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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #341
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There were a couple of new faces in the "plug suits" like Kallen's in the OP on the BK's side.

    We still have to remember that despite their highest profile and best pilots (the former Japanese Liberation Front aces) in prison, the BK's are severely depleted. Nearly everyone has been executed. They will be recruiting heavily from Japan, and probably from a few places opposed to Britannia, like the European Union perhaps and at least a few from the Chinese.

    I think we'll be getting a few fresh aces to compete.
    (Though "fresh" and "ace" are antonyms in this context)

  2. #342
    I heard from a friend that code geass r2 just got licensed. Is this really true?

  3. #343
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think Bandai snapped it up before or immediately after episode 1 aired, but that really doesn't change anything.

  4. #344
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Code Geass R2: Episode 03

  5. #345
    Thank you!!!! I know it will make my day.

    All I've got to say about this ep is.... WTF!?!
    Last edited by Shinji Ikari; Sun, 04-20-2008 at 01:30 PM.

  6. #346
    OH SHI-

    is about all I have to say for the last part of the episode.

  7. #347
    I now have a love/hate relationship with Code Geass, I love the show but hate the cliffhangers. You can't just end an episode like that, it's emotional abuse!

    Important points:
    Kallen still has her school uniform.

    Rollo is a poster child for emotional instability and abandonment issues.

    Rollo's geass is hax.

    Perma-Geass is apparently here to stay.

    And I must echo Shinji's WTF at the random ending.

  8. #348
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kallen still has Lelouch's school jacket. Unless I missed her yellow jacket and black skirt somewhere.

    I loved the increased Kallen/C.C. banter. If this is a new trend of R2, it may be the best one!

    Rollo's Geass interestingly enough has a range. It shoots out in a sphere centered around him, maybe 150 feet tops. Only the audience knows it for now, I wonder if/when Lelouch will.

    Viletta amazingly did not receive a brain melt. In fact, she got a promotion, just like she always wanted. But we also all caught the glance she gave Ougi. Maybe her amnesiac state's memories are coming back bit by bit? Or did she always have them and only know softening to Ougi, since he was only kind to her as "Chigusa"?

    I'm not liking the new trend of severe cliffhangers at the end of each episode.

    Very nice call on the contact lens idea from the eps 2 thread that I agreed with, supported, and elaborated on, whoever that was.

  9. #349
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Code Geass Ep 3 H264 Eclipse

    Code Geass Ep 3 Xvid Eclipse

    Yep Eclipse is out =3

  10. #350
    Lol, good observation Ryl, I completely forgot he gave it to her. I guess I just didn't want to remember her not in all her bunny suited glory.

    Anyway, after watch #2 I noticed something else about Rollo's geass. The bubble one in this ep didn't seem big enough for him to have enveloped Urabe and Kallen, as well as Lelouch in one of the same size when they were all in Knightmares. That may not have been his maximum range we saw, though it could just be a visual anomaly.

    Also, he seems to have gotten Lelouch with it in ep2 yet it worked on him again in this ep, implying he gets multiplue uses too. Why is it that only Lelouch seems to have limitations on his Geass's effectiveness? Might it have something to do with what C.C. said about his Geass having the potential to get stronger?

  11. #351
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As we saw with Euphie especially, and with the girl carving into the wall for at least a year, Lelouch's Geass is really powerful, and from what C.C. was implying in this episode with the contact, he may not even be at the strongest. Perhaps it might get to a point where it doesn't have to be direct eyesight, and goes through several material.

    Lelouch's Geass only works once because it apparently damages portions of the brain that allow it to operate.

    There's no resisting an order once he gives it. Though the Emperor may be able to use his more than once, he seems to have had it for a long time. He might possibly manipulate others with false memories, but it's not a guarantee like Lelouch's is.

    Then we have all the others. Mao's was only useful against a person like Lelouch, who wins by thinking. Perhaps a barbarian of an enemy, or one who thought in multiple directions very quickly could defeat him easily. His other weakness was simply being overwhelmed by thoughts.

    And Rollo's does appear to have a range, though we don't yet know of it's full effective time limit. Not that the Black Knights have a sniper, but it remains a possibility.

  12. #352
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    So Rollo can use his geass as many times as he wants with the subjects?
    And I think his Knightmare amplifies his range.

    I LOLed at the contact lense because it was predicted here on gotwoot.

    I am wondering if Rollo used this geass to take Lelouch away from Kallen on ep1?

    Great interaction between CC and Kallen.

    WTF is the Chinese guy doing? Is he on the Britannian's side? He did not say anything about Rollo's geass either. Or did he even notice the weird eye?

    I still think Rollo will turn out to be Nunnally...

  13. #353
    I think the situation at the end is just a charade to fool the Britainian army somehow. I dont see chinese heero yuy fighting against them all of a sudden after saying that he finds them "interesting".

  14. #354
    "What! Zero is a woman!"

    the cliffhanger is kind of annoying i agree. its like last week's, which became completely unimportant 3 seconds into this ep.

  15. #355
    We could lose ourselves in conjectures, but as of now, I'll only say that this ep is true to the series.


  16. #356
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One thing I'll say: Rollo's life will be ruined once his geass becomes constantly active. He won't be able to interact with people other than by communicators... And seeing how he relies on his geass even against some random grunt, it should be only a matter of time.

    An excellent episode. I wonder how long we need to wait until Lelouch can play some games with his own rules. So far he has been mostly forced to use his wits to get out of trouble, not advance his greater plans.

  17. #357
    One question is, whether Rollo's geass is a hypnotic one working on people only, or if it actually stops time itself. I'm probably leaning towards the latter, unless they reveal his Vincent Knightmare has some teleportation device, that would explain how he got out of the explosion.

    Perhaps there is another step after the geass grows more powerful. Maybe if the user manages to control it better, it will go back to being something the user can turn on and off as opposed to constantly being released. The emperor, I'm assuming, has had his geass way before Lelouch, so he must have either found a way or has already reached another plane of power with his geass.

    Great episode, Lelouch really surprised me with his move to go back to school right in the middle of the incident, he really thinks ahead. The C.C and Kallen interaction is awesome too Nice to see Schneizel again, awesome character.

    I also wonder if Cornelia is still alive? We're seeing her knights still in Japan, but not her. It would be interesting to see her again.


    As for how Lelouch will get out of this one, i'm guessing the gun he threatened Rollo with wasn't loaded. Since he was going to Geass Rollo to make him his servant anyway, and Lelouch just loves to bluff!

  18. #358
    I think it's like a hpynotic one. When you see him use it on Viletta and the guy, they had the red outline around their eyes which happens when you're under the effect of a geass.

  19. #359
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII
    One question is, whether Rollo's geass is a hypnotic one working on people only, or if it actually stops time itself. I'm probably leaning towards the latter, unless they reveal his Vincent Knightmare has some teleportation device, that would explain how he got out of the explosion.

    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    I think it's like a hpynotic one. When you see him use it on Viletta and the guy, they had the red outline around their eyes which happens when you're under the effect of a geass.

    I'm surprised people haven't referenced the most glaring piece of evidence that Rolo's Geass effects people and not actual time itself. You can see this in the fact that when that one guy walks in on Rolo and Viletta's conversation Rolo activates his "Time Stop" Geass. While this is happening, the water in the background is still moving while everyone is "Geass'd".

  20. #360
    I noticed the running water, but the thing that confused me was how Rollo got out of the explosion in his Knightmare. He might have hypnotized everyone (his geass does not need eye contact), but that doesn't change the fact his vincent was RIGHT NEXT to urabe when he exploded. And if he just freezes perception of time, then he won't be able to freeze the explosion.

    The Hypnosis theory sounds right, with the water observation. I guess this is either a plot hole or something they'll explain with some added scenes later on, or maybe the vincent is super durable. Hehe.
    Last edited by DeathscytheVII; Sun, 04-20-2008 at 07:29 PM.

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