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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 51-52

  1. #21
    It was a little anti-climatic when they went into the "special letter" thing at every moment when there was the slightest bit of suspense.

  2. #22
    There's probably about good 5 minutes in the entire episode. Lame.

    Sasuke is freakin' badass!

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    lol has anyone noticed that we wont have any anime for a whole week? Naruto will only come in the 3 and bleach on the 9
    Maybe you should try watching more anime than Naruto and Bleach, you might find something that is actually satisfying AND you'll definately have some anime to watch every week.

    Anyway, Naruto is hanging by a thread at this point, and the manga should be looking good for anyone who wants to not hate the series. They just take all the good parts and stretch everything good out of them And that's not why people watch anime instead of read manga. Anime is supposed to add more cool stuff that the manga didn't show, not add flashbacks to scenes that were also in the manga and mimic reading a manga page by showing still shots and paning.

    But hey, it's not like we should expect anything more from Shippuuden at this point, I think they've made their point pretty clearly that this is what Naruto's anime is going to be. until it gets cancelled.

  4. #24
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yes for anyone who isn't DarthEnder, I would recommend the manga, its leaps and bounds better than the anime even if its for the simple fact that flashbacks usually take no more than one page or a few panels and there is the bonus of never having to hear Naruto's voice. Plus you don't have to deal with all the filler stuff they inject into every episode basically besides the built in stuff like Naruto's stupidity and Sakura's lack of battle skills everything else you guys complain about is gone.

    Anyway to get back on topic, to the people who ask what Jiraiya has been doing with Naruto all these years the answer is simple. As we've seen before Naruto is not easy to teach and since everyone agrees that he is a no talent hack all Jiraiya has been interested in was teaching him how to use more of the Kyuubi, which is probably the most significant reason why Naruto can now go four tails.

    From Jiraiya's previous attempts at teaching Naruto (summoning+rasengan) its obvious that Jiraiya doesn't have much patience for teaching him actual techniques although he did teach him to use Odama rasengan. Anyway my point is that Jiraiya is interested in teaching Naruto to use and control the Kyuubi, which at this point is not only Naruto's greatest asset but seemingly his only one, interesting that Sasuke completely negates that. Its not like Jiraiya can't teach because there is that other yellow haired student of his.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sat, 03-22-2008 at 12:17 AM.
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  5. #25
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I also wanted to mention that just in the little bits we've seen from the two of them, the difference between Naruto and Sasuke's advancement is miles apart.

    When you compare their two signature attacks that used to be evenly powered.

    In two years, Naruto has learned to make his Rasengan a few inches wider.

    In two years, Sasuke has learned to emit his Chidori from his entire body and how to channel it through his fucking sword.

  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder

    i can't get enough of this word... i m an addict

    its so cool to see that sasuke uses a weapon..
    thats exactly what i wanted to see when i started watching naruto.

    even though... i start to hate this show, isn't it kinda amazing how they destroy any kind of tension in the fights because of the staring etc?

    i never thought that naruto would become a western...

    i think this special would have been awesome if it was a single episode.. toooo bad that japanese don't realise the potential of the series and form it to something like pokemon or yu-gi-oh..

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    I also wanted to mention that just in the little bits we've seen from the two of them, the difference between Naruto and Sasuke's advancement is miles apart.

    When you compare their two signature attacks that used to be evenly powered.

    In two years, Naruto has learned to make his Rasengan a few inches wider.

    In two years, Sasuke has learned to emit his Chidori from his entire body and how to channel it through his fucking sword.
    And yet, Naruto still isn't possible to make a rasengan on his own... That's quite pathetic.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  8. #28
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    And yet, Naruto still isn't possible to make a rasengan on his own... That's quite pathetic.
    Nah he can make it with 1 hand now he just used a clone to make it easier since clones r so easy for him to make.

    But dont take this the wrong way, narutos growth is nothing short of pathethic.

  9. #29
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    When have you ever seen Naruto make a rasengan with one hand sure he has tried but for whatever reason they have all been unsuccessful because this
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Nah he can make it with 1 hand now he just used a clone to make it easier since clones r so easy for him to make.
    just doesn't make any sense. If you can do it with one hand then why expend 50% of your chakra just to make 1 rasengan, answer is simple he can't do it with one hand. The only time I've seen him do it with one hand was when fighting Sasuke and that was only because of the Kyuubi's power.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sat, 03-22-2008 at 02:09 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  10. #30
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Ive read somewhere that he can make it with one hand i think. Screw it maibe it was wrong. Lets get back on topic ppl: NARUTO SUCKS!!

    At the very leas he could have learned a couple new jutsus for fan service but i guess that hes gonna get owned by sasuke and were now gonna see him learn some new stuff i guess.

  11. #31
    Well back in the first episodes when Naruto actually pretty near speared Kakashi I was very hopeful that Naruto might actually have learned to be useful...
    Gotta give it to the first maybe 10 episodes, those were pretty awesome. After that the series took a downhill, then had a slight rise during the Sakura vs Sasori fight, and then dove straight down off a cliff right after that ended.

  12. #32
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    U forget about the kyuubi vs oro fight that was pretty awsome too but the fact is that we still havent seen naruto do anything right even after 50 episodes...

  13. #33
    Ehhh... I wasn't too impressed with that fight honestly. There was the historical Oro bitch slap, and the chakra ball, but the rest was screaming and staring.
    Other than the different enemy, its just like the current Sasuke vs all fight, a little action but immediately drowned in crap.

  14. #34
    Aye the worst episode/s of stareppuuden so far. I took me 15 minutes to watch this episode because I skipped the flashbacks. Why didnt they use the material they used in the first episode of shippuuden but replaced it with something horrible shit like this? This could have been the most epic episode of shippuuden so far but no. Shit, shit, shit, shit...

    I'm really getting fed up with this series. And way to make whole team Kakashi look like bunch of losers.

    Im gonna start reading the manga because i just dont give shit about the anime anymore.

  15. #35
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    U and me both dude. Thats why im thinking of going for the manga.

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    and when u see the fights in the manga u wish to you could watch the anime.. trust me

  17. #37
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Yeah but u cant tell me u watch those flashbacks and stare contests with a smile in your face

  18. #38
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Why hasn't Oro caught up to Sasuke yet? It's his base, lol. Episode content aside, I thought the video quality was crappy. Whether it was the raw capturer or DB encoder's fault I don't care enough to find out. The blur just almost made my eyes water.

    Chidori Current + Lion Combo anyone?

  19. #39
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Sure that would make a nice combo but I doubt we'll ever see Sasuke use the Lion combo anymore, with his speed that kinda thing just isn't necessary anymore not to mention that he has a goddamn sword that can cut through anything.

    I figure Oro is just letting things play out, thinking that hopefully when they meet Sasuke, they will realize all their efforts are for naught and give up on it, not that Naruto is that logical. I don't know what Naruto and Sakura were thinking though, they weren't in Sasuke's league even before he left and he spent the last three years with Oro yet for some reason they think they are strong enough to defeat him with the little improvements they have made.

    Yes and the last 3 or 4 episodes were all very bad quality.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  20. #40
    I used to remember specials of an hour were always great. Almost 1 hour of action, since Shipuuden I had to revise it, a special is always worse then a regular episode... Mostly it's crap with little bits of good pieces in it. And they're often disturbed with keywords they've suddenly invented with the airing of Shipuuden...

    By the way, what the hell did this one meant?
    The only one I ever understood was the first one, Shipuuden.
    This one was Sa I Ka I. Someone cares to explain?
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

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