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Thread: Introductions

  1. #521
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Out of the system
    Quote Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
    Welcome new people! Become regular posters and fame and fortune will be yours.
    Yeah, they can only dream that they'll end up like me some day.

  2. #522
    Quote Originally Posted by gokutrunks
    Hi I'm Valentin I'm here to enjoy my self.
    I'm 17 and I like Life ,and all tnings that come with it.
    Lol your age explains everything . Welcome to the forums, enjoy and have fun.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  3. #523
    I'm bloodyvampire my real name is Michelle....and i'm 13..........i like drawing and video games and things like that...

  4. #524

    Whats Up Forum

    I'm a new member to the forum and site and i'm also a huge naruto fan. Can't believe the manga and anime have gone on for so many episodes, guess i've gotten used to short anime but thats the best thing about Naruto. It can take its time and give supporting characters their own episodes to shine while allowing the fans to still enjoy the anime. I was, or shall I say I am, at all the filler episodes. I'll be an active poster so look out for me.

  5. #525
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Halloween Town
    Welcome Bloodyvampire. It's nice to see such a young person on the boards. You can wake up all of us old farts. Now where'd my social security check go? I bet those damn kids who where on my lawn stole it.

    Welcome Murani. Most of us here are big Naruto fans too, but we act like we hate it. We're just weird that way. I hope you do become an active poster; we'll be on the lookout.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  6. #526
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
    Welcome Bloodyvampire. It's nice to see such a young person on the boards.
    Well, vampires sport a long youthfulness, so that characteristic should stay constant...

    Aye, welcome new people. Make lots of well thought-out posts (unlike me), and you will feel right at home here: The best anime forum running on this server.

  7. #527
    welcome all you youngings, have fun and enjoy the forums... .... Seeya all around.

  8. #528
    'ello. I'm Seraph. I enjoy long walks on the beach and candle-lit dinners for two. Lame jokes aside, I'm 17 years old. I enjoy Naruto to the extent that I actually RP it (on the site in my signature). However, since I became a fan of Naruto through GotWoot? when I downloaded all of the non-filler Naruto Episodes, I figure I'd join to say hello and such.

    Anyways, it looks like fun here. Maybe I'll stay a while, if you'll let me.

  9. #529
    er, no sorry, you can't stay. we're renaming gotwoot "no seraphs club". better luck next time

  10. #530
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Halloween Town
    But if it's called the "No Seraphs Club" we can have still have one.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  11. #531
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!

    I actually got a bunch of Naruto episodes burnt on DVDs from a friend, and when I ran out of them, I searched the web at random to find more, and happened to find Gotwoot. Somehow I feel my way of ending up here isn't all too unique...

  12. #532
    yooooooo, im james, im a ninja and i love ff games, x is the best in my opinion, cos it has soo much to do. i just completed ffix, it was amazing, i also love battle royale manga and naruto. i just started waching samari x, its badass

  13. #533
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    you're a ninja, did you go to ninja school? Welcome to Gotwoot. Scattered throughout the forums are fellow Final Fantasy fans. Post it and they will come.

    @Boomstick : I like the name man, it puts a smile on my face.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  14. #534
    i see all these new people who join, but 3 weeks later they still only have 1 post. whats the point of joining if you're not gonna be active. c'mon you lazy bums, get off your asses and start posting.

  15. #535
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    assassin, you never know they might get interesting in the site, you never know. Did you even see the post count on one of my original accounts ( I remember having more post but that doesn't matter). This is the 3rd time I joined. Atleast that is what i think.

    I was a lurker a long time before and in some cases I still am.

    Don't be quick to judge all of them. I do agree with you. But look at it from their perspective what is there really to keep them here. Most of us joined the community because of Naruto and later on some join for Bleach. You and I both know there is alot more to to site than this, but they are one of the more outstanding ones.

    There isn't much encouragement from neither of those.

    Let welcome all those that come, but remember those that actually stay. Alright
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  16. #536
    pfft, screw that! i'll have no more of this "welcome to gotwoot ^_^" we're playing by my rules.

    /me pulls out his power abuse gun

    start posting you bitches or i'll ban the lot of ya!

  17. #537
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    /me pulls out his big daddy belt
    That's more like it.

  18. #538
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraph
    'ello. I'm Seraph. I enjoy long walks on the beach and candle-lit dinners for two.
    *puts on a tie* HEYA!

  19. #539
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Halloween Town
    I was about to make a joke, but I realized that it's so horribly distasteful that I would have gotten neg-repped into infinity. Sometimes it takes me a minute to see the things I do from others' perspective. I wish there was still a Spoiler function so that I could make that terrible joke and only people who highlighted the text could read it.

    Kraco, you don't mind if I quote you in my signature, do you?

    Edit: Hmm...I can't use quote code in my sig. Maybe I should ask Deadfire; he has a quote I think. Is it something only mods can do?

    Edit Once again: I don't want to take this thread off on a tangent (it's one of my favorite threads afterall) so I'll respond to what Kraco said at 4:44 here.
    What you said about me two days ago in this thread struck me as amusing. I'm putting it in my signature if you don't mind.
    Last edited by samsonlonghair; Fri, 09-15-2006 at 06:03 AM.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  20. #540
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
    Kraco, you don't mind if I quote you in my signature, do you?

    Edit: Hmm...I can't use quote code in my sig. Maybe I should ask Deadfire; he has a quote I think. Is it something only mods can do?
    A quote tag quote takes quite a lot of space, if added there in addition to an image, which might be the reason why it could have been disabled for ordinary mortals.

    And no, of course I don't mind, if you feel I've said something so splendid (if it is something good I've said, and not something bad, which happens from time to time as well). If you can't get quote tags working, you could type it irc style, or just literature style.

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