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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 22

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Gundam 00 Episode 22

    I know some of you are dying to find out what happens to Lockon, regardless of quality. Well, it's watchable, I'll give it that, but here's this week's Gundam.

    Nyoro~n Fansubs Gundam 00 - 22

  2. #2
    I know this is suppose to be a cool new turning point for the series, but Trans-Am? They're calling it a Pontiac Firebird now?

  3. #3
    Ok ... Russian GNX squad got serious skills and CO.
    And Exia got "Bankai" so to speak. (Btw its moves, reminds me off the end of Sephirot/Cloud FF7AC fight)

  4. #4
    The name sucks... but the thing is pretty cool!
    and I gotta say... Ali is awesome! ("I don't wanna fight" lol!). it was an abrupt end for the trinity... also its interesting that Corner doesn't seem to be the main villain anymore.

    btw... speaking of the GN-X skills...I think we should talk about the cameraman! not only was he in a battle in the AIR, but he was on the path of incoming fire and dodging it! they should put this guy in a Gundam.

    EDIT:... so the Drei is going to get a true Solar Furnace...
    Last edited by Darknodin; Sun, 03-09-2008 at 11:18 AM.

  5. #5
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    so he gets super fast speed kicks Ali around and then LETS HIM FUCKING GET AWAY?

    wtf man kill him the throne's wear all at like 30% its not like he could out run him ugh that pissed me off!
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  6. #6
    I doubt setsuna was thinking about that but... sometimes its a good idea to let a foe leave when you completely overpower them. Shows compassion, in that when you ask someone to surrender later on, they'll believe that you'll let them survive. also, he acts as a messenger that you are super strong and that its probably useless to fight you.
    and for those of you that think about foes that get stronger to fight you back... it doesn't apply for enemies that are completely out of your league (well, not in real life anyways... but this is an anime so...)

  7. #7
    Bullshit Darky, just blow the fucker to pieces, others will get the message.

  8. #8
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Fucking Johann and his ambiguous last words, this series now reeks with the smell of pissed off clones.

  9. #9
    Nice to see this episode fulfills my quasi predictions I made back in February

    That said, I want graham acre to take down a gundam and for Ali to show Michael what a true psychotic badass is really like. Best situation for me is that Ali steals one of the thrones after outpiloting one of the siblings XD
    now two of my three predictions have happened, and the Graham acre one is just an inevitability.

    The only disappointment was how fast Setsuna arrived, a few seconds later and that annoying Nena would have bit the dust. And anyone else think it was stupid the Trinity's let Ali in so close?

  10. #10
    Not really, they were desperate for allies. And besides, its not like they werent cautious. Just not cautious enough.

  11. #11
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This episode is filled with mercy for enemies that really dont deserve it. I guess they are simply trying to reserve the climactic battles for the season ender.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  12. #12
    That or make more gunpla models.

  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Shinsen's out. Start watching.

    Shinsen-Subs Gundam 00 Episode - 22

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I said earlier I didn't like how Lagna so easily let himself be killed, but if it was Ali, it's perfectly OK. Though I'm not entirely sure why Ali killed him, and it would be nice to know the reason. The last time we saw them together was Ali begging Lagna to use his influence to get Ali in the new Gundam clone ranks. Who knows, maybe Lagna failed that and Ali killed him later, or maybe Corner hired him to do it. Who knows. All we know that Ali seemingly had an access to his office, so he was the perfect man to do the deed.

    And after this episode Ali is surely my favorite character in this series. He's so bloody single-mindedly crazily only seeking good fights that you can't help but admire him on some level. He's a villain totally unlike the spoiled yuppie brat Corner who only has childish dreams of controlling the whole world. Nah, Ali only seeks good fights and conflicts and the stronger the opponent, the better; well demonstrated by how he let Johann to get into his mobile suit just to kick his ass a moment later as if to show it's all the same whether he's in a Gundam or not.

    Still, with the CB Gundams suddenly getting their unexpected power boost, I guess this series is back to square one: the world powers are once again underpowered.

  15. #15
    I wouldn't say underpowered Kraco, It's more like balanced now, UN got 28 GNX and CB got One Fully Operational Gundam "Winged", Powered Uped Exia/Transam, Damaged Drei, Hi-Damaged Lockon, and Bankai-less Tieria.

    If everyone gets Powered up, I would even things, and what I expect, is that the CB mothership gets some serious firepower from the upgrade.

  16. #16
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I said earlier I didn't like how Lagna so easily let himself be killed, but if it was Ali, it's perfectly OK. Though I'm not entirely sure why Ali killed him, and it would be nice to know the reason. The last time we saw them together was Ali begging Lagna to use his influence to get Ali in the new Gundam clone ranks. Who knows, maybe Lagna failed that and Ali killed him later, or maybe Corner hired him to do it. Who knows. All we know that Ali seemingly had an access to his office, so he was the perfect man to do the deed.
    Well the last conversation Ali and Ragna/Lagna had was about Ali wanting one of the new fake Gumdams for himself. As such my guess is Ragna/Lagna said no to him and so Ali shot him and went looking for how he could get one of the thrones. The simple fact Ali found them on a island so easily in a non-Gundam mech shows that Ali had the information on safe sports and likely was the reason there base was attacked in the first place leaking that information to the HRL.

  17. #17
    Episode summary + Mass spoilers!!!!

    Ali Al Sarcheez is the man. I wish he had an actual agenda so I could root for him, but the fact that he doesn't care about agenda's and just wants to fight is part of his allure so I'll just settle for hoping he causes even more destruction and takes out more people before his eventual demise, which will I hope will be epic.

    When was the last time you remember a character waving the white flag to talk to the 'good guys' (though the Trinities were more like 'good guy candidates' at that point) and then just whip out a gun and start shooting people mid sentence? It's sort of a rule of anime that everyone respects the white flag...everyone except Ali.

    Now, that said the Trinities were still a bit retarded to think he wasn't much of a threat just because he was outside of his mech and said he wanted to talk. I mean, they should know the AEU doesn't like them any more than the rest of the world, why wouldn't their first reaction be "This Enact pilot wants us to lower our guard so he can kill us and steal our Gundams"? In other news, Michael deserved to die twice over for pulling out a knife when his potential enemy was 30+ feet away and possibly armed with a gun.

    Last bit on Ali, it seems pretty clear that he's working for Corner. Considering Johann didn't think he should have been able to pilot the Gundam due to biometric security someone with access to Veda would have had alter the settings for him...who else but Corner's boy toy could have done it?

    And now onto the other less awesome parts of the episode.

    Graham loses cool points points for being a hypocrite. A Gundam is just a well armored mobile suit frame that has a GN Drive and GN particle based weapons. A Flag equipped with a GN Drive and GN particle based weapons is not a Flag, it's a Gundam with a Flag frame. He's pissing on his friends grave if he thinks they guy's belief in the superiority of the Flag only extends to its outward appearance. this Gundam 00 or a Lockon x Tieria doujin? Poor Felt, I'm sure she'll be fine sharing though...she's already slightly gay for Christine and Tieria's already almost a she's covered either way.

    The HRL's Flying O looked pretty absurd and goofy, but you can't argue with results. Soma was cool too showing some emotion and even pride. Her stock rises with this ep.

    I just noticed CB has a room with a giant TV embedded in the floor...that just seems weird and somewhat stupid to me, but idk, maybe there are some unknown benefits to staring at the floor for long periods of time instead of at a wall, or even a raised table.

    The scene with Kathy (AEU Colonel) around 13:41 served absolutely no purpose. I was expecting to see Patrick show up behind her also getting dressed or something but without that it was just a waste.

    Covered the Ali part already, but I'll say again Badass, thy name is Ali. I would also really like to see Ali fall through a dimensional vortex into the Geass universe and slaughter Suzaku. I think he'd be a perfect fit in both skills and ideology.

    Then, back to Corner and his pal. Could he be any more textbook villain without adding a high backed chair, a cat, and maybe a few henchmen who laugh whenever he laughs? Aeolia being frozen was a slight surprise but not really a shock, what was a shock however was that his body was just sitting right there and is now full of holes. Oh yeah and Trans-Am...where to start on this...

    Is the super speed just Exia's special ability or will it affect them all the same way? And what will its weakness be, Induce insanity, short operation time, require a moon beam, extreme physical strain the pilot, cause cancer? I'm pulling for induce insanity since I miss the ZERO system, but Louise's foreshadowing points more to a causing cancer type drawback.

    Also, aren't the Gundam's disconnected from Veda now? How did Aeolia's ghost transmit the release command for Trans-Am? Is there a Veda 2 sitting on Mars? (Please no!). If Veda is what's sending authorization and hacker boy is so awesome wouldn't he just hack Trans-Am away as well...

    And last but not least, when you've just disarmed your mortal enemy and you have an insane speed should really go after them and finish them off. But then again, being rational doesn't sell DVD's.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 03-11-2008 at 02:16 PM.

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Maybe Aeolia just sent a signal that unlocked something inherent in the Gundams. That way it wouldn't need any real connection. Aeolia just needed a spare antenna not under control of the mainframe (which is under Corner's boy friend's control). In any case it's a bit surprising the CB hadn't noticed this kind of potential despite having maintained their Gundams for a long time, probably probing everything in them to learn how to repair them if shit happens.

  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yuki pretty much covered it.

    I also totally expected Patrick to be generally naked behind Kathy, but maybe with a sheet wrapped around him (proving once and for all who would be wearing the pants in that relationship).

    Well, awesome as this episode was, from the baitball that the HRL squad formed to put the hurt on the Trinities, to Michael getting a most unworthy death (couldn't really ask for more), the short revelation that the three of them are all test-tube babies (unless it was hinted at before and I missed it), and a lot more, there was one thing that kinda bothered me...

    The Trans-Am system????

    Couldn't they think of something a little more "Gundamy" to call it?

    (And yes, I looked for the shittiest picture of a '79 Trans-Am I could find.)

  20. #20
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, KITT was pretty cool. And not much more to say...Lockon's eyepatch looks cool, and is it me, or did he look extra skinny in that episode? I know he's thin, but he looked a bit smaller doing that little heart-to-heart scene with Tieria. And I must say, I find Ali's methods a bit uncouth, yet effective. Too bad Michael got popped so easily (only because i like his name), although he totally deserved it. And I wonder that that System id...err Trans-Am thing does for the other units. Hopefully something...

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