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Thread: TV: Dollhouse

  1. #41
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Ahh spending hours on hours watching through shower footage looking specifically for some dudes junk getting hard....good times :P

    Upside? All those wtf hot female 'dolls' showering in all their nekkid soapy wet glory... o.O

    Also... more intense and closer to Whedon's vision sounds fuckin sweet cuz Whedon is the shit.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  2. #42
    wow, major plot advancement this episode.

  3. #43
    OMG MIllie FTW! I still can't believe they let a character so non-hollywood sexy be important to the show and she even got laid (to bad it was by Echophile Ballard but if that's what she wants I can't really complain. When they put her in wearing that tight ass shirt which showed exactly how not rail thin her figure was I almost fell out of my chair. I loved it, TV shows need more thick girls like her. I think Sierra is smokin hot too, but I also think she would snap in half if someone breathed on her too hard and that doesn't do as much for me.

    Anyway, I hadn't been following this thread or Joss Whedon's blog or whatever but I got the sense from the ep 7 preview that 'shit' was going to hit the proverbial fan quite hard starting next episode. I figured there had to be a multinational conglomerate behind the scenes but sadly I'm worried that that will make the plot, sort of easy to guess. Multinational conglomerates pretty much always want to collect and secure power be it through money, information, or authority. I mean other than gearing up to fight off aliens/supernatural creatures what other use is their for what they're up to?

  4. #44
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    whoa ..just...damn shit this was fucking YEAH!
    They took a great show and kicked it up to wtfpwnbbq.

    Its like the episode fucked my brain and gave it an orgasm, thats how awesome this ep was.

    Seriously. Ownage.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  5. #45
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Ya, this is what I was waiting for. Did NOT see the Mellie reveal coming at the end.

    As for the Echo-hack, I'm guessing it's Boyd and Dr. Saunders in cahoots together? That scene when Boyd temporarily called Topher away from his comp felt a bit contrived but still pretty damn cool how it all worked out. The fact that the mysterious hackers don't even know all the dolls that are active at any given time adds a deliciously messy layer to this whole thing.

  6. #46
    OMG Mellie FTW! I can't believe they let such a non-Hollywood Hot girl have a remotely useful role in the show, and she even got laid by a ken doll! You go Millie. Seeing exactly how not rail thin she is through that obscenely tight (for her) shirt she was wearing just about made my night, here's to more thick but still hot girls on TV shows.

    Anyway, I always figured there would be some shadowy organization floating in the background but I was hoping it wouldn't end up coming out too soon. I'm kind of over shadowy organizations since they all seem to boil down to the same thing, a bunch of rich and powerful people trying to become richer and/or more powerful. With any luck they'll stay in the shadows for a while longer and the show will continue to tell interesting stories without the search for the mystery organization taking up too much attention per episode.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 03-22-2009 at 04:29 AM.

  7. #47
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    My roommate totally predicted that Mellie was a doll long ago, and I kept trying to convince her that there was no way Mellie could be a doll....but I stand corrected. However, our points are even, because I predicted that someone had messed with Echo's imprint after the short interruption. To mess with an imprint so specifically though, that takes some skill. Dr. Saunders does seem to be a likely candidate, since she's always disagreeing with the actions of the administration, but I don't know if she has enough technical know-how to have pulled it off. I guess we'll see.

  8. #48
    I had a feeling millie mite have been a doll, but it was more of a "wouldn't it be kool if" kind of thing...when they revealed her i was like ":O OMG I WAS RITE?? FRIGGIN AWESOME"

    As for the saboteur, my money's on the asian assistant chick. She just appeared out of no where, we dont know much about her and she's rarely seen. Also she seems to be the only other person we've seen so far with the requisite technical background to pull something like that off.

    I love the idea of seems whedon has a thing for subliminal triggers as well. River, in the Serenity movie also had a psycho ninja trigger if you recall. I wonder if all the operatives have built in triggers, or only millie.

  9. #49
    Just watched last Friday's episode, and it was excellent. I like that Ballard can handle himself, even against a killer machine doll. I didn't know about Millie being a doll, but I suspected that something was going to happen just because I didn't think DeWitt was going to give that handler that type of mission without some real punishment, so I was sure there was some sort of trap there. Also, DeWitt killing Millie like that would've taken all the sympathy towards her from the viewers, so it really wouldn't have worked well going forward... at least it's too early for her to start sending people to assassinate good people.

    I really liked the "Real Sex"-like interviews.

    As for the mole, well I think it's the asian chick from NCIS. And I have a feeling that DeWitt might be involved in this too.

  10. #50
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Well she was a mole in NCIS aswell (double-agent i think, been a while since those eps..) so it would be kinda silly if she was one in this aswell but you never know, perhaps she was cast as a mole in Dollhouse because they liked her mole-acting skillz from NCIS :P

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  11. #51
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    As for the mole, well I think it's the asian chick from NCIS. And I have a feeling that DeWitt might be involved in this too.
    Thank you for verifying. I had suspected, but was too lazy to look it up on IMDB.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    I wonder if all the operatives have built in triggers, or only millie.
    I certainly hope not, that seems like a recipe for an army of Alphas. I remember when Echo's handler asked the programmer about giving all the actives ninja skills he said they'd tried it before and it didn't turn out so well. On the other hand that trigger phrase was somewhat obscure and not likely to come up in regular conversation, still I'd probably have put my trigger phrase in some obscure dead language just to be sure.

    As to the mole my first thought went to the NCIS girl, but first that seems to easy since she has so little backstory anyway. Penner also brings up a good point in that she's already been cast as a mole in another primetime show. While it breaks the fourth wall to think about it this way it would still be kind of silly from a casting standpoint to put an actor who has a history of being a mole into a role where she'd be on the list of potential mole candidates and then having it turn out to be her. Viewers do watch other shows and have memories. Instead of liking her for it I will go out into left field and throw out the scarred doctor's as the mole. She doesn't seem particularly happy about her job or the organization and is already more or less ignored by everyone (a handy trait for a mole). Maybe she's bitter about the whole Alpha fiasco, or maybe she secretly fell in love with him after he rearranged her face. Who knows, I just don't want it to be the most obvious person. My next choice would be the programming nerd. That's so unobvious based on his personality that they could be going for the 'bet you didn't think it could ever be him!' angle.

  13. #53
    well, i trust wheddon's story telling style, so im sure we'll be pleasantly surprised once its revealed.

  14. #54
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    So.... I guess it's safe to say that last week's episode was quite "meh"? Meet Caroline: animal rights activist.

  15. #55
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    but...but....thigh high lace stockings and fuck me pumps!

    Her past was definitely meh, but I can't say Joss Whedon doesn't know how to keep my attention, shallow as I may be.

    The rest was a lot better, the way the admins of the Dollhouse reacted to the chemical adding some comedy relief and some revealing some important things to Echo/Caroline if she continues to go all Alpha and remember more and more of each persona, as well as learning a little bit more about what they do to the dolls to make them so different. Plus revealing at least a little of who not to make enemies with if you don't want to end up so screwed over you have to sign up.

  16. #56
    Damn....alot of shit happened this week. DeWitt isn't the stone cold bitch she seemed to be at first. It was nice to see her vulnerabilities. The writing's been top quality so far in this show and im loving it.

  17. #57
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Yep, nothing bad to say at all really.

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  18. #58
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    yay more Dollhouse!

    I liked Tophers play day with his Sierra imprint, he seems kinda lonely... he should totally hook up with Dr Saunders ^^

    Also, imprinting yourself on a new body after death... thats some fucking Orochimaru shit right there, awesome!

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  19. #59
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    From the imprint he gave Sierra it seems to me that if he is going to hook up with anyone he works with, though I doubt they'd allow that, it would probably be his assistant.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sat, 04-25-2009 at 10:32 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  20. #60
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Yeah probably true, Dr Saunders is abit too quiet/calm compared to Tophers personality but they both seem kinda lonely ;P

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

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