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Thread: Fate/Stay Night: The Game

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Platform: System 246 Arcade

    I guess that means no PC or console release.....there aren't many arcades around anymore.

  2. #62
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Yeah, I saw some vids for the game. Maybe this game will give birth to some anime spin offs or something? That is if this game isn't following the story of previouss Fate stories.

    I wish it was releasing for consoles though... Preferably PS3 since you don't need to mod a PS3 to play import games if it doesn't come out in the US.

  3. #63
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    I'm quite sure there's still many arcades in Japan though.. (Even though in recent news the Wii is apparently killing them)

    In-game fighting video:

    That left arm of Shirou.. Isn't that Archer's? (From the Heaven's Feel path,at least, that's what I read somewhere since Mirrormoon didn't finish translating the game yet)
    So why does Archer have both of his arms?
    Last edited by BioAlien; Wed, 02-20-2008 at 07:47 AM.

  4. #64
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The masters are fighting the servants? Well, that's a fair fight for sure...

  5. #65
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    jesus, gilgamesh > all <3 him

    UBW looks a bit boring, but saber seems to have some good moves (at least good looking with the camera moving around and so on)

    and lancer and assassin are cool too

    geeee now i want to play some fighting games again, any suggestions?

  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    geeee now i want to play some fighting games again, any suggestions?
    Gotwoot has an active thread for that:

    The game looks nice. I see no issue with the Masters mixed in with the Servants. All of them are powerful mages in their own right.

    Dark Sakura for the win. Her fighting style reminds me a lot of Vermilion Akiha (my favorite Melty Blood character).
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 02-20-2008 at 06:57 PM. Reason: spelling errors

  7. #67
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well since it is a fighting game, the ability gaps shouldnt matter, but in the actual canon story, mages are no match for the guardians, even the strongest vs the weakest one respectively.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  8. #68
    100+ combo? I think that's a tad overkill.

  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Well since it is a fighting game, the ability gaps shouldnt matter, but in the actual canon story, mages are no match for the guardians, even the strongest vs the weakest one respectively.
    thats only the case if the servant has strong magic resistance (the 3 knight-classes do have that especially Saber)

    berserker for example has no spell resistance at all.

    and if you compare abilities, then berserker is the strongest of all servants
    A+ in every category (strength, agility etc.) while saber has a B or C note sometimes and not a single A+ (i don't know if it is because of shirou though)

    but Rin and Shirou seemed pretty weak in the game anyways, they are probably the very first characters you have in the game and use them to release other characters
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 02-21-2008 at 02:56 PM.

  10. #70
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Its not just about spell resistance. It is fact. They even say so explicitly in the fate route. Servants are heroes, famous incredibly powerful ones with legendary weapons. The masters are, well, not.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  11. #71
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Sure, I have not played the game, but we all know by now what happens to Shirou.

    What really are the Servants, but heroes with tools that make them legendary? Either their weapons, or their Noble Phantasms make them as strong as they are. Saber without Excaliber is certainly not the all-powerful warrior that Rin once implied she was (at the beginning of the anime, don't know which route that statement was in). We see this in the Fate arc that the anime tried best to follow. Gilgamesh without his countless weapons is no match for any of the other armed Servants, and maybe even some of the Masters. Lancer is even more worthless without his spear, we all know that.

    Caster is at the same level as any of the Masters without her Rulebreaker. Conversely, Rin is exceptionally powerful when wielding that sword that only appears in Heaven's Feel. Also referencing Heaven's Feel, we should have a good idea what she (and you know who I mean) is capable of when things get a little out of hand.

    So despite it being said explicitly in one arc of the gam, I'm going to have to call bullshit upon that.

    So little separates "heroes" from everyone else. Accomplishments, and maybe the legends that go along with those.

  12. #72
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Thats the point. Masters are not as powerful as servants because servants are summoned at the peak of their strength (unless some other factor comes in, like in Shirou and Saber's case). So even if the masters do become servants eventually, they are much stronger than they were when they were masters. Either way, the fact that servants have noble phantasms (whatever they may be) and masters do not give servants a decisive advantage. There is also the fact that using the command symbol gives them incredible power for a period of time. That is what separates heroes from masters in the canon story at least.

    I haven't played heaven's feel, nor have I read anything about it, so Im not sure how powerful the two you mentioned are. Im just speaking from the fate arc, and we all know how different the arcs and comparative strengths from them can get.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  13. #73
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirror Moon
    3/4: Wow, another long time in between updates. Well, the UBW installer is still in testing.
    Heaven's Feel translation is at 50%.
    I haven't made that many installers during my time but I'm starting to get a feeling they intend to just wait for the HF and release a full packet. I mean, can building an installer really be a harder process than the translation itself?

  14. #74
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    man i just rewatched the trailer...this looks so good.

    i would move to japan only to play that game :P
    i hope they'll release a PS3 version sometime ( has the PS3 in japan the same codes? i remember that i read something about that you can't play PS games from japan on a german/us PS)

    *starts fatal/fake now*

    btw i don't play fighting games often since i don't own a console and only rent it sometimes, but i think they did a great job with the finishing moves.. i haven't played fighting games which came out recently but the old ones do not have such great moves

  15. #75
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I haven't made that many installers during my time but I'm starting to get a feeling they intend to just wait for the HF and release a full packet.
    I'm thinking the same thing now..

  16. #76
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    There's a leak of the UBW patch out. And now Takajun(main translator) is angry.. I just hope it won't affect the HF translation.. and hopefully, speed up the release of the UBW installer.

    I personally downloaded that leak.. but I won't use it. I will just keep it in a folder so that if anything happen within MM, I will still be able to read the UBW path. (Even though it's a leak from early beta.. the translation is basically shit that even Takajun is probably ashamed of. And there seems to be a bug during a conversation with Thosaka on the school rooftop. (game close itself))

    If you want it, look on /jp/. (4chan)
    Last edited by BioAlien; Tue, 03-11-2008 at 10:49 AM.

  17. #77
    The translation isn't that bad. I've noticed some awkward sentences and some other mistakes along the way, but it isn't shit, and there seems to be quite few spelling errors(considering how much text it is). Of course, the polished translation will be better, but.. I can't/couldn't wait.

  18. #78
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Yeah.. but in the mean time, we may never see HF translated.

    TakaJun' rant from the fate/stay night page, it got deleted though.. found it on Beast Lair.
    Well, I'm sure some people already know what happened...

    *100% Ranting ahead, so you can stop reading here if you want.

    Just so people know, my translation in it is unedited and very unpolished. I'm ashamed that it's seeing public eyes...

    Anyway, I can't say I didn't see this possibility with all the rage pent up over the past MANY months. I myself got mad at Message many times about the whole installer deal.
    I'm angry at myself for letting this get this far and letting people talk me into waiting for Message's installer. I'm angry at the person who did it. I'm angry at Message for taking this long. In short, a lot of anger and disappointment.

    Well, I really don't care who did it, it's just a waste of my time. I just wish he/she would've came talked to me beforehand about all his anger for the delay.

    Moving ahead. Well, I really have no idea right now. Quitting over something like this is just stupid, but then again, I've lost my motivation for now.
    If some group thinks I'm going to take too long or quit and wants to start a new translation for HF, go ahead.
    Please don't take this as a sign of me quitting. There's too many good games out there that needs translation. I'm sure I'm just depressed...
    Okay, now I'm really ranting. I'm going to go sleep now.
    *This is my opinion, and has nothing to do with the rest of the staff, so all critique can go to me.
    I can understand that we all have been waiting for months for the UBW patch (Due to Message doing who knowns what with the installer..), but doing something like this.. If the one who leaked the patch didn't see that one coming, he's a fucking idiot.

  19. #79
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'll just keep waiting. There is the slight hope it could speed things up. And I would rather play the awesome game with top-notch translation and editing, not a leaked beta. Maybe the Mirror Moon folks will think it's better to get the product out soon so that people won't begin to think the leaked beta is the real thing and thus their image would diminish.

    Quote Originally Posted by BioAlien
    Yeah.. but in the mean time, we may never see HF translated.
    I don't really believe it could endanger the HF. The dude just needs to drink a few beers and cool down for a while, and then, before you know it, he's back to translating stuff. For that's what he does and that's what gives him his extra kicks. Leaked beta and such are just a part of the bigger picture, as regrettable as they are.

  20. #80
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    I hope you're right. Because if he lose his motivation, we're screwed and then we can only hope someone else will take over his work.

    At worst he may even do something like,


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