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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #721
    Yeah, I didn't see Rollo anywhere. Maybe he's on a mission by his lonesome?

    Wonder what this means for Xing Ke? He tries to topple the Black Knights?

  2. #722
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Wonder what this means for Xing Ke? He tries to topple the Black Knights?
    That's a very good question. I don't generally discount anything Lelouch does as sloppiness or lack of planning, and thus I reckon there almost has to be a reason why he pissed off Xing Ke. After all, he could have simply cooperated as well, but now Lelouch pretty much opposed him. Thus it seems like a bit too easy option that Lelouch would simply geass the empress and thus ultimately gain also Xing Ke, because the dude wouldn't probably disobey should Tian Zi ask for something. However, such a thing would render Lelouch's brutish act somewhat redudant.

    I seem to remember Xing Ke coughing up blood in the previous episode, so I deem he is going to die soon. This makes me think Lelouch intends to use him for some nefarious plot that somehow either makes the Chinese like the Black Knights more or China and Britannia hate each other more. Well, it could be something else as well, but I don't believe Lelouch would simply piss off a man of his calibre for no reason at all.

    It's also worth remembering that since Kaguya likes Tian Zi so much, I can't see Lelouch mistreating her too much.

  3. #723

  4. #724
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Uh, just watched the episode.
    What a shitty one.

    Having seen this episode i have to say that the 1st season was far better.
    The 2nd seasons seems to get nowhere. This episode hat so much unnecessary scenes...
    And Zero just cant win in this season...the chess-play was cancelled, sigh.

    and wth was that cheap scene one moment we saw the celebration, the next we´re at the wedding...i thought the episode was over and it was the preview for next week, but now...was weird.
    And the "Xing Ke...Xing Ke....Xing Ke"...was extremely embarrassing to watch. The ridiculous movement of the little princess, lol. Felt retarded.

    I really hope they speed up the important parts of the story, right now it all feels so unimportant.

  5. #725
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Uh, just watched the episode.
    What a shitty one.

    Having seen this episode i have to say that the 1st season was far better.
    The 2nd seasons seems to get nowhere. This episode hat so much unnecessary scenes...
    And Zero just cant win in this season...the chess-play was cancelled, sigh.

    and wth was that cheap scene one moment we saw the celebration, the next we´re at the wedding...i thought the episode was over and it was the preview for next week, but now...was weird.
    And the "Xing Ke...Xing Ke....Xing Ke"...was extremely embarrassing to watch. The ridiculous movement of the little princess, lol. Felt retarded.

    I really hope they speed up the important parts of the story, right now it all feels so unimportant.
    It's probably just because you lack any sort of understanding.

  6. #726
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Uh, just watched the episode.
    What a shitty one.

    Having seen this episode i have to say that the 1st season was far better.
    The 2nd seasons seems to get nowhere. This episode hat so much unnecessary scenes...
    And Zero just cant win in this season...the chess-play was cancelled, sigh.

    and wth was that cheap scene one moment we saw the celebration, the next we´re at the wedding...i thought the episode was over and it was the preview for next week, but now...was weird.
    And the "Xing Ke...Xing Ke....Xing Ke"...was extremely embarrassing to watch. The ridiculous movement of the little princess, lol. Felt retarded.

    I really hope they speed up the important parts of the story, right now it all feels so unimportant.
    I don't even know where to start...

    You rant about the "unnecessary scenes", yet you don't like how they skipped right to the wedding. Everything in between would have been unnecessary. The party thing took place late at night, and the wedding was in the next morning. What would you like to see in between?

  7. #727
    He wanted to see Lelouch explaining in full detail his plan to crash the wedding clearly.

  8. #728

  9. #729
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    ^^ I wanted more Kallen x Lelouch in between.

    And I never noticed Milly being that big. lawl.

    Questions about the manga, how many chapters are there so far? Is it finished? And about what chapter is the anime around? Just wondering, because this series is too good and I don't want it to end with just 2 seasons.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Sun, 06-08-2008 at 07:51 PM.

  10. #730
    The TV series actually comes before the manga. They just make it up as they go along.

  11. #731
    I for one want this series to end with just two seasons... I hate it when shows never end. at worst, they can do an "episode 2" type of sequel like in Macross. But they must finish this particular story.

    Orange for Emperor!

  12. #732
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    The TV series actually comes before the manga. They just make it up as they go along.
    Oh I see..

    btw.... Is that Orange-kun at the end?

  13. #733
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    - Location of Rollo: He's with the rest of the student council back in Japan strangely enough. You can see him sitting in a chair behind Rivalz and Shirely while Rivalz yells about the broadcast cutting out.

    - Yes, Milly has always been that big. Her uniform has been a very snug fit since episode 1 of season 1.

    - C.C. has become a titular character, and to be honest it is a bit disappointing. I'm sure with Orange returning, she'll become much more important, but I'll admit while all the Kallen development is great, this season is severely lacking in the C.C. x Lelouch interaction that made the first season so much fun to watch. No one verbally foils him quite as well.

  14. #734
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Jeremiah seems to be at the heart of some research project to develop an artificial geass, which seems very close to completion. His conversation with V.V this episode makes me believe even more so that this is true. They still haven't explained what happened with him and C.C last season. I wonder if the emperor's researchers were somehow able to capture C.C, and obtain from her what they needed to finish their research. At this point, the emperor just seems to want her dead.

    Also, in regards to Lelouch's geass inhibiting lense, which has been discussed in a past thread, I am sure its not a very specific type of lense that could ONLY be useful to Lelouch. It would be too convenient for C.C to have something like that. Geass seems to manifest itself in very different ways for different users, which leads me to believe that the lense could be useful for inhibiting any number of geass abilities. How does C.C happen to have a special lense like that, and if she has always had access to such items, why couldn't she have used something like that to help out Mao in the past?

    I wonder if this lense is based on the same 'technology' as whatever Jeremiah is covering his eye with to keep himself sane. A rendezvous with Britannian researchers would sure explain why she just happens to have one of these things on her.

    Btw, this is just random speculation.

  15. #735
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It would be nice if it turned out like that, or similar. C.C's mystery's been a key part of the story for the earlier parts of Season 1, and it would suck for her clash of agenda with V.V. to simply become a side story along side Lelouch's. I suspect we'll be let in to the full details of Lelouch's plan next episode, but through characters like Kallen and Toudou as they realise what's going on.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #736
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure the reason why there is very little screen time for C.C. is because she and her story are going to take over the entire show for the entire second half. Nothing about her has been explained yet, and it was never code geass style to just reveal everything in one go, so I bet there will be a series of events that will develop her character, and consequently her relationship with Lelouch. I have to admit this is partly wishful thinking (and still does not excuse the absence of the best character in the show as well as all of anime) but geass has yet to give me any major disappointment. In fact, I am quite surprised I am enjoying the show this much with only 7 seconds of C.C. in the entire episode.

    Will it end with this season? I highly doubt it. I think they are going to milk this extremely popular franchise for another season.
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  17. #737
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Will it end with this season? I highly doubt it. I think they are going to milk this extremely popular franchise for another season.
    I wonder about that. It's pretty clear story wise it wasn't meant to end with only one season, so it's reasonable to think they wrote a manuscript worth two seasons at least. However, I don't think in the anime industry it's any given fact an anime original show will be a huge success like you could assume an anime based on a very popular manga could be. If Geass had been less popular we would probably have been left with an unconclusive or shortened ending at the end of the season one. However, writing three seasons worth of scripts when you don't know if the thing will win or fail..? I don't know. I could see this ending with just two seasons. It could be a bad sign if it continues to a third season as it just might mean they are stretching the story.

  18. #738
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I don't even know where to start...

    You rant about the "unnecessary scenes", yet you don't like how they skipped right to the wedding. Everything in between would have been unnecessary. The party thing took place late at night, and the wedding was in the next morning. What would you like to see in between?
    See, in season one of Code Geass, it went from one exciting mission to another.
    Remember Lelouch´ first appearance as he lead the terrorists.
    Then we have the big battle on that mountain, where Cornelia participated.
    Then there´s these other japanese liberation front, that "kidnapped" a whole building, where Euphemia was, accidently, as well.

    And so on.
    Season 2 has nothing like that, even more so, it seems all plans of Lelouch fail, at least to some degree. He couldnt save his sister, he couldnt clearly win the chess-game, and and and.

    What i mean with "unncecessary scenes" is, that the introduction to the celebration was way too long. They should have started the chess game earlier, focused on it, Lelouch should have won, thus being able to go on with his plan of overtaking the whole group of people with his Geass, and so on. But nothing. The series was more straight forward in season one. Maybe you can understand that. I mean, Code Geass season 2 is far from being really bad, but i liked season 1 better.

  19. #739
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Well in season 1, he was more playing wit the surprise effect and the advantage his geass gave him.
    But the opposition he had wasn't high enough.

    In season 2 he his facing stronger ennemies and clearly needs to change how he acts, or maybe he already shows his limits, although he has a geass.

    The scenarists show that past the surprise effect, things get more difficult and you may have difficult times. that's facing it and maybe be able to go through that make the show even more interresting. Or you have yet another show with the invicible lead character, that always win no matter what, without even scratching his principles and morals...

    Lelouch isn't that typical character, he had difficult times, was strong at some points, is again facing difficult times/choices... had to scratch his principles and morals and still is fighting. He is more than a two dimensional character that are Pure and Strong...

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  20. #740
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    See, in season one of Code Geass, it went from one exciting mission to another.
    Remember Lelouch&#180; first appearance as he lead the terrorists.
    Then we have the big battle on that mountain, where Cornelia participated.
    Then there&#180;s these other japanese liberation front, that "kidnapped" a whole building, where Euphemia was, accidently, as well.

    And so on.
    Season 2 has nothing like that, even more so, it seems all plans of Lelouch fail, at least to some degree. He couldnt save his sister, he couldnt clearly win the chess-game, and and and.

    What i mean with "unncecessary scenes" is, that the introduction to the celebration was way too long. They should have started the chess game earlier, focused on it, Lelouch should have won, thus being able to go on with his plan of overtaking the whole group of people with his Geass, and so on. But nothing. The series was more straight forward in season one. Maybe you can understand that. I mean, Code Geass season 2 is far from being really bad, but i liked season 1 better.
    More action =/= better

    I like these mind games more than this senseless fighting in season 1.
    Lelouch was always like "we have to prove that the japanese people are alive" and the next episode "we have to prove that the japanese people are strong"

    and all in all everything went according to his plan which was actually pretty boring compared to this here, where he finally matches someone as intelligent as himself.
    Not only that, he's in a real dilemma which makes everything even more exciting.
    How will he get out of this?

    And on the other side.. what are you expecting? Lelouch clearly lost(!) in season 1... He has to build everything up again, which isn't as easy as it was before because the enemy knew who he was and start to get a hang about Lelouch tactics, plus Britania is even stronger now, since they focus on the elevens... back then cornelia for example joined the fight very late... because they thought its just a "small" rebellion caused by some mere terrorist. The matter got much more serious towards the end and actually that was the time when Lelouch started loosing, even though his forces were much greater than they are right now.

    Season one started with some dumb people getting beaten up by Lelouch and his Black Knights

    Season two however... starts with the round of knights, the prince, the king and on top of that... everyone is prepared for lelouch revival.
    And the most important part, Lelouch's only trump card in season 1 (which is the reason why he actually was able to win so much), the geass, is exposed... many important characters in season 2 know about it, and he's practically never able to use it. Season 1 depended on the geass to much, which is shown with the "all-time-active"-geass he gained...
    In season 2 he rarely use it, because he can't

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