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Thread: Naruto Shippuden Opening 3

  1. #21
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    This can't be happening. The manga has gotta ahead of the anime now. They've been stalling at a ridiculous pace doing like one chapter per episode...we should NEVER have fillers again!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Simple Trailer, Wiki and there is an obvious difference between the quality of those few clips and the remainder of the opening which is enough, IMO, to suggest that they are from the movie especially since the last opening we had, had similar clips from the first movie.

    Yeah the song is nice but if they put it in the ending it would be better its rather dull for an op.
    That trailer didn't reveal anything about the plot, so still hard to say the opening is for the movie. Plus isn't it too early to do so? Usually it goes for about 4-5 weeks from the week of the movie's release and this one is 4 more months away.

  3. #23
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I smell a Kenshin in Naruto's future.

  4. #24

    The reason I don't assume the characters are from the movie is because they usually just edit in clips of the movie... Not animate new ones from scratch and stick them in the intro for no coherent reason. And you can obviously tell that those scenes are not from any movie/episode due to how they're laid out. That's my reasoning atleast.

    But you know, I hope you're right. I really do.

  5. #25
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So, was this a fake, cause there was no new opening this episode.

    If it is, someone put ALOT of effort into that.

  6. #26
    DB only subbed half the episode, the new op is probably at the half way point when they shifted to the new format. Which would make sense, introducing the filler characters after resolving the Sasuke situation.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I smell a Kenshin in Naruto's future.
    I've been thinking the same thing, ever since the looooooong filler seasons pre-Shippuden. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care either way, because the only time I watch the anime now is to observe the animated fights... which are incredibly rare, anyways.

    The filler characters looked really retarded. Is it just me, or does the style of filler characters look TOTALLY different from the manga ones? Like, even if you don't read the manga, you could look at them and go "Yep... those are filler guys, for sure." Could just be me.

    ... Oh well, guess I might have to wait a while longer to see my favorite Naruto arc animated.

  8. #28
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    No worries guys, that stuff is from Naruto: Shippūden the Movie 2, we're going to be filler free for the time being

    Hmm i'm curious about some stuff:

    - Does the chakra bird have any special meaning?

    - why is asuma given 2 appearences in this opening, one of them he's in the midle of the genjutsu girl and KAKASHI! How the hell does he get priority over kakashi and even shows up fighting some dude? Is he going to be important in the next movie?

  9. #29
    Really? Where did you find out?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  10. #30
    i skimmed the 54 raw, the filler chars are introduced in the last min or so of it..

  11. #31
    New Op sounds cool. As for story, forget the anime. There is some REAL shit going down in the manga right now.

  12. #32
    EDIT: Same thing already said
    The Archangel is talking out his ass..umption spewing orifice. When 54 is translated you'll see why.

  13. #33
    Thought so.

    I just wish that at least the Shippuden story will be better made after the fillers are over.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  14. #34
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genma
    The filler characters looked really retarded. Is it just me, or does the style of filler characters look TOTALLY different from the manga ones? Like, even if you don't read the manga, you could look at them and go "Yep... those are filler guys, for sure." Could just be me.
    I know exactly what you mean. As soon as I watched the new opening I was like...hmm, those look like filler guys.

    Every filler character has like the same face, with different hair. And they all look like they have different color Byakugans, because none of them ever have pupils.

    Although, to be fair, Kabuto is the one REAL Naruto character that looks like all the filler characters.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    - why is asuma given 2 appearences in this opening, one of them he's in the midle of the genjutsu girl and KAKASHI! How the hell does he get priority over kakashi and even shows up fighting some dude? Is he going to be important in the next movie?
    From the opening, the only team they showed besides Team Kakashi is Asuma's(cho-shika-ino). So I'm guessing this filler arc is a team up with Team Asuma.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire
    I just wish that at least the Shippuden story will be better made after the fillers are over.
    It should be made better NOW! The manga is MILES ahead. Theres NO REASON to have fillers right now!

  15. #35
    The manga is currently on chapter 396, the anime storyline is currently in chapter 312.

    This means they're 84 chapters ahead, which means at a rate of 2 chapters per episode they would need 42 weeks of naruto to catch up to where they are, at which time (unless I've done it wrong) there should be 35 new episodes (based on 2 chapters each) up until they catch up which means 77 weeks of naruto....

    Whiiiich equal 539 days without break before it catches up to the manga...

    Or something like that in case anyone was wondering. =P
    Last edited by Uberbaka; Fri, 04-04-2008 at 11:32 PM.
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  16. #36
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Except that they don't DO 2 chapters per episode. They've been doing 1 chapter an episode for like the entire last arc.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder

    It should be made better NOW! The manga is MILES ahead. Theres NO REASON to have fillers right now!
    True, but they aren't, which means all we can hope is that they will return the show to a normal pace after fillers.

    I also agree with filler characters looking different. They look like they were designed by gonzo artists or something, "softer" less distinctive hair, weird bland faces, fatter.... but these filler characters look a little better than last times one's IMO
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

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