Here's a series that I've been interested in a while to start, and it finally is. A couple of months back there was a preair dvdrip of the pilot going around, so you can get that if you're interested or just wait for it to air tonight. I enjoyed the first episode, I thought it brought up a couple of interesting plot points and I think the main character is good for the time being.

With that said, we'll get 3 episodes in a span of 1 week. One episode tonight, another on Thursday and next Monday we'll have yet another one, so we won't have to waste much time to get into the series. Sadly, only 6 episodes were made for this series, and they'll all air during March. Hopefully it does well and gets renewed.

New York City homicide detective John Amsterdam is cursed with immortality because he stopped the murder of a Native Indian girl in 1642 by stepping in front of a sword. Due to this act of kindness, the Indian girl rescued Amsterdam from the stab wound by making him immortal, but warns that it is a curse that will only be lifted when John meets his true love.

Now, Amsterdam is a homicide detective in the Big Apple where he shares his secret with Omar, a blues club owner with a few secrets of his own. John is partnered up with Eva Marquez and gets into a chase with a suspect. When he suffers what appears to be a heart attack and is revived by ER doctor Sara Dillane, he realizes that mortality may be closer then he thought.

New Amsterdam is produced by Laha Films, Regency Television, Sarabande Productions and Scarlet Fire Productions.;title;1