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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #361
    That was a fun episode. Curious to see how Lelouch gets out of that situation at the end, and did the Chinese Fed make a deal with Britannia? Cliffhangers!

  2. #362
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I now have a love/hate relationship with Code Geass, I love the show but hate the cliffhangers. You can't just end an episode like that, it's emotional abuse!

    Important points:
    Kallen still has her school uniform.

    Rollo is a poster child for emotional instability and abandonment issues.

    Rollo's geass is hax.

    Perma-Geass is apparently here to stay.

    And I must echo Shinji's WTF at the random ending.
    Important points indeed. I still dont know what to make of Rollo. He seems to care for Lelouche but at the same time willing to kill him if he were to regain his memories to once again become Zero. So does this mean that as long as he believes that Lelouche hasn't regained his memories, he would be perfectly happy with letting Lelouche live?

    And yes Rollo's geass is like game shark level hax -.-

    And yes the Kallen/C.C. conversation was AWESOME.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  3. #363
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Geasses seem to have multiple effects, powers and drawbacks.
    It's like there's a border in what you can do and what power you have.
    When you have a very efficient Geass, working with no direct eye contact and great range, the action seems to be short in time. On the contrary, if you have small range and direct eye contact, you can have long time effect.
    Then there's the control the user has on the power. Maybe over time, by cautious use, you can extend the power and have some limitations removed. But if you use it too often, the geass gets you before you can control it.

    From what we see of rollo's and the emperor, they may have attained a higher control ability than Lelouch, they can restrict the power to only what's needed for their immediate use, whereas Lelouch seems to use it without much control, leading him to problems when the Geass becomes uncontrollable.

    On the other hand, it's strange CC doesn't help him control the Geass if it's possible, and "only" gives him a masking contact lens. If it's possible to get used to the geass and control its shape, power, time range, why wouldn't she help him that way?
    It also seems that the Geass may affect one's reason, because just when Lelouch replied to CC he would control his geass, then it becomes uncontrollable. I have wait for more data on the use of the geass.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #364
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    Looks like Lelouch and the Black Knights are in a pinch. Though I didn't expect Lelouch to confront Rollo at this early stage. Still, another satisfying episode before i proceed with my college work =.=

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  5. #365
    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII
    I noticed the running water, but the thing that confused me was how Rollo got out of the explosion in his Knightmare. He might have hypnotized everyone (his geass does not need eye contact), but that doesn't change the fact his vincent was RIGHT NEXT to urabe when he exploded. And if he just freezes perception of time, then he won't be able to freeze the explosion.

    The Hypnosis theory sounds right, with the water observation. I guess this is either a plot hole or something they'll explain with some added scenes later on, or maybe the vincent is super durable. Hehe.
    Wasnt his knightmare still damaged because of the explosion?

  6. #366
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII
    I noticed the running water, but the thing that confused me was how Rollo got out of the explosion in his Knightmare. He might have hypnotized everyone (his geass does not need eye contact), but that doesn't change the fact his vincent was RIGHT NEXT to urabe when he exploded. And if he just freezes perception of time, then he won't be able to freeze the explosion.

    The Hypnosis theory sounds right, with the water observation. I guess this is either a plot hole or something they'll explain with some added scenes later on, or maybe the vincent is super durable. Hehe.
    Based on the Lancelot, the Vincent probably inherited speed as one of it's traits. Furthermore, as we can see, Rollo's Geass sort of has a time lag effect on the victim. As we saw in Viletta's case, there was a time period between when he activated his geass to when the range expanded and reached the target. Then, the target experiences a slow down where they still think they're there and they're talking to them. In the case of the Urabe, if we assumed that Rollo activated his Geass as soon as he was stabbed, it gave him a good 5 seconds before the explosion. A decent pilot would with that Knightmare's performance could plausibly evade a critical hit from that. And it's not like Rollo came out slick neither. He barely made it out from the looks of things.

    As for Viletta, I don't think she ever lost her memories as Chigusa, just as Lelouch doesn't lose this last year's memories if we treat him like he had amnesia. I think she still has feelings for Ougi, as the OP suggests, but right when she woke up, all she remembered was she's a noble Britannian right in the middle of a war zone, living with filthy Elevens. I think I remember her putting on a similar face when she shot him too.

    This ultra-tight security surveillance at school will be an interesting challenge, now that it's Lelouch's hiding place AND prison. Also, they weren't just told to watch Lelouch. The higher ups actually know he WAS Zero.

    Love triangle between C.C./Kallen/Lelouch is almost certain for me now, but maybe a little one-sided love on Kallen's side.

    edit: It was Shinta who first suggested opaque contacts.

    edit2: "C.C.!! Wouldn't it have been faster if you were in the bunny suit?" That pretty much answers the question of whether Kallen's job was a setup.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 04-21-2008 at 06:04 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #367
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    One thing I'll say: Rollo's life will be ruined once his geass becomes constantly active. He won't be able to interact with people other than by communicators... And seeing how he relies on his geass even against some random grunt, it should be only a matter of time.
    Well i don't understand why that should be a problem.. if there is a lense which can outmatch the geass effect, then there shouldn't be a problem.

    btw Rollo's geass is weird anyways.. it has nothing to do with "eye-contact" anymore.. all he does is realese a "supernova" and everyone is under the effect of his geass.
    But then again, it was the same thing with that "mind-reading" guy. It's a bit lame, isn't it? I'd prefer a geass similiar to Lelouch's, its just boring if it is an area of effect-spell. It's even more lame that Rollo can use it even though he is in a Knightmare and it seems like he can use it more than once on a person.

    ITS OVERPOWERED, MAN!! well, to be excepted.. all lab-childs are overpowered ^^... damn genetic engineering. (well at least i think he is one because of his behavior, or what was this "Birthday!?!?..i see, birthdays are important, right?" about?)

    btw buffalo, what about shirley? i guess she will be involved in the love story too.. and i'd choose her over Kallen, right after C.C. ^^

    and i just read on wikipedia, that the european knightmare frames are called "Panzer-Hummel" *g* nice. where did they get that information from? is there a manga or something like that?

    edit: oh, there are 3 manga adaptions.. nevermind
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-21-2008 at 11:37 AM.

  8. #368
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    Well i don't understand why that should be a problem.. if there is a lense which can outmatch the geass effect, then there shouldn't be a problem.
    It's something of a problem if all the people around you seem to have frozen. Makes discussions a bit hard, not to mention other kinds of interactions.

  9. #369
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ya which won't happen if he wears the lense like Lelouch does.
    I know its a special one, but if Lelouch has one, there shouldn't be a problem for Britain to get one too

  10. #370
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Speaking of the lens, I wonder if one can immunize oneself from certain types of Geasses. It wouldn't work with a mind reading, obviously, but could work against Rollo or Lelouch's Geass, probably the Emperor's one too.

    Regarding Rollo and his armor, I wonder if it's possible they created some sort of Geass amplifier in it, to extend its range.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  11. #371
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    Ya which won't happen if he wears the lense like Lelouch does.
    He doesn't need an eye contact so why would a lens help? It works through the armor of a Knightmere, so I don't think a piece of plastic is going to do much good.

  12. #372
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    He doesn't need an eye contact so why would a lens help? It works through the armor of a Knightmere, so I don't think a piece of plastic is going to do much good.
    The lens C.C. gave Lelouch isn't just a normal contact lens its a Geass inhibitor it should be able to stop Rollo's Geass from acting on its own the same way it does for Lelouch. Also one would imagine if they were able to somehow capture Rollo or another Geass user and place it over his Geass that it would prevent him from being able to use his ability on anyone and considering C.C. is immune to the Geass abilities in the first place if she was so inclined she could easily stop Rollo who doesn't seem to have any normal enhanced physical abilities like Suzaku does.

  13. #373
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Where was it stated that Suzaku had enhanced abilites?
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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  14. #374
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    Where was it stated that Suzaku had enhanced abilites?
    He can dodge bullets he's exceptional athletic thats been a given.

  15. #375
    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    He can dodge bullets he's exceptional athletic thats been a given.
    I think that is one of the most ridiculous things in this anime, no one except him is uber just because. It's one thing that he rocks in Lancelot, but him being like superhuman is just stupid. Take a bullet like a man!!!

  16. #376
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ya when he took out that army all by himself I thought that i'm watching Gundam again.
    He was strong in the first season too, but at least he wasn't thinking of himself so highly like he does now "the outcome is clear (since i m here), surrender"

    Pah! just go and die..

    edit: btw i just got neg-repped three times without giving a reason (most likely the same guy?).. at least write a reason why you neg-repped me, so I have a chance to correct my behavior or the post... thats just idiotic, really.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-21-2008 at 02:31 PM.

  17. #377
    He can also run on walls, leap over 20 feet horizontally from a standing position (and still be about 5 feet up in the air meaning he could probably go further than 20 feet), destroy gun emplacements with his shins, and do whatever it was he did to stop that pendulum bomb Mao set up in season one which should not have been physically possible.

    Basically Suzaku is a ninja. The Chinese guy is also likely to display ninja alilities in short order. Unfortunately for the BK's Kallen is the closest thing they have to a ninja, but she's more of an acrobat. Being capable of doing a back flip, then reversing direction on two different axes in mid air to kick someone in the face is certianly impressive, but it also seems somewhat believable, making it much less impressive than the things Suzaku and Chinese guy can do.

    And his actions in Europe were just plain despicable . I mean how can you just go to someones country (seemingly unprovoked) and just demand they lay down their arms and surrender to you or else you'll kill them. I usually don't like to bring out the old "that's what Hitler did" argument but I mean, it's kind of hard not too at this point.

    And of course his (Gundam) Lancelot is able to single handedly fight off a squad of grunt mobile suits without a's not really that fun to see a beat down like that if you don't have any built up animosity towards the receiver of said beat down. What did the poor Europeans do other than insult the Italians?
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 04-21-2008 at 02:32 PM.

  18. #378
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    The lens C.C. gave Lelouch isn't just a normal contact lens its a Geass inhibitor it should be able to stop Rollo's Geass from acting on its own the same way it does for Lelouch. Also one would imagine if they were able to somehow capture Rollo or another Geass user and place it over his Geass that it would prevent him from being able to use his ability on anyone and considering C.C. is immune to the Geass abilities in the first place if she was so inclined she could easily stop Rollo who doesn't seem to have any normal enhanced physical abilities like Suzaku does.
    I completely disagree. Everything we know about this contact lens was from that brief scene of C.C. and Lelouch, and it hardly revealed anything, except that C.C. didn't want to talk about it. Like Lelouch said himself, just blocking his vision would have been enough. I don't know what makes this one special but I'm still betting it's not any universal cure for Geass. If it was, the Empire probably would have used such a material for special purposes before, without the actual users knowing they are wearing something like that, of course, as a defence against Lelouch.

    And no matter what kind of contact lens you have, I very much doubt it stops Geass more effectively than a Knightmare composite armour...

  19. #379
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    The lens C.C. gave Lelouch isn't just a normal contact lens its a Geass inhibitor it should be able to stop Rollo's Geass from acting on its own the same way it does for Lelouch. Also one would imagine if they were able to somehow capture Rollo or another Geass user and place it over his Geass that it would prevent him from being able to use his ability on anyone and considering C.C. is immune to the Geass abilities in the first place if she was so inclined she could easily stop Rollo who doesn't seem to have any normal enhanced physical abilities like Suzaku does.
    Uhh...baseless conjecture again?

    The Emperor and Lelouch's Geass both operate visually. Eye contact must be made. That's why the contact lens will block Lelouch's power. He said that, 'then a normal contact would work,' and C.C. replied that 'it is a special contact lens.'

    Sure, it's a special contact lens, but in no way do the lines imply that it's some form of "Geass Inhibitor" that anyone with a geass could completely cancel out their abilities.

    Think about how the various Geass's we've seen work. Two require visual contact. Two don't. Mao didn't even need to see his targets. Once his went permanent, it was a constant sphere around him, and how deep he went into buried thoughts depended on his concentration level. Rollo's also doesn't require any eye contact at all. I just don't see how you can justify that huge leap from "it blocks your eye but you can still see out of it" to "you might be able to use it later to stop other people, who totally wouldn't notice a freaking contact in their eyes." in any way, shape, or form.

    By "special," C.C. could simply mean that the lens is polarized or something similar so Lelouch can actually see out of it. He said "opaque." What her next line implied about it possibly not working if his Geass gets any stronger is that even blocking his eye might not work, or more benignly, that he'll get the effect in both eyes.

    Now, if you had started with "I think that...," or "I bet that...," I wouldn't have problems with this. But you just make up random conjectures when we have no idea what C.C., one of the most secretive and capricious characters in nearly any series doesn't elaborate.

    I don't know, you don't know. Don't say things like they are facts when you're only making it up off the faintest scraps of information.

    EDIT: I should cut back on the ill-tempered sarcastic tone and vitriol...maybe the next post.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 04-21-2008 at 04:32 PM.

  20. #380
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well I imagine that the Geass shoots something like (lets call it) "lazers" out of their eyes and the lense stops these "lasers"

    I know, it sounds ridicilous, but what i meant is that it could block something that comes out of the eyes which normally affect other people... so it doesn't matter if you need direct eye concact to the victim or not.

    Since the "lasers" can't come out of the body or eyes, it won't affect anyone.

    well this would only work if the eye is always the "carrier" of the Geass, but now that i think about it, it seems the "bird" in their eyes is often only a sideeffect and has nothing to do with the Geass itself, it's probably just a symptom for Geass users, something like a stigma.

    (well however since Lelouch has to make eye-contact its most likely that his eyes are the geass)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 04-21-2008 at 04:45 PM.

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