KrayZ, where did i ever say games or cracking protections? HUH?

And do you honestly believe i would state something if i didnt know how the fking laws in my country were? ( this is about copies =/= downloads)

"In Nederland geldt dat downloaden legaal is als het gaat om een thuiskopie. Zo is het altijd toegestaan om muziek en films te downloaden, ook als de bron onrechtmatig is. Voor software geldt dit niet. Wie een programma gekocht heeft, mag er een reservekopie van maken, maar software downloaden is echt wat anders dan een reservekopie maken."

google trans:

"In the Netherlands that downloading is legal when it comes to a thuiskopie(homecopy). It is always allowed to download music and movies, even if the source is unlawful. For software, this is not. Anyone who has bought a programme, there may be some back up, but software is really something different than a backup."

again, i said TEXT, MOVIES and MUSIC, i never mentioned software or cracking protection.

To summarise:
Downloading or making a copy for personal use regarding TEXT, VIDEO and MUSIC is perfectly legal
Sharing said copies is NOT
Download or making copies for personal use regarding SOFTWARE is Illegal unless you own the original.
Sharing said copies is NEVER legal, even if you own the original.