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Thread: Bleach Chapter 315

  1. #1
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Bleach Chapter 315

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    again, new chapter, the gotei 13 have created a giant 'kekkai' around tokyo, or something stupid as that.
    and ichgo rushes to battle yet again, though I remember that Ulqi was captured a few months ago, but who cares?

  2. #2
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Last weeks awesome chapter when down the drain with the stupid idea of 'fake city exchanged for the real'

    Specially since Aizen said: "i know this is fake" <-- so why no teleport to Soul Society?


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Last weeks awesome chapter when down the drain with the stupid idea of 'fake city exchanged for the real'

    Specially since Aizen said: "i know this is fake" <-- so why no teleport to Soul Society?


    I took that more as a snobbish statement from Aizen, than a "I knew all along" kinda thing. Really the guy planned his whole death, trapped four captains and Ichigo into Hueco Mundo, and has done all this without really showing his true powers yet. After 315 chapters of having that much authority, any character would feel as invincible. So really I took it as, "No problem, we'll kill you and THEN go to Soul Society"

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    still doesn't explain why the hell he stole the Hogukyou in the first place...
    all the badass espedas seem to have been around for more than the few months he has possesion of the matrial, and he only needs to flame up a spirit ball of '1,000,000 humans power level.

    wouldn't it be easier for him to just slay the entire gotei 13 from the beginning and steal thier power level? since he obviously knew that the 1st captain would do something like this, and he planned on killing the gotei 13 all along.

  5. #5
    OHHHH YEAAH, cause ulquiorra came back, this chapter is totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
    .................... but i have no clue what the shinigami were talking about before, you know about the city being replaced, protected, or something.

    p.s. i swear there is a female ulquiorra coming in from hueco mundo behind one of the espada aizin calls. You know the big boobed one.

  6. #6
    atleast we'll finally see the top 3 espada in action. i really hope the fights aren't dragged out like that scientist guys fight. he was killed my renji, magically survived, killed by ishda, magically survived, killed by renji+ishda, magically survived, killed by the 2 minor arrancar, magically survived, killed my the new captain, magically survived, killed by him again, and magically survived.

    im so damn tired of these "hey guess what, i have another ability that is exactly what i need to counter your uber final attack" fights.

  7. #7
    OK so who do you think is gonna fight who?

    My match up is as follows:

    1. Hitsugaya Vs Gin
    2. Soi Fong Vs Female Espada
    3. Komamura Vs Tousen
    4. and 5. Shunsui and Ukitake Vs Stark and the Old man Espada
    6. Yamamoto Vs Aizen

  8. #8
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    That would actually be some pretty great matchups. I'll say one thing though if Ichigo does so much as put up a fight against Ulquiorra then something is definitely wrong.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  9. #9
    Agreed... Uliquiorra should not even have to move his feet this time to take Ichigo down.

  10. #10
    I agree, Ulquiorra should at least take on Kenpachi, Ichigo, Byakuya and the healing capt before he goes down. hehe. 4 vs 1?

    And poor Yammy, his irrelevance as the tenth espada just got bigger, i wonder why he is still alive.

    The whole "fake" town explanation did nothing other than to waste space and time for this chapter. It could have easily been done in one page.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII
    I agree, Ulquiorra should at least take on Kenpachi, Ichigo, Byakuya and the healing capt before he goes down. hehe. 4 vs 1?

    Umm what? They're all captains of the highest power. Kenpachi can probably be a decent match for Ulq. But he can still take him down with his patch over his eye. Captain Unohara is a master healer not a fighter. So her fighting is out of the question. I also think that most of the people below Aizen, can easily be taken down by any captain. Yes Ulq is strong, but dont' foget there are 3 other people besides Aizen stronger than he is. And these are only the espada not the captains he brought with him (Gin and Tousen) So yes he's strong but there are stronger people. And how can you say that captain Kuchki is weaker than Ulq? He's by at least the second strongest captain of the Gotei. The only people stronger than him are the old man leader of the bunch, and Aizen, who's gone now. He doesn't even have to try to unleash his bankai to beat Ulq. So I think you're way off on the assumption that Ulq is that strong

    We don't even know how strong Aizen Tousen and Gin really are. We haven't really seen Aizen all out against anyone besides one time with Captain Hitsugaya. So even that has yet to be seen. I also think that the new captains that have entered are some of the best to arrive now.

    On the the thought you think the town explanation is dumb. I agree, but they resolved it with putting the town to sleep. And the fact the fact that they used captain Unohara (healer) as the person who said it made it all ok to. It meant that she was probably the one who cast the spell or whatever. Good explanation there.

  12. #12
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Well since you yourself said you don't really know how strong any of them are I don't see a problem with assuming Ulq is that strong Aizen did leave him in charge so I would assume he is that strong or atleast way stronger than any of the other espada we've seen which would then mean that he can take on any of the captains there. All he said was that Ichigo shouldn't be able to beat Ulq and that all the capatins should take him on together something I agree with.

    Whether he is stronger than all of them together or not doesn't matter because he is assuredly stronger than any of the enemies any of them have faced and thus combining forces would not only be the logical but the quickest solution.

    Interestingly enough but only Aizen and the 3 espada and their subordinates showed up as of yet Gin and Tosen aren't there, are atleast they weren't shown. Anyway Aizen and the others should win that battle atleast in the early going because the vice captains shouldn't be able to do much they'll probably be occupied by the espada lackeys and then it'll be six on six. the top 3 espada and the 3 traitors against the six captains.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sun, 03-23-2008 at 04:28 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  13. #13
    Gin and Tousen are there, and you can see them in one panel. They are standing behind Aizen, in the tunnel.

  14. #14
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I see them but only in that one panel, I would probably be paying more attention to the series is something interesting was going on.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  15. #15
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Maybe Gin and Tousen will go to Soul Society

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  16. #16
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Seriously If I were Aizen I would have just went back through the tunnel and then head to SS but since there was inevitably going to be a confrontation he seems eager to just get it over with now and then there wouldn't be anything to stop him.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Seriously If I were Aizen I would have just went back through the tunnel and then head to SS but since there was inevitably going to be a confrontation he seems eager to just get it over with now and then there wouldn't be anything to stop him.

    I wouldn't. I admit now it's gotten bad now that every captain is here. But he's got a mighty crew himself with him, and, he's pretty much god at this point. All he has to do is point and he's got the ability to do anything with his finger. He can block almost any attack he knows is coming which knowing his skill is anything in the dictionary of even the captains arsenal. And we all know how it is in the manga anime world. If we only see the person briefly and hear brief rumors about them and then see them at the end. Or leading to something grand (like the current fight) then they have to be really really strong

    I've heard that these are the order of the most powerful ranks. Heard. Not truth

    1) Stark (we all know him)

    2) Hallibel (blonde woman huge rack)

    3) Barragan (old man with a crown and fur collared coat)

    Those are the strongest three currently speculated about. I actually think that The old man is strongest after the captains and Aizen himself or at least stronger than the blond lady. Maybe not Stark. He seems really powerful for what lack of concern and little fighting he's done. So I think he'll be something special to see.

    This fight will be huuuge for us. It's the kind of fight where we as fans of manga all hope to see. Like the all awaited, "omg, all of the poewrhouses in the series are finally going to fight it out !!" kind of thing

  18. #18
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    My bad cents for the day..

    Stark = Strong (Swedish or any North Europeen part)

    Anyway, Ulquiorra VS Ichigo IS plausible. The will problaby pull a new bondage between Zangetsu of H-Ichigo and Ichigo will just get a random powerboost.

    Or Yachiru x Ulquiorra.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  19. #19
    Doesn't the key have to be created in a specific spot on Earth that just happens to be where the town is right now? Aizen doesn't need the actual town, he needs the convergence of spirit energy that is occurring at that specific location on Earth. The Captains simply moved the town to SS so that they could battle at full strength without worrying about bystanders. I could be misinterpreting things but that's how I took it. Of course Aizenstill needs a large number of souls and so would need the residents that are sleeping in SS.

  20. #20
    Umm what? They're all captains of the highest power. Kenpachi can probably be a decent match for Ulq. But he can still take him down with his patch over his eye. Captain Unohara is a master healer not a fighter. So her fighting is out of the question. I also think that most of the people below Aizen, can easily be taken down by any captain. Yes Ulq is strong, but don't forget there are 3 other people besides Aizen stronger than he is. And these are only the espada not the captains he brought with him (Gin and Tousen) So yes he's strong but there are stronger people. And how can you say that captain Kuchki is weaker than Ulq? He's by at least the second strongest captain of the Gotei. The only people stronger than him are the old man leader of the bunch, and Aizen, who's gone now. He doesn't even have to try to unleash his bankai to beat Ulq. So I think you're way off on the assumption that Ulq is that strong
    I guess I wasn't clear, but I'm just saying that Ichigo better not pull a miracle out of his ass like he did with Grimmjow. There was no real reason for his unexplained powerup in maintaining his hollow mask form past the 11 seconds. He basically went from consecutively getting his ass kicked to being able to completely beat his opponent in so short.

    If they are to take down Ulquiorra, I expect him to at least get some help from the captains if the espada are as prized and powerful as they are. That's all.

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