OotBK isn't that they are fighting Lelouch now. It's because no one seems to care about the irony of their situation at all. I don't disagree with their willingness to fight him but everyone's seeming total lack of respect for all that he did help them achieve galls me. Then you add in the fact that Schneizel is using them just as much as Lelouch was with the only difference being that he's more open about it. It's sad to see.

    Anyway as to the battle it was pretty much the opposite of a typical Code Geass battle. Usually the underdog uses lots of named characters to defeat the favorites grunt army. This time the favorite also had most of the named characters. Somehow it's not as fun when the other side barely seems to have a chance tactically or strategically, even after a ZOMG h@x move.

    I went back over the battle and not only did Schneizel's named characters completely destroy Lelouch's grunts but I don't even remember seeing a single instance of grunt on grunt combat. Maybe it was part of the chess analogy though. Lelouch only has pawns, a Queen, and a Bishop, with a Rook/Bishop potentially on the way. Schneizel has one knight, and through the OotBK two Queens, a Rook a bishop, and another Knight.

    I'm finding it hard to have faith in this battle being won with any sort of strategy or clever tactic. Queen Suzaku could still be used to pull of an upset but the mass army of high ranking pieces bearing down on Lelouch's means it's going to come down to either a mistake (Kallen's change of heart?) or a crazy last minute surprise(Nina's project) to finish this thing off. In either case I'm seeing a Gundam Seed ending type set up where there's a giant battle involving a superweapon and the people trying to stop it. Then once the super weapon is taken out everyone just throws down their weapons and dances around in joy and fellowship and it's over. Geass has seemed more entertaining than SEED was so far and it would suck to see it end almost exactly the same.

    And putting my two cents in on the actual current topic, Nunally has never seemed particularly bright in the first place. I can't really blame her for being manipulated by Schniezel who has manipulated pretty much everyone else already. But still, it's an unfortunate character assassination and I think the only reason she's still around is because they wanted the shock value of her appearance for the previous episode and they can't just get rid of her, though they certainly seem to have done just that with Cornelia...
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 09-15-2008 at 08:40 AM.

  17. #1577
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    It seems that there is more to that glance than it seems. Maybe Diethard has been geassed to fulfill a certain command from way before. I don't think Lelouch would let someone as wily as him hang around without any form of insurance.
    I can so see that happening.

    Super fleet battle overshadowed LelouchxC.C I tell you. I felt a kind of long dormant joy seeing them back to back, holding hands...and when C.C. calls Lelouch by his name you just.....melt

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #1578
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yes, and that scene silences all those who ever doubted who Lelouch will end up with, if he of course, does not die or something.
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  19. #1579
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Who knows what could have happened with Nunnaly had Lelouch treated her differently during the first video conference. But he did what he did with all of his old allies: Pushed her away as far as he could. Despite all his public speeches it seems somewhat likely he made quite an unholy pact with Suzaku and is heading down a dim road for himself, though likely better for the rest of the world. I wonder if Kallen will learn his plan or if she simply can't kill him for old times sake. Seeing how we are running out of episodes, either could happen, I suppose, depending on when and how they intend to reveal what Lelouch and Suzaku specifically aim for.

  20. #1580
    Hopefully we will still learn C.C's real name, or I will be REALLY miffed.

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