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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 51-52

  1. #1

  2. #2
    pretty good ep if you ignore all the flash backs and key word nonsense

  3. #3
    ZOMG! Damn you flaskback hell why do you Haunt me so!!!!

    Why do you make me go surf the net while the damn flashback is on and wait till you hear something different new and then have to be slammed back to watching the episode!

    Damn you flackback twice over!

  4. #4
    That first movie-quality episode was a great jumpstart for the series, but man. Really kills the suspense for a duplicate episode. That was the coolest sword extraction ever, though. I don't think Yamato has to worry too much about splinters.

  5. #5
    I disagree with it all. Pathetic. The past half of Shippuuden have been a disgrace to the series really. Flashbacks, Naruto calling out "Sasuke" and crying, endless staredowns, and instant growth spurt of "stronger than the me of 5 second ago" after watching the same 5 seconds of fighting for 5 hours... oh and lets not forget the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, Rasengan, oh **** I missed combo that plagues almost every fight scene.
    Next episode in two weeks is supposed to be an hour long special too. What was it, Leaf Sprouts? For all the time I spend watching months of Naruto that could be cut into 2 or 3 episodes without losing any storyline, I could see a leaf actually sprout from my plant outside...
    The Naruto producers should be banned from life.

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah. The first half of this special seriously made me want to kill myself. And I wasn't bothered by the last "staring contest special". I think this one was made worse by the fact that I'd already seen it. I really didn't need that 1cm/second camera crawl up Sasuke's body when they finally revealed him.

    That said, once Sasuke started actually, you know, moving, it was awesome. Fucking Chidori sword, seriously pimp. And the stuff with Kyuubi was badass even though it was old.

    Preview Spoiler:

    I actually watched the preview this week on a whim and the goddamn PREVIEW was shots of Naruto and Sasuke staring back and forth. I'm starting to hate Naruto specials because they easily fit into a normal episode if you cut out the staring. And its like BECAUSE is a special they add 15 more minutes of stares.

  7. #7
    your forgetting about the spot on "wind blowing" when something dramatic is about to be said

  8. #8
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Yeah that pretty much sums it up. What, want me to be more specific? Sure.

    1 - 45 minutes of show for 1 chidori sword and a full body chidori as the whole action

    2 - About 30 minutes of it was previosly seen footage

    3 - The sasuke ownage was just pityfull, now even yamato and sai suck as hell


    5 - We now know that sasuke can nulify the kyubi's chakra, what pretty much mean that naruto doesnt stand a chance in hell of beating sasuke

    6 - Next episode looks even shitier than this one

    7 - The flashbacks that came from hell to terrorize us once again


    Ahh that feels so much better now. Really if it wasnt for this forum id would have killed myself about 3 or 4 episodes ago.

    Btw the formula for a naruto special is: normal episode + staring contest + flashback hell

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    wtf i can't believe that some people truely think that this episode was good (or even partly good)... absolutely NOTHING happened until the point when Sai stopped sasukes first attack

    lets see.. 40 mins were totally boring and unimportant while 5 minutes were actually good

    but these 5 minutes were interrupted by so much shit between that it was like: 5 seconds pure ownage followed by 5 minutes full of shit, then 10 seconds pure ownage, followed by 4 minutes full of shit and so on..

    to sum this up i NEVER was so disappointed before... especially because it was a SPECIAL wtf? ya it was special indeed... it never sucked so hard before.

    only one scene was worth watching

    btw thats what i meant when i was talking about "naruto needs more weapon users"

    gj sasuke!

    ah and good job with the body shot... it took a WHOLE MINUTE (15:10 to 16:10) to show his entire body




    just a side note: this episode had around 15 minutes full of flashbacks and another 10 minutes full of staring and "cool body shots"

    another 15 minutes full of talking about things we alrdy knew and 5 minutes of interessting stuff
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 03-21-2008 at 01:06 PM.

  10. #10
    At this point im not even looking forward to the next episode if its more of this. We learned 2 new things in this ep.

    1) Sai isn't a total douche.
    2) Team Kakashi is fucked.

    Without the use of his kyuubi I don't see any logical way for Naruto to "win"....logical....but thats what narutos good at, doing exactly what you think they won't do. For better or worse.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Btw the formula for a naruto special is: normal episode + staring contest + flashback hell
    Don't forget frequent intermissions for special passwords.

    Sasuke should just kill Naruto, and then they can just change the name of the show to "Sasuke" and we can watch a show staring a ninja who's actually awesome from now on. Seriously he's just a huge badass now. Watching him whip everyones ass was hands down the highlight of the episode. Hell it was really the only new/good part.

    I've come to the conclusion that Jiraiya must be the worst teacher of all time. I'm not convinced Naruto could even pass the Chuunin exam if he took it now. In the 3 year time jump Sakura, and now even more so Sasuke, improved leaps and bounds in terms of ninja skills. Naruto on the other hand seems to have remained mostly the same. I think the guy's landed more punches on his team mates this season than he has on his enemies. I honestly like Naruto's character, but god i'm tired of seeing him suck as a ninja. Here's to hoping that after epically failing to bring back Sasuke AGAIN, he'll go get some real training and actually kick some ass like he started to at the end of the pre-time skip series.

    Also all the cool points Sai collected over the past episodes have been completely lost.He might get them back if he starts calling Naruto a pussy again, but it's doubtful.

  12. #12
    I have a summary of every Naruto fight scene since the start of the arc:

    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    I'll never know til I try!
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

    And then scream at the end:

  13. #13
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The flashbacks in this one were so painful. They basically took every single part of the Sasuke vs. Naruto fight episode that wasn't kickass fighting, and replayed it.

    I'm glad Sasuke has suppressed the Kyuubi, because now its Make or Break time for this series.

    If Naruto doesn't pull off some shit here, I think I'm basically going to stop caring about the show.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Crash
    Don't forget frequent intermissions for special passwords.

    Sasuke should just kill Naruto

    I think it looked to me that Sasuke was going to kill Sakura quickly when she was charging Sasuke, but then the Team Leader of course I can't think of his name right now jumped in front. That seemed to be a cool point but it was so short that and so underplayed to be really powerful moment.

    Again seems to be silliest thing Sakura is going to charge a man wielding a large sword with simply her fists, instead of punching the ground out of range of the large sword to off balance the man with the large sword. Once again Sakura comes to a fight underprepared lacking the skills needed to actually be effective. It could have been a really good moment to show that Sakura is actually useful again, since Naruto and Sai were both on the ground. They showed Sai had one good move by blocking a simple attack. They just did not expound upon it.

    Edit: I mean they showed Sasuke with new tactics/ability, why not give Sakura some new showcase skill for one brief moment.

    Again it feels like I could write a better episode then they can. Thats how much disgust I have for the series when you feel like that.

  15. #15
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    If Naruto doesn't pull off some shit here, I think I'm basically going to stop caring about the show.
    Will you join me in considering going for the naruto manga? Its like 100 chapters ahead and i heard some intense shit happens. Actually, ive been told of some freakin huge spoilers... so im seriously thinking of going for it.

  16. #16
    I was hoping the special would bring a new OP as well. im getting tired of this william hung one.

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmkze04
    I have a summary of every Naruto fight scene since the start of the arc:

    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    I'll never know til I try!
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
    Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

    And then scream at the end:

    this is so... perfect.

    but you forgot one thing... between each kage bushin/rasengan there is a huge flashback which prevent any kind of tension in the show.

  18. #18
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redcat
    I was hoping the special would bring a new OP as well. im getting tired of this william hung one.
    The funny thing is that the only thing ive enjoyed so far in these latest eps r the ending theme...

  19. #19
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Will you join me in considering going for the naruto manga? Its like 100 chapters ahead and i heard some intense shit happens. Actually, ive been told of some freakin huge spoilers... so im seriously thinking of going for it.
    Nah, I've never been a manga reader and I don't plan on becoming one.

    I'd probably just continue the way I have been, I just wouldn't be looking forward to it every week.

    Back when Naruto was fighting Oro just a few months ago I was really pysched about this series but they've forceably made me stop caring at this point.

  20. #20
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    lol has anyone noticed that we wont have any anime for a whole week? Naruto will only come in the 3 and bleach on the 9

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