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Thread: Fate/Stay Night: The Game

  1. #81
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BioAlien
    At worst he may even do something like,
    That must be pretty exceptional and rare. I've been in the modding scene of a particular game for a long time and released single player projects that took a long time and lots of effort to build, and contained stuff like voice acting, models and other components by third parties. I've come to know a lot of other people, modders and mappers, some of which later even got hired by game companies, and one thing we all share(d) is that the more people download and enjoy your stuff, the better (thousands of people have played my maps so I know what I'm talking about).

    One reason why you do any game modding (including translations of foreign games, I dare say) is that you like doing it, that is, it's a hobby, but another thing is the feeling of achievement you get when lots of people download your stuff, enjoy it and at best cases even give positive feedback. Among the throng of modders I got to know, there never existed a single person who wouldn't have liked as many people as possible to check out his products.

    So, I'm gonna call that an exception.

  2. #82
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    oh man, i hope this won't happen, i stopped reading the saber route because i know it will end in a few chapter and i don't want to stare at the screen knowing that the UBW and HF route will never-ever be translated.

    i have to cheer myself up after finishing the saber route (because i know its freaking sad ), thats why i m waiting for the UBW route to come out...


    well but i have to make preparations, is there a direct link to the leaked patch? i can't find it on 4chan (i didn't know that they even talk about this stuff there)

    because if something really bad happens, i want at least the crappy version (its better than nothing)

    well and there i hoped he would start translating fate/hollow after that
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 03-11-2008 at 05:50 PM.

  3. #83
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    I can give you the leaked patch, the bug free one, since there's another one that freeze at day 7.
    With a partial walkthrough I made(Start a day 3) by reading the novel and looking at a Japanese walkthrough located here:
    Decrypting Japanese to relate to the choice in game is a bit hard sometime..

    The patch itself is rather small(3.1mo) and only consist of "patch2.xp3", backup the one you already have in your fate folder(Like add a _ at the end, to make it into "patch2_.xp3" and then put the patch in it)
    This will translate the UBW path.

    (I'm ashamed of myself to have actually started reading it when I said I wouldn't.. the temptation was too great)

    Use one of the following for the leak...

    I hate myself for this...
    Last edited by BioAlien; Wed, 03-12-2008 at 08:42 AM.

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    ty, i got it from derek alrdy though (PM)

    well i hope i m "stronger" than you and won't start reading it because i know i'll hate myself if i do and i ll be unsatisfied because my mind will always tell me "you are playing the unfinished version, you are playing the unfinished version, stop spoiling stop spoiling"

    its like reading the manga in japanese and watch the anime then, NO FUN AT ALL!

    waaaa good god help meee

  5. #85
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    ty, i got it from derek alrdy though (PM)

    well i hope i m "stronger" than you and won't start reading it because i know i'll hate myself if i do and i ll be unsatisfied because my mind will always tell me "you are playing the unfinished version, you are playing the unfinished version, stop spoiling stop spoiling"

    its like reading the manga in japanese and watch the anime then, NO FUN AT ALL!
    I can only wish you luck.. Don't fall into the pit of temptation like I did..

    (But if you do fail.. I hope the version you got is the bug free one.. Because day 7 on the rooftop with tohsaka freeze up the game, the version I gave in my previous post fix that)

  6. #86
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    i got both(the version that leaked and the fixed one) and i even download yours too, just to be sure

    man the game is so much better than the anime... yet i must wait.... don't do it krayzee, dont do it! comeone you can do it man RESIST

    btw, i finally understood what happened to Saber and why she did destroy the grail... in my opinion the anime lacks explanations and i finally understand that saber is really "dead"... i always thought that she would come back in the next holy grail war but since she broke the contract with "the world" she won't

    this is so sad i think her whole story is very sad.. the moment she realizes that the things she wished for were all wrong and that the holy grail is nothing more than a cruel weapon > all, to be honest it made me cry(for real) and so did the weak epilogue

    i think shirou wasn't sad enough, he lost his love and he doesn't even cry and lives on.. even though he says all this "romatic" stuff about her living in his heart and so on, i have to admit, that i m on the same side as rin (she doesn't understand it (n)either)

    the scene with her knight Sir Bedivere was very good... but it was fine in the anime too..

    *starts to remember the scene and feels like crying now*
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 03-12-2008 at 12:39 PM.

  7. #87
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    btw, i finally understood what happened to Saber and why she did destroy the grail... in my opinion the anime lacks explanations and i finally understand that saber is really "dead"... i always thought that she would come back in the next holy grail war but since she broke the contract with "the world" she won't
    I don't think there will be another Grail War anyway.. At least, according to some spoiler related to HF.. I may be wrong though.. And I don't feel like actually going about looking for it.

    And there's the Last Episode from Realta Nua that adds to the end of the Fate Path.
    Though I personally don't understand a single thing about what the hell is going on.. It may be because I read it in a hurry and didn't gave it much care..

  8. #88
    Another error at day 15 or so.. not sure if it's just on my computer though. Ctrl forwarding through it worked though.

  9. #89
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BioAlien
    I don't think there will be another Grail War anyway.. At least, according to some spoiler related to HF.. I may be wrong though.. And I don't feel like actually going about looking for it.
    hmm i m not sure, it's a bit weird anyways as far as i know the "einzberns" provide the vessel (in this war it was illiya)

    so as long as they want a war there will be a war..

    but didn't kirei say something like "this is the 726th vessel called "the holy grail" and the "fifth grail war"

    so i thought he was talking about that this is the fifth holy grail war in fuyuki-city (or whatever its called) but there were alrdy 725 other wars, somewhere else.

    the vessel in fuyuki city is destroyed but there will be other wars (however without saber now since she isn't bound to the contract anymore, yet she could still be a heroic spirit after all since she is so famous.

    And there's the Last Episode from Realta Nua that adds to the end of the Fate Path. 286
    Though I personally don't understand a single thing about what the hell is going on.. It may be because I read it in a hurry and didn't gave it much care..
    i don't understand this at all, which makes me kinda angry... wtf are they talking about there? ^^ i can see that saber and shirou are together, but why? saber died in fate...i don't understand this *argh*

    oh man, this text in a class test -> i would fail hard...

    i guess i have to read it very carefully when i got some more time.. because i want to know what happened that they are able to be together

    well with the help of youtube i found out what is ment.

    the ending is really totally different, the scene with bedivere doesn't exist in the ps2 verison..(edit: ok thats not true, that ending we are talking about is a "special ending" which you have to unlock somehow i think

    saber waits for shirou in her afterlife (probably avalon)... she wants to hear shirous voice again etc etc. merlin talks about that this is actually impossible, unless 2 miracles occure.. "One must wait continuously, one must pursue endlessly."

    well saber was waiting for shirou on that field the whole time and shirou did never forget about saber and wanted to see her till the end... shirou dies ("He is no longer the him he was before. Body and soul, both were tortured by her melancholy." there are more sentences which tell you that, for example where he complains about his shoulders and when he is exhausted etc.)

    the end tells me that their story starts again.. so it is for them as if thing, which happened after the holy grail war, never existed

    "i m back saber"
    "welcome back shirou"

    so basically shirou and saber are together in their afterlives
    they say its a happy ending but to me there is no difference, it is still fucking sad that they weren't able to live together and had to go through all this hardship

    it was more easy to figure it out than i though, i just had to read it a bit more carefully

    well on the other one cant be sure if shirou is dead or something, it could be that their souls just met in this place..but i cant explain the last part then (with stuff like "the story begins" bleh bleh)

    btw to bad that the PC version does not have any VA like the realta nua... this would be fucking AWESOME... i just heard gilgamesh laugh like a maniac on youtube... its simply the best man

    btw the game doesn exist in english am i right? (i mean realta nua)

    btw bioalien... i just started my game to look into the weapon/status menu etc. and i wanted to know: How do i get these "tiger stamps" or something like that... its beneath the ED-List...

    any ideas? don't tell me i have to "lose" on purpose and do these tiger-dojo stuff (because i hate it and tried not to fail by thinking everything through before making a decision in the game lol)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 03-12-2008 at 06:29 PM.

  10. #90
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    any ideas? don't tell me i have to "lose" on purpose and do these tiger-dojo stuff (because i hate it and tried not to fail by thinking everything through before making a decision in the game lol)
    Well.. that's exactly it..

    I'm almost done with the Unlimited Blade Works GoodEnd (sunny day), only 3 more choice to make... I would never have expected thing to turn out like this so far..

  11. #91
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    what are these tiger stamps anyway? pictures? stories? and what happens once i have all of them?

    btw i think UBW isn't that great (at least from the things i heard so far, i didn't play it yet :P)

    i like the fate scenario most because its the most sorrowfull, HF seems to be cool to because of dark saber... she looks somehow awesome in her corrupted armor.

  12. #92
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    So far I think the UBW path is great.. You just have to play it, it doesn't compare to the crap we hear about it. I would have cried if the Ilia interlude lasted a bit longer.. Before I only disliked Gilgamesh.. but now I fucking hate him.. And Shinji too! Why don't he just fucking drop dead already!

    As for the tiger's stamp.. I got no idea why you have to collect them and if they give anything special, but I do know you need them if you want to complete the game 100%.

  13. #93
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    how dare you to speak bad of gilgamesh, he's by far the coolest servant in fate/ubw (in hf it is hassan)

    he wasn't as evil in the legend as he is in fate/stay night... the reason for his madness is that he became a heroic spirit after his best friend died... he became mad while seeking immortality...

    i think the gate of babylon is the coolsten NP in fate/stay night.. yes it's true, he's cruel and a really tough badass, but unlike shinji HE OWNS... shinji however is another story, i hate him too because he is a fucking coward and also because of what he did with sakura () well on the other side, i hate sakura too because she is annoying. she's tooooo nice around shirou it makes me sick, it seems so fake..well maybe the reason for that is the anime, since i hate it when a character has a very high-pinched voice which is supposed be "calm and comforting" or "kawaii" in the eyes (ears) of japanese people.

    but i agree with one thing though, i won't forgive gilgamesh for what he wants/wanted to do with saber :P
    when he died and recognized that he can't have saber, he was so kind and nice.. he still had his attitude, but he appeared like another person.. actually a pretty cool way to die for a pretty cool person. ^^

    in fatal/fake Gilgamesh is my favorite, not because its so easy to win with him, but because i like his finishing moves (the one with the chains is damn awesome, i liked that a lot in the Ultimate Code video too i can't wait for crucius fatal fake 2 when the characters get their own VA... i think i ll even buy it, i want to hear his maniac laugh once more... when i saw the Realta Nua video on youtube and heard his voice i was about to go crazy, because i wanted to have that game so much)

    btw is UBW this heart breaking, i always thought fate is the most sorrowful scenario (which is why i like it most) ? if UBW is really this good then...oh man....i don't want to see myself when i m about to play the HF scenario when shirou fights against saber :/ i wonder what they say to each other when it's time to say goodbye there.. i want to know what shirou thinks of saber in HF *ARGH MIRRORMOON HURRY UP ALREADY*^^

    let me see dark saber in her "beautiful" armor

    ah and: could it be that the VA of shirou's father is the same one who speaks for Yamato in naruto?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 03-13-2008 at 07:36 AM.

  14. #94
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    but i agree with one thing though, i won't forgive gilgamesh for what he wants/wanted to do with saber :P
    when he died and recognized that he can't have saber, he was so kind and nice.. he still had his attitude, but he appeared like another person.. actually a pretty cool way to die for a pretty cool person. ^^
    Screw Saber! I won't forgive him for what he did to our loli(Ilia)! He killed her in cold blood. Slashed her eyes so she became blind, pierced her lung and then took her heart out while she was still alive!

    Oh and, supposedly, the real patch should come out next week or something like that. That's what one of the MM staff said in a Announcement on the MM forum.

    I have a better opinion of Lancer now too.. He really is a good guy..
    Last edited by BioAlien; Thu, 03-13-2008 at 10:01 AM.

  15. #95
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well wasn't he always a good guy?

    he enjoys fighting thats all... he is one of the 3"knight class" servants (archer,saber,lancer)
    so he has to be at least chaotic good...

    in the status screen, gilgamesh is chaotic-good too if i remember....

    the funny thing is, that lancer seems to be underestimated...his fighting skills are even better than sabers in my opinion and the game proved that to me when he fought saber who couldn't get near him since he was so good with his lance

    do you know the game age of empires? in that game swordsman are used to kill pikemen, now after playing the game i think in reallity it was actually the other way around.. the lance is probably the strongest weapon in melee combat if there is enough space

    then i watched this american show, where they tested weapons used like 400 years ago (katana, swords, chinese sowrds, lance, shurikken etc) and it seems like i was right the only disadvantage a lance has is that it sucks in close combat (for exampl small rooms)

    but i wonder why Rin wanted to get away from the roof, actually lancer has a disadvantage there..

    well to sum this up, lancer is/was awesome all the time.. the prolouge shows that and so does his legend.. i never heard of this man before but he is quiet famous i wonder if there is a museum in irleand or somewhere who has something to tell about him (books, texts etc.)

  16. #96
    Is there any useful information about time tables or patch releases in the last 5-10 posts that's not just going to spoil UBW more for me?

  17. #97
    Yeah, but there is a couple of spoilers back there..
    long story short, an internal leak of UBW is out, a beta patch. It has spelling errors and awkward sentences, more than noticeable. Still good quality though. Mirror moon has said that the official patch will hopefully be released during next week.

  18. #98
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    if this is true and the MM version is far better than the leak then its funny... i think bioalien will rip is head off for not waiting another week :P

  19. #99
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    if this is true and the MM version is far better than the leak then its funny... i think bioalien will rip is head off for not waiting another week :P
    Not really no, even with the awkward sentence and many spelling mistake here and there, the read quality is still better than most of the visual novel ported to the English language that I have readed. (Not fanmade, but the ones translated by company such as Peach Princess /Hirameki/etc..)

    Anyway, I just finished the Good End, so I will start the True End now. After that I will try to collect the Tiger Stamp from UBW.. maybe try to get the rest of the CG too..
    But man.. Even if they tells me that Heaven's feel is now available.. I got no fucking idea how to reach it as they don't even give any indication..

  20. #100
    You reach HF by choosing options favoring Sakura in the start.
    I got the true end first, will finish the good end tonight.

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