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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #461
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Agreed of course we also watched orange-kun drop dead in front of a truck and they brought him back to life.
    It was pretty obvious Orange-kun wasn't dead at that point. He had limped into the city pretty well on his own. Granted, he was in really bad shape and probably borderline braindead from all the radiation Kallen pumped him and his Knightmare with. He would have died, but he wasn't shot in the chest the way Euphie was. Whatever they did to him, which was extensive modifications, was enough to compensate.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    As far as Cornelia would know Zero was already dead thats the public side of things and I imagine only Suzaku and the Emperor know the full truth of what happened possibly V.V. as well.

    Possible and would certainly explain where Nunnally has been. The interesting question is if Cornelia knows who Zero really is. I mean he talked to her before using the Geass but its a question of how much she remembers Viletta at least had a foggy idea of what Zero looked like and being Cornelia knew him from her past she might have a clue who he really is.
    The reason Viletta remembered him was because she saw him for a few seconds through the display screens on her Sutherland before he lured her out of it. But you are right about Cornelia. She spoke to Lelouch with his helmet off for a long time, so it's very possible she knows who he is. Lelouch's Geass has shown that those who get hit with it forget what happened during his commands, but they usually don't have any memory gaps unless that was part of the order, as with Shirley.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    I think its important to note how major all those shown in the ending are likely to be to this season. It seems very odd that Euphie is the only one that is presumeably dead at this point. Her inclusion makes me believe she will be a major part of this season as well. It just seems out of place enough that it could have meaning. I don't really support bringing her back her death was a major plot point in season one it just seems like something we should be ready for,
    I'd say Euphie's legacy will play an important role, but I simply don't see her coming back from the dead. I'm still hoping that Lelouch gets pissed at Suzaku enough to really find a look-alike to torture him. I haven't seen that in anime (that I have watched) for a while, and I know Sunrise has used the plot device a few times in the past.

    I can't say I know a lot about Chinese politics so I'll take your word for that one.
    I agree with the rest of what you said here and below to a point, and want to clarify a little. The "middleman" politics was more prevalent in the Han, many of the succeeding dynasties, and in Communist China to a point. I don't know how much it is today, but Code Geass seems to be using a model for the Chinese Federation that's more like the pre-Communist Chinese dynasties. Japan had a lot of these issues itself, with the Heian period and a few before the Meiji Era that weren't early Tokugawa.

    It's fascinating stuff, especially coming from someone who's country doesn't have nearly the rich histories that the Asian nations do. Only ~300 years...I don't know as much as I would like to know though.

  2. #462
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Why does no one give notice to C.C.'s gun scene? That was so cute and moe in a very unfamiliar, violent and strange way.

    really, we need more C.C.... the made her wear those nice clothes but we rarely see her! Need some Lelouch-C.C. romance, NOW!

  3. #463
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    It was pretty obvious Orange-kun wasn't dead at that point. He had limped into the city pretty well on his own. Granted, he was in really bad shape and probably borderline braindead from all the radiation Kallen pumped him and his Knightmare with. He would have died, but he wasn't shot in the chest the way Euphie was. Whatever they did to him, which was extensive modifications, was enough to compensate.
    Euphie died on a state of the art warship that was fresh off the assembly line and V.V, as well as the second Prince were on it if she has any chance of coming back I can't think of a better place to have her. They were keeping her on normal life support on the ship then she flat-lined but she was still in argueably better shape at that point then Orange-kun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    The reason Viletta remembered him was because she saw him for a few seconds through the display screens on her Sutherland before he lured her out of it. But you are right about Cornelia. She spoke to Lelouch with his helmet off for a long time, so it's very possible she knows who he is. Lelouch's Geass has shown that those who get hit with it forget what happened during his commands, but they usually don't have any memory gaps unless that was part of the order, as with Shirley.
    So we agree on this point. (just so you don't get upset I cut out part of your quote)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I'd say Euphie's legacy will play an important role, but I simply don't see her coming back from the dead. I'm still hoping that Lelouch gets pissed at Suzaku enough to really find a look-alike to torture him. I haven't seen that in anime (that I have watched) for a while, and I know Sunrise has used the plot device a few times in the past.
    I don't see Lelouch doing anything like this. Lelouch really did love Euphie and was ready to agree to what she wanted to try if not for his Geass acting on its own. That and he doesn't hate Suzaku nor does he insist that Suzaku agree's with him or he would just use his Geass to make that happen. Fact is he considered at least for all of last season that Suzaku was a friend he wanted to convince his way was right through normal means. I do think that will change after he handed him over to the Emperor like that but I don't see him willing to disgrace Euphie like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I agree with the rest of what you said here and below to a point, and want to clarify a little. The "middleman" politics was more prevalent in the Han, many of the succeeding dynasties, and in Communist China to a point. I don't know how much it is today, but Code Geass seems to be using a model for the Chinese Federation that's more like the pre-Communist Chinese dynasties. Japan had a lot of these issues itself, with the Heian period and a few before the Meiji Era that weren't early Tokugawa.

    It's fascinating stuff, especially coming from someone who's country doesn't have nearly the rich histories that the Asian nations do. Only ~300 years...I don't know as much as I would like to know though.
    Well generally Code Geass and how they handle what was done to "Japan" is a reflection of what Japan did to Korea when they occupied it in the past. So I wouldn't be surprized if they are making China reflect how it was at that time. I don't have any exact dates and in general most of that information about how it reflects how japan treated Korea I learned listening to a review of Code Geass on the Anime pulse Podcast or maybe anime nation I'm not completely positive which. Still all of the history stuff and how they work it in is always interesting if you find any more out I'd be interested in hearing it.

  4. #464
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Euphie died on a state of the art warship that was fresh off the assembly line and V.V, as well as the second Prince were on it if she has any chance of coming back I can't think of a better place to have her. They were keeping her on normal life support on the ship then she flat-lined but she was still in argueably better shape at that point then Orange-kun.
    Euphie died with Suzaku by her side, which leads me to believe that he wouldn't believe she's dead unless she is well and truly dead, whereas no one actually witnessed Orange-kun's.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #465
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    (just so you don't get upset I cut out part of your quote)
    I appreciate it, hah.
    I don't see Lelouch doing anything like this. Lelouch really did love Euphie and was ready to agree to what she wanted to try if not for his Geass acting on its own. That and he doesn't hate Suzaku nor does he insist that Suzaku agree's with him or he would just use his Geass to make that happen. Fact is he considered at least for all of last season that Suzaku was a friend he wanted to convince his way was right through normal means. I do think that will change after he handed him over to the Emperor like that but I don't see him willing to disgrace Euphie like that.
    I have to disagree. Lelouch already showed he was more than willing to use her in that fashion last season. He knew better than anyone that she purely believed all that (even though calling her naive earlier). But he knew that he couldn't let the opportunity pass by and slandered her for eternity as a Butcher of the Japanese people. Worse than Clovis ever was, worse than even our little replacement Governor-General in the first eps of R2. Britannia might like to claim she was murdered by Zero and place her as a martyr, but everyone that was there that day, and everyone who got Diethard's broadcast, and rebroadcasts, sees her as the greatest liar Britannia has ever known.

    Lelouch has done plenty to her already, it can't get that much worse. If he can use her death, her image, her legacy, anything against Suzaku, I bet he'll do it. I doubt we'll see a Meer Campbell, but I would by no means put it past Lelouch this season.

    All the while pretending he still remembers nothing.

  6. #466
    I hope he f***s up Suzaku's mind even more. All for the sake in making Suzaku show his true colours of evil.

    I have to second Ryllharu. Not willing to disgrace? Lelouch is and has always been a "the end justifies the means" type of man. If he can avoid a situation like disgracing or hurting a friend, he will, but if pain is the only path, he wouldn't mind taking that path because his goal is that much bigger.

    And if they do decide to bring Euphie back from the grave I hope they spit on her and bury her the same ep as she reapears. NOTHING may stand in the way of Lelouch's and Karen's ambition.

  7. #467
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I have to disagree. Lelouch already showed he was more than willing to use her in that fashion last season. He knew better than anyone that she purely believed all that (even though calling her naive earlier). But he knew that he couldn't let the opportunity pass by and slandered her for eternity as a Butcher of the Japanese people. Worse than Clovis ever was, worse than even our little replacement Governor-General in the first eps of R2. Britannia might like to claim she was murdered by Zero and place her as a martyr, but everyone that was there that day, and everyone who got Diethard's broadcast, and rebroadcasts, sees her as the greatest liar Britannia has ever known.

    Lelouch has done plenty to her already, it can't get that much worse. If he can use her death, her image, her legacy, anything against Suzaku, I bet he'll do it. I doubt we'll see a Meer Campbell, but I would by no means put it past Lelouch this season.

    All the while pretending he still remembers nothing.
    That was making the best of a bad situation. He simply made the only choice he could had she lived as far as he knew she would have continued following the order he gave her by mistake. Also she grabbed his gun and he had no way of stopping her before she started killing the Japanese its not like he planned it. In his own mind he was saving her by killing her and then making her death have some meaning with the way he used it, Thats completely different then a malicious plan to actively use her and do harm with her name.

    There is no question he regretted what happened in that situation and there is zero reason to believe he would actively do something to make her suffer more or someone suffer in her name. With Shirley she knew who he was and shot him and he tried to do what was best for her in the end. With Suzaku even after finding out he was the pilot of the Lancelot he still choose to use his Geass to make his friend live instead of to control him. At no point has he attempted to betray a friend or use them against each other for anything he even went out of his way to protect the school and his friends when causing a all out war in Tokyo. So why on earth would he make a fake of his first love and the one family member he actually cared about in order to actively hurt his best friend? They have betrayed each other sure but Lelouch would still welcome Suzaku if he choose to come to his side and join his cause on his own.

  8. #468
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    While I doubt that Lelouch would hesitate using the image of someone already dead, I am not sure if he is cruel enough to subject Suzaku to such torture, unless it is absolutely necessary, and if Suzaku turns to be someone who deserves it.

    Well, if Suzaku does "try" to join Lelouch's side, we must not forget that it was Suzaku that caused Nunally to get kidnapped, much like how it was Lelouch that killed Euphie. I doubt that Lelouch will welcome Suzaku this time around.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  9. #469
    Yea, I really hope Lelouch and Suzaku don't end up joining forces, its just alot more fun to watch that way.

    I don't know that you can say that can you? About Nunally being kidnapped I mean, it was VV that kidnapped her and we don't really know much about the connection between VV and Suzaku but I understand what your saying, he sure didn't help rescue her thats for sure.

    And on a completely seperate note...

    Did anyone see Rollo's last name in those death reports? it made me laugh "Haliburton"
    Last edited by Eros935; Fri, 05-02-2008 at 12:58 AM.

  10. #470
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    I don't even think Suzaku knew, or belived for that matter, that Nunnaly was kidnapped. It seemed he was more focused on..Lelouch's "betrayal".

    Edit: -Post Below-

    Oh, I thought you totally meant something else. My mistakes..
    Last edited by Chiodos; Fri, 05-02-2008 at 07:30 AM.
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  11. #471
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    All I meant was that the fact that Suzaku stopped Lelouch at that point (end of s1) prevented him from rescuing Nunally, resulting in her "disappearance" (which Lelouch currently interprets to be a kidnapping).
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  12. #472
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Episode 05

    Released by [WeWin]

    Edit: I'd recommend you all wait, these subs are horrendous.

    The first five minutes are actually subs, then I can't tell if they did a poor job, or just threw random words together to make it look like its subbed.

    Better Version: Code Geass R2: Episode 05
    Last edited by Lucifus; Sun, 05-04-2008 at 12:13 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  13. #473
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    I thought it was golden week in Japan right now, I had been completely expecting no candy this week . This is good news

    edit: Going to wait for GG's release though, to keep my list looking pretty.
    Last edited by Uchiha Barles; Sun, 05-04-2008 at 10:33 AM.

  14. #474
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I hope a HD version will come soon, strange how you get spoiled quickly with crystal clear images....
    I can spend more on HardDrive and wait for HighDefinition versions. Besides a TB from samsung really gets cheaper by the day...

    [Chihiro]Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 05 [h264][6D891AC7] mkv 720p (mininova link)

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #475
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Oh man.. wewin subs sucks. Love the part where there's lot of fanservice. Especially for C2 and Kallen

  16. #476
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oyabin
    Oh man.. wewin subs sucks. Love the part where there's lot of fanservice. Especially for C2 and Kallen
    The name of the group suggest they only aim at speed Yellow subs are hard to swallow...

    I only started to dl the 720p I linked as I was editing last post. I wonder if they'll be any good.

    Edit: sub quality ok except for minor typing mistakes. Sometimes blurry encode yet clearer than the SD version earlier.

    Nice turn of events will be my only comment as of yet.
    Last edited by David75; Sun, 05-04-2008 at 11:59 AM.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #477
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What about "Suzaku is a fucking asshole."? That works for me.
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  18. #478
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'll wait for GG's they are my favorites...
    but i can hardly wait after I read that there is alot of C.C. fanservices :/

    need ^^

  19. #479
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I'll wait for GG's they are my favorites...
    but i can hardly wait after I read that there is alot of C.C. fanservices :/

    need ^^
    One word:


    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  20. #480
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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