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Thread: Fate/Stay Night: The Game

  1. #181
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I do it for Gilgamesh and Lancers sake!

    Gil has a very nice maniac voice and Lancer is awesome when he's being sarkastic again...
    But arn't the voices the same as in the anime? I think they are pretty good actually.

    The only voice I can't stand is shinji... god he pisses me off when he starts to whine and make this pig-noises "krieeeeeeeeeeek" etc.

  2. #182
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    The only voice I can't stand is shinji... god he pisses me off when he starts to whine and make this pig-noises "krieeeeeeeeeeek" etc.
    Shinji : With or without voice, no one likes him.

  3. #183
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    Gil has a very nice maniac voice and Lancer is awesome when he's being sarkastic again...
    But arn't the voices the same as in the anime? I think they are pretty good actually.
    They should be the same and they are good, but I just think Rin should have a bit more proud voice. She sounds so much like a good neighbour girl with her voice, not like the school's number one idol and a mage responsible for the town. I don't mean she should sound like those annoying "high-class" adversary bitches from random high-school animes but something a bit more refined than the present.

  4. #184
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Quote Originally Posted by BioAlien
    Shinji : With or without voice, no one likes him.
    He gets all the chicks is the reason why....

    Oh and the Voice actors are always horrible for him as well, mostly because his character is one of a whiny and naive boy. As such I can't really blame the VAs
    image fail!

  5. #185
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Awesome! Just updating from BioAlien's post, looks like MirrorMoon finished up Day 12 and their already working on Day 13. HF is almost upon us!

    HF translation Progress: 65% (2410/3700kb)

    Day # / % complete (total text size)

    Day 04: 100% (280kb)
    Day 05: 100% (240kb)
    Day 06: 100% (210kb)
    Day 07: 100% (230kb)
    Day 08: 100% (220kb)
    Day 09: 100% (460kb)
    Day 10: 100% (330kb)
    Day 11: 100% (270kb)
    Day 12: 100% (160kb)
    Day 13: 20% (180kb)
    Day 14: 0% (170kb)
    Day 15: 0% (490kb)
    Day 16: 0% (350kb)
    Epilogues: 0% (110kb)
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  6. #186
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Thats only translation. I hope the editing and testing phases go much faster this time. I am not complaining about their work (which is superb btw), but there was an incident (I think caused by some person not doing their job) that caused a great delay before, and I hope it doesnt happen again.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #187
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Well, the editing/beta for MaW2 didn't take too long so far, the patch may even come out soon. So we can probably expect something similar with the HF route.(Considering the fact there's more staff working on Fate than on MaW2)

    Day 13 is at 50% now.
    Taka' hates Shirou too.
    5/27: GOD DAMN I HATE SHIROU. He assumes what everyone "should" do, and forces them to act that way, disregarding what they want to do. ........Sorry, just rambling. --;

  8. #188
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Thats only translation. I hope the editing and testing phases go much faster this time. I am not complaining about their work (which is superb btw), but there was an incident (I think caused by some person not doing their job) that caused a great delay before, and I hope it doesnt happen again.
    I asked around on IRC a few days ago because I was obviously not aware of the whole story.

    The incident was not strictly caused by someone not doing their job, but rather a lot of interference from the overeager fans. The progress on the mysterious newfangled installer was buried in a lot of "WHEN IS IT COMING AUT!!!" spam in a forum thread, so some of those overeager fans stole one of the scripts that had been made during the editing process, and make a "quick and dirty" patch.

    That delayed the deployment of UBW.

    It was mostly miscommunication all around.

  9. #189
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    That delayed the deployment of UBW.
    I fail to see how that would delay anything. Quite the contrary: It should speed things up so that they could make sure the unofficial item wouldn't dominate the market.

    If it really did delay the release, it's an extremely bad sign as it would suggest Mirror-Moon people are bored with the whole project, and any manner of excuses could lead them to take long breaks without a second of regret.

  10. #190
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I should have gone a little further in my last post I suppose.

    It's not like it hasn't happened elsewhere with other groups on other projects. Manga chapters, leaked anime sub scripts, etc. It all causes the belief that it is now "out" (despite a huge potential drop in quality). This adds a further change in perception, because now everyone expects them to immediately release.

    That's usually not the case, as now they have to deal with whatever shitty security they have on their ftp server (not an excuse), and it should not be the case, as they still need to proceed with the project that needs editing, but with the knowledge that everyone has an option elsewhere. Quality over speed.

    There really wasn't much of a delay at all in the first place as they worked on the installer, all the fervent fans were just impatient. It was the perceived lack of communication, buried in all the demands for release spam, that led a large number of people to assume that Mirror-Moon was not communicating any kind of status updates. They simply were not putting them on the site, only on an overloaded forum thread.

    They absolutely should not speed anything up when something like that happens. When a half-edited script is released, it is a half-assed release. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer quality.

  11. #191
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    In this kind of stuff breaks usually affect the development time far more than the amount of work needed. We aren't talking about a release of an episode of a currently airing series, after all, where you could perceive less than a day's worth of hours exist to sub an episode if you want to be recognized as fast by the community. In game modding people regularly take long breaks for various reasons. Those breaks can be affected by external boosts to the morale. Of course it's another matter whether a leaked beta can be considered any kind of a boost. It can as well have an opposite effect as well, and I admit my previous post was inaccurate in that sense. However, I just wanted to underline the fact the more fundamental factors lie elsewhere.

    Personally I think people give the consumer community more credit than they deserve. Game modding is a hobby to the people doing it, and while it makes modders happy if people appreciate their efforts, it's only the poor modders anyway that listen to every whim of lone audience members. Modders just do what they do on their own time for their own amusement and that's it. This is best illustrated by cancelled projects: When a modder gets bored with the project, he drops it, and all the opinions of the disappointed fans that were looking forward to it aren't worth a single yen in the final decision.

  12. #192
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    The translation/editing were already done when the leak came out, the leak was just an old script hardly edited, that came out long time ago before it was completed. All that was left was the installer, which took nearly half a year to complete.
    So of course fan would be eager, would you want to wait 6 months~ just for an installer that could make toast for you,
    (There was a topic about "The installer is so great..." in which peoples made up stuff about the installer, on the mm forum)
    when you already know that the damn thing was already translated/edited a long time ago and they could have just released the files into a .zip or something so that we could manual patch the game ourself? Even if they do this in their free time, that was just too much.

    Anyway, there's no point talking about this, that was in the past and we can just hope history won't repeat itself.

  13. #193
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Oh, that was what I was referring to. The guy that did the installer was the one that delayed the whole thing, or so I remember Takajun posting it on the site.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  14. #194
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Well, I'm sure some people already know what happened...

    *100% Ranting ahead, so you can stop reading here if you want.

    Just so people know, my translation in it is unedited and very unpolished. I'm ashamed that it's seeing public eyes...

    Anyway, I can't say I didn't see this possibility with all the rage pent up over the past MANY months. I myself got mad at Message many times about the whole installer deal.
    I'm angry at myself for letting this get this far and letting people talk me into waiting for Message's installer. I'm angry at the person who did it. I'm angry at Message for taking this long. In short, a lot of anger and disappointment.

    Well, I really don't care who did it, it's just a waste of my time. I just wish he/she would've came talked to me beforehand about all his anger for the delay.

    Moving ahead. Well, I really have no idea right now. Quitting over something like this is just stupid, but then again, I've lost my motivation for now.
    If some group thinks I'm going to take too long or quit and wants to start a new translation for HF, go ahead.
    Please don't take this as a sign of me quitting. There's too many good games out there that needs translation. I'm sure I'm just depressed...
    Okay, now I'm really ranting. I'm going to go sleep now.
    *This is my opinion, and has nothing to do with the rest of the staff, so all critique can go to me.
    That was just after the Leak came out.

  15. #195
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirror Moon
    HF translation Progress: 81% (3000/3700kb)
    I think this is proceeding pretty nicely all in all. 12.5 days out of 14 translated.

  16. #196
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    If we are lucky, by the end of this month, the translation will be done.
    After that we must allow at least 1 more month for the editing/spoofing and other craps I don't know anything about.(Can't they do that with the already translated days? Do they really need to wait for the whole damn thing to be completed?)
    Then a couple of weeks for testing... Of the game and the Installer...
    So... it should be out around September.

  17. #197
    6/19: Update. Only the epilogues (and Tiger dojo Special) left!
    (......I died after not saving for a while, so I don't feel like playing the game for a while now --
    HF translation Progress: 97% (3590/3700kb)


  18. #198
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    6/19: Finally done with the translation! Now for the editing... I'll post the progress on it and what else is left to do next time I update.
    HF translation Progress: 100% !

    Now to wait for the rest...

  19. #199
    HF editing progress: 45%
    HF beta testing progress: 10%
    Seems like it is progressing quite fast.

  20. #200
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirror Moon
    HF editing progress: 65%
    HF beta testing progress: 20%
    Decent progress. I don't know if it can quite make it to BioAlien's prediction of September, but it's not a stretch to say September / October.

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