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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #1201
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I didn't catch the fact that the bandaid was on the ring finger of her left hand until this episode (where they made it obvious). Makes you wonder what is going on in her head now that she's been properly fed and treated for what would be the first time in her recollection. Not to mention she's the close-kept personal servant of the most powerful person she knows.

    As much as I disliked the way they are treating the whole Ogi/Viletta side story [read: all but ignoring it and then just jumping ahead without telling us anything], I did really like the point that Diethard made. People like Ougi and yes, even Tamaki are necessary because they are "normal" people that recruits can connect with. They're not long-time rebel ace pilot/commanders, Japanese royalty, former Generals, assassins, genius scientists or Zero's concubine. Ougi, though his tactical or combat usefulness is limited, is a symbol of the kind of people they want to gain the sympathy and support.

    As easy as it was to hate Suzaku this episode for being a hypocrite as always, there is something we have to take back from this. The series centers around Lelouch, far out of proportion to Suzaku. We know that Lelouch was going to surrender to Euphie. We know Lelouch blames himself for it, even though it wasn't completely his fault. Same for Shirley (twice). We can hate Suzaku here because we really know how much Lelouch, prideful Lelouch, is proselytizing before his former friend, taking all the blame in the slimmest hope that he might get one single favor. But Suzaku knows none of this. That's why he asked it all. Does it make me hate him any less? No. But it is something we have to keep in mind.

    Now the ones to really hate are Schniezel and that douchebag Canon. Schniezel because he now claims to have the upper hand in the grand scheme of things, has control of Nina's Nuke, and seems to know a lot more know that he's forced Suzaku to tell him everything. But why hate Canon even more? Because he has the fucking gall to tell Suzaku, "I'm in no position to reprimand you, but I would if you weren't the Knight of Seven." Since when is a weakling little manservant in the position to insult and look down on someone who puts themselves at risk to live up to their ideals (misguided as Suzaku's may be).

    Schemers have no right to insult the honor of those that would stand on the front lines for what they believe in.

    That is what separates Lelouch, Suzaku, Cornelia, Euphemia, Xingke, Kallen, and Orange-kun from the likes of Schniezel, Canon, Nina, the eunuchs, various unimportant governors, and the Emperor.

    (and Gino is totally luring Kallen out so that he might get a chance to touch the boobs bursting out of her dress.)

  2. #1202
    Things are getting fuzzy, and it's shit. More players on the field, more complex personas, more plots and schemers.

    I can only think of one thing, Nina's Nuke. I just want it to be set off when in Suzaku's rectum.

  3. #1203
    Out of all the shitty characters in this series (and there are a lot), I most definitely hate Suzaku the most.

  4. #1204
    I hope everyone noticed that Schnizels boy toy has a recording of Lelouch's conversation with Suzaku. That could be a pretty handy tool if applied at the right moment.

    Anyway, sending Rollo to get Nunally is pretty dumb, but Lelouch seems to think he's won Rollo over with the idea of being added to his family instead of replacing it.

    More Cornelia bondage scenes are always welcome, I can't wait till they come out with a miniature of that, I think I'll have to buy it.

    And the biggest setup in this ep woudl be Suzaku + Nuclear Warhead + Messed up head. Imagine the haterade we'll be able to pour on Suzaku if he ends up nuking the capital of his homeland in the pursuit of his misguided nonsense ideology (b/c making everyone happy by letting Britannia enslave them is so much more fun than fighting against Britainnian enslavement and advocating freedom).

  5. #1205
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    I also thought that was an interesting use of the Geass. Up till now I assumed if a person couldn't physically complete a command (like Shirley being ordered to live when she was dying) it wouldn't work on them. I didn't really consider his order to appear as Cornelia as something you can order someone to do.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  6. #1206
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Ordering someone to imagine something else to replace another thing (like imagining something from nothing, or forgetting about certain things) seems normally impossible, but it really is not that far-fetched. It can happen when one experiences trauma, and people in denial can do it as well (though of course involuntarily). This makes it physically possible, just mentally implausible, a situation we have seen overcome by geass numerous times.

    @Ryll - I thought about what you said about Suzaku, and that has been his excuse for the longest time. We all know Suzaku is not a "bad" guy. If anything, he tries to do the "right" thing all the time (as confused, stupid and misguided his perception of that is). I didn't hate him for that in this episode. It is his usual hypocrisy that strikes me as hateful. Let me elaborate.

    Suzaku from one week ago (the one that has not been ordered to nuke his own country, the one that did not have to worry about his blind little friend Nunnally being held hostage or hurt) would never even think of talking to, much less negotiating with Lelouch/Zero. He wanted to know about certain things (like the order to live etc.), but those can be obtained through refrain or physical torture. He would never have offered his hand to help (this is of course because he does not know the whole situation, like Ryll said).

    Why does he do it now? Because he is stuck in a situation where he realizes that the side he trusted was all twisted, and that the only way out would be to use Lelouch. It is so funny how alike they think at times, but the look of disgust on his face when he was talking about how Nunnally commented on how similar Lelouch and him have become was the height of his hypocrisy.

    Again, is he aware about becoming like his hated rival? No, of course not. His hypocrisy extends to himself. It is so powerful he can fool himself into thinking that his bullshit talk about making Zero's lies real and fighting for justice is actually for the greater good instead of his own personal agenda. He can't even clean up his own mess (much like Lelouch, only Lelouch had it much tougher) so he decides to get his "best friend" to do it. The main difference here is, Lelouch bowed his head to get what he wants, while Suzaku stepped on it.

    Kicking people while they are down is one of the most disgusting things anyone can do. I bet even Suzaku knows that Lelouch didn't do all the things he said he did (having known him when they were children), but he needed a convenient outlet for his powerlessness, and what is more accessible than a a person (you hate) groveling on the ground for a favor (one that should be in line with Suzaku's ideal of protecting the innocent)? What he did was like extortion really, but that is just another fact he can easily bury in his long list of the things he has conveniently forgotten, or ignored.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #1207
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's not like I'd feel any need to defend Suzaku but I'll still point out he's not fighting for his own vision as such as much as he's trying to create a peaceful world, just like Lelouch. It's just that his way for that end is quite the opposite to Lelouch's. This episode showed the first time that Suzaku might have doubted the effectiveness of his own choice. Obviously if both of them follow their own ways there can't be anything but conflict, since they are at opposing sides, but yet Suzaku was going to give Lelouch a chance to prove his way is a valid one.

    It's safe to say Suzaku is getting more and more lost. After Euphie died he hasn't really had anything or anybody specific to defend. That makes me think Lelouch's willingness to go so far to defend Nunnally must have affected Suzaku and reminded him of his old self (or rather what he imagined he was, since he's always been a killer in reality).

  8. #1208
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    I can only think of one thing, Nina's Nuke. I just want it to be set off when in Suzaku's rectum.
    When I read this, I initially thought that the idea was impossible, then I remembered how big of an asshole Suzaku is. Now, it almost seems that the nuke is too small.

    @Luci - While I always love C.C., there was something weird about how she was drawn in that scene (particularly the face). I don't hate it, but its not up to the usual level of hotness.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  9. #1209
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    When I read this, I initially thought that the idea was impossible, then I remembered how big of an asshole Suzaku is. Now, it almost seems that the nuke is too small.

    @Luci - While I always love C.C., there was something weird about how she was drawn in that scene (particularly the face). I don't hate it, but its not up to the usual level of hotness.
    So I'm not alone when I think that CC was drawn out of proportions.

    Btw, Excalibur ? They could have made it a lot better, when you think of Excalibur + Knightmare you would expect a sword that shoot dinosaurs or some shit. Not just some vibration sword.

  10. #1210
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I wonder if the knight of one has a geass

    who would stitch up his own eye?
    @Luci - While I always love C.C., there was something weird about how she was drawn in that scene (particularly the face). I don't hate it, but its not up to the usual level of hotness.
    actually her look on that scene reminded me of the old C.C.... hugging the stuffed animal like she always did... and daydreaming. it was nothing like the "pizza eating scene" or any other scene after she lost her memories... but I can't rewatch it because I don't remember the exact time... and I'm to lazy to rewatch the whole episode ^^ (if someone can tell me or remembers it roughly feel free to tell me, because I found it absolutely adorable ^^)

    I wonder what Charles is planning.... the screen said "GEASS" and they called it Ragnarok...
    "The annihilation of the weak" I guess?

    What I did not understand at all in this episode was: Schneizel talking nonesense.... (for me he seemed to act a bit too enigmatic)
    I know that the recording is very usefull for him because he can use it to kill his status.. "A former prince of britannia as the leader of the black knights? no way!"
    but for some reason I still don't get what he's after, it seems like he doesn't like Charles for some reason and wants to betray him... or at least he thinks different than him (btw I thought he already knew about the existence of Geass)

    all in all, good episode even though I hate it when there are alot of "gundam fights"...
    A whole flank crumbles just because there is a single knightmare..
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 08-04-2008 at 04:09 PM.

  11. #1211
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I don't know about you guys but I'm with KrayZee, C2 was absolutly adorable all innocent and happy like that.

    8:02 - 8:10

    8 Seconds of sunshine.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  12. #1212
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I wonder what Charles is planning.... the screen said "GEASS" and they called it Ragnarok...
    "The annihilation of the weak" I guess?

    What I did not understand at all in this episode was: Schneizel talking nonesense.... (for me he seemed to act a bit too enigmatic)
    I know that the recording is very usefull for him because he can use it to kill his status.. "A former prince of britannia as the leader of the black knights? no way!"
    but for some reason I still don't get what he's after, it seems like he doesn't like Charles for some reason and wants to betray him... or at least he thinks different than him (btw I thought he already knew about the existence of Geass)
    Ragnarok is the norse apocalype, known primarily for a large snake swallowing the sun. Perhaps he intends to build something to swallow Jupiter instead? Or maybe...just maybe, he intends to enter a so called "Jupiter Space" and attack one of the gods named Ishtar. Then in killing her, he will remake the world in his own vision.

    /back to being serious

    I starting to think that all along the Emperor meant for Schneizel and Lelouch to fight in a war of succession. Lelouch said that his only true equal in chess was Schneizel. Charles obviously wants to move onto bigger and better things, and we've heard all about how unfair he thinks the world is during that flashback that showed Marianne and C.C. together while he talked to V.V.

    So what better way to find someone worthy to take over your empire? Let the eldest, weakest, dumbest heirs fall to the wayside, and let the two best and brightest fight over the entire world. Euphie was an easy sacrifice for him, Cornelia was too dependent on her little sister, the eldest (or second eldest) is a big dumb wuss who was pushed by one of his younger brothers into marrying Tian Zi. The others we don't know much about, but they seem to be more interested in the politics of things and being important. Certainly not enough to do anything that would put them in danger.

    We just don't know where Schneizel stands. He's a huge manipulator, but not in the same way Lelouch is. He tells the gentle like Euphie and Nunnally that he only wants peace in this world, and he tells Nina and her kind (racists) that they need the ultimate military might to make that peaceful world. We really don't know what he's after, but no method is certainly beneath him in making it happen.

  13. #1213
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    um, i guess im the only one again, but this episode felt so horribly rushed...

    cant really go into detail, because the whole thing made me feel that. i wouldnt be surprised if Karen joined Britannia next episode...

  14. #1214
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Ragnarok is the norse apocalype, known primarily for a large snake swallowing the sun. Perhaps he intends to build something to swallow Jupiter instead? Or maybe...just maybe, he intends to enter a so called "Jupiter Space" and attack one of the gods named Ishtar. Then in killing her, he will remake the world in his own vision.

    /back to being serious

    I starting to think that all along the Emperor meant for Schneizel and Lelouch to fight in a war of succession. Lelouch said that his only true equal in chess was Schneizel. Charles obviously wants to move onto bigger and better things, and we've heard all about how unfair he thinks the world is during that flashback that showed Marianne and C.C. together while he talked to V.V.

    So what better way to find someone worthy to take over your empire? Let the eldest, weakest, dumbest heirs fall to the wayside, and let the two best and brightest fight over the entire world. Euphie was an easy sacrifice for him, Cornelia was too dependent on her little sister, the eldest (or second eldest) is a big dumb wuss who was pushed by one of his younger brothers into marrying Tian Zi. The others we don't know much about, but they seem to be more interested in the politics of things and being important. Certainly not enough to do anything that would put them in danger.

    We just don't know where Schneizel stands. He's a huge manipulator, but not in the same way Lelouch is. He tells the gentle like Euphie and Nunnally that he only wants peace in this world, and he tells Nina and her kind (racists) that they need the ultimate military might to make that peaceful world. We really don't know what he's after, but no method is certainly beneath him in making it happen.
    I love the bold.

  15. #1215
    I wish they would do something with Cornelia already. She's been in a cell block for like the past 4 episodes. But we do get some fanservice from the peculiar way she's bound, mmm.

  16. #1216
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    I wish they would do something with Kallen already. She's been in a cell block for like the past 7 episodes. But we do get some fanservice from the peculiar way she's dressed and how she beats Suzaku, mmm.


  17. #1217
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Episode 18

  18. #1218
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This episode left me with mixed feelings.

    The Gurren has become a bit too much like another Gurren for my tastes. I mean, Kallen is tossing mini-galaxies around already. The little kid in me knows how awesome the two fights with wannabe-Vampire (thank god his role was short) and and Suzaku, but come on. It is Sunrise, and this isn't the first time retardedly overpowered things have existed in their series (any Gundam, Mai-Hime/Otome, etc), but we all came into Geass expecting a little less over-the-top mecha. The technological arms race has gone completely out of control now.

    ...and now this very overt Nationalist series has gone on to one more touchy subject from Japanese history. I'm interested in how the citizens (Japanese or Britannian colonists) examine the aftermath of being nuked.

    What irked me the most was...again, various characters getting just enough time to make it really, really annoying.
    - Cornelia [sexier-than-ever version] escaped.
    - Anya had another Geass reaction and went comatose in mid flight.
    - Though we know Diethard has her, no sign, and only one mention of Viletta.
    Those lines pretty much sum up their involvement in the episode. We get freaking tertiary character development ("Oh, I saved you Nagisa, because you still need to tell Todou you love him.") but where the hell is the secondary character development!

    Don't they care enough to even have another character mention how weird it is that Anya keeps falling out of the sky when she touches Zero's Knightmare?

    /grumble, grumble, bitch, bitch, rant

    Oh wait, "mixed feelings" means that I thought there was something redeeming about this episode. I suppose Cornelia will have to do.

  19. #1219
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    someone got a direct download link for this episode?

  20. #1220
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I thought this was a good ep. I didn't expect Nunnally to die (ruling Area 11 certainly is detrimental to one's expected lifespan) but in addition to that the episode suggested subtly that Lelouch's rule might be crumbling also otherwise. Although knowing how attached he was to his little sister, it's not like he would need any harder a hit. All in all this wasn't certainly Lelouch's season...

    So, seeing how things are falling apart left and right, I'm not sure how big a role uber mechas might anymore play. Well, we still do have quite a few eps left so anything could happen (and probably will happen since this is Code Geass), but likewise it's also possible the vehicles will play a lesser role. Especially if Lelouch won't get his act together anymore enough to conquer lands. I'm sure he will still do something but do knightmares play a big role, is another thing. In the end, if you consider this episode, it's not like Kallen's new uber Gurren really solved the whole thing. It forced Suzaku to use the wmd but honestly if he hadn't been fated to use it, the whole thing wouldn't have been introduced in the first place.

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