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This is so true.
The problem with anime is that it tends to attract obsessive and/or socially awkward people. It's the reason I don't go to anime conventions and one of the reasons I don't watch much anime anymore. It may be immature of me to not to be able to separate the media from its fanbase, but I can't help it. 90% of the anime fans I've recently met are fans of anime first, and normal human beings somewhere after that. There are some people who just enjoy anime because it's entertaining, but the majority of fans treat it as a way of life. I've had so many similar experiences to KitKat to solidify that belief.
One time at a party I was talking to some people and noticed that these two girls, who had seemed pretty cool at first, were watching Bleach on Youtube. I made the mistake of asking them if they were into anime, to which one of them responded "Do you mean do I like anime, or am I totally obsessed with anime??? ^___^" She then proceeded to make me watch 2 Bleach AMVs and a scene from Bleach that made Grimmjaw look "soooo hot ^___^ ". Everyone else in the room just glanced around nervously while these 2 girls indulged in being fangirls for the next 15 minutes. Totally killed the atmosphere for a good half an hour after that.
And then my school's art club. Oh, the art club! For some reason it tends to attract anime fans and repel anyone who can't deal with the fangirls/boys. I almost decided never go back again after the first meeting when this girl decided to show me the hentai she had drawn, another girl tried arguing that Death Note was high-brow literature and then made someone else read her yaoi doujinshi, and this one guy showed me the pokemon he had made up.
Him: "This is Farcrossed. He's the evolution of Farfetch'd."
Me: "Heh...that's cool"
Him: "See? He's got an X on his forehead."
Me: "Oh...yeah...heh. But, hey...shouldn't his evolution be some sort of play on words like Farfetch'd'? You know, like, Unlikely, or something."
Him: "Yeah...but he's got an X on his forehead."