Yeah really. It's just E-Peen. I think post count is way more important!Which is weird because everyone disagrees with you all the time but you've had 2 green squares for as long as I can remember.Originally Posted by Abdula
Yeah really. It's just E-Peen. I think post count is way more important!Which is weird because everyone disagrees with you all the time but you've had 2 green squares for as long as I can remember.Originally Posted by Abdula
Thats because I don't spend all my time in the Naruto Forum. Don't worry though they shouldn't be there for too much longer.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
you know i m about to give you a bad rep because you seem to like it a lot :P
arrrrgh *slaps himself*
well, lets stop this emo talk: "everyone hates me *chu chu*" and get on to the subject again
on the other hand, there isn't much to talk about
I don't care about rep. If you want something to talk about we could always guesstimate how long its going to take Naruto to finally get to Sasuke.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
My guess is 2 episodes. Hell probably see him on the next episode, stare for another episode and then well see some real fighting. What im wondering is what the hell is naruto gonna do if he cant use kyuubi ( besides getting ass raped by sasuke i mean) .
Even so im really looking forward for the 1 hour special, it should really be packed with some insane fighting clips. I wonder if sakura will join in...
naruto won't stare him to death, he will hold a preach once again so sasuke's ears start bleeding
and in the end it will be the same as
(i alrdy postet this though)
naruto = black knight
i don't know why but it simply FITS naruto... i m pretty sure they are the same person
Maybe they'll finally, FINALLY show us some awesome stuff Naruto learned.
Lol poor naive DarthEnder, jiraya didnt teach naruto anything, he just collected information for his book all those years. Either that or all he learned was that crappy new rasengan...Originally Posted by DarthEnder
that sounds like jiraya
the only technique jiraya could teach to naruto is:
Yeah maibe sakura and hinata could help him master that technique :P