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Thread: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

  1. #281
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Time for some new material. Spoiler has been removed.
    Quote Originally Posted by
    In an odd twist today, the final six minutes of the third episode of CODE GEASS R2 were leaked a few hours ago.

    According to a 2ch post, one of the staff members was arrested, and episode three may not air this weekend (to be decided tomorrow). Supposedly the alternatives are to air either a shortened version of the episode four or nothing at all this weekend while they remake episode three. That’s very disturbing news to say the least, but I can understand why they might feel inclined to do that since the leaked part does have some huge spoilers for the entire episode. And given that they’re thinking about remaking some of it, it’s not even clear if the leaked part is canon anymore. In any case, an official announcement will probably come in the next 24 hours, and I’ll be sure to update this post.
    Visit the site if you wish to see what the actual spoiler was. I managed to blur my vision before any of the words made sense. .

    Anyway, well this sucks. Wonder what they'll make of it. Then again, the ycould just let it air.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #282
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'll pass on the spoilers, I can hold out.

    Some of the comments believe that the stuff on 2ch was bullshit. Some believe it is a publicity stunt, others that it was leaked material never meant to be used in the first place. I sincerely doubt they would "skip" straight to episode 4, since so much is packed into these episodes.

    They'd be cutting off people who didn't go looking for spoilers, so even if the rampant speculation on 2ch is true (and their speculations are always way out there and/or over the top) there just wouldn't be an episode this week.

    I'll keep my skepticism set to maximum, thanks. 2ch is full of shit more often than not. Very similar to the "I was at this family restaurant where there was this guy who is Kishimoto's [Naruto author] best friend from high school's sister's boyfriend's nephew's uncle's (twice removed) ex-wife's gardener who said that [this random event will happen]."

    Sure, the leak is real, but I somehow doubt the reaction is.

  3. #283
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Meh... like Ryl said, 2ch is full of BS.
    I'll probably look for the 'supposed' leaked minutes when the series is over, to see if they really existed and where really cut out or something.

    Although I am surprised to see this 'news' on that blog.

  4. #284
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I have no idea what 2ch is, but I don't think I'll bother finding out after reading the two posts above. Randomc has good quality blogs, so since it was on there, I relayed it here.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #285
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Japanese forums full of... illegal things... some have been attacked by the police (I think) for having child porn, etc.. (well... not 2ch... but similar)

    Think narutofan forums with spam level times 1000

  6. #286
    I read the spoiler that was on that blog 5 minutes ago, and I honestly completely forgot about it already. Maybe cause it wasn't very significant and I didn't remember or I just have a shitty short term memory.

  7. #287
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RyougaZell is close, but missing a few specifics. Let me explain what 2ch is this way:

    Take superhardcore okatu and give them a bbs where they can speculate wildly at each other and claim that that will "marry" characters in the future (only unlike the majority of convention fangirls, they are absolutely serious). This can probably be considered one of the major sources of where the cat-variation ascii emoticons came from.

    2ch spawned a more perverted offshoot called 2chan, which was ported into english, became even more disturbing, and is known as 4chan. All the rest of the *-chan family of websites comes from this branch in some manner.

    2ch --> 2chan --> 4chan

    2ch is pretty much just the /a/ and /c/ boards off 4chan, with more subdivisions, but ramp up the baseless speculation a couple thousand percent

    Back to topic:

    Though it does appear that someone was actually arrested for this. Sunrise caused the leaks, the other three quarters of the episode were intercepted, and the broadcaster and sponsors are the ones most pissed off because of the potential for reduced ratings.

  8. #288
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I managed to see it but not read it. The pics on there didn't tell me anything. The site is safe, spoilers are hidden behind spoiler tags, lest I scared anyone away. It was only when I copied the text onto gotwoot that the spoiler code lost effect.

    Since Lelouch is heading back to the academy, do you think Kallen will be there too? We haven't seen her there for a long time, but for all we know, bunny dress-up was probably a part time job.

    When Urabe died, he said "sorry Lakshata". If I'm not mistaken, that's Eclipe's version of the Rakshata?

    edit:missed Ryl's post.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 04-15-2008 at 08:40 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #289
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I suspect that Kallen is still in deep shit with the Britannian government.

    She was in the Tower after all, as one of the bunny girls, along with several other Japanese women. The staff were all Japanese, treated as unpaid workers and slaves. One way or another she's branded now.

    Her identity as a member of the BKs was public record. Suzaku said he didn't want to report her, but after the fiasco with Euphie and Kallen's repeated refusals to surrender peacefully and back down, I bet he changed his mind. Sure, he let her run off at Kamejima, but a lot of the military should know who she is.

    Though, with all the brainwashing going on at the Academy to install Rollo as Lelouch's brother, the others may not remember her role at all. It's possible she could sneak in again and be a student once more.

  10. #290
    I dont know if anyone has mentioned this but Rollo has both angel and devil wings in the end theme.
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  11. #291
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Sadly I do not see Kallen wearing her school uniform again (and she looked hot...)
    As Ryl pointed out... she is indeed in deep shit with Britannians.

    But one thing... she wasn't working there as many assummed (from previews, etc). Nor she was enslaved... she entered there to approach Lelouch. At least that is my theory

    Yep. Mentioned before.

  12. #292
    Missing Nin
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    Now for something more relevant I doubt they will pull Code Geass next week it would effect Gundam 00 not just Code Geass if they did that and running a episode out of order in a series like this would cause some SERIOUS issues so it doesn't logically make any sense they would do so.

    Also as for Kallen being highly wanted I'm not so sure about that. We didn't see a poster for her like the other Black Knights and one would imagine they would have shown us one stating she was wanted if they ment for us to believe it. I think its quite possible Suzaku really did let her go as she is the only reason he was able to capture Zero in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    You have been only avoiding the point. Wheter you quoted or not, you still MADE a comparasion using images from the ending. Do not like comparasions? Please do not use them then.
    Alright as your unable to understand very basic things I'll waste some time for you and explain a very simple thing you can't seem to understand.

    Angels are generally good.
    Demons are generally evil.

    saying "good" or "bad" means you are referencing what something generally means.

    The characters having wings in the end is not a reference to if they are good or bad because really no character is either they are all simply doing what they believe is correct and in some way that means they are both good and bad. Those who are designed in the ending with angel wings are given a clean angelic look in white. Those represented with demon wings are given a tattered bad ass look.

    Suzaku is a savior of the Brittanians he stopped Zero who threatened to overthrow the empire and as such his uniform is that of a hero its white and is suppose to make him look regal and like a form of Saint. The Black Knights on the other hand wear uniforms to starkly contrast those of the Brittanians and have overall more demonic mechs/uniforms.

    So yes I indeed mentioned the wings but I didn't mention them to state if a side was good or evil in the show. I mentioned them to state if a side is TRYING to LOOK good or evil.

    This was all in reference to why Suzaku didn't suddenly change his look to appear as more of a badass like Aizen in Bleach. The main reason for this was both Suzaku never suddenly changed who he was like Aizen and the uniforms of those in the Knights of the Round for Britannia are clearly designed to be white/clean or even angelic to show they are the Angels looking over the Empire.

    Your comment about X directly referred to if specific characters were good or evil. This is why your comment had no relevance to my statement because you were attempting to argue that I misstated which side was the good guys and which was the bad guys based on how the actual good guys in X had demon wings while the actual bad guys had Angel wings. If you can't understand this I have no idea what else you want me to say because your blatantly wrong and trying to put words in my mouth.

    edit: spelling.
    Last edited by DDBen; Wed, 04-16-2008 at 04:38 AM.

  13. #293
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Was gonna answer that post, but I decided to not lose my time, since my points on using X as comparasion were blatantly ignored. Thus, I won't lose my time with useless rants.

    Anyway... I looked over the supposed leaked video and I really do not see that much of a 'great spoiler' as mentioned.

    But like I said before, agreeing with Ryl (who kindly explained the 2ch system better than me), I hope the supposed remaking of the episode is fake.

    Oh... and hope the guy that leaked the portion of the ep did not do it just to be funny, to screw us up, or to get money. After the arrests on those leaking manga last year... the last thing we need is to give them more reasons to hunt down uploaders.
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Tue, 04-15-2008 at 11:16 PM.

  14. #294
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ddben - If that was your point, you should not have made a comparison using the ending, since it only confuses everyone, considering the discussion about the ending animation style in the ep1 thread. And please, his name is Suzaku. I'm not one to bother about little details, but if you spell his name incorrectly each time (with different variations at that) it does get puzzling, as well as irritating.

    EDIT: don't get me wrong. It is not like I think you are wrong, but mentioning the ending animation was just unnecessary. If you reread your previous post, you explained your opinion more than well enough even without it.

    I downloaded the leak, but I'm still deciding whether or not to watch later. Knowing myself, I probably will though...
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Tue, 04-15-2008 at 11:58 PM.
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  15. #295
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Im currently downloading it... just in case the supposed rumor of it being changed is true. If it ends fake (most probably) I'll just delete the 40meg file.

    Won't watch it until after ep3 is subbed though.

  16. #296
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, well. A lot can happen while you are sleeping... I don't pretend to know the minds of the Japanese studios and TV bosses but somehow skipping, postponing or altering the episode due to this leak seems indeed like BS, like has been said many times over. I doubt even in Japan the majority of people would go and hunt down spoilers like that. It's airing on TV there, so you would think they would just watch it on TV or if they don't have the channel, then download the raw of the ep. There seems to be a few people here who spoil themselves with blogs every time before watching an ep, but I refuse to believe that's a majority rule. So, in short, it would be strange to change an ep because of minority actions.

    Maybe the studio "leaked" the information about the episode being altered so that even those who spoiled themselves would all watch it nonetheless just to see if it was altered. Although considering how HC they are, they would have watched it anyway, no doubt.

    This is honestly like some underhand publicity stunt.

  17. #297
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Well, well. A lot can happen while you are sleeping... I don't pretend to know the minds of the Japanese studios and TV bosses but somehow skipping, postponing or altering the episode due to this leak seems indeed like BS, like has been said many times over. I doubt even in Japan the majority of people would go and hunt down spoilers like that. It's airing on TV there, so you would think they would just watch it on TV or if they don't have the channel, then download the raw of the ep. There seems to be a few people here who spoil themselves with blogs every time before watching an ep, but I refuse to believe that's a majority rule. So, in short, it would be strange to change an ep because of minority actions.

    Maybe the studio "leaked" the information about the episode being altered so that even those who spoiled themselves would all watch it nonetheless just to see if it was altered. Although considering how HC they are, they would have watched it anyway, no doubt.

    This is honestly like some underhand publicity stunt.
    Well, altered or not, it's not like CG will stop. I'll go with that. Back on topic, I don't see why Suzaku would have to give Kallen's name out anyway. He wanted her to change her mind, not capture her. He probably wouldn't have much to gain from giving out her name anyway. Not too many pilots get to see that red Frame and live. Seeing her back at school would be a plus though. I actually enjoyed watching her two different personalities, and just how she copes with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    There seems to be a few people here who spoil themselves with blogs every time before watching an ep
    were you hinting me then Kraco

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #298
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Kallen has been the only BK that could really put up any fight against Suzaku. Surely he would keep her secret just for that. I mean, his 1337 skills would be totally wasted if nobody in the rebellion could stand against him for more than 7 seconds. It's much better ordinary Britannian soldiers would be wasted and then the mighty Round Table Suzaku appears and saves the day for the glory of the Empire and the King!

    Still, seeing even Lelouch back at school is a little silly. The Empire knows now he has his memories back so he's a threat once again. It doesn't really matter what the other students of the school know. They kept Lelouch "free" only because his memories were wiped, after all, and he was a living bait. That all should have changed now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    were you hinting me then Kraco
    Heh. I haven't kept any names in memory, but I know I've seen some people refer to reading blogs several times during my stay here. But it's none of my business anyway. I just used it as an example of what a minority can do.

  19. #299
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The 12 Knights of Round. We didn't get a good look at them, but they all seem to be really young, like Suzaku age. I suppose you'll recruit aces when they're young and all, but first impression made it look more like a noble youth club. Especially the blonde who was talking about charging into the Ambassador's territory. They really do seem like soldiers rather than commanders. The Chinese Federation guy's been getting quite some screen time, but no mecha action yet. I want to see what he can do. Also noticed the power/territory divisions here are much the same as they were in Gundam00.

    side note: I like dropping by those blogs every now and then. Good episode summaries, but I mainly like their screen caps. Of course, reading them before or after you've watched the sub is a different matter.

    edit: not important, but Suzaku entered into the 12 Knights of Round? Does that mean he kicked one of them out, they had 11 before, or it's 13 Knights now?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #300
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Well, altered or not, it's not like CG will stop. I'll go with that. Back on topic, I don't see why Suzaku would have to give Kallen's name out anyway. He wanted her to change her mind, not capture her. He probably wouldn't have much to gain from giving out her name anyway. Not too many pilots get to see that red Frame and live. Seeing her back at school would be a plus though. I actually enjoyed watching her two different personalities, and just how she copes with it.
    He wanted to persuade her to come back to the Britannian colony and leave the BKs...before Euphie was shot by Zero. That changed everything for Suzaku. He was always a bit of a hypocrite, preaching peace while attempting to be a Kira Yamato. Destroying Knightmares while letting the pilots eject. That stopped after Euhpie died. He started slashing through cockpits, shooting through too. Anyone in his way died. Kallen only didn't die because Zero showed up to taunt him into a trap, and later because he had captured Lelouch.

    I love how much he's betrayed Euphie.

    I just can't see how our "new" Suzaku wouldn't report her this time around.

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