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Thread: The Four Noble Clans

  1. #21
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I think it's possible that she was a shinigami, or at least had enoug spirit energy to satisfy grand fisher's appetite.
    maybe Isshin had to quit becuase he married a lower-class woman?

  2. #22
    That's really the conclusion I'm coming to through this topic as well because really she can't just be a normal human. I don't believe Isshin, possibly a captain, would marry a regular human, even if she had high spiritual energy. But one thing we can all (hopefully) agree on is that Ichigo's mother is not a regular human.

  3. #23
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    I think it's possible that she was a shinigami, or at least had enoug spirit energy to satisfy grand fisher's appetite.
    maybe Isshin had to quit becuase he married a lower-class woman?
    Quite nice Theory. He found an lower class women. Maybe way down the scale, want to be, like..forever with her and with a little help of Urahaha, they all escape from Soul Society?
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

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