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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1241
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I based my speculation from how C.C. seems to be currently unaffected by Lelouch's geass even if their eyes meet. It seems that despite losing her code, C.C. is still immune to geass, but of course, we can't be sure since Lelouch never gave a blatant order (and we know how dubious the technicalities of geass are).

    Having C.C. step in and take a hit is not so bad, as long as she doesn't die. It will open up enough time for Lelouch to kill Rollo with his geass, and maybe more Lelouch/C.C. interaction when she gets injured. It may even make him realize that his sister complex is not the only thing that can keep him going.

    C.C. dying is the worst thing that can happen in this show, no matter how well it is done.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  2. #1242
    Yes! Karen is back! And the new Gurren, although it emits a Freedom-like aura, is still so badass.
    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosK
    Just wondering, did they ever define FLEIA? In the beginning of gg's sub, they had a note that said Freya=FLEIA (cause they had been calling it Freya until that point) and then said it was some stupid Britannian Engrish acronym, but I didn't see it defined...
    FLEIA = Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament

  3. #1243
    They might as well just named it NUKE.

  4. #1244
    The afterblast makes it look like FLEIA is actually transporting stuff elsewhere instead of destroying it, isn't it ?
    Transporting, as in Teleporting it.

  5. #1245
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's exactly why explosions with yields equivalent to nukes are so devastating.
    1. Flash of heat incinerates everything in the blast radius faster than the speed of sound.
    2. Shockwave at speed of sound follows outward, annihilating everything.
    3. Vacuum left by the expansion of (1.) creates a secondary shockwave, going inward, destroying everything again.

  6. #1246
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I don't think Code Geass has hit over the top mecha just yet. Before Zero came in with the Black Knights, Britannia had little use for advanced technology. Of course, such a threat as Zero with Rakshata would bring the need for counter weapons. Also, it seems like the technology used in the show has already been developed and is not created on the spot as indicated by Rakshata.

  7. #1247
    Missing Nin
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    Charles wasn't in the area with his flagship for no reason and if Nannaly and Sayoko are alive I'd guess he has them likely due to some sort of transporter. We have already seen several instances of teleporting tech out so I don't find it impossible with one maybe 2 codes that he was somehow able to use on atleast Nannaly,

  8. #1248
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Despite being Sunrise, I'm still going to believe Nunnaly's dead for now, since I can't see a reason how she'd escape. Ninja teleportation is wishful thinking, while if Britannia really did develop some ultra-speed craft, or an instant transmission device, it'd be either in a prototype or military service, rather than exclusively in the transport of Area 11's govener.

    One person who I think died brilliantly this episode was Guilford. Though completely off the mark, he went in the most honourable way possible for a knight.

    Edit: Did Todou ever get the full message, or was he left with "We can't trust Zero after all.......*dead*"?

    And the best thing I loved about this episode is how Jeremiah embraced Orange-kun.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 08-12-2008 at 07:44 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #1249
    I havent been keeping count but are there any Glaston knights left?
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  10. #1250
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Will Suzaku be court-martialed? After all, he killed the governor of Area 11 and who knows how many other genuine Britannian citizens. You'd think someone would press charges... And you can hardly just say it's unavoidable collateral damage under those circumstances when the crater directly emcompasses the HQ/Palace.

  11. #1251
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Will Suzaku be court-martialed? After all, he killed the governor of Area 11 and who knows how many other genuine Britannian citizens. You'd think someone would press charges... And you can hardly just say it's unavoidable collateral damage under those circumstances when the crater directly emcompasses the HQ/Palace.
    To the emperor and Schneizel you can call it collateral damage. Suzaku has been a really effective tool against the OBK and I doubt they would do anything to get rid of him just yet.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  12. #1252
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Good episode

    who would have thought that Lelouchs own command would lead to the death (well we don't know yet :P) of his so much beloved sister.

    The new Gurren is also very cool (and strong!) yet it didn't feel *that* overpowered for me.. the fight between Lancelot and the Gurren was really awesome..and so was the fight between the Vampire and her... too bad that he died, because I liked his Knightmare very much. (and his liking for taking other peoples lives)

    hen Rollo finally deciding to kill (or is double suicide more likely?) Lelouch upon realizing he was being used. C.C. will then kill Rollo since she is immune to his geass (and he does not know it, I believe). This scenario means more C.C. slave mode and Rollo finally dying.
    thats _exactly_ what I thought is going to happen next episode.

  13. #1253
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    To the emperor and Schneizel you can call it collateral damage. Suzaku has been a really effective tool against the OBK and I doubt they would do anything to get rid of him just yet.
    The empire is more than just the emperor and Schneizel, though. But I guess such a thing could be skipped for more important things. And in the end it might be more interesting whether Suzaku can live on with yet another sin weighing down on his soul. After all, if he really had wanted to avoid using the weapon, he wouldn't have carried it with him, so he can't really blame anyone else this time for what happened. The next eps are going to be hard for both Suzaku and Lelouch.

  14. #1254
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I doubt Suzaku will try blaming anyone else. The recent episodes have been all about trying to make Suzaku look less irritating than he is, starting from when he got bitch slapped (the only move that did any damage in fact) by Kallen.
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  15. #1255
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    The empire is more than just the emperor and Schneizel, though. But I guess such a thing could be skipped for more important things. And in the end it might be more interesting whether Suzaku can live on with yet another sin weighing down on his soul. After all, if he really had wanted to avoid using the weapon, he wouldn't have carried it with him, so he can't really blame anyone else this time for what happened. The next eps are going to be hard for both Suzaku and Lelouch.
    Um this is just wrong in this case. Suzaku is one of the Knights of the round and as such only the Emperor can actually punish him. So in this case no one else can bring up any such charges against Suzaku and it really is only about the Emperors and Schneizels opinion of the matter.

    Edit: This is to address a negative rep by someone obviously to stupid to have a actual discussion around here.

    Wednesday 08-13-2008 05:40 PM
    You say that as if public opinion doesn't matter to Suzaku, which it always has.
    Um what? Public opinion has mattered to Suzaku when exactly? Last I knew he was willing to do just about anything in order to secure his goals of reaching the position of Knight of One in order to take over running Japan for himself. Who's public opinion is anyone talking about here anyway?

    Considering at this point Suzaku has dicked over the Japanese so many times they all already hate him I can't imagine it has anything to do with them. He's respected by other countries as a military force but last I knew he was killing virtually defenseless members of the EU in his spare time so it also can't be them.

    So who are we talking about here Britannia? The only person he's attempting to impress among them is Charles in order to get a promotion. He will blame Lelouch for making him press the button because of the Geass and in turn he will take none of the blame for himself and carry on as always.

    Of course he MAY somehow figure out he's a complete jackass and there is a chance he will join the Black Knights at some point considering Gurren and Lancelot are fighting side by side in the new opening but this is unlikely to be the reason for him doing that.
    Last edited by DDBen; Wed, 08-13-2008 at 10:14 PM.

  16. #1256
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Um what? Public opinion has mattered to Suzaku when exactly? Last I knew he was willing to do just about anything in order to secure his goals of reaching the position of Knight of One in order to take over running Japan for himself. Who's public opinion is anyone talking about here anyway?
    It would be weird if Suzaku doesn't care about the public opinion because that is exactly what he wants to change. He wants to change the opinions of other people and tell them that numbers are also humans and not worse than the people of Britannia.. and he does that by showing himself to others..

    And if he doesn't care about the public opinion, he wouldn't hold his little secret.

  17. #1257
    I don't think that Suzaku completely ignores public opinion however he doesn't value any opinion unless it either agrees with or facilitates the expression of his own opinion. He's steeled himself to the idea that his way is the right way and anyone who disagrees with him is wrong and thus not worth listening to (including the Japanese people he seeks to govern). I don't think he hates the people who disagree with him since he claims to want to fight for them, but at the same time he doesn't seem to care about what they want or about the suffering he inflicts on them enough to alter his behavior. It's fitting that he recoiled at being compared to Lelouch because while they are in fact very similar, I think Suzaku is the worst of the two. Lelouch at least, doesn't hide behind external ideas like 'duty' or 'the rules' in order to soothe his conscious about the pain he inflicts on others.

    Another big problem with Suzaku is that his goal seems at odds with his manner of trying to achieve it. He says he wants to make Britannians not look down on the Japanese as inferior, but to accomplish this goal he goes out in his Britannian God Mech and tries his best to obliterate all the Japanese people who might actually be worthy of being seen as equals by the Britannians. No one strong respects people who do nothing but cower in the face of the people stronger than themselves.

    And even if that wasn't the case, Suzaku is a perfect example of a Japanese guy getting lucky within the Britannian system. He's proof that the Britannian system works just fine the way it is as he, an exceptional Eleven, managed to get to an exceptional position, within the system. Why would any Britannians want to change the system if it's been shown that it can wring a decent individual out of Japan the way it is.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Fri, 08-15-2008 at 06:22 PM.

  18. #1258
    Just caught up with the series. I wasn't very interested from episode 5-10 but what's happening now is very interesting. I didn't think Suzaku would fire it, but I did think it would be detonated. I definitely didn't expect Nunnally to die though(if she is dead). Seeing as Lelouch broke down when he didn't need to protect her, I wonder if he'll do the same now, or if he will switch his focus to revenge instead.

  19. #1259

  20. #1260
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Wow... I just had to see the episode twice...

    Covenient that the OBK learn of the massacre, yet they fail to learn about WHO was massacred... Geass Users and Geass Scientists...

    Anya looked uncomfortable of having FLEIJA with her.

    Suzaku finally lost it...

    And I do wonder what Kallen will do know... she of all remaining OBK knows Lelouch the best... and even though she seemed to haver her heart broken when Lelouch said she was a pawn... she definitely listened his words of 'Live on' and knew he lied to protect her...

    Will Schneizel really give up Japan to Ogi and the rest? What will Xingke do? This deal definitely does not include China nor the rest of the World... they did not betray just Lelouch... but the rest of the World...

    And wow... I never expected Rolo to die like that... makes it harder to hate him now...

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