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Thread: Age and anime

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    i could start to talk about my classmate again who learned every sign in naruto and draws thousands of sharingans on the schooltables.
    i don't even mind him drawing it but in the middle of the class he's like: "Hey look, LOOK HEY LOOK.... LOOK!" - " what....?" - "see this sharingan? isn't it cool?"

    god it really gets on my nerves.. i don't mind to talk to him about anime but this stuff is kinda embrassing. it makes me look like an addict, especially when he quotes characters,
    and its even more embrassing that i know which character he just quoted *g*.

    it was a big mistake to show him animes..well make that "it was a big mistake to show him naruto"


    thats a funny story... i can't believe he did that, its so stupid. if i talk about anime i make sure that the person i talk to, likes anime or at least wants to know about it.
    well not only anime, its the same with every subject but respective anime because its an "exotic" subject if you live outside japan.

    @ Xanbcoo + Sapphire

    oh my god, i would never join such a club if there are these people..

    actually i m a big fan of fanart, but i hate people who enforce their work on others and i think they are stupid and... well just shows me that they life in their own world lol.

    but you guys should have in mind that there are also harry potter addicts... or hobbits from lord of the rings.. weird kids... ya, to put it simply, weird kids.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    This is so true.

    The problem with anime is that it tends to attract obsessive and/or socially awkward people. It's the reason I don't go to anime conventions and one of the reasons I don't watch much anime anymore. It may be immature of me to not to be able to separate the media from its fanbase, but I can't help it. 90% of the anime fans I've recently met are fans of anime first, and normal human beings somewhere after that. There are some people who just enjoy anime because it's entertaining, but the majority of fans treat it as a way of life. I've had so many similar experiences to KitKat to solidify that belief.

    One time at a party I was talking to some people and noticed that these two girls, who had seemed pretty cool at first, were watching Bleach on Youtube. I made the mistake of asking them if they were into anime, to which one of them responded "Do you mean do I like anime, or am I totally obsessed with anime??? ^___^" She then proceeded to make me watch 2 Bleach AMVs and a scene from Bleach that made Grimmjaw look "soooo hot ^___^ ". Everyone else in the room just glanced around nervously while these 2 girls indulged in being fangirls for the next 15 minutes. Totally killed the atmosphere for a good half an hour after that.

    And then my school's art club. Oh, the art club! For some reason it tends to attract anime fans and repel anyone who can't deal with the fangirls/boys. I almost decided never go back again after the first meeting when this girl decided to show me the hentai she had drawn, another girl tried arguing that Death Note was high-brow literature and then made someone else read her yaoi doujinshi, and this one guy showed me the pokemon he had made up.

    Him: "This is Farcrossed. He's the evolution of Farfetch'd."
    Me: "Heh...that's cool"
    Him: "See? He's got an X on his forehead."
    Me: "Oh...yeah...heh. But, hey...shouldn't his evolution be some sort of play on words like Farfetch'd'? You know, like, Unlikely, or something."
    Him: "Yeah...but he's got an X on his forehead."
    I see where you're coming from. Often times those kinds of people aren't really that knowledgeable about anime. They're just stupid fanboys/fangirls who only follow the latest mainstream shonen junk. Ask them if they've seen ef and they'll respond with "The letter?"

    As big of an anime fan as I am, I try to keep it on the down low unless the other party initiates any anime discussion. It's not that I'm purposely hiding it; if you're on MSN and ask what I'm doing, I'll tell you I'm watching anime. It's just that I won't start talking to you all of a sudden and say "YO IM WATCHING BLEACH THIS EP IS SO AWESOME!!"

    I watch anime purely for the content and nothing else. I don't try to make it into some social activity because that's not what I think it is. It's just something I do in my own spare time. An episode of Kaiji every week is a lot more enjoyable, for me, than anything western television has to offer. Just because it happens to be animated and voiced by Japanese people doesn't make it childish or immature. A lot of the themes presented in anime are much more mature than those PG-13 television shows on this side of the world.

  3. #23
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    You should turn that group into a combination anime/gym club and get those kids active. What a bunch of lardoes.

    I have the same reservations about taking Japanese language courses at university. Will it be a bunch of Japan fanboys who like to repeatedly throw out the same 5 Japanese terms they know from watching anime? I promise you I will kick someone's ass for saying "dattebayo".

    Anime has always had a link to geek culture. Even the Japanese aren't helping, with otakus and otaku culture being firmly rooted in anime. Really an otaku is anyone with an obsession for anything, like a shoe otaku, or a car otaku, but it has become associated mostly with anime otakus, bringing down anime's coolness with it.

    I can't say if I will still be watching anime when I'm 40. I figure if an anime series is amazing, I will watch it. Plus, anime movies from the major studios are good, no matter what age you are. What I'll probably stop watching are the serialized shows aimed at younger people like Naruto and Bleach.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  4. #24
    Just realized that the main reason i've stuck to this forum might be because the majority of people here doesnt write every second word in japanese followed with smileys.

  5. #25
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Where I live, you can throw a stone into the middle of a crowded street, and chances are that it will hit an anime watcher. Not surprising, since we have an all anime channel, and manga/anime shops all over the place. Cars with Haruhi/Hello Kitty/Gundam decals are common, and almost everybody knows with Naruto is. Ok at least the younger generation (myself included).

    It doesn't seem cool or anything, but it's already part and parcel of life here. And in my Japanese class, only a handful of us watch anime. The rest are there for business related reasons, or just because they want to pick up a new language.

    I'm 28, but I still watch anime, listen to Morning Musume, and watch Super Sentai and other Tokusatsu shows. Sure most of them are aimed at teenagers or even kids, but if it keeps me happy there's no reason to stop. Right?
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  6. #26
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Also keep in mind Psyke that you are already married (to a lovely wife I might add), have served in your country's military, and seem to have a fairly active social life, so it can't be said that as a 28 year old who loves anime, that there's anything wrong or maladjusted about you.

    I think one's culture will also determine whether or not it is socially unacceptable to watch anime at older ages. Asian cultures are ok with it, especially since a lot of anime and manga are geared towards adults. I've seen plenty of grownups reading manga on the train. Animation and comics in the US are geared towards teens and younger, so it's less acceptable to be a fan when you're an older person here.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well its all about quality...

    i know people who are around 50-60 and watched spirited away in the cinema and so on.

    most people do not watch anime because its to simple.. western cultures want to see excellent animation and so on and normally anime-series are drawn to simple for that

    "older" people (~30) prefer OVAs and Movies while younger people are ok with the series. (of course there are exceptions)

  8. #28
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    well its all about quality...

    i know people who are around 50-60 and watched spirited away in the cinema and so on.

    most people do not watch anime because its to simple.. western cultures want to see excellent animation and so on and normally anime-series are drawn to simple for that

    "older" people (~30) prefer OVAs and Movies while younger people are ok with the series. (of course there are exceptions)
    It's quite true.
    I admitt I like good animation. But story is also very important.
    For example Initial D is very poorly animated and chara design is clearly awful.
    However, eventhough car fights were totally unrealistic, it did the job of entertaining the geek car fan I am.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well it can be cleary seen in animes like true tears.. very good animation -> licensed after the third episode aired on TV.

    sure thing, story is also very important but if i don't like the animation, i won't even start watching it, so i will never know if it has a great story or not.

    and in Europe and USA most people think so too. (at least thats what i think)

  10. #30
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I see where you're coming from. Often times those kinds of people aren't really that knowledgeable about anime. They're just stupid fanboys/fangirls who only follow the latest mainstream shonen junk. Ask them if they've seen ef and they'll respond with "The letter?"

    As big of an anime fan as I am, I try to keep it on the down low unless the other party initiates any anime discussion. It's not that I'm purposely hiding it; if you're on MSN and ask what I'm doing, I'll tell you I'm watching anime. It's just that I won't start talking to you all of a sudden and say "YO IM WATCHING BLEACH THIS EP IS SO AWESOME!!"
    You might see where I'm coming from, but you misunderstand the people I'm describing. Most of them are hardcore anime fans. Otaku, not mainstream sheep. As in, they go to cons, have watched and know everything about several hundred series of anime, use Japanese phrases, discuss their favorite hentai series, and have hoodies with Neko-ears. Like I said, it's a way of life for a lot of them. Some of them are decent people once you get them talking about something that isn't anime/videogame related, but it's hard to look past.

    As for your second point, I guess I don't hold my good friends to the same level of scrutiny, because if one of them said "YO IM WATCHING BLEACH THIS EP IS SO AWESOME!!" I'd respond with: "HOLY FUCK, SERIOUSLY?! " and then we'd probably high-five or something. I have no problems with people being enthusiastic about things, only up to the point where it becomes annoying obsession. Sorry that this is a little off topic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    I'm 28, but I still watch anime, listen to Morning Musume, and watch Super Sentai and other Tokusatsu shows. Sure most of them are aimed at teenagers or even kids, but if it keeps me happy there's no reason to stop. Right?
    Clearly not. Like Animeniax said, you've got nothing to defend. Maybe it's your "inner child" enjoying shows for younger kids or maybe you just do it for the lulz. Shouldn't matter if it's not unhealthy. People should watch/listen to whatever the heck they want.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Mon, 03-24-2008 at 09:28 PM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #31
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I suddendly felt somewhat old... lol.

    Some years ago I watched as much as 15 series a season... nowadays I just see 4 or 5... and two are 'mainstream' (the very same that are on this forums...)

    Although lately Im more a gamer than an anime-watcher... and also a collector... I like buying models and figures... but thats it...

    And seeing that I follow series like One Piece... i'll probably end up just watching it and whatever good thing comes out (just Code Geass this year) until the day they end...

    Got a decent job... currently girlfriendless... but got my sights on several prospects... whatever.

    At my job I only speak of anime with one friend, and just because he shares whatever he downloads and I share him series... but thats it... we do not talk about it... we just say "this one is good, watch it". Games are another matter... there are a lot of games on IT, where I used to work... and I keep talking with them, despite currently being in Process Implementation.

    What else...? oh yeah... I showed my boss photos of my collection, after he showed me his collections of hot-wheels... at the office... lol... he took them there... and another of the bosses has a collection of dragons on his office...

    Oh yeah... telephone company =P

  12. #32
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    hhm, can't believe I missed this one. being away sucks.

    honestly, I don't think I'll be into anime & manga a few years from now. the same way i'm not into gaming and RPGs nowdays. and I don't think that being in the army has much to do with it, or at least isn't the sole reason.

    the last thing i watched was Skullman (crap) two months ago, and some other crap two months before that. I gave up my on going series when I was drafted, and since i'm a manga reader, I don't really want to start watching them again. and I can't sit myself to watch a26ep anime that I'm not completly sure I'll like, so i barely watch anything nowdays.
    manga is still a diffrent story, but outside my list of ten manga I follow (Naruto, Bleach, One piece, HxH, Gantz, Berserk, Konjiki, Inuyasha, Claymore) I barly touch anything new, and once in a while I do a complete reading of a series. but it's ages since i've started reading something new on a weekly basis.

    In the future, I can't see myself getting back into things, i'll probably find a new obsession (example, I've watched Daria series about three times in the past year) and once in a decade, remiennce about anime and manga and how much I used to like it once.

    on a diffrent topic, I really like fangirls, it's like watching a sterotype coming to life, and they're so easy to control, manipulate, and lie to. when I occisionally meet an anime watcher in the army, they sometimes start lecturing me about X anime (X as in nameless, not X1999), and I just respond to them by comparing said plotline to tens of animes the person has never heard about. fun times.

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